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pbradley 02.19.2009 02:34 AM

Favorite natural sounds.
I figure a thread like this exists somewhere but I couldn't find it. What naturally-occuring (whatever that means) sounds do you enjoy?

I really enjoy the cranking of a ratchet.

nicfit 02.19.2009 02:41 AM

and waterfalls
and the cracking of snow under feet
and thunders
and sea on the beach with wind

blunderbuss 02.19.2009 02:43 AM

Birdsong. The sound of the dawn chorus makes waking early entirely worthwhile.

Youth_Against_Facism 02.19.2009 02:50 AM

Beach and rain.

Green_mind 02.19.2009 02:54 AM

certain birdsong can be nice, but I'm going with acoustic guitar.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.19.2009 03:01 AM

I'm not sure what the species is called (if anyone could help, I'd appreciate it), but during the summer, around these parts, there seems to be some sort of insect that screeches very abrasively from the treetops. I've always been fascinated and mystified by that sound.

EDIT: I like the sound of Cicadas.

sarramkrop 02.19.2009 03:15 AM

Like - The kettle boiling in the morning

Dislike - The shouting of school kids in the morning. I live in close proximity of 3 schools, so that means constant fracas at 8:00 am on the street.

acousticrock87 02.19.2009 03:44 AM

Water in most forms (aquarium filters, rain, ocean, streams, whatever), airport ambience, forks clinking at restaurants, snow crunching.

And I agree with Dr. Eugene. Cicadas.

Florya 02.19.2009 03:51 AM


Onani Nic 02.19.2009 04:06 AM

fap fap fap

pbradley 02.19.2009 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dislike - The shouting of school kids in the morning. I live in close proximity of 3 schools, so that means constant fracas at 8:00 am on the street.

I lived in an apartment that was something like that but it was when they left school that was the worst.

As for discomforting sounds in the morning, my bed is positioned underneath a window which is adjacent to a tree which has been home to a family of crows for as long as I can remember. First light brings its annoying caws.

gualbert 02.19.2009 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Green_mind
certain birdsong can be nice,

Some of them make cool lines/riff.

SYRFox 02.19.2009 04:34 AM

rain on my window at night
street noises at 4am
random city/people noises on the evening
my steps echoing on the walls in a desert street

Beautiful Plateau 02.19.2009 04:57 AM

thunder and lightning

pbradley 02.19.2009 05:28 AM

Isn't thunder the sound of lightning?

MellySingsDoom 02.19.2009 05:31 AM

The sound of feet in an underpass/subway that has a lot of natural reverb.
Glacial ice cracking (have witnessed this first hand)
Howling wind.

ZEROpumpkins 02.19.2009 05:32 AM

The beach. If you are Australian living near the coast and don't say the beach then you are not true blue.

Youth_Against_Facism 02.19.2009 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
The beach. If you are Australian living near the coast and don't say the beach then you are not true blue.

I can hear the beach in the morning and when I used to walk to school but now I take a crap bus. :mad:

ZEROpumpkins 02.19.2009 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Youth_Against_Facism
I can hear the beach in the morning and when I used to walk to school but now I take a crap bus. :mad:

Aww man...:(

atsonicpark 02.19.2009 09:51 AM

the beach

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.19.2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Glacial ice cracking (have witnessed this first hand)

I was thinking of this, but only how it could sound in my imagination, as I imagine it having a kind of low resonance like an enormous subwoofer, but have only heard it on tv, which could never recreate the feeling of such a massive sound.

sound is to felt, not just heard.

stu666 02.19.2009 01:21 PM

A nice blazing fire.

Rob Instigator 02.19.2009 01:49 PM

I love the sound of snow crunching underfoot. have only heard it a few times.

I love echoes. If I find a good place for an echo I will stand there shouting LOUD shit over and over like an imbecile.

cat's purring too. I LOVE IT

atsonicpark 02.19.2009 01:49 PM

pussy farts.

Derek 02.19.2009 01:56 PM

Oh, definitely.

Rob Instigator 02.19.2009 02:08 PM

you know that sound yr lady makes when you can;t quite fit the purple helmet of your cock in cuz it's so engorged huge?

;)hahahhaha! I crack myself up

EVOLghost 02.19.2009 02:42 PM


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.19.2009 03:25 PM

raccoons and badgers in distress- the noise rock of the natural world

one time in my carriage house a baby raccoon got stuck in the wall. My Dad put some protective gloves on and got it out. You could not believe the sound it made.

greedrex 02.19.2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
constant fracas

good name for my next noise project.

greedrex 02.19.2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
pussy farts.


and waves crashing.
big fire with very dry wood poppin'
walking in the snow

Rob Instigator 02.19.2009 03:43 PM

I too like the sound of a ratchet turning over and over again

themawt71 02.19.2009 04:47 PM

loud creeks, crickets

does my cat playing my guitar (biting guitar strings) count?

joe11121 02.19.2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
and waterfalls
and the cracking of snow under feet
and thunders
and sea on the beach with wind

Wow, these are all great picks. I agree with you, they rock!

pbradley 02.19.2009 10:10 PM

I like the sound of my car revving up.

I like turning up my bass amp all the way and plucking the E string of bass like a bow making the entire house shake.

Better_Than_You 02.19.2009 10:38 PM

forest fires, rape, and pillage.

deflinus 02.19.2009 11:16 PM

the sound of the keyboard clicking as i respond to this stupid thread

pbradley 02.19.2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
stupid thread

I enjoy the sound of my own voice as I say "screw you" to this reply.

Rob Instigator 02.19.2009 11:28 PM

I really enjoy the cranking of a ratchet.
and waterfalls
and the cracking of snow under feet
and thunders
and sea on the beach with wind
The sound of the dawn chorus makes waking early entirely worthwhile.
Beach and rain.
certain birdsong can be nice,
but I'm going with acoustic guitar.
I like the sound of Cicadas.
Like - The kettle boiling in the morning
Dislike - The shouting of school kids in the morning.
I live in close proximity of 3 schools,
so that means constant fracas at 8:00 am on the street.
Water in most forms
(aquarium filters, rain, ocean, streams, whatever),
airport ambience,
forks clinking at restaurants,
snow crunching.
fap fap fap
my bed is positioned underneath a window
which is adjacent to a tree
which has been home to a family of crows for as long as I can remember.
First light brings its annoying caws.
Some of them make cool lines/riff.
rain on my window at night
street noises at 4am
random city/people noises on the evening
my steps echoing on the walls in a desert street
thunder and lightning
Isn't thunder the sound of lightning?
The sound of feet in an underpass/subway that has a lot of natural reverb.
Glacial ice cracking
(have witnessed this first hand)
Howling wind.
The beach.
the wind as it always sounds haunting from my kitchen,
although nothing radical really is happening outside,
sea/ waves in calm or wild state,
frogs and crickets in music,
the silence of snow.
I can hear the beach in the morning and when I used to walk to school
but now I take a crap bus.
Aww man...
the beach
I imagine it having a kind of low resonance like an enormous subwoofer
sound is to be felt,
not just heard.
A nice blazing fire.
I love the sound of snow crunching underfoot.
I love echoes.
cat's purring too.
pussy farts.
raccoons and badgers in distress-
the noise rock of the natural world
and waves crashing.
big fire with very dry wood poppin'
walking in the snow
loud creeks,
the sound of my car revving up.

pbradley 02.19.2009 11:33 PM

nice poem, broheim

Rob Instigator 02.19.2009 11:35 PM


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