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phoenix 05.01.2009 06:24 AM

which of our forumers has issues at the moment
Have I missed spotting any such threads of late? Or is everyone just really happy right now?

phoenix 05.01.2009 06:25 AM

Not meaning that I'm waiting out for gloom.

Just seems as though there hasn't been and kind of 'help me' thread lately..

Antagon 05.01.2009 06:28 AM

Swimsuit issues?

phoenix 05.01.2009 06:29 AM

bada boom.

Toilet & Bowels 05.01.2009 07:21 AM

yeah, there were issues when a new guy started a thread about something SY related that had been discussed before and ASP got all uppity because the guy hadn't used the search function but then it turned out that new SY lore was uncovered (cough cough) as a result of the thread that included a guest appearance by mr steve shelley.

al shabbray 05.01.2009 07:23 AM

I am not allowed to complain at the could only be worse...

Sonic Youth 37 05.01.2009 08:28 AM

I have a French Literature final in 30 minutes that is 50% of my grade. 20% being a prewritten, two-page typed essay and 30% being an on-the-spot three-page handwritten essay about L'Etranger or Les Jeux Sont Faits or both and French is nowhere near my native language. And of course it can't be some easy-to-understand topic, it just has to be a discussion on existential philosophy.

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 08:43 AM


phoenix 05.01.2009 08:48 AM

if you call me ma'am or madam one more time Im going to take yr batteries out. It makes me feel OLD.

al shabbray 05.01.2009 08:49 AM

attention: hybrid-solar-bot

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 08:49 AM


phoenix 05.01.2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
I have a French Literature final in 30 minutes that is 50% of my grade. 20% being a prewritten, two-page typed essay and 30% being an on-the-spot three-page handwritten essay about L'Etranger or Les Jeux Sont Faits or both and French is nowhere near my native language. And of course it can't be some easy-to-understand topic, it just has to be a discussion on existential philosophy.

and are you really stressed out about it? did yr car also just get broken into? did you just fall over also>?

this kind of thing.

phoenix 05.01.2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I Told You I Have Issues, Ma'a----------oh Shit.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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SYRFox 05.01.2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
I have a French Literature final in 30 minutes that is 50% of my grade. 20% being a prewritten, two-page typed essay and 30% being an on-the-spot three-page handwritten essay about L'Etranger or Les Jeux Sont Faits or both and French is nowhere near my native language. And of course it can't be some easy-to-understand topic, it just has to be a discussion on existential philosophy.

Bon courage! :)

al shabbray 05.01.2009 08:51 AM


floatingslowly 05.01.2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
1. You have included 9 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

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Savage Clone 05.01.2009 08:53 AM

I think it's been generally decided that no one gets to call any female person "Ma'am" ever again at this point. I'm pretty sure everybody hates it.
I don't particularly like being called "sir" either. Unless I'm wearing one of my pseudo-fascist outfits. Then it's funny.

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 08:55 AM

^^^ logged and noted, kind sir.

phoenix 05.01.2009 08:56 AM

yes sir!

Savage Clone 05.01.2009 08:56 AM

I guess it's better than "chief."
We've definitely been over that one.

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 08:58 AM

aye aye, cap'n.

ok work now.


don't know.

I have issues.

no really.

I've been crazy pissed off since 2am.

good friends are good, most are just nutjobs.

al shabbray 05.01.2009 08:59 AM


Savage Clone 05.01.2009 09:03 AM

He's got a terrible pain in all the diodes down his left side.

phoenix 05.01.2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I've been crazy pissed off since 2am.

this board provides the perfect place to vent anger.

gmku 05.01.2009 09:23 AM

NaiveMelody got fired for posting on the SY forum during work time. She probably has issues right now.

Kloriel 05.01.2009 09:29 AM

what a night

Rob Instigator 05.01.2009 09:31 AM

besides losing 1/3 of our office to lay-offs, not having my ganj connect come through for 5 days, and freezig our slaaries and announcing that no xmas bonuses this year?

everything's great!

EVOLghost 05.01.2009 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
besides not having my ganj connect come through for 5 days

everything's great!

Im' am truely sorry to hear that....but I have to go toke a bonger now.

gmku 05.01.2009 09:36 AM

You have a job. Be thankful.

I've never received a Christmas bonus. I've never worked anywhere they gave these. A foreign concept to me.

As for the ganja, doesn't that stuff grow all over the place in ditches in Texas?

gmku 05.01.2009 09:39 AM

I had the most fantastic dreams of romance and sex last night. Of a former sweetheart from my teen years. My heart is aching today. It is not so good to be away from one's wife for many days.

NaiveMelody 05.01.2009 09:40 AM

Eh, sure, everyone has issues. The job thing sucks, but I can wallow or I can try and move on and get a new one. I'm going for the latter.

Kloriel 05.01.2009 09:42 AM

^^ has read many books

NaiveMelody 05.01.2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Kloriel
^^ has read many books

Yes and Tom Robbins books are my favs. :)

Kloriel 05.01.2009 09:49 AM

Sorry about that

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
this board provides the perfect place to vent anger.

it's going to be difficult transcribing the entire jist of it, but here goes:

this-guy: hey man have you downloaded the eternal? it's awesome.
FloBot2.0: no, not going to. I want to buy it.
this-guy: don't you download music?
FloBot2.0: not anymore, really. I have almost too much to listen to as it is, and I just buy what I want.
this-guy: oh well I use this program that lets you download from other people's itunes. it usually cost money, but I have a free password!
FloBot2.0: nah, that's ok man. I'll just wait *ponders the horror of keyloggers*
this-guy: don't you want to be cool? (no, really, he "said" that)
FloBot2.0: not so much. I'm a dork, and I'm proud. how about we just meet up some night and swap hard-drive files?
this-guy: but this is free man! I have a password.
FloBot2.0: nah, really. thanks though!
this-guy: whatever you say dude.
FloBot2.0: hey I'll see you at TVOTR in a couple weeks at least!
this-guy: yeah ok don't know

this-guy: hey [girlgun] what's wrong with yr husband?
girlgun: huh? what do you mean?
this-guy: I think he hates me. I was trying to share music with him and he was being a jerk.
girlgun: oh really? I know he likes you! he's a little weird though about talking to people.
this-guy: well I don't think I'm going to talk to him again! he really has problems. if YOU ever want to hang out with me and [this-guy's wife] let me know!
girlgun: I'm so sorry [this-guy] I don't know what's wrong with him! I'll talk to him about it though.
this-guy: no don't say anything please!

girlgun: hey. wake up. we need to talk.
FloBot2.0: oh god. what happened?
girlgun: I got a weird text from [this-guy]
FloBot2.0: you too? (LOL-IRL)
girlgun: no really. I think you hurt his feelings.
FloBot2.0: what the fuck?? really?
girlgun: yeah, I explained to him that you just seem a little antisocial. he said he wasn't going to talk to you anymore.
FloBot2.0: fine by me. I really have no desire to coddle to other's mental issues.
girlgun: well, he really is a nice guy.
FloBot2.0: really? so nice he would text my wife about my "problems" because I didn't want his fucking keylogger embedded into my itunes folder?
girlgun: uh....what?
FloBot2.0: yeah. he wanted me to download some pirated shit. I don't want to. I don't need it! I tried to be "nice". I even suggested we hang out instead...TWICE! really....YOU read the text log and see just how much of an asshole I am.
girlgun: (read) ....oh. well...

^^^ this, kind sirs and madams, is why I hate humans. useless sacks of ape-dna. by fire be purged.

[editor's note: girlgun is inhuman]

on the flip-side: my good friend was able to calm me down some by explaining that I'm not really antisocial, I'm just not into oklahomans very much. he may be right. unfortunately (poor word choice maybe), he too insists on sending me the fucking eternal. (LOL-IRLx2)


gmku 05.01.2009 10:30 AM

& then did you and girlgun have the hot monkey sex?

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 10:33 AM

no, I was far too enraged.

besides, she's...uh....leaking hydraulics (ifyouknowwhatImean).

EVOLghost 05.01.2009 10:36 AM

That is a weird situation. Why would [that guy] get mad for you not downloading it?

gmku 05.01.2009 10:36 AM


floatingslowly 05.01.2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
& then did you and girlgun have the hot monkey sex?




EVOL-g: I blame crazy. ?? beats the fuck out of me.

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