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amerikangod 03.12.2009 02:49 AM

Poll: Should I get a tattoo on my head?

pbradley 03.12.2009 03:10 AM

Considering that I have never seen your head nor will I ever come into frequent exposure to it, FUCK YEAH GO FOR IT!

phoenix 03.12.2009 04:38 AM

are those yr kids?

hopefullly you get something that isn't gonig to make all their friends run when you go pick them up at school :P

phoenix 03.12.2009 04:39 AM

ohwait, one of yr 'kids' has a beard. I guess they are yr friends that just look a little small behind you.

nicfit 03.12.2009 05:20 AM

Eve Salvail might like it.
I think it's a bit too much, especially if you plan to cover the whole scalp. I don't like much tattoos that can't be hidden at will...

sarramkrop 03.12.2009 05:52 AM

Only if you get a tattoo of your face that covers the back of your head.

Toilet & Bowels 03.12.2009 06:24 AM

i think if you ask people on the internet whether you should do it it means you probably shouldn't do it

phoenix 03.12.2009 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i think if you ask people on the internet whether you should do it it means you probably shouldn't do it

people who don't know you can often be more truthful than those who do.

Or, maybe he's looking for what kind of reaction it might evoke in random people he passes by...

phoenix 03.12.2009 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
We were all dressed as Aquaman and she shows up in our colors. Claims to be a 'pumpkin.' Fuck her.


Inhuman 03.12.2009 06:47 AM

I wouldnt care either way, nor would I make fun of you if you had it. It's completely up to you :)


Sonic Youth 37 03.12.2009 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
My biggest reservation is really the idea that the majority of women might find me to be less fuckable. Which I guess I'm trying to gauge?

There are some majorly good looking girls into extreme body mod that would enjoy that, but you would repulse the other 99% of them, I think.

You should get a tattoo that looks like hair. or just the word "HAIR" across the crown.

Toilet & Bowels 03.12.2009 07:55 AM

it's going to make finding a job a lot harder, if you ever need to do that again.

flophousefloozie 03.12.2009 11:34 AM

I am a lady, and I think this is a terrible idea. I would not have sex with you because of it.

I wouldn't have really phrased it that way, but I'm not attracted to men who have more than one small tatoo somewhere on there body, that they got when they were young and impressionable, and probably even regret getting.

I can't really help it. I'm just not attracted to guys that care about their image in that way. And long hair is usually much sexier.

But, that being said, you probably wouldn't be attracted to someone like myself, so why should my opinion matter, right? I'd say just do what you want.

flophousefloozie 03.12.2009 11:36 AM

ps I just saw your pictures, and your head looks fine as it is! :)

floatingslowly 03.12.2009 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I am a lady, and I think this is a terrible idea. I would not have sex with you because of it.

my plans for having Satan's treasure map placed on my forehead were just stifled by the sound of doors slamming. :(

Kegmama 03.12.2009 12:06 PM

I am a lady, and I don't really care. It wouldn't change your chances of scoring with me...

I love tattoos. I love guys with tattoos. Judging you by the pics you posted, you could totally pull off the tatted head. BUT, that being said- I don't think you should do it!!! Get sleeved or something instead! I just can't picture you as an old wrinkled man sportin' a skull tat on your scalp. And, in regard to your chances of getting properly laid, I think that a head tat is a bit off putting for society in general, and most chicks would not be attracted to permanent ink on your head.

SO Not Hot:




flophousefloozie 03.12.2009 12:08 PM

You probably don't want to fall under that^ category, haha.

flophousefloozie 03.12.2009 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
my plans for having Satan's treasure map placed on my forehead were just stifled by the sound of doors slamming. :(

I guess we can all learn a thing or two from this thread.

I learned "reversible heads" are much less attractive than the worst tatoo type I thought was possible, which is the use of a fat man's beer-battered belly button to make a woman's exterior anatomy and/or a monkey's BEhind.

davenotdead 03.12.2009 12:55 PM

it'd only work if you get miley cyrus tat'd on yr dome.

i've seen it before, and its awesome... let me check the interwebs.

ok after several minutes of searching, i can't find it. but i did remember that stephen baldwin has one... though its on his shoulder.

uhler 03.12.2009 01:28 PM

yes do it! you'll be a better american if you get a head tattoo. all the ladies will flock to you like your magic johnson. obama and our congress will bow down to you and give you massive blow jobs and then make you president. you'll get a free sports car. what else do you want?

Kegmama 03.12.2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie

I learned "reversible heads" are much less attractive than the worst tatoo type I thought was possible, which is the use of a fat man's beer-battered belly button to make a woman's exterior anatomy and/or a monkey's BEhind.

Haha. Yeah, agreed. How sexxee are these?!





!@#$%! 03.12.2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod

This thread will:

1) Let me know what people think of this idea.
2) Possibly expose me to some awesome tattoo ideas.

i don't give a fuck-- i mean, i only like tattoos on women's titties, because they give me an excuse to stare.

now, since obviously you and i don't agree on matters of taste (branding is for cattle, i say, and nose rings in particular are good to pull from), my opinion shouldn't matter to you either. hence, my response is useless to you.

then again, why do you care what people think? since a tattoo is supposed to be an intimately personal thing, the apex of individuality (so people claim, though i have my doubts), nobody will be able to cater satisfactorily.

having said that, i offer you (free of charge) a few options i think are "cool":

1) fuck the scalp-only tat. go for a full-head tattoo that includes the face. i fancy the luchador look:


2) hurray for science. get a tattoo that depicts your inner works: brain lobes, cerebellum, brain stem-- the works. kinda like this:


alternatively, you could depict "the mind"-- such as:


3) "the helmet"


cont. below

!@#$%! 03.12.2009 02:43 PM


too many pictures in 1 post. anyway, part 2:

4) Fake hair!!!! Save money on drugs, implants, or hair growth products. Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture to convey the look. But the tattooed eyebrows are similar, though in a small scale.


5) Last, but not least-- the ALIEN HEAD


i hope this helps!

Kegmama 03.12.2009 02:56 PM


Those ARE cocks on her head, right?!


Hmmmm. Would you hit that?

Man, this thread has had me googling bad tats and its quite fun; way better then having to actually work while Im at work. Some of the worst tattoos EVER:



!@#$%! 03.12.2009 03:33 PM

ps- bonus suggestion.

as i went back to work i had the sudden memory of a crummy tv show i spotted the other day. it was just the credits and about 2 minutes of the show and it was horrible and it looked from the 80s so i turned it off. i remembered the name however, cuz it seemed to be really about latinos in california or something, and i've got good memory like that-- it was called "alien nation", and i found a picture. i hope it inspires you:


This Is Not Here 03.12.2009 03:53 PM

You will look like a massive twat. Do NOT do it.

uhler 03.12.2009 04:11 PM

yeah just get that earth crisis tattoo on your face. that's all anyone ever needs anyway.

Kloriel 03.12.2009 06:02 PM

don't get a fucking tattoo on your fucking head. what the fuck.

jon boy 03.12.2009 07:12 PM

eyes on the back of your head!!!

joe11121 03.12.2009 07:53 PM

I have never even heard of someone getting a tattoo on their head. I love tattoos, but one on the head, no...

tesla69 04.18.2012 10:10 AM

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