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lechaoscestmoi 12.02.2008 02:17 PM

Your five favourite thrash/speed metal albums.

max 12.02.2008 02:49 PM

sadus - a vision of misery
coroner - grin
kreator - cause for a conflict
sepultura - arise
megadeth - countdown to extinction

Derek 12.02.2008 03:12 PM

megadeth - peace sells
metallica - master of puppets
slayer - seasons in the abyss
tankard - the morning after
kreator - coma of souls

batreleaser 12.02.2008 06:00 PM

good one:

1. Metallica-Kill em All
2. Slayer-Reign in Blood
3. Metallica-Master of Puppets
4. Slayer-Haunting the Chapel EP
5. Celtic Frost-De Mysteriees Dom Santhanas
6. Voivod-Killing Technology

Yknow what I realized? If there is any contemporary music I HATE today is stupid lame party thrash and overly technical and formulaic grindcore, im talking bands like municipal waste and cephalic carnage and shit like that. also, i realized i hate all metalcore, whether it be integrity or converge, or even the artier stuff like botch. why you ask? because it takes the punk out of hardcore and the fun and/or meaning out of music. thing is, i liked this music, or i thought i did, untill 6 months ago. since then ive made a point of selling off all this shit.

fact of the matter is, hardcore, grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, and grindcore were all once in a lifetime movements of unbelievable creativity and innovation that can not be created. punk rock has survived because it splintered off and became more experimental, but then the bands that just copied hardcore did it more lame and unoriginal. like, as hard as pig destroyer tries to make thier "scum". it just wont happen. thrash peaked with "reign in blood". real hardcore as far as we care died shit in the us in 86, and prolly worldwide around 89. the whole point of grindcore was to make this ultra lo fi agressive hardcore music that was still oddly technical and progressive, but now all these bands just try and throw in as many blast beats into a song as possible.

the only genre of metal that still seems to be doing ok is black metal, as the old bands like gorgoroth have no problem totally sticking to thier already perfected, and new bands have no problem playing around with experimental sounds, and pyha's "haunted house" is twistedly brilliant. looks like for now, extreme music will be mostly noise and no wave. not that i have a problem with that, id rather listen to cock esp than (insert goofy grindcore name here) for however long the screeeching noise makes me go deaf.

Dead-Air 12.02.2008 11:23 PM

1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
2. Motorhead - Ace of Spades
3. Sepultura - Roots
4. Accept - Restless & Wild
5. Voivod - Nothingface

uhler 12.02.2008 11:59 PM

Yknow what I realized? If there is any contemporary music I HATE today is stupid lame party thrash and overly technical and formulaic grindcore, im talking bands like municipal waste and cephalic carnage and shit like that. also, i realized i hate all metalcore, whether it be integrity or converge, or even the artier stuff like botch. why you ask? because it takes the punk out of hardcore and the fun and/or meaning out of music. thing is, i liked this music, or i thought i did, untill 6 months ago. since then ive made a point of selling off all this shit.

i agree. but i came to realize how much metalcore sucked 6 years ago. i've always hated all that dumb thrash shit that only crust punks or 15 year old kids like. the only 90's hardcore records i have left are "firestorm" (cause it's cheesy as hell) and reversal of man's "revolution summer". i still have a few cds from that era. i talk to friends about those times as great and fun times, because they were, but i try to listen to the music now and i can only get through one song, if that.

hardcore died in america around 1983 and then got woken up for a little bit around 88 and then died again.

hardcore and metalcore in the mid to late 90's was fun for 17 year old straight edge kids who liked to mosh and wear new balances and hoodies. that basically described me.

back to the question. i don't really like much thrash, so i'll just say old metallica and slayer.

luckynumber9 12.03.2008 12:11 AM

I don't listen to much thrash either, but from what I've heard:

Metallica - Master of Puppets
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Sepultura - Beneath the Remains

max 12.03.2008 03:10 AM

in my opinion threash peaked with SADUS, who developed death in a way. SWALLOWED IN BLACK is a turning point in structures and lyrics.

vulva 12.03.2008 03:25 AM

For once a thread I can participate in! Thrash/speed metal is MY main root for music. For awhile, it was all together my favourite genre.

1. Kreator - Coma Of Souls
2. Megadeth - So Far... So Good... So What!
3. Sodom - Tapping The Vein
4. Coroner - RIP
5. Destruction - The Antichrist
6. Possessed - Seven Churches
7. Mortal Sin - Face Of Despair
8. Voivod - War & Pain
9. Slaughter - Strappado
10. Torture Squad - Pandemonium

lechaoscestmoi 12.03.2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
5. Celtic Frost-De Mysteriees Dom Santhanas

ain't that a mayhem album?

batreleaser 12.03.2008 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
Yknow what I realized? If there is any contemporary music I HATE today is stupid lame party thrash and overly technical and formulaic grindcore, im talking bands like municipal waste and cephalic carnage and shit like that. also, i realized i hate all metalcore, whether it be integrity or converge, or even the artier stuff like botch. why you ask? because it takes the punk out of hardcore and the fun and/or meaning out of music. thing is, i liked this music, or i thought i did, untill 6 months ago. since then ive made a point of selling off all this shit.

i agree. but i came to realize how much metalcore sucked 6 years ago. i've always hated all that dumb thrash shit that only crust punks or 15 year old kids like. the only 90's hardcore records i have left are "firestorm" (cause it's cheesy as hell) and reversal of man's "revolution summer". i still have a few cds from that era. i talk to friends about those times as great and fun times, because they were, but i try to listen to the music now and i can only get through one song, if that.

hardcore died in america around 1983 and then got woken up for a little bit around 88 and then died again.

hardcore and metalcore in the mid to late 90's was fun for 17 year old straight edge kids who liked to mosh and wear new balances and hoodies. that basically described me.

back to the question. i don't really like much thrash, so i'll just say old metallica and slayer.

metalcore is terrible, just the sound of it yknow its gonna be pure macho sleaze bullshit. these bands think they can throw in as many chug riffs and blast beats in a song as possible and get artistic cred, fuck that. these dudes just dont get it, you know?

lechaoscestmoi 12.03.2008 09:23 AM

yeah, i can't stand that music. even stuff like converge which i used to kinda like, simply don't do a thing for me anymore.

Derek 12.03.2008 09:30 AM

Converge are actually the only metalcore band I like.

lechaoscestmoi 12.03.2008 09:32 AM

jane doe is pretty much superior to any other album in that genre.

uhler 12.03.2008 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by uhler

metalcore is terrible, just the sound of it yknow its gonna be pure macho sleaze bullshit. these bands think they can throw in as many chug riffs and blast beats in a song as possible and get artistic cred, fuck that. these dudes just dont get it, you know?

or you get the really macho meathead bands that only care about the breakdown. i remember when i was younger i would always wait for the breakdown and until it came i was like, "this song sucks." then the breakdown came and i was all about it.

uhler 12.03.2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by lechaoscestmoi
jane doe is pretty much superior to any other album in that genre.

i think they peaked with "petitioning the empty sky". with "jane doe" i thought they threw too much shit in one blender just to see how it would sound when it came out.

blunderbuss 12.03.2008 04:54 PM

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
Anthrax - Among The Living
Stormtroopers Of Death - Speak English Or Die
Various (Stupids / Electro Hippies / Extreme Noise Terror / Bolt Thrower / Intense Degree / Unseen Terror / Napalm Death / Doctor and the Crippens / Doom) - Hardcore Holocaust (87-88 Peel Sessions)

el duderino 12.03.2008 06:28 PM

Thrash ended when Dave Mustaine turned Christian.

max 12.03.2008 07:20 PM

here's your sorry pathetic ass showing up for more displays of ignorance. mustaine knew his shit, but there's always been a shitload of bands that brought thrash forward.
you just lose, dude.

gmku 12.03.2008 07:25 PM


vulva 12.03.2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by max
here's your sorry pathetic ass showing up for more displays of ignorance. mustaine knew his shit, but there's always been a shitload of bands that brought thrash forward.
you just lose, dude.

Mustaine didn't know shit, he just surrounded himself by better musicians and took upon the role of the leader. When the creativity around him started dying out, the music began to suffer. It's not Christianity that killed Megadeth, it was a combo of Dave giving up drugs and surrounding himself around musicians who have no inspiration anymore and went for musicians who all had other established acts. These new guys he's with have nothing to prove nor do they add anything new to the mix. Whether it's Lomenzo or Drover or Broadrick or whoever, Mustaine has no one to actually be inspired by.

For bonus fun, here's a picture of me whiping my ass with a United Abominations shirt while with the band themselves:


el duderino 12.03.2008 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by max
here's your sorry pathetic ass showing up for more displays of ignorance. mustaine knew his shit, but there's always been a shitload of bands that brought thrash forward.
you just lose, dude.

Calm that shit down there chief.

Yeah, if you want the coolest Thrash bands then look over to Germany. Fucking Kreator, Sodom et al.

But for me Mustaine is king. Total arrogance, total cheeseball attitude, a demon on the gat and 80's as fuck. Way more character than Metallica. That is what I wanna hear in thrash.

vulva 12.03.2008 08:16 PM

For what it's worth, the majority of my life I've been a rabid Megadeth fanboy. It just so happens that the last couple efforts were abortions.

batreleaser 12.03.2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by lechaoscestmoi
ain't that a mayhem album?

yeah, i listened to both mayhem-de mysterriees and celtic frost-to mega therion in the same day, i meant to mega therion

blunderbuss 12.04.2008 01:58 AM

Megadeth were fucking awful when I saw them in 1988.

uhler 12.04.2008 02:35 AM

megadeth have always been awful.

Death & the Maiden 12.04.2008 05:38 AM

Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Metallica - Master of Puppets

max 12.06.2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by el duderino
Calm that shit down there chief.

Yeah, if you want the coolest Thrash bands then look over to Germany. Fucking Kreator, Sodom et al.

But for me Mustaine is king. Total arrogance, total cheeseball attitude, a demon on the gat and 80's as fuck. Way more character than Metallica. That is what I wanna hear in thrash.

yeah but then again i think all of us who wrote about deth in thirs thread are generally saying the same thing in different words.

were cool, ain't no more.
even if he still writes neat shit.

not lyrics tho.
damn the dude is nuts.

vulva 12.06.2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Death & the Maiden
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Metallica - Master of Puppets

nothing about Puppets is thrash

max 12.06.2008 06:02 PM

I do agree.

luckynumber9 12.06.2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
nothing about Puppets is thrash

Parts of it are speed metal though

Dead-Air 12.06.2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
nothing about Puppets is thrash

"Damage Inc." is pretty thrashy. Nothing else really though.

vulva 12.07.2008 02:31 AM

Puppets is basically a prog metal album

Dead-Air 12.07.2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
Puppets is basically a prog metal album

Parts of it, yeah (the two C'thulhu songs in particular). I don't think "Disposable Heroes" is prog metal though, and "Damage Inc." certainly isn't.

Overall, I'd say it's pretty much a heavy metal album drawing from various aspects of the genre from thrash to prog in a surprisingly cohesive manner. It effectively established Metallica as the definitive band of the whole genre for their day precisely because of their ability to unify the sounds of the underground and the more mainstream in one solid package.

vulva 12.07.2008 07:29 PM

Either way, regardless of genre it's a pretty shitty album.

atsonicpark 12.07.2008 08:11 PM

Yeah, Masters of Puppet isn't trash, it is an amazing album though. "Orion" and the title track are masterpieces.


Dead-Air 12.07.2008 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
Either way, regardless of genre it's a pretty shitty album.

Well, that is a matter of taste, and I never try to argue taste one way or the other.

I don't like it anywhere near as much as I did when I was 18 and it was brand new. Still, I think it's solidly constructed and historically important and enjoyable every now and again. But I have no argument for why anyone should like the album or the group or the genre. Aside from really good weed of course.

atsonicpark 12.08.2008 08:31 AM

I think I like it more now than I did when Metallica was my favorite band when I was 10-12 years old. It gets better with time.

Derek 08.14.2010 06:57 PM

Been listening to Megadeth a lot recently and I really do think 'Killing is my Business' is the best SPEED metal album. It's not life changing or anything, it just does exactly what it sets out to do and does it extremely well.

the ikara cult 08.14.2010 07:00 PM

if Overkill byMotorhead counts, then thats the final answer

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