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Trasher02 06.16.2006 10:39 AM

I haven't had a smoke in 12 days.
Seriously, i'm going crazy.

Laila 06.16.2006 10:42 AM

no youre not. that's just the hormones talking. you're probably just on your period

Glice 06.16.2006 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Seriously, i'm going crazy.

You've gone crazy already. Giving up smoking indeed. Tsk tsk young* man.

*I like sounding patronising, ok?

Trasher02 06.16.2006 10:46 AM

I want nicotine baaaaad.

king_buzzo 06.16.2006 10:46 AM

:( we just losdt against argentina :(

RIPfrey05 06.16.2006 10:49 AM

Go ride a bike NOW.

fishmonkey 06.16.2006 10:51 AM

you poor bastard, there is a serious drought in the town i live in right now and on tuesday i hooched all me hooch and said to myself fuck it, i'll survive a week with out hooch, on wednesday night i was cracking up and then last night (thursday) i got a 1/4 at the last minute off a friend of mine that somehow got an ounce - so i'm happy daze again till that runs out, but i'd say the drought will be over then

i feel for you brother, nothing as bad

BTW Hooch = Hash

or are you talking about cigarettes? in which case have a fag and stop complaining!!

Trasher02 06.16.2006 10:59 AM

I'm talking about both.
And yeah i'm having som hash problems myself one of the reasons I stopped.
Too long to explain.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.16.2006 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Seriously, i'm going crazy.

Good job man. Don't smoke again.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 12:14 PM

do like me. smoke but don't inhale. or do it rarely. i found it to be a compromise that works: delicious nicotine through the gums, exquisite stench of burning bat guano in the nostrils, and zero to no effect on the lungs/heart/penis. a winner. :D

Dues 06.16.2006 12:19 PM

That's funny, I'm having one while I type this nonsense.

alyasa 06.16.2006 01:26 PM


Amaranth 06.16.2006 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Seriously, i'm going crazy.

after 12 days the nicotine is already out of your system, so you are having psychological withdraws, which is the hardest part of not smoking. Humans tend to enslave themselves in paterns.

luxinterior 06.16.2006 01:59 PM

Too bad.





Hope this helps.

Trasher02 06.16.2006 02:00 PM

I hate you.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 02:02 PM


Alex's Trip 06.16.2006 02:16 PM

You went crazy when you started smoking...

Good job...don't pick another one up...

HaydenAsche 06.16.2006 03:21 PM

I haven't smoked since last wednesday.

finding nobody 06.16.2006 03:41 PM

smokin is bad news. i couldnt imagine kissing a girl that smokes

TheDom 06.16.2006 03:43 PM

I know! Girls have fucking COOTIES!

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
I am quitting smoking after this weekend (having a party, so I have to thru this weekend). For sure though. I am not buying another pack. I have been promising myself. Then I will only smoke when I drink, which contrary to popular belief, really is not that often.

ha hah, kegmama, you're going to stop smoking WHAT exactly? :D

(you know you gotta quit inhaling smoke completely or it does not count :p)

krastian 06.16.2006 03:57 PM


Smoking sucks....I haven't bought a pack since the end of March and I still feel the itch just about every day still. I figured I'd smoke until I was at least 30, but fuck that. All is does is takes you back to normalcy anyway.....but boy were they great.

atari 2600 06.16.2006 05:58 PM

I haven't had a smoke in 12 days.

I am quitting smoking after this weekend

I haven't bought a pack since the end of March

^^^my heroes & heroine then^^^

maybe after I go belly-up I might be forced to quit
cigarettes are the most addictive substance on the planet

I love the gum...I don't ever use it all in one go, & I even re-use it sometimes, preserving it in the little blister of the pack. Sometimes, I even smoke with the gum despite it being contraindicated.

I use the gum to heal myself a bit after smoking 2-3 per packs per day for a week or two...overall, i eat healthy even though i also eat some meat half of the I cut-down on the cigs & make sure I get exercise during that time of repentance when I use the far as actually quitting... I have relegated in forfeit that prospect to the realm of the Sisyphean.'re halfway there...after 30 days they really taste awful

never stopped me though after a week or two from lightin' up once more


FruitLoop 06.16.2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by krastian

Smoking sucks....I haven't bought a pack since the end of March and I still feel the itch just about every day still. I figured I'd smoke until I was at least 30, but fuck that. All is does is takes you back to normalcy anyway.....but boy were they great.

my goverment says the craving stops after a week....
yeah right,

I'm quitting in two weeks.
and I'll try to lock myself up in my room to the sound of nycg&f looking at a baby on the celing like in trainspotting
hopefully it'll work... Usually ppl beg me to start smoking again cuz I become a terrible person

krastian 06.16.2006 06:14 PM

Yeah I've been kind of irritable because of it.....the baby on the ceiling is always good times.

luxinterior 06.16.2006 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
Yeah I've been kind of irritable because of it.....the baby on the ceiling is always good times.


Dues 06.16.2006 06:45 PM

One tends to overlook that a smoking addiction can be a way of dealing with the daily (small) trauma's of life, the everyday disappointments. If participating in life equals an everyday encounter with these trauma's (birth being the first) addicted smoking is the physical exponent of these trauma's, connecting that which kills the spirit to that which kills the cells; both inching towards death. It's a fairly simple equation and can keep a person from falling apart. To me, this is what makes quitting seem useless until one feels free enough to live without feeling guilty of one's presence. The love between two people could zero out this feeling of guilt.

Thank God for fags.

luxinterior 06.16.2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dues
Thank God for fags.


Look at those faces...they seem like good-humored people!

CHOUT 06.16.2006 09:34 PM

You're better without it, Trasher02. Especially if you skate.

I quit may 7th 2005 (after a Melt Banana show) and don't regret it. My lung capacity is noticibly different when doing physical activities. I did the patch which helped but it was still pretty hard. It was good timing too, since the prices shot up pretty quickly after that.

SubSonicPumpAction 06.17.2006 03:05 AM

Girls who smoke are hot

youthoftomorrow 06.17.2006 03:24 AM

you know, everyday, i see people smoking in the theme park that i work at. there are signs posted saying "Don't Smoke" all over the place and there are even designated smoking areas. but, whenever i see these people, i don't do anything about it; i just let them smoke away. i just like to mess with them. i'll look at them really intently until they notice and then glance away really quickly, over and over again. or whenever they ask me something, i respond with a faux-British accent.

Trasher02 06.17.2006 03:27 AM

Haha nice

13 days now!
I'll probably give it up soon. I'm too young to stop.

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