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LifeDistortion 04.07.2009 01:42 PM

Your parents' favorite bands/films
Do you ever like to compare the music or the movies your parents like to yours? Do you ever wonder what they were like when they were teenagers or early twenties? What they were listening to or what bands they went to see in concert?

My mother's favorite movies:

Gone With The Wind
Dr. Zhivago

Dad's favorite movies

2001: A Space Oddessy
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Belle De Jour

Favorite bands:

Mother's: Led Zepplin, Moody Blues

Dad's: Beatles, never really knew my dad's tastes in music as well beyond that. He's pretty picky with music.

demonrail666 04.07.2009 02:00 PM

Mum's fave band: Lighthouse Family
Dad's fave band: Dr Hook

Mum's fave film: Scent of a Woman
Dad's fave: Zulu

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 02:13 PM

My mom's favorite band is some country bullshit. My mom's favorite movie is 8 MILE.

My dad's favorite.. you know, I have no idea about that prick. But I do remember watching Ghostbusters, Terminator, and Robocop with him a lot when I was a kid. Either way, fuck him.

Rob Instigator 04.07.2009 02:19 PM

My mom's favorite music is The Bee Gees, The Platters, Paul Anka, The early Beatles, salsa and Puerto Rican music.
she likes "nice movies " with not too much vulgarity, "decent" movies. In other words, dull shit.

My dad passed away in 1991, and I never got to know what music he liked besides puerto rican revolutionary music.
he loved movies like DeerHunter, Caligula, Bond films, Harvey

Kegmama 04.07.2009 02:31 PM

My Dad- Beatles, Led Zeppelin, CCR, Jimi Hendrix. All 'Classic Rock' basically.
My Mom- Elton John, Beatles, Eric Clapton, Simon & Garfunkel.

My Mom- Ferris Beueller, Uncle Buck, Napolean Dynamite & anything that has Sydney Portier.
My Dad- War/History Documentaries & anything that has John Wayne.

My Dad turned me onto good music very young. My first real concert was Elton John with my Mom. The music she listened to helped inspire me to want to write lyrics. Both my parents had a ton of vinyl when I was a kid growing up, it kills me that they sold it all before I was old enough to know any better.

davenotdead 04.07.2009 02:36 PM

my mom dug the beatles and the who.

my dad was all into pink floyd and cat stevens.

i know they both liked zeppelin some, and creedence and all the good pop from those days, elton john, simon/garfunkel etc.

films... my dad was a noir/hitchcock/bogey kinda guy. i don't think my mom had a fave movie...

afterthefact 04.07.2009 02:36 PM

Dad's music - CCR, Zepplin, Neil Young, Stone Temple Pilots (this is all I know of him anyway, he died when I was 11)

Mom's music - Joan Armatrading, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday

Not too sure on movies, although my mom always had some that she kept hidden when we were kids, like The Lover and stuff like that. She is obsessed with Columbo.

EVOLghost 04.07.2009 02:39 PM

May parent's taste in music is Mexican shiz.

AS far as movies, my mom's into boring movies.
My Dad's taste in movies is better. I know his favorite movie is Tombstone...which is an awesome flick.

DeadDiscoDildo 04.07.2009 03:06 PM

^^I'll be your huckleberry.

Interesting thread!

Mom digs old beatles, stuff from the 50s, bob dylan, lots of the 60s classics and etc. & whatever that chick's name is that either played with or dated james taylor. her name escapes me at the moment. oh, and james taylor too.

movies, old romantic stuff and anything with nice christian undertones wheather she realizes it or not.

Dad digs floyd, zepplin, deep purple, lots of 70s prog and synth stuff, some of which is cool, some of which I can't stand cuz it kinda goes against my musical principals like no bullshit 6 minute blues solos. He's a keyboard player so naturally that's the stuff he's prone to.

he likes alot of those cheesey scifi movies and etc. and also loves anything tom clancy. I remember he used to read those books all the time. you can basically tell he was a stoner in the 70s. haha

Kegmama 04.07.2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
whatever that chick's name is that either played with or dated james taylor. her name escapes me at the moment. oh, and james taylor too.

Carly Simon.

I was kind of named after her, but not really. Karlie. My mom like her name, but I wasn't named in her honor or anything...

DeadDiscoDildo 04.07.2009 03:12 PM

Ah, yeah that's it!

Karlie is a pretty name

DeadDiscoDildo 04.07.2009 03:14 PM

As a writer I think and feel not only by the sound of words but also the image the letters the beatles song julia....first time I saw that name when I was younger. not a common one in ohio

after hearing that I've been searching for a julia or juliana or something

I feel like I need to either hook up with a chick by that name or if I have a daughter name her that. It just would work with my last name...

I dunno, does that sound crazy or does anyone else ever feel that way about a name...?

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.07.2009 03:24 PM

My dad swooned over Neil Diamond, and my mom rather pleasantly likes folk music, especially Peter Paul and Mary.

The less said the better about their choices in film...

Danny Himself 04.07.2009 03:43 PM

My dad has a big collection of country / blues / folk stuff, that's mostly what he listens to. He's into some classic rock too, mostly stuff like Lynyrd Skynrd and CCR. He usually digs anything I play for him though, so he's open to new things.

My mother is weird because she has to have everything sound 'nice' or 'jolly', apparently, and always criticises me if I'm listening to Bad Brains, SY, Wu Tang, whatever- then praises me when I'm playing De La Soul, Pavement, Violent Femmes, etc. Generally she listens to shit like Whitesnake and Def Leppard, so I have really no idea of how to decode her taste.

As far as films go, my dad watches a bunch of arthouse stuff as well as more mainstream 'indie' films, Wes Anderson, Coen Bros, Michel Gondry, et al. My mother rarely watches films unless they're in black and white.

Antagon 04.07.2009 03:44 PM


Movies: Das Boot, The Hunt for Red October, The first Star Wars trilogy

Music: The Rolling Stones, The Dubliners, Tina Turner (I'm not kidding), 60s overall


Movies: My fair Lady, 50s and 60s Kitsch

Music: Norah Jones, Cat Stevens, A lot of German and Austrian Kitsch most of you won't know (You should call yourselves lucky for that)

ploesj 04.07.2009 03:51 PM

my mother is a classical musician, the sound of violin and music by bach, mozart and others was literally the first thing i ever har, along with her voice...

my dad used to listen to a lot of belgian bands like dEUS and early zita swoon. he played it a lot when i was three or four years old, and this musc still sounds extremely familiar. he likes bruce springsteen, tom waits, nick drake and others, an i got him to like sigur ros.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.07.2009 04:02 PM

My Mom a lot of the same stuff as me. Some stuff that she likes more than I do: Jeff Buckley, Kayo Dot.

My Dad just likes oldies, motown, classics, soul, etc. Al Green, CCR, Pink Floyd.

As far as movies, they like to watch TCM a lot. But they like new stuff too. I'd say they generally have good taste in movies.

Bertrand 04.07.2009 04:06 PM

My parents were not into music
She mostly remembers Eddy Mitchell coming to her little town in the early 60s and teenagers arguing about records by the Beatles, one of them pronouncing the name correctly, the other pronouncing it the French way, thus telling her friend she had it all wrong.
He was into Boby Lapointe, puns galore.

She will talk about Brando and Perkins. Both for their buttocks, in Streetcar and Psycho.
He liked Orson Welles' Trial.

Apart from that, no idea what their fads were when they were circa 20.
Then I was born and I grew old.

They still don't listen to music.

She liked Mulholland Drive.
I'd say he enjoyed L.A.Confidential.
They seem satisfied watching Anthony LaPaglia and his FBI crew.

viewtiful_alan 04.07.2009 04:23 PM

My mom's taste is beyond lame.
Her favorite movie of all time is a tie between sound of music and grease.
XD She doesn't like any whole albums
but she's super awesome as a mom.

My dad Loves:
Movies: Full Metal Jacket, 2001: A Space Oddessy, Office Space, The Star Wars and Lord of The Rings Trilogies, Saving Private Ryan, and Doctor Strangelove

Music: The Beatles, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Doug Sahm, The Who, Bruce Springsteen, Frank Zappa, Bob Dylan.
and though they aren't his favorites per se he does really enjoy: Dinosaur Jr., Meat Puppets, SOnic YOuth, Iggy Pop and/or The Stooges, and reverend Horton Heat.
All of those courtesy of me

NWRA 04.07.2009 06:23 PM

*Neil Young (I'm named after him), Bob Dylan, Kate Bush, Carole King.
*Breakfast At Tiffanys, Tootsie, Midnight Cowboy.

*Bob Dylan, Beatles.
*Once Upon A Time In The West and America, The Getaway (original obviously).

Green_mind 04.07.2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
My mom's taste is beyond lame.

You're not alone! My mum wanted me to go see Bon Jovi and watch Mama Mia with her. She did drive me across country to see Dead Meadow play once though.

wellcharge 04.08.2009 03:54 AM


mom:supertramp,moody blues, janis joplin,alice cooper.

dad: black sabbath,deep purple,led zeppelin, bryan adams,uriah heep.
both like the beatles, my sister is named after one of their tracks

they don't really know anything about movies, my dad likes the jungle book, and he did bobsled in '88 so he makes everybody watch cool runnings to remind us for the 400th time that he totally used to sit near the jamaican bobsled team at lunch, and liked louis de funes movies when younger

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