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Skuj 05.06.2009 02:08 AM

Thread for old fashioned weirdos who patiently wait for The Eternal CD release date.
What is wrong with us? Discuss.

(Aside: Where is the official SYR releases thread, he asked, having very high regard for Goodbye 20th Century and all that?)

Moshe 05.06.2009 02:13 AM

nothing is wrong. for the first listen i just like to hear it properly on my home stereo. i did the same with murray street, sonic nurse and rather ripped. i guess this is kind of a tradition by now.

Death & the Maiden 05.06.2009 02:17 AM

My first listening will be on CD. The other day, I was about to download it, and I didn't, not because it would ruin the experience or something, but because I wasn't that excited.

greedrex 05.06.2009 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Where is the official SYR releases thread, he asked, having very high regard for Goodbye 20th Century and all that?)


Malcolm81 05.06.2009 03:51 AM

The only time I listened to the preview was for Rather Ripped, and it completely spoiled the excitement of getting a new SY album. I'm not falling for it again...

Bertrand 05.06.2009 04:31 AM

Almost the same here (except that I saw them recently and heard a few titles live).

ZEROpumpkins 05.06.2009 07:00 AM

Reporting in

noisereductions 05.06.2009 07:06 AM

yup. I went to the BEGN page, and hit play, and then hit stop immediately. I KNEW it would NOT be the same as my first listen of every other album!

SYRFox 05.06.2009 07:07 AM

I'm in as well

barnaclelapse 05.06.2009 07:13 AM

I still prefer waiting for the actual CD to come out.

People look at me like I'm smoking fifty cigarettes at once and swinging a baby around like a mace.

sonic sphere 05.06.2009 07:39 AM

i'm waiting............

Moshe 05.06.2009 07:42 AM

we have to wait one more month to hear a new sy album. the others will have to wait for two more years! :)

diskaholic-anonymous 05.06.2009 08:30 AM

yeah let's wait and hear it patiently, there are to many stressfull sonics around here...


Originally Posted by Moshe
we have to wait one more month to hear a new sy album. the others will have to wait for two more years! :)

muttlegs 05.06.2009 08:48 AM

I agree to wait for the physical release as I am sure it will be much more rewarding. I do think that all the negative opinion and comments on this forum and all over the web do take away the ability to experience it as a completely fresh body of work. It's like when you preview a movie trailer, see the actors talking talking up the movie up all over the TV, read the online forums and newspaper reviews and get bombarded by adverts, is there anything left thats truly exciting?

emmebr25 05.06.2009 09:24 AM

i LOVE downLOad music, but this week I'm so nostalgic... I want to buy a cd, open it, discover music that i don't know... Wait for the release's day... Do you think that I'm too nostalgic?

Theremin 05.06.2009 09:31 AM

Yes, I think you are.

greedrex 05.06.2009 09:37 AM

You're just a bunch of old fashioned weirdos, you!

greedrex 05.06.2009 09:38 AM

I'm listening to the Eternal right now!!!!



It's a 128kbps stream??????!

What the fuck????

I feel cheated!

Derek 05.06.2009 09:41 AM

make a thread about it then

greedrex 05.06.2009 10:06 AM


PAULYBEE2656 05.06.2009 10:15 AM

oh dear...

atsonicpark 05.06.2009 10:17 AM


Skuj 05.06.2009 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by barnaclelapse
I still prefer waiting for the actual CD to come out.

People look at me like I'm smoking fifty cigarettes at once and swinging a baby around like a mace.

You owe me a new keyboard and some coffee.

And thanks to those who providid the SYR links.

Skuj 05.06.2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by muttlegs
I agree to wait for the physical release as I am sure it will be much more rewarding. I do think that all the negative opinion and comments on this forum and all over the web do take away the ability to experience it as a completely fresh body of work. It's like when you preview a movie trailer, see the actors talking talking up the movie up all over the TV, read the online forums and newspaper reviews and get bombarded by adverts, is there anything left thats truly exciting?

I must be weird though, because usually, before getting a CD or a DVD, I have done a fair amount of research on said item. I don't think I let that cloud my opinion of it, but, I find that whole process rather enjoyable - comparing my experience with the work to what I have read previously.

muttlegs 05.07.2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I must be weird though, because usually, before getting a CD or a DVD, I have done a fair amount of research on said item. I don't think I let that cloud my opinion of it, but, I find that whole process rather enjoyable - comparing my experience with the work to what I have read previously.

I agree its fun to find out new music through a musician/producer/label link and follow the breadcrubs but this will most likely lead you to something you are already familiar with.

The best purchases are the ones I bought from the artwork or some reason like that. There is a high chance that it will be crap but sometimes you find one that is amazing. With the net information overload and shops so thin on stock apart from new releases its harder to do this now...

hevusa 05.07.2009 01:06 AM

you all are smart smart people. for the love of god wait.

Skuj 05.07.2009 01:26 AM

This will become the new review thread come Jun 8th. :)

ZEROpumpkins 05.07.2009 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
we have to wait one more month to hear a new sy album. the others will have to wait for two more years! :)

A good way of putting it.

Kegmama 05.07.2009 01:39 AM

I waited (impatiently) for every other album, it was great getting to go on the day of the release to Amoeba, buying the album then listening to it loud on the long drive home... But due to some personal turmoil in my life recently I had to listen to this one. It was what I needed to clear my head and lift my spirits since the alcohol wasn't working and it did not dissapoint! But, I commend you all for waiting. I hope you can make it, only @ 39 days left.

Skuj 05.07.2009 04:39 PM


I'm just kiddin. This is hard though.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.07.2009 05:54 PM

real old fashioned weirdos ordered the vinyl!

al shabbray 05.07.2009 05:58 PM

will listen to it for the first time in the record I will receive from nicfit...or the cd I will buy if I cant wait for the slooooooow italian delivery time

RanaldoNecro 05.07.2009 08:17 PM

This thread topic reminds me of people who don't take the plastic off of their laptops...


Originally Posted by al shabbray
will listen to it for the first time in the record I will receive from nicfit...or the cd I will buy if I cant wait for the slooooooow italian delivery time

RanaldoNecro 05.07.2009 09:27 PM

The question is Do you take your shoes off when you listen?

This whole thread sounds religious


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Nothing is wrong with us......well, something may be wrong with me. Here is a little habit of mine that I will share. I sometimes purchase new mainstream music and don't open it. I got the new Pet Shop Boys the day it came out and it still has the shrink wrap on it. I have a few CD's on the "yet to be open" shelf. I could easily purchase 'The Eternal' and not open it for another month or two......but if the tour dates are announced and SY plays H-town this summer, then this might prompt me to open it sooner so I will know the new stuff.

Skuj 05.07.2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Nothing is wrong with us......well, something may be wrong with me. Here is a little habit of mine that I will share. I sometimes purchase new mainstream music and don't open it. I got the new Pet Shop Boys the day it came out and it still has the shrink wrap on it. I have a few CD's on the "yet to be open" shelf. I could easily purchase 'The Eternal' and not open it for another month or two......but if the tour dates are announced and SY plays H-town this summer, then this might prompt me to open it sooner so I will know the new stuff.

Seek professional help.

Hahaha....kidding. I knew someone like this - he had a room full of vinyl with the wrappings still on most of them, and a 20G sound system.

EVOLghost 05.07.2009 10:48 PM

I am waiting.....still I listen to the songs on Jools...I just can't waiting for June 28....fucking youth.

exploding plastic candle 05.07.2009 10:55 PM

I wish I had waited, because I predict the stream doesn't do the album any justice

repeater 05.08.2009 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by exploding plastic candle
I wish I had waited, because I predict the stream doesn't do the album any justice

Yeah, I was going to wait, but had a willpower failure. So I logged in at the BEGN site, streamed the first three songs (and they sound amazing!) and then came to my senses. Listening to a crappy stream a work (this is where i listen to computermusic), is not the right way to listen to the album for the first time. So now I ´m back at the waiting-for-the-mailman-to-bring-me-my-vinyl stage. It´s more christmasesque this way :)

Rob Instigator 05.08.2009 09:02 AM

my first listening will be when I drop the needle on the vinyl platter

JohnEsmoke 05.08.2009 09:26 AM

I will wait till the 6th of June... because it's so exciting to go to the record shop, come back home, sit down in the armchair and listening while looking at the booklet. Well, I'm writing this while listening to "sacred trickster" but, it's the single, it's different...

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