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flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:16 PM

I Found Myself in a Place I'd Rather Not Be Caught Dead in...
One of those places that have big "rock bands!" that play "crazy covers!" of "House of Pain!"....

I thought I was being a kind person by going there. I was told that a girl, whom I've been friends with since we were tiny little girls, needed me back in her life, because she's going down "the wrong path", and I needed to "be her friend" that night. (Sorry about the obsessive use of quotations, but sometimes a point must be drawn across)

Anyway, I was stuck in a situation, where I could have mistaken my life for that of a thirteen year old (given the intoxicated state of mind I forced upon myself, anything was possible). Don't get me wrong, even if I were sober, I'd still have felt like a child again...

I ended up waiting around until around 4:00 in the morning (I'm an old lady, it's hard on me), since I thought it best to stay somewhere in the ol' suburbs, since at that point, I was drawn astray, and quite far from my downtown home. Finally, I said I wouldn't do it any longer, and spent a bloody $40 on a cab!!

Well, anyway, I don't rant much on here, so I hope you will forgive me.

Feel free to add stories/complaints of anything or whatnot..

demonrail666 04.25.2009 12:27 PM

A Wonderstuffs gig, because of a girl. Shameless and, because nothing much came of the girl thing, pointless.

Danny Himself 04.25.2009 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
A Wonderstuffs gig, because of a girl. Shameless and, because nothing much came of the girl thing, pointless.

Bitches ain't worth the indignity.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:39 PM

I thought at this age in my life, paths have already been taken. Apparently some people stay 16 forever.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:42 PM

Too true, by the way.

Silly hoes (does that work?)

I kid, I don't mean that.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:49 PM

You know what else burns my butter? When people analyze you to no end...

fugazifan 04.25.2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I thought at this age in my life, paths have already been taken. Apparently some people stay 16 forever.

yeah i know the feeling. i have broken off a few friendships in the past couple of years because i felt that they were at the same place that they were 7 years ago when we first met. and i did not want to do the same shit that i did in high-school.

this thread seems to be bringing us into the seinfeld realm again: Cn one break up with a friend?

and shit, 40$ for a cab, is this in toronto?

davenotdead 04.25.2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
You know what else burns my butter? When people analyze you to no end...

you seem to be wanting to re-connect with your past. maybe you feel that you were a better person, or at least you had some qualities when you were younger that you wish you still had. your self-realization of "being" younger last night was your present ego attempting to justify your current self, and it was a little bit frightening, so you shelled out $40 to get away from it

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:58 PM

Actually, like most people, I believe I'm a better person than when I was a young teenager. Fugazi's reply sums up my exact feelings...

But, your analyzation was well put.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
yeah i know the feeling. i have broken off a few friendships in the past couple of years because i felt that they were at the same place that they were 7 years ago when we first met. and i did not want to do the same shit that i did in high-school.

this thread seems to be bringing us into the seinfeld realm again: Cn one break up with a friend?

and shit, 40$ for a cab, is this in toronto?

No, I'm out west now. The cabs are more expense in Toronto.

But, this was a cab ride across the entire city, basicaly. I had no choice.

davenotdead 04.25.2009 01:00 PM

oh my, just realized i was really analyzing myself. that's frightening. but on the whole, yeah I do think I'm a better person than when I was 13-15

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
Actually, like most people, I believe I'm a better person than when I was a young teenager. Fugazi's reply sums up my exact feelings...

But, your analyzation was well put.

Except I haven't spent time with these people since jr. high, and even then I found myself to be uncomfortably different from them.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
oh my, just realized i was really analyzing myself. that's frightening. but on the whole, yeah I do think I'm a better person than when I was 13-15

I'm sure you are. Anyone that hasn't progresed since that age... well, just ask my old chums from last night.

davenotdead 04.25.2009 01:12 PM

haha... yes I know the type you are talking about... I see them around town sometimes... those people I kind of knew 6 or 7 years ago, and they look the same, just with facial hair/beer guts now

alteredcourse 04.25.2009 01:14 PM

I feel the opposite of how you guys are describing your selves. I'm not on some "bad path" that needs to be saved from, but I do feel like my life has changed very little in the past 3-5 years and that I've alienated myself away from friends that are on a similar plateau, and ones that have been much more productive.

In my head I dont despair and feel like the latter have left me behind, its just that I still need to get some shit together and thats okay, but it does bug me a bit to wonder if they think like theyre leaving me "behind", like you can track success like that, that they feel sorta the same way you do about your friends.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
I feel the opposite of how you guys are describing your selves. I'm not on some "bad path" that needs to be saved from, but I do feel like my life has changed very little in the past 3-5 years and that I've alienated myself away from friends that are on a similar plateau, and ones that have been much more productive.

In my head I dont despair and feel like the latter have left me behind, its just that I still need to get some shit together and thats okay, but it does bug me a bit to wonder if they think like theyre leaving me "behind", like you can track success like that, that they feel sorta the same way you do about your friends.

Well, you are an altered course. Altered doesn't necessarily mean "bad" or "behind", of course. I sometimes feel far behind the people I am truly friends with. The people I've been referring to are only associates, whom I encountered because I was saying hello and goodbye to the girl I knew when I was quite young, since I'm moving to Vancouver on Tuesday, which is appraently where you're from- awesome.

Anyway, most people I am close to, and respect, are finishing their degrees, or have already done that, and I dropped out of mine a couple years ago, and don't know if I'll even go back! I know they don't see me as being behind, simply because I've chosen a different path, and I'm sure you're people feel the same way...

EVOLghost 04.25.2009 04:03 PM

this the place?

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 04:08 PM

I think it's inappropriate and inconsiderate to call mentally handicapped people "retards", but that is so cute....

They are hardcore. It sounds like a Minor Threat show, lol.

wellcharge 04.25.2009 04:32 PM

sounds like you went to the back alley or the kingshead lol

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 04:37 PM

Worse! The "Rusty Cage".. Or, is that worse, I don't know?

wellcharge 04.25.2009 04:40 PM

funny thing that was actually my 3rd guess, i didn't want to write out every single place with house of pain covers though haah

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 04:44 PM

Ha, they're all the same...

o'connor 04.25.2009 05:50 PM

wait... so it was a house of pain cover band? i wasn't aware those even existed.

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 07:37 PM

Nah, I just heard that song once...

atsonicpark 04.25.2009 07:40 PM

"Can you break up with a friend"?

I'd sure like to. I'm at a point in life where the only people I really enjoy being friends with are even more reclusive shut-ins than I have been lately.

wellcharge 04.25.2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"Can you break up with a friend"?

I'd sure like to. I'm at a point in life where the only people I really enjoy being friends with are even more reclusive shut-ins than I have been lately.

oh god, me too. i can't stand the people who are willing to see me often, some of the people who only talk to me when they need a ridiculous favor are aight though

atsonicpark 04.25.2009 08:09 PM

I just feel so disconnected from everyone else. Nearly everyone I know is a big drug addict. That's how they deal with all their problems. I mean, sure, whatever works for them, but that's just not really my scene (not that I don't occasionally do some types of drugs... not often though). I dunno.

wellcharge 04.25.2009 08:21 PM

i'm going to find myself in a place i'd rather not be caught dead canada is giving away free coffee during breakfast, no purchase needed. i feel as though my fast acting european digestive system can maybe put them out of business

Dead-Air 04.25.2009 09:11 PM

My wife last night decided that her return to the world of being a stripper had been a monumental bad decision (mostly because of the drinking and lack of respect that go with the territory and also that the big money is a thing of the past with the economy what it is).

So I'm happy she came to her senses and that our relationship survived this insane period (and there were some up parts I can look back on when I need fantasy material). And I'm completely freaked out to be the only income in a three person family at the moment.

I feel kind of like I've been in that nightclub with House of Pain covers pretending to have a good time for a few months now. And I've got the psychological equivalent of the hangover to show for it.

I've said it before, but Kim and Thurston make this married alternative couple stuff look way too fucking easy.

chairman of the bored 04.25.2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I just feel so disconnected from everyone else. Nearly everyone I know is a big drug addict. That's how they deal with all their problems. I mean, sure, whatever works for them, but that's just not really my scene (not that I don't occasionally do some types of drugs... not often though). I dunno.

i totally feel sucks when people would rather spend the night figuring out where/how to get their next drug instead of making music or something...blech

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
i'm going to find myself in a place i'd rather not be caught dead canada is giving away free coffee during breakfast, no purchase needed. i feel as though my fast acting european digestive system can maybe put them out of business

Best of luck to you!

flophousefloozie 04.25.2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
My wife last night decided that her return to the world of being a stripper had been a monumental bad decision (mostly because of the drinking and lack of respect that go with the territory and also that the big money is a thing of the past with the economy what it is).

So I'm happy she came to her senses and that our relationship survived this insane period (and there were some up parts I can look back on when I need fantasy material). And I'm completely freaked out to be the only income in a three person family at the moment.

I feel kind of like I've been in that nightclub with House of Pain covers pretending to have a good time for a few months now. And I've got the psychological equivalent of the hangover to show for it.

I've said it before, but Kim and Thurston make this married alternative couple stuff look way too fucking easy.

I think life is always a learning lesson, and like you said, you two survived it, so that's a huge deal. Do you have a kid? Is your wife looking for something else now? Serving, maybe? Big tips there...

alteredcourse 04.26.2009 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
Anyway, most people I am close to, and respect, are finishing their degrees, or have already done that, and I dropped out of mine a couple years ago, and don't know if I'll even go back! I know they don't see me as being behind, simply because I've chosen a different path, and I'm sure you're people feel the same way...

Yup, I can relate to that, and I've kinda given up on trying to choose my path at the moment....I guess I'm scared that I'm well on my way to fading myself out of my own life, but am uninterested/unsure of any other option really.

How long can you stand in that room before you go batshit crazy? Or just comatose.

flophousefloozie 04.26.2009 10:39 AM

Play it day by day, that's how I feel.

Dead-Air 04.26.2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I think life is always a learning lesson, and like you said, you two survived it, so that's a huge deal. Do you have a kid? Is your wife looking for something else now? Serving, maybe? Big tips there...

Yeah, she's looking. Got right to it, to her credit. Serving might be possible. We do have a 13 month old son, and she's a grad student, so she's up against a difficult schedule as well as one of the most unemployed cities in the country right now. But I guess this is better than the psychological damage that was going on. Still lots more to survive though.

flophousefloozie 04.26.2009 01:12 PM

Everything seems bleak for everyone right now.. Good luck, though. You've got your family..

Dead-Air 04.26.2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
Everything seems bleak for everyone right now.. Good luck, though. You've got your family..

Yeah, and I had to make some serious changes and concessions to keep that. Totally worth it. Thanks.

automatic bzooty 04.26.2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
i totally feel sucks when people would rather spend the night figuring out where/how to get their next drug instead of making music or something...blech

i hate that! with my last ex, it got to the point where it seemed like all he would talk about was the next time he could get some acid, and the stuff he drew when he was on shrooms... it just sort of became his life, because he didn't really have much else goin' for him, i guess.

atsonicpark 04.26.2009 06:27 PM

I Got The Cooties From Ruby's Big Ol' Booty Y'all

!@#$%! 04.27.2009 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
One of those places that have big "rock bands!" that play "crazy covers!" of "House of Pain!"....

I thought I was being a kind person by going there. I was told that a girl, whom I've been friends with since we were tiny little girls, needed me back in her life, because she's going down "the wrong path", and I needed to "be her friend" that night. (Sorry about the obsessive use of quotations, but sometimes a point must be drawn across)

Anyway, I was stuck in a situation, where I could have mistaken my life for that of a thirteen year old (given the intoxicated state of mind I forced upon myself, anything was possible). Don't get me wrong, even if I were sober, I'd still have felt like a child again...

I ended up waiting around until around 4:00 in the morning (I'm an old lady, it's hard on me), since I thought it best to stay somewhere in the ol' suburbs, since at that point, I was drawn astray, and quite far from my downtown home. Finally, I said I wouldn't do it any longer, and spent a bloody $40 on a cab!!

Well, anyway, I don't rant much on here, so I hope you will forgive me.

Feel free to add stories/complaints of anything or whatnot..

and i thought you were going to talk about our crazy encounter the other night.

thank you for your discretion.

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