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Derek 04.06.2009 02:58 PM

Your Top 5 Favourite David Cronenberg Films
Hey, let's jump more on the bandwagon.

1. Videodrome
2. Crash
3. Dead Ringers
4. Naked Lunch
5. The Fly

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.06.2009 03:04 PM

Damn, every single one of these lists have been so difficult to make.

1. The Fly
2. Videodrome
3. Shivers
4. Naked Lunch
5. Crash

demonrail666 04.06.2009 03:05 PM

1. Shivers
2. Rabid
3. Videodrome
4. The Brood
5. The Dead Zone

noisereductions 04.06.2009 03:05 PM

1. Videodrome
2. Rabid
3. The Fly
4. Shivers
5. Dead Ringers

Derek 04.06.2009 03:15 PM

demonrail your list is strange... but I like it.

Rabid is my least favourite Cronenberg movie though.

demonrail666 04.06.2009 03:21 PM

I tend not to like Cronenberg after Videodrome. I put Crash in more because I think it's the best of his worst from that period than because I really like it. I'm surprised you find Rabid his worst film. Although I put it just behind Shivers I consider them about equal in their greatness. My view is that Cronenberg is a great ideas man but a bad filmmaker and that after Videodrome he began to think more in terms of his films as art rather than as a vehicle for brilliant concepts. I always think he would've made a better screenwriter than a director. Actually, I've just edited my list to replace Crash with The Dead Zone. I'm putting on my flameproof suit in readiness.

Derek 04.06.2009 03:32 PM

Yeah you do have a point but I still find his later movies to be awfully entertaining and thought-provoking. Rabid doesn't really... entertain me much. I like the atmosphere of it but I just can't enjoy it for some reason. Whereas no matter how alienating his other films can get, I still really enjoy them.

atsonicpark 04.06.2009 10:36 PM

1. Videodrome
2. Dead Zone
3. Dead Ringers
4. Crash
5. Shivers
6. Naked Lunch
7. History of Violence
8. The Brood
9. Scanners
10. The Fly
11. Crimes of the Future
12. Spider
13. From the Drain
14. Eastern Promises
15. Stereo
16. Existenz
17. M. Butterfly
18. Rabid
19. Transfer
20. Fast Company

atsonicpark 04.06.2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
My view is that Cronenberg is a great ideas man but a bad filmmaker.

I sort of... well, maybe not "agree" but see what you're sying. He's not so much a bad filmmaker as a very.. complacent.. one. There is really no style in his directing. No artfulness. Very mundane and flat. Rarely has any shots that wow me. It serves its purpose, but I can see it not impressing people. Good thing his films are so interesting and the music is always so great!!! I gotta say, though, Cronenberg creates an amazing atmosphere in most of his (extremely Canadian!) films. The Dead Zone, for example, would have likely turned out incredibly cheesy in a lot of people's hands. And okay, there are some cheesy parts in it, but it's also incredibly powerful at times.

Also, yeah, I loved "Rabid" when I saw it years ago but I recently rewatched it with a friend who hadn't seen it and it's not as good as I remember, though it certainly has its charms.

All in all, he's an incredibly consistent director, very complex at times, and he's rarely let me down in any way, even with having made 20 or so movies and shorts.

terminal pharmacy 04.06.2009 11:47 PM

in no particular order:

naked lunch
the fly

demonrail666 04.06.2009 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I sort of... well, maybe not "agree" but see what you're sying. He's not so much a bad filmmaker as a very.. complacent.. one. There is really no style in his directing. No artfulness. Very mundane and flat. Rarely has any shots that wow me. It serves its purpose, but I can see it not impressing people.

I think when he was doing stuff like Shivers or Rabid, his rather blank style worked perfectly. It was later on, when he seemed to be trying to develop into some kind of arthouse director, that he started to really show his limitations. For me, Spider was like listening to Sham 69 trying to play Erik Satie.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 12:01 AM

Yeah, all around, Spider just seemed like a Clean, Shaven wannabe... still like it though obviously.

demonrail666 04.07.2009 12:15 AM

The one thing I love about his stuff, especially early on, is just how fucking depressing the endings of his films are. The bit at the end of Rabid, where they just stick Marilyn Chambers' body in the rubbish truck, is one of my favourite endings to any film, ever. Seriously cold.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 12:18 AM

Yeah, definitely. I've noticed also that a lot of his endings, strangely, involve guns. Even when the rest of the film usually has no guns in them.

demonrail666 04.07.2009 12:21 AM

Hmm. I've not noticed that. I know Videodrome ends like that. (Another one of my all-time favourite endings) I'll look out for it in his other stuff.

Lamont Cranston 04.07.2009 12:27 AM

The Fly ends with the Brundleflypod being shot, Naked Lunch ends with Bill Lee shooting his wife again, eXistenZ ends with the couple shooting the game designers.
So how come you people don't like his stuff since he moved on from making films about the New Flesh?

demonrail666 04.07.2009 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
So how come you people don't like his stuff since he moved on from making films about the New Flesh?

Slugs coming out of plug holes and climbing up Barbara Steele's vagina? Cronenberg's your man. But when he decided he was a French existentialist it all went a bit pear shaped for me.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 12:36 AM

Dead Zone ends with a shooting, as does History of Violence (though that one has a lot of gunplay/action in it). I know a couple others do as well but my mind is blank at the moment.

demonrail666 04.07.2009 12:39 AM

Dead Zone is such an underrated film I think. Aside from Carrie it might be my favourite Stephen King adaptation.

max 04.07.2009 12:47 AM

no particular order here too (and kudos for this top 5 thing, you're all over my fave directors!):

the dead zone
naked lunch

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.07.2009 12:52 AM

Spider was pretty weak. In fact, I had forgotten all about it 'til this thread.

Derek 04.07.2009 07:22 AM

Apart from Rabid, I find his weak ones to be M. Butterfly (that's obvious) and Scanners. Now Scanners is a movie that has a great idea but poor execution. Love the scanner battles though!

demonrail666 04.07.2009 09:35 AM

This lack of love for Rabid really surprises me. I always assumed it was sort of a given that it was one of best films.:confused:

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 09:51 AM

actually, in all my years as a Cronenberg fan (probably 7 years now), you're the first person I've seen that really loves it. Nothing wrong with that though.

noisereductions 04.07.2009 09:58 AM

WHAT? I love, LOVE Rabid. That film is amazing. NOTE: I put it 2nd only to Videodrome.

noisereductions 04.07.2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
This lack of love for Rabid really surprises me. I always assumed it was sort of a given that it was one of best films.:confused:

unrelated, but you never answered me about that Hardy record.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 09:59 AM

Make that 2.

Out of curiousity I just looked and it's his lowest-rate film, next to Crash (though I assume people who didn't even see Crash gave it a 1 because of its "controversy").

Derek 04.07.2009 10:22 AM

Crash is amazing. The atmosphere and chill you get from it while they're racing up the highway is spine-tingling.

noisereductions 04.07.2009 10:25 AM

weird. I'd rather Crash (and obviously Rabid) much higher than say Spider or History of Violence or M Butterfly etc. Nobody mentioned EXistenZ either. I like that one a lot. I like Scanners a lot too.

Derek 04.07.2009 10:47 AM

Yeah I really like EXistenZ as well. Was very gripping for me.

noisereductions 04.07.2009 10:57 AM

he's defintely one of those directors that I can almost always count on liking the film. I ddint see his last one though. Um... what was it called again?

Derek 04.07.2009 11:23 AM

Eastern Promises? That movie ruled.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.07.2009 12:21 PM

Long live the new flesh!

1. Crash
2. Scanners
3. Dead Ringers
4. The Brood
5. Videodrome

noisereductions 04.07.2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Eastern Promises? That movie ruled.

That's it! It was good? I dnt know. Spider then History of Violence. They were good films and all but... then this came out and ... I just wanted to see some kind of classic Cronenberg body horror.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 12:37 PM

Yeah, Eastern Promises is amazing. Best fight scene ever in a movie.

It's body horror. As in the horror of SELLING bodies.

fugazifan 04.09.2009 05:06 AM

this thread reminded me that i wanted to buy some cronenberg. it took me a while to decide, cause i didnt want to spent $20 on a movie, so i didnt get dead ringers. i really wanted videodrome, cause its one of my favorite movies, but my friend owns it so i decided to get dead zone, which i love, and the brood, which i havent seen.

i think its safe to say that the general opinion is that videodrome is his best?

my friend made me a t-shirt for my birthday that has a picture of the flesh with gun leaving the tv, and underneath it it say "long live the new flesh"

Derek 04.09.2009 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
That's it! It was good? I dnt know. Spider then History of Violence. They were good films and all but... then this came out and ... I just wanted to see some kind of classic Cronenberg body horror.

Well if you liked A History of Violence then you'll LOVE Eastern Promises. Maybe if you don't think of it as a Cronenberg movie you'd enjoy it a lot... and I mean, how will you enjoy it if you just think "man this does not seem like cronenberg" the whole way through? It does have a lot of blood and such in it so it's not like he's toning himself down anyway.

noisereductions 04.09.2009 07:25 AM

it's not blood I'm looking for. It's vag's on shoulders and guns f'ing stomachs.

demonrail666 04.09.2009 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
unrelated, but you never answered me about that Hardy record.

I thought I did. Sorry. I was saying that I would buy it off you, only I don't have a record player. :(

demonrail666 04.09.2009 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
it's not blood I'm looking for. It's vag's on shoulders and guns f'ing stomachs.


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