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phoenix 05.13.2009 09:30 AM

I don't want to go to bed
:( It's stuffy and hot, and I am sick. Last night I slept on my couch with doors open. ( there is a balcony ) Until about 2 there was a lightning storm across the river, all quiet though.

Night time is awful when I am sick.. neck ache and my head feels as though it will explode.. and I am dizzy because of sinus/ear blegh.

so, internet, hey. please, post anything. I do not plan to try and sleep yet.

atsonicpark 05.13.2009 09:31 AM

Haha, well, my acquaintance was listening to the Bloodhound Gang (I know, I know) yesterday and there was a lyric that went "I don't want to be tied down to a girl that wants to be tied up." and I thought of you haha.

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:38 AM

haha thanks I think :D

atsonicpark 05.13.2009 09:39 AM

This is for you:

nicfit 05.13.2009 09:40 AM


phoenix 05.13.2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This is for you:


phoenix 05.13.2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

sexy. *touches screen*

floatingslowly 05.13.2009 09:46 AM

I'm cancelling my WoW sub today. it's lonely and boring now. :(


atsonicpark 05.13.2009 09:47 AM

Yeah, you can only get to level 99 so many times, right?

floatingslowly 05.13.2009 09:48 AM

if by 99, you mean 80, the answer is 2.9.

atsonicpark 05.13.2009 09:49 AM

There could be no level cap...

If they double the experience required for each level after 90.


level 95 takes 300 hours <- 12.5 days
level 96 takes 600 hours
level 97 takes 1200 hours
level 98 takes 2400 hours
level 99 takes 4800 hours
level 100 takes 9600 hours
level 101 takes 19200 hours
level 102 takes 38400 hours
level 103 takes 76800 hours
level 104 takes 153600 hours
level 105 takes 307200 hours <- 35 years

If this model were used, I'm guessing things would stay about the same.

nicfit 05.13.2009 09:49 AM

Pardon me if I post a pic for atsonic on here;


and check this:

and this:

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:49 AM

yeh I am fucking bored most of the time when I log on. Mag and I have been switching accounts a bit and he played my druid and I played his lock one night.. but..meh. I'm paid up until june-ish because that's when I'm from away from home until.

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Pardon me if I post a pic for atsonic on here;


and check this:

and this:

this pic is fine for me too/ post away.

Savage Clone 05.13.2009 09:51 AM


floatingslowly 05.13.2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
There could be no level cap...

If they double the experience required for each level after 90.


yr computations fail to include exponential xp gain.

if a level 1 mob gave you the same xp as a level 99, then yeah, maybe.

as it is, some nerd in france would somehow reach the non-capped level cap.

"je ding"

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
There could be no level cap...

If they double the experience required for each level after 90.


level 95 takes 300 hours <- 12.5 days
level 96 takes 600 hours
level 97 takes 1200 hours
level 98 takes 2400 hours
level 99 takes 4800 hours
level 100 takes 9600 hours
level 101 takes 19200 hours
level 102 takes 38400 hours
level 103 takes 76800 hours
level 104 takes 153600 hours
level 105 takes 307200 hours <- 35 years

If this model were used, I'm guessing things would stay about the same.

yea but, you'd get more xp for stuff past lvl 90 so hours played wouldn't just double :P

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:54 AM

ja beat me.

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone

stop crying or I'll take yr blocks away.

atsonicpark 05.13.2009 09:55 AM

speaking of sasha, here's a classic photo...

She never did wear the shirt I sent her though...

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:56 AM

dizzy spells. night time cold and flu tabs. mmmmm.

afterthefact 05.13.2009 09:56 AM

I always go out to the couch when I can't sleep. It's cooler out there than my bedroom is, and I can hear the fountain outside if I have the windows open, so I go from insomnia to unconscious in seconds.

phoenix 05.13.2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
speaking of sasha, here's a classic photo...

She never did wear the shirt I sent her though...

:( send her an invoice.

floatingslowly 05.13.2009 10:00 AM

speaking of je ding, here's a classic photo...


atsonicpark 05.13.2009 10:00 AM

This is one of my all time favorite photos:

This was part of a mega post at an old message board, where some dude hacked into the managing editor of Pitchfork's email account. Amongst other things, emails were discovered about record companies paying reviewes/Pitchfork for good reviews. Nothing shocking. This particular email is the only one I saved, sadly, just for the comedy. This guy was cheating on his girlfriend with whoever he emailed this too. Pure hilarity.

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
I always go out to the couch when I can't sleep. It's cooler out there than my bedroom is, and I can hear the fountain outside if I have the windows open, so I go from insomnia to unconscious in seconds.

mmm yes it's much nicer on the couch than the bedroom... the breeze and I can hear the water outside. It's just the sickness making it completley uncomfortable still. : /

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:03 AM

je ding is googleimageable? I think I may bring it into my everyday conversation.

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This is one of my all time favorite photos:

This was part of a mega post at an old message board, where some dude hacked into the managing editor of Pitchfork's email account. Amongst other things, emails were discovered about record companies paying reviewes/Pitchfork for good reviews. Nothing shocking. This particular email is the only one I saved, sadly, just for the comedy. This guy was cheating on his girlfriend with whoever he emailed this too. Pure hilarity.

internet drama noway. If I had a penny.... Seriously though it took me about four minutes to realise that when you said 'all time favourite photo' you didn't actually mean there was a photo somewhere there or that there was meant to be. My brain is fried right now.

atsonicpark 05.13.2009 10:09 AM

One of my favorite print screenshots.

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:13 AM

*slumps over laptop and starts to snore*

nicfit 05.13.2009 10:15 AM

is that a good or a bad thing?

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:18 AM

I dont know, I should probably try to sleep, but.. I feel the way I do when I am so drunk the room is still spinning when I hit the floor/bed/whatever.

Just really hoping I dont get an ear infection :(

phoenix 05.13.2009 10:26 AM


*slumps over laptop again*

nicfit 05.13.2009 10:28 AM


atsonicpark 05.13.2009 10:31 AM

The loud funky note riff is ANNOYING though. Makes you sing 'Faded primadonna!'

nicfit 05.13.2009 10:39 AM


nicfit 05.13.2009 10:40 AM


afterthefact 05.13.2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

I think Dr. Eugene Felikson just had one of these stolen, didn't he?

EVOLghost 05.13.2009 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
speaking of sasha, here's a classic photo...


She never did wear the shirt I sent her though...

You should've...nevermind.

floatingslowly 05.13.2009 11:43 AM

^^^ yeah, that makes me burn with envy. fuck you, atsonicpark!!!!! :mad:


Originally Posted by phoenix
je ding is googleimageable? I think I may bring it into my everyday conversation.

if you know what to look for, yes.

sometimes I think mag is stalking me. he's able to congratulate my leveling before I'm even able to get off a "je ding".

fuck. if I quit wow, how will I talk to mag? :(

maybe I'll log on tonite. if yr there, we can try something crazy like 3-manning Uthgarde Keep or the Nexus. sure we may die a lot, but it may just be fun.

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