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summer 05.18.2009 05:25 PM

Some new indie upstart band named Radiohead..
is apparently recording a new album, sounds cool.

davenotdead 05.18.2009 05:45 PM

worst thread

automatic bzooty 05.18.2009 06:04 PM

radiohead? what kinda name is radiohead?

i bet they sound like the strokes. so 2003, mang.

joe11121 05.18.2009 06:06 PM

Well, after In Rainbows I'm not expecting a lot. It was such a boring album. Hopefully this next one will be good

pbradley 05.18.2009 06:23 PM

cool indie hip irony!!!

pbradley 05.18.2009 06:31 PM

if it doesn't sound like this

I won't care

summer 05.18.2009 06:39 PM

I would have loved it if that were the real Reckoner, I was disappointed when it wasn't

DeadDiscoDildo 05.18.2009 06:40 PM

^^Really? I think that kinda sucks ass, especially the vocals.

Sounds like a bad bar band trying to tap into radiohead...haha

summer 05.18.2009 06:56 PM

It isn't that the song is special, but.. It would be neat if they decided to emulate the Mars Volta, except, uh, not sucking.

pbradley 05.18.2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Sounds like a bad bar band trying to tap into radiohead...haha

By "bad bar band" you mean unpretentious and invested?

Yeah, I really think Radiohead would do better by going that direction.

pbradley 05.18.2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by summer
It isn't that the song is special, but.. It would be neat if they decided to emulate the Mars Volta, except, uh, not sucking.

Emulate Mars Volta but not suck?

So, like, not resemble Mars Volta at all?

DeadDiscoDildo 05.18.2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
By "bad bar band" you mean unpretentious and invested?

Yeah, I really think Radiohead would do better by going that direction.

I'm not a big radiohead fan so you can call them what they want, but I still think the stuff they did on amnesiac is miles better than that one clip I just listened to.

DeadDiscoDildo 05.18.2009 07:14 PM

I don't really care what direction radiohead goes in.

automatic bzooty 05.18.2009 07:23 PM

Yeah, I don't particularly care what they do, either. I'll probably listen to ~THEE NEW RADIOHEAD ALBUM~ regardless.

pbradley 05.18.2009 07:30 PM

Well thank you for having me explain on what you don't care about.

automatic bzooty 05.18.2009 07:38 PM

You're quite welcome.

floatingslowly 05.18.2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
if it doesn't sound like this

I won't care

you know, that's the only song I like on In Rainbows.

and I like it A LOT.

ps: is this another thread about lolbeyonce?

canabero 05.18.2009 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by joe11121
Well, after In Rainbows I'm not expecting a lot. It was such a boring album. Hopefully this next one will be good

Yes, In rainbows is the worst album of Radiohead ( in my opinion) i got disappointed,also. :(

automatic bzooty 05.18.2009 08:26 PM

worse than pablo honey? no way.

joe11121 05.18.2009 08:30 PM

Yes way.

atsonicpark 05.18.2009 08:50 PM

Yeah, at least Pablo Honey doesn't bore me to death.

Radiohead just kinda suck in general aside from Kid A and a random song here or there. This will probably be the first album by them I don't even bother listening to.

canabero 05.18.2009 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by pbradley
if it doesn't sound like this

I won't care


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
you know, that's the only song I like on In Rainbows.

and I like it A LOT.

ps: is this another thread about lolbeyonce?

i like the original version of Reckoner but when i heard the in rainbows version, mmmm, no comments.

[Sandbag] 05.18.2009 09:07 PM

In Rainbows was awesome..but the songs got boring in the 4th listen. this one will be hopefully better

pbradley 05.18.2009 10:40 PM

I just want Radiohead to get really sloppy and violent, musically of course.

DeadDiscoDildo 05.18.2009 11:12 PM

^^They won't.

uhler 05.18.2009 11:32 PM

they should just do a cover album of sham 69 songs.

automatic bzooty 05.18.2009 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I just want Radiohead to get really sloppy and violent, musically of course.

like bodysnatchers but more crazier!

edit: NO. NOT BODYSNATCHERS. the national anthem but up the skronx!

ZEROpumpkins 05.19.2009 12:01 AM

In Rainbows was a beautiful album that required a lot of patience but paid off.


summer 05.19.2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by automatic bzooty
the national anthem but up the skronx!

This would be amazing but they wont do it I bet =(

SYRFox 05.19.2009 12:22 AM

I liked In Rainbows on the first listen and then never wished to listen to it again. When I did I found it extremely average.
There's only one song I still like: Videotape.

SonicBebs 05.19.2009 04:13 AM

aparently the new album is "noisey and chaotic"

so there you go

_slavo_ 05.19.2009 04:16 AM


pbradley 05.19.2009 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by SonicBebs
"noisey and chaotic"

Apparently I am a target market.

atsonicpark 05.19.2009 05:21 AM

Radiohead describing their album as "noisey and chaotic" just means there'll be a few more electronic fart noises than usual.

summer 05.19.2009 05:33 AM

It also has the potential to sound like early Dinosaur Jr and Merzbow combined! Right? ..riiiiight.

atsonicpark 05.19.2009 05:37 AM

I remember hearing some internet mumblings when Radiohead left their label after Hail to the Thief that the band was going to make the next one more commercially unfriendly and more interesting and blah blah blah. Of course, In Rainbows ended up being dullsville, but it made me think... there are times.. moments on records (Kid A and Amnesiac especially)... where you can tell that it's possible Thom and company actually seem to have a good grasp on music that's a bit out there. Perhaps they even have good tastes in music. I'm curious what would happen if Radiohead decided to make a record with absolutely no compromises.

It'd probably still suck.

summer 05.19.2009 05:41 AM

Radiohead have very good tastes in music, and I'm biased since I love Radiohead in general, but yeah, their "influences" don't really show through too often. I mean the band has cited influenced such as Charles Mingus, Autechre, Kraftwerk, wtf? Radiohead doesn't really sound like any of that.

atsonicpark 05.19.2009 05:43 AM

The first time I heard Idioteque, I thought of Autechre actually. I think I might listen to Kid A later, that album is great.

That reminds me... My favorite Radiohead song is either "Treefingers" or "Hunting Bears". Not just because they don't feature Thom's whiny voice, either.

summer 05.19.2009 05:51 AM

"Treefingers" I can see, very soothing. "Hunting Bears" is a bit too short and boring. I would honestly love it if the new album was entirely instrumental and they did just dabble in like, IDM, post-rock, jazz. For all I know it would suck, but at least it would be something new.

atsonicpark 05.19.2009 05:56 AM

I dunno what it is about Hunting Bears. That sequence of notes.. the way it's drawn out... the production on it. Everything about it is just amazing to my ears. It is a bit short though.

Radiohead should just do a screamo record.

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