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dazedcola 02.12.2009 01:47 PM

So Can you hold out until June 9th?
With the exciting news of a new sonic youth album in detail now with a tracklisting the subsequent question immediately comes up. How many of you are going to be patient andwait until June 9th to hear the new album? What if a leak comes out before then, can you resist the urge to binge your ears on sonic delight? I remember when Rather Ripped came out I originally planned to wait for the album's release date but I broke 2 months before it was released ? A sonic youth fans would have to have nerves of cold steel to be able to abstain from new material form then when its so easily available.

I already know I can't wait for June 9th for the new songs. Im gonna pick the first sunny day of spring/summer to break it in. Im still going to pre-order the album on matador but I'm going to hear it before it gets to my door.

blunderbuss 02.12.2009 01:57 PM

I always used to have to wait when there was only vinyl or cassette available and I had to go to a record store to buy it, and I don't see why I should change the habit of a lifetime.

sarramkrop 02.12.2009 03:11 PM


greedrex 02.12.2009 03:15 PM


atsonicpark 02.12.2009 03:56 PM

I'm downloading this shit, burning it, listening to it once or twice, and never listening again and then calling it worst album of the year!

Just kidding.

I'll listen to it three times.

Just kidding.

I will download it and listen to it when it's available, yeah. I may end up buying it. We'll see what happens.

noisereductions 02.12.2009 03:58 PM

that sounds like you. Yeah. haha.

I'm gonna wait. I always do.

Rob Instigator 02.12.2009 04:01 PM

I have nerves of cold-fucking steel

I always wait.

I need it on vinyl, for the digital bits are ephemeral and transient and make me feel like I fucked a cheap whore instead of waiting for the luxury model.

al shabbray 02.12.2009 04:02 PM

I am sure I cant this time

greedrex 02.12.2009 04:07 PM

i will most definitely listen to a couple of tracks but will wait for the buy early get late thingie to end up on my doorstep.

vulva 02.12.2009 04:10 PM

I'll download it. Assuming it gets released on wax, I'll buy it for sure. If Matador offers pre-orders for a vinyl copy, then I'll pre-order it. I've stopped buying music on CDs since I don't listen to CDs at all anymore, but still use my record player.

noisereductions 02.12.2009 04:15 PM

here's a picture of Rob Instigator listening to something fresh from his vinyl collection:


greedrex 02.12.2009 04:16 PM

^^ i'mstill waiting for fresh pix of Rob's Ikea stacks filled with waxxy awesomeness.

atsonicpark 02.12.2009 04:17 PM

I'd prefer to own a casette version of this.

al shabbray 02.12.2009 04:25 PM

cassettes are stil the most sexy music media ever. and the most unreliable...I see some parallels to women in there...

atsonicpark 02.12.2009 04:30 PM

never thought about it like that, you have a point...

al shabbray 02.12.2009 04:32 PM

me too, I surprised myself while writing this

SYRFox 02.12.2009 04:47 PM

i will wait.

uhler 02.12.2009 05:05 PM

i will wait. i refused to listen to the new love is all before it came out, so i can wait for this.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.12.2009 05:05 PM

I can't wait to do the Matador early buyer thing. But I won't wait until I get it, I'll probably download the leak whenever it hits.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.13.2009 12:18 AM


blunderbuss 02.13.2009 12:39 AM

I've just been (unsuccessfully) trying to find the thread where Chris Habib (quite rightly) totally went off on one with people who were posting links to Rather Ripped leaks on the board. A tiny quantity of rep goes to the first person to find it and bring it to me.

EDIT - And the tiny quantity of rep goes to..... me: It's a cracker.

flophousefloozie 02.13.2009 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by blunderbuss
I always used to have to wait when there was only vinyl or cassette available and I had to go to a record store to buy it, and I don't see why I should change the habit of a lifetime.

Hear hear! Thank you. ;)

Death & the Maiden 02.13.2009 01:15 AM

I can wait until June 9th. But not because I think downloading it will ruin the experience or something. It's just that I'm not as excited about it as some people.

repeater 02.13.2009 02:31 AM

There´s something magic about dropping down the needle on a record for it´s maiden voyage. Hopefully I´ll wait, but if theres a "get the mp3 version right now" thingy with the preorder, I´m pretty sure i´ll listen to prior to it´s "real" release

Moshe 02.13.2009 06:26 AM

me too

metlook 02.13.2009 06:57 AM

I don't need fucking paper, ink, wax, plastic or other oil derivated products to enjoy the music !
Of course I won't wait !!

nicfit 02.13.2009 07:11 AM

You don't need plastic for this? no pc? no mp3 player? no headphones? no speakers? will you listen to it by brainwaves transmission?

just kiddin'.

hevusa 02.13.2009 07:11 AM

I'll be downloading the leaked version IMMEDIATELY! I always buy the CD anyway so who the fuck cares.

As an audio engineer I think it is stupid that people still think vinyl is better than modern digital releases. I have read about the frequency response of vinyl and CD's... the only thing CD's are missing is the surface noise created when needle hits surface (ummm, not supposed to be in the recording people). Some people call this "warmth"... I think they are just trying to be music snobs and failing miserably.

hevusa 02.13.2009 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by blunderbuss
I've just been (unsuccessfully) trying to find the thread where Chris Habib (quite rightly) totally went off on one with people who were posting links to Rather Ripped leaks on the board. A tiny quantity of rep goes to the first person to find it and bring it to me.

EDIT - And the tiny quantity of rep goes to..... me: It's a cracker.

Chris must be a late adapter. He should learn a thing or two from the way Radiohead released their CD. There is no way of going back in time Chris... time to look to the future (and reality).

ArthurDoyleHandCream 02.13.2009 07:16 AM

*Cha Ching*

█████████ 02.13.2009 07:56 AM

i dont endorse or care about leaks and i usually don't download them, but if it does get leaked and a link crosses my eyesight and if at that moment i feel like downloading it, i will.

i'm just an unscrupulous twat bastard, i guess.

i still have the mental hability to distinguish an mp3 leak from an album, though.

atsonicpark 02.13.2009 08:47 AM

That thread's crazy. Look at all those posters who don't post here anymore!

atsonicpark 02.13.2009 09:09 AM

...Sure can't wait for this one to leak so we get a rehash of the same arguments I've seen for the past 3 leaked albums!!

noisereductions 02.13.2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Chris must be a late adapter. He should learn a thing or two from the way Radiohead released their CD. There is no way of going back in time Chris... time to look to the future (and reality).

Chris Habib has nothing to do with the way the band releases their album. But he does moderate this board, which means if he lets us post links to leaks, HE is the one that has to answer to the band as to why he allowed it. So don't be a prick.

atsonicpark 02.13.2009 09:12 AM

Gotta agree with this one. I'm not going to get into why or why not a person should or shouldn't download this album, but DEFINITELY don't post links on this here board, that is like a slap in the face to the band. Chris lets a lot of shit go on here; hell, most boards you can't say the WORD "shit" without it being censored!! So, as respect to the band and the moderator and so on, I'm voting that no one posts links to the leaked album.


This Is Not Here 02.13.2009 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by metlook
I don't need fucking paper, ink, wax, plastic or other oil derivated products to enjoy the music !
Of course I won't wait !!

Stunning first contribution to this board..........

Rob Instigator 02.13.2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
here's a picture of Rob Instigator listening to something fresh from his vinyl collection:


that pics ridiculous fresh! hahahahhah!

How'd you know I only listen to wax cylinders?

█████████ 02.13.2009 09:43 AM

even with chabib's liberal moderation we've managed to keep this place relativly free of in print official releases, leaks and twatery as such.
that's the way it should be, and those who try to go against it should be promptly severely sodomized.

greedrex 02.13.2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by █████████
those who try to go against it should be promptly severely sodomized.

If i post a link for a leak of say the new Limp Bizkit record, can i get sodomy too? Thanks for yr time.

atsonicpark 02.13.2009 09:51 AM

limp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the houselimp bizkit's in the house

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