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Rather Ripped, best album since Dirty?
I think so...It's more consistent than A Thousand Leaves, and way more interesting than Murray Street or Sonic Nurse or NYC.
I'm very excited about this album. My enthusiasm was curbed a little bit by the guy who rear-ended my new car while I was stopped on the service road during my first listen of the album, though. |
I disagree. I think the new album is clearly among the best.
I think it's a great album, but it hasn't matured for me yet. I'm still a little bit nfamiliar with it being that I've only had it for a week. The most notable part of Rather Ripped is Kim's vocals. Her entire singing style is different in this album than all the others, and continues along the lines of pop music. Thurston's song are alright, Incinerate has some pretty cool lyrics at parts if you know the background to what he's reffering to, otherwise it will sound not nearly as good. I'm not too big a fan of Or. Along with Do You Believe in Rapture, it's one of the "new direction" songs on the album, but I currently look at them as something that lacks completeness. It feels like something's missing in the songs. Jams Run Free, The Neutral, and Sleeping around are excellent songs in my opinion. The riffs in the neutral sound classic and great. I really can't pass a complete judgement on the album quite yet. I'll post again when I fully understand it.
Nurse seems more developed to me right now. I'm more familiar to the messages and I've heard it a lot more, and I love the song Unmade Bed % Mariah Carey. I can't make a proper comparison on the two, but I currently like Nurse a little bit more. I really like Rather Ripped overall. The "neil Young" and "Nico" approach seems pretty sweet and giving us teases of feedback during the bridges is always a treat. The riffs are complex and logical The lyrics; also acknoligable |
very true, washing machine, in my opinion may easily be overall the best sonic youth album, especially after dirty, definetly the most cohesive, holy shit.. washing machine! |
No way B!!!
I agree that Washing Machine is the best album since Dirty...maybe even since Goo or Daydream Nation. But I still really like Rather Ripped I must have listened to it all the way through around 20 times since I got it on friday and it really gets better with each listen.
Best album since Nurse.
Don't get me wrong, I like Rather Ripped, but out of all their albums, I'd probably rate it as one of the lowest along with Washing Machine. I don't get why you guys like Washing Machine so much, Murray Street, Experimental . . . Star, Nurse, Thousand Leaves, and NYC Ghosts and Flowers were all better albums IMO. Even with that, I'd still give it a 7/10. Washing Machine would get a 6. |
No, you are. |
You cats are wack. The album is killer, you just want to own yr sonic, and you should know that Sonic owns themselves and you. |
I listened to it twice and usually i'm super excited about new sonic albums but this one is not really doing it for me. It's good but I have a feeling that i'm still gonna like Nurse and Murray Street more.
I don't really speak much Spanish... |
no, i definantly disagree with the first statement. while a good album, you gotta look in the long run. i'm already sort of over it. washing machine, a thousand leaves, and murray street are all better in my opinion.
There is no way in hell that Rather Ripped is better than A Thousand Leaves, Murry Street or Sonic Nurse. You have been smokin way too much shit.
Rather Ripped is ok and has some pretty interesting moments but isn't anywhere near as good as the previous 3 albums. It's better than Experimental, Jet Set, Trash, and No Star and Goodbye 20th Century, but it's not nearly as good as the other's. Dirty is better thatn Rather Ripped, also.
It's good. Only listened to it once, but I might say it's better the ATL and it's better then Dirty, for sure.
You're all fucking crazy! |
The last three albums seemed really boring to me, but this one is exciting and new sounding. I'm realllly enthused.
I think that Rather Ripped is very boring compared to the previous three. It's still a good record. I just don't think that the band is in top form here.
Kinda like they're half assing it.
Although even when they use half of their asses, they can still make good and interesting music.
"Talking to Moore recently for Pitchfork, he said noise's popularity and accessibility seems as a good reason as any to create a relatively noise-free album. He's right: Sonic Youth needn't bother impressing folks at this point."
Amen....AND this album is a masterpiece, especially compared to the last three albums, which seem inconsequential. |
You're annoyed because you know deep down I'm right.
When we are annoyed, many times it is because we see ourselves in others. Perhaps the "ass blaster" is an ass?
I don't think it's the best since Dirty. It really hasn't grabbed me yet to be honest. I've only listened to it twice so far, but I'm just not really into it right now. However, I was the same way with Sonic Nurse (and many albums really) and now I quite enjoy it. It takes me a number of listens before I really get into a new album. So who knows, RR might really grow on me the more I listen.
Just wait, this album is incredibly appealing the first couple of listens, which is the case with any immediatly catchy album. I just don't know about its staying power. You listen to it like 8 times through and you sort of get the whole picture. It's natural to be excited about this album, its good, especially at first. I definantly notice that when I like an album alot on the very first listen, its usually a signal that it doesn't have staying power. Some of my favorite albums in the world took a whole bunch of listens to get into, Daydream Nation, Trout Mask Replica, etc... Start best album threads in maybe a month or so. I bet you will not be feeling this way. I downloaded early, listened to it a good amount of times, I bought it today and listened to it, and it was like "yeah, its good", but it fades....
"Yeah right. Nice try dickhead, but you're an asshole. I wouldn't mind it at all if you were hit by a bus, or perhaps a train or even an airplane. The sooner the better."
You wish death on others, and yet you are not an asshole? It's plain to see that you are a miscreant. Your feeble attempts are laughable, though. |
Eh. If you don't like the CD, you don't like it. If you do, you do. Enjoy it or skip it. Who cares. I like it, but there are plenty of other new CDs out there for everyone to find enjoyment in; no need to stress over opinions.
It only helps to paint a clearer picture of what I know about you already. Your name says it all, really.
HAHAHA. AssBlaster is my favorite.
Touche (With the line above the e) |
ripped- good, not great... but damn is it fun. can;t we leave it as fun>? If you can;t kick it to reena, rats, and incinerate, then why kick at all?
''Are you serious?'' |
Who needs to watch Big Brother when we've got Assblaster and Daycare Nation?
Daycare Nation is quickly qualifying as the Jade Goody of the house.
and Assblaster?
:) :)
i like RR, ok so its not the barmage of 20 minutes of super sounding feekback, but fuckin hell, what more do you people want.. invite all your friends over on a sunny afternoon, go into your garden and fire up the BBQ, bang on RR on the old stereo, few snags, few bevvies, few bongs. then tell me what you think of it
WANKERS!!!! ahh i love him. have to admit, i watch Big Brother every night. |
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