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sonic chronology for every relevant event in your life.
okay this is a fucked up list that's why it's fun and belongs to SONIC YOUTH GOSSIP.
Think about all those records/songs/bands that remind you of people, situations, phases, good and bad memories. Make a list and post it here. --- I made mine because I wanted to share my deepest darkest secrets (the bad music) with you guys and because i'm emo and bored. so here it goesss (music chronology. educational self help introspective shit.) /I'll start with 2003 because I don't remember caring much about new music before that, I don't remember much about anything before I was 14 actually:moved to canada with my father after a fucked up childhood. I listened to Garbage and Dido. 15 year old teen angst - Nirvana. Nirvana was suicidal comfort. I think every rock oriented kid has had Nirvanitis. my first kickass concert and first joint: The White Stripes. I remember being a loner and spending all my lunch money on cds. I discovered good bands (that sounded the same), I was into detroit rock then. So pretencious! The Stooges. The Gories. The Go. Soledad Brothers. And I was a chilean girl living in Toronto. after several fights with my father (he came out of the closet and I hated him for it) we came back to Chile. he went to buy cigarettes and never came back. I'd listen to In Utero everyday (Nirvanitis had its first anniversary) Entered rehab for manic depression in March 2004- I spent more time reading than listening to music here. it's funny, I read The Catcher in the Rye all through my 10 day clinic experience... Seeing double was fun. Still I had my CD player with the detroit shit, Velvet Underground and Smashing Pumpkins. My post rehab drugged happy self: THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON and Pink Floyd. I remember being high on anti depressives was like smoking Guna Guna. Björk was there too. Jimi Hendrix. Pixies. and then... I came back living with my mom, it was a mess, went to my grandmother's. Bernard Herrman. (yes, with the london philarmonic, Hitchcock soundtracks were creepy fun) The Who. The Libertines. The Runaways. Patti Smith. Led Zep. Interpol. It was a mix of trendy NY bullshit with Classic Rock. My life and music got better later that year: I met Portishead, Sonic Youth, Blonde Redhead and I fell in love, had my first hetero sex with Misery is a Butterfly, my first lesbo sex with Dummy etc. 2005: this year was fun; I had a huge crush on this gothpunk cokehead anorexic vegan boy. He introduced me to Siouxsie, the Cure,Joy Division, drugs and booze and Neubaten. I dyed my hair hot pink and dressed in thrift stores. Of course, I was smoking brown weed and failing school, but I had friends and fun and living the leisure class life. Sex Pistols. July 2005: My dad called. He was livin' la vida loca in the south- I guess he got bored of casual anal sex or felt guilty about something and realized he had left a daughter behind. BOSSA NOVA and JAZZ. My hair still pink, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto, Coltrane, Nina Simone, Ella. He gave me all his CDs I don't know why, but it was the best gift ever. He also gave me 5 marijuana plants, 1 skang. (I had no idea how to grow weed then so I fucked it up) September 2005: I helped my history teacher with some english translations; there was an international school project going on about Global Citizenship. 5 schools from 5 countries involved (Austria, Netherlands, Cameroon, Italy and Chile). I did a good work (I guess that's why I didn't drop out) and to my surprise, a student meeting came up. Location: The Netherlands. I was thrilled. Even more surprising: my classmates voted for me to attend. So I went there and it was fucking amazing. The Velvet Underground, Laurie Anderson. I met the most beautiful people, it was just 10 days but we built friendship and I'm still in touch with the Austrians. So yeah it was a good year until it ended and depression made its appearance again. 2006: Last year of highschool. Shitty year. My psychiatrist gave me lithium and it fucked me up. Joy Division and every other manic depressive music. I remember nothing. 2007: entered Film School. Bunch of hippies and frat boys. I realized how much I hate the Beatles. Got good grades, got drunk, got bored. I listened more to Sonic Youth (Daydream Nation, Goo and Murray ZZstreet was all I knew) and I met noise and rock and it was all very inspiring and crazy (yes I'm being sarcastic, the drugs and alcoholism lied to me with bullshit concepts of art and living the moment that lead me nowhere, sticking to my shitty Film School km²) ANYWAY, the present. I left Film School 5 months ago, I couldn't let the bullshit go any further. 3 semesters is enough. Early Sonic Youth, Throwing Muses, Hendrix cheer me up. I could make a biographic psychological report linked to my last.fm charts but I think I'm going to keep it to myself, this is enough./ It's funny how music affects emotions and self indulgence and its link with memory. It can be beneficial or have a negative effect, either way it's a factor in my life. OK now tell me about yours. |
the yellow text looks like shit.
good thread, i don't have time to write a full list at the moment though but the first thing that springs to mind is riding the subway in tokyo in 2001 and listening to james brown on my walkman
As a teen i would listen to just about any French variété / FM rock thhat i would stumble upon. Serious business started when i turned 12 and started to hang out with a dude form school that was the perfect ANTI-ME (as far as social background and basic education were concerned), it turned me to thrash and death metal and i spent two whole years listening exclsuively to early Sepultura and Obituary. At the same time i discovered Nirvana. When I turned 15 i turned to less eltitst (ha ha) muzak with another friend who made me listen Hendrix et all while i was starting to learn how to play drums i a school cover band. Shit we were POPULAR, playing RHCP covers. meh!! Good times though, i didn't knwo any better. With another friend i stated to smoke pot rather heavily at week ends and we would listen to the Doors in his car while realizing the car was shaking (that's the pot).
I discovered most of the music i listen to now when i turned 17, going to college / uni in a bigger city with proper music stores. Pixies, Sebadoh, Pavement and SY with Washing Machine back in 1995. I have countless memories listening to SY. Wild sex on coke with Diamond Sea, considering killing myself for real listening to ATL a few years later... Then i tuned to mathrock via Don Cab and haven't ceased exploring ever since. While in england for a year, i turned to jazz Coltrane, Miles etc.. Another Friend turned me to the Gastr Grubbs O'Rourke Sea and cake, tortoise constellation back in 1999. That was good. He also made me listen to Endless summer by Fennesz that same year thus leading me to more experimental stuff. What was good is that the O'Rourke, Toral breach was somehow heavily related to SY in which i was already totally into. You know it could go one for ever. yeah. stream of consciousness writing a la Batreleaser sorry. |
12-13=Classic rock-Zeppelin, Doors, Floyd
13-15=Big 3 Punk bands (Pistols, Ramones, Clash), more Doors, Mars Volta, At The Drive-in ...then in late October/early November of my sophomore year of High School I bought Daydream Nation, cue SY, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine 15-18=SY, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine, with some post-punk and goth 18-about 3 months ago=lots of SY and shoegaze with a good smattering of indie rock 3 months ago-present=loads of Bauhaus, The Cure, Skinny Puppy and the resurgence of Punk of all kinds. Hardcore, Horror, Post-Hardcore, Straght-edge, you name it. |
Interesting thread idea. Instead of important world events, I actually measure my own life's events against what Sonic Youth were doing at the time. Kinda lame I know, but unless you measure dates against something else it just becomes meaningless numbers.
pre-16: Utter crap mostly, I owned a Jeff Buckley album, that says enough. I'm at secondary school, a good studious young man, well behaved, quiet. Never kissed a girl, scrawny young lad who had bearly hit puberty and was far smaller than his mates, dangerously effeminate, crap at sports. Good group of mates, but kids are cruel (particularly at my school) so no one does anything out of the ordinary. I wind up with the best GCSEs in the school, but it doesn't please me whatsoever. Like any spotty masturbating 15 year old I adore Led Zeppelin. My music comes from my parents' in hindsight quite small taste - Zep, Beatles, Kate Bush, bit of Genesis. I pretty much know nothing about music at this point.
16/first year of college: Easily the most lonely year of my life. I found it pretty difficult too make friends. Spend most of my time by myself, studying hard. I become distant from the friends I had at school. My brother leaves to work and live in Africa, our relationship desintigrates entirely. I don't see him at all from then until now accept for a few weeks each year. Left with just my parents. But this is also most important year of my life in terms of making me who I am now. Firstly I discover music I have a massive passion for; Syd Barrett's Pink Floyd. I become a music fan when I buy (and overlisten too) The Madcap Laughs and Piper At The Gates. I meet a guy at my first ever job who introduces me to the world of alternative music- It's not the same type of alt. music I explore now, but those CDs I bought (which, shockingly for the time, no one had heard of) still mean alot to me today, largely trip hop and turntabalism, Portishead, Massive Attack, N.O.W, some acid jazz and a bit of rap. I also did things which were'nt wise, I got heavily into weed, and spent most of my earning on the stuff. It only makes me more paranoid and socially inept at college. 17/second year of college: A good year, largely for one reason- GIRLS. Or rather 'girl', I get a girlfriend basically. I have my first kiss and loose my virginity in the same year. I love her very much, she understands me and loves me back, and I love being around her because I make her laugh so much. I start hanging around with guys I knew from school again more now, and to my surprise they're fans of this 'alternative music' thing too, ones a little Gothlet and another is a fledgling fan of extreme metal. We hang around eachother's places alot, smoking weed and making eachother mix CDs and then review them. Some of the best times of my life. I still smoke shit loads of weed, and my girlfriend doesn't approve of this. I explore further hip hop and now a bit of alternative rock. I start collecting vinyl, a big move in my approach too music and also my life in general, cos I start blowing all my money on music and not weed, I loose interest in the drug. I'm into hip-hop in a big way now, more rap than before - Tribe, De La, Public Enemy, Common and what have you. Alt rock- MBV, Echo & The Bunnymen, Can, Velvet Underground and my first SY album were bought in this time, though I didn't think much of them at this time. My relationship desintigrates soon after finally taking eachother's virginitys, we go to India for a month and here it becomes apparent it is irrepairable. 18/ Art Foundation course: Can some up this year in 2 words. SONIC LIFE! I become an obbsessive SY fan and spend much of the year blowing my money on their material. I explore Noise-Rock and experimental music further. By this point I think I'm pretty clued up on music, and know whats out there for me. I start clubbing which boosts my confidence hugely, I start enjoying being who I am and feeling interesting for the first time. I start taking class A and class B drugs at clubs, a decision I have yet too regret and defend wholly. I discover the joys of live music. Starting with my first real gig that I go to myself Damo Suzuki's Network and ending with MBV just before I become 19. I discover I am bi-sexual. I do things on my own instead of waiting on my mates, and therefore discover how to meet people and talk to strangers properly. I become an artist rather than an art student, I ace my course and come away from the course with a very strong friendship. Bad end to the year, some heavy shit goes down in my friendship group, I get pretty down, but largely I needed a change of scene after living, studying and working in the same place... 19/Uni- I move out and go to live and study in London. Only been 19 for a few monthes, but so far the uni experience has been awesome, drugs, alcohol, clubbing, boy-nookie, studying art alongside old and new friends. When it isn't great, life is exciting because tomorrow is unexpected and anything can happen. I start truely listening too what I want too rather than what I'm expected too, develop some fucking shameless guilty pleasures life Grace Jones and Be Your Own Pet. Life is good. |
I can't remember much of my musical history. When I was young into NIRVANA. I mean this was probably 6th grade which means I was like 12/13? but yeah I was into a lot of music my brother was into. He's 10 years older than me. So his high school music taste consisted of A LOT of Pearl Jam and Nirvana, which are two of my faves now. I was really into a lot of mainstream shit (RHCP, White Stripes, U2, The Hives, The Vines, Mars Volts). Once freshman year started....smokin' pot became more of a routine and Led Zep and Floyd entered my library. Soon after that....Sonic Youth. After beginning to listen to SY I started to investigate different sounds. After that, the internet became my best friend. Blonde Redhead, Arcade Fire, Dino Jr., Jefferson Airplane and Velvet underground.
Ever since the day I listened to SY, my taste in music was changed forever...kind of. |
I never had a "Nirvana" phase. It would seem like I would have, but I never did.
Maybe now is the time? Listen to In Utero.
Oh, I've listened to everything they've put out, but I was never "ZOMG! Nirvana are one of the best bands ever". Their best song is the cover of "Where Did Your Sleep Last Night", aside from that, I can't be bothered with anything else.
the only nirvana song I ever listened to very much was aneurysm. And arguably marigold.
Anyway, one time I heard Captain Beefheart and it blew my mind. The end. |
Too old for Nirvana. Never too old for the lolcats. |
Ha ha!
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^ his O face?
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started liking simple catchy music and got complicated as did my life.
some times it's not that complicated so i still listen to simple catchy music occasionally. |
haha! yeah, really. sonicpark: the will smith post is a fail. why don't you tell me what were you listening to when you saw your first Kitano film? : ) |
I really liked your posts guys, thanks for sharing.
Sometime around 1980, 13 years old, purchased a used copy of Led Zeppelin I at my comic book store for one dollar. Soon thereafter picked up The Yes Album for the same price at the same place.
Early '80s, early teen years, spent listening to huge amounts of Led Zeppelin, Yes, Rush, and also stuff as ridiculous as Triumph. Fall of 1984, age 17, thoroughly bored with the radio as I understood it, I was randomly flipping around the dial and hit the tail end of Sonic Youth's "She's in a Bad Mood" on Seattle's college station KCMU. Life forever changed instantly. Later that year and into next (senior year of High School), purchased Bad Moon Rising, Let It Be by the Replacements, the first couple R.E.M. albums, and some lesser but still decent college rock like Rain Parade. August of 1985 saw Sonic Youth at Gorilla Gardens in Seattle with Upright Citizens (German hardcore) and Green River opening. The crowd was mostly "death rock" (proto-goth) kids as that was the scene in Seattle at the time. First two bands were well received by crowd and I was blown away by Green River myself. Room full at start of SY set, which is basically Bad Moon Rising straight through including segues. Room empty except for about 5 people by the time they finished, my head burried in Thurston's monitor. The rest of that summer included seeing shows by Tupelo Chain Sex, U-men, more Green River, and Malfunkshun. Fall of 1985, went to Western Washington University in Bellingham. Immediately set out to get a radio show on KUGS FM and did, using the name Ricardo Wang I'd used in a garage band earlier that year for God knows what reason. Stayed up all night on the air playing noise rock, psychedelic stuff, and really just about everything (discovered Sun Ra around this time). Started smoking pot and taking copious amounts of LSD. 1986 - made friends with fellow KUGS dj Steve Turner who'd been the guitarist in Green River from before when I'd seen them. He hated the band at that point for being too "progressive". I used to borrow a lot of records from him for my radio show. Saw the first K tour in Bellingham with Screaming Trees, Girl Trouble, Beat Happening, and Mecca Normal. Lots of other amazing shows including everyone from Burning Spear to the Wipers. With all of the pot I was smoking, I got pretty heavy into undergroundish metal at the time too, especially Metallica who I continued to love until the boring black album. Not doing too well in school... 1987-1988 moved back to Seattle and started working for a living in a really lame print shop/art gallery in Pioneer Square. Really good time to be in Seattle musically though. Green River until they broke up, U-men until they broke up (including opening for Big Black!), Pere Ubu reunion tour, Walkabouts (a whole lot, they were one of my favorite local bands), Pussy Galore, Sonic Youth every tour except Sister (they played the Central Tavern weeks before I turned 21!), Live Skull, Butthole Surfers, Jesse Bernstein (I was doing my own live poetry thing at the time too and kept at that until the early '90s), Alice in Chains when they were actually a pretty decent club band (I never liked a single record they did), and of course Mudhoney after Green River broke up. Towards the end of 1988 I went to see Skin Yard at Squid Row and there was this opening band Nirvana. There were like three people in the audience, me included. They were the most powerful underground metal band I'd ever heard, completely blew my mind. I decided I'd been rocked as hard as was possible and left before the headliners, saying to myself as I walked out the door, "That's the best band in the world, and nobody will ever know!" End of '80s start of '90s: you know what happened in Seattle. I was at many shows before it all blew up and some afterward. My own tastes diversified and I saw people like Sun Ra and Allen Ginsberg live, though of course Mudhoney, Nirvana, Coffin Break and all the rest too. I got pretty heavy into Patti Smith and then Brian Eno records. I got married for the fist time to a girl I met at a Kildozer show (though she wasn't into them and had been dragged there by friends). Went with her to see the Grateful Dead and took way, way too many mushrooms leading to a major identity questioning trip while they played "Feel Like a Stranger". Continued doing the poetry thing, but usually with musician friends behind me, or weird cut up casette things I'd do. 1993 moved to Olympia to try to finish school at the Evergreen State College where they gave people degrees for the weird shit I did on my own. Immediately got on the air at KAOS FM where I would remain for ten years, now with a focus more on "experimental music" but really playing everything from Miles Davis to the Sun City Girls. Met Calvin Johnson through a friend who was sleeping with him after I'd been there about two months. Saw Bikini Kill, Huggy Bear, Azalia Snail, Godheadsilo, Irving Klaw Trio, Witchy Poo, Unwound, and really so many bands I couldn't begin to list them all. Then Cobain killed himself, and I formed my first active band That Stupid Club in honor of the news headlines (yes this was a bad thing to name your band in Olympia where many people had been his friends, live and learn). We played a sort of experimental post-grunge noise rock that never really connected with the indie rock scene of the day in Oly. Plus the name was instant animosity with some. My wife left me in 1995, which meant she left the band, but we became heavier for it. Also that year, I started the annual Olympia Experimental Music Festival, which is still going strong coming on #15. Best divorce period live gig: Painkiller up in Seattle, without ear plugs! Around 1997ish, after doing the vocalist in a rock group thing for a while to no acclaim, I decided to start a side project built primarily around my borrowed moog keyboard and other weird electronics. While walking through the parking lot of the night club Thekla, my foot accidentally kicked a discarded pine tree air freshener, and I said to myself, "Wow, a dead air freshener" which became the name of the band. I decided to make the cast of people in it non-fixed so we couldn't ever really "break up", and just get various friends I knew who were great musicians to play when they felt like it. 13 years later, and that's still pretty much the way it goes though now the members are spread over close to 300 miles. I turned 30 that year, and Karp played my birthday party. I also became the Sunday night dj at Thekla spinning '80s music (ironically, mostly the new wave stuff I hated in the '80s, but the money and sex were really good...) I called myself DJ Dead Air as a spin off from Dead Air Fresheners and also because when I fucked up, which was a lot, I could claim it was all part of the act. 2002 was the year Thekla closed and I was suddenly washing dishes for a living in my '30s and it was also the year Unwound broke up which was essentially the last gasp of the legendary Olympia music scene. My girlfriend and I had quit drinking to pull our lives together and decided it was time to get the hell out of town, so we moved to Portland. Somehow we ended up in a house on Olympia Street and we ended up buying it from the landlords. There is no escape. I've seen some great acts in Portland since moving here of course: Rocket from the Tombs, Melvins, Legendary Pink Dots, Sun City Girls (RIP!) with No Neck Blues Band opening, Sonic Youth a few times too. My wife and I were married in 2003 and played a Sun Ra song as part of the ceremony. Dead Air Fresheners continued to play and have gotten a surprising amount of local recognition we never got in Olympia. I found KPSU in 2005 and convinced them to let me do my former late night KAOS show What's This Called? on Saturdays at noon. I'm still there. Turned 40 in 2007 on stage with the Dead Air Fresheners: photo here. |
12 - Robbie Williams was my favourite musician, leads to accusations of being gay.
13 - The Caesars became my favourite band, it gives me a taste for liking something that nobody else knew about. Later in the year I watch School of Rock, which has a Ramones song in its soundtrack. I buy Hey! Ho! Let's Go! The Anthology, and music becomes the main part of my life. The Ramones inspire me to learn guitar (though my friend also helped: he told me he was going to learn drums and he'd found someone to play bass, and I could join his band. I said I wanted to be the singer, and he told me I had the worst singing voice ever, so I wasn't allowed to, and I decided to do the next best thing). I discover more of the punk bands such as The Clash, the Sex Pistols etc. 14 - I listen to Television's Marquee Moon, soon after I parade around school claiming Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd are the greatest guitarists ever. Everyone laughs at me because they all think Television is the worst band name ever. More discoveries include The Smiths and The Saints. 15 - I watch Silver Rockets and Kool Things... I buy Daydream Nation, which I will soon love. The Verlaines and other Flying Nun bands. I have a go at playing keyboard, once I work out how to play chords, I decide I want to get a quality one. I discover the Laughing Clowns, who will later become my favourite band. For my birthday I get an Epiphone Les Paul, based on its looks. 16 - I get a keyboard. After searching through Wikipedia, I discover a band called Mayhem - I'm intrigued my the stories behind them, but I don't like the music. Later I buy an album of theirs, and Black Metal becomes one of my main obsessions. I discover Ed Kuepper, who soon becomes my idol. The Laughing Clowns inspire me to get a saxophone, and I decide I want to learn as many instruments as possible, later I get a drum kit and start up my one man band. Einstuerzende Neubauten's Haus der Luege becomes my allt ime favourite album. |
I'll also mention that the songs that made me love Zeppelin were the early versions of Dazed and Confused and White Summer. Also, Jimmy Page inspired me to play guitar and buy a Telecaster instead of a Strat.
A lot of thoughtful responses here, and thats awesome. Good thread to read.
I'm actually listening to Daydream Nation at the moment and, dont kill me but, I havent listened to it in a few years. It's difficult for me, because the event of my first listening to it coincides with the very first explosion of what music could be outside of my household. I was 14, and since then at the time it'd been 5 years that I'd been gulping down some vigorous chokes of my parents music - the doors, led zep, fleetwood mac, the beatles, black sabbath. But then this boy appeared with golden cobain locks, painted nails, acoustic guitar and modest ideals. It was 1998 at the time, and I'd just been digging into my older brothers collection of nirvana and white zombie. Well, as it turns out. I'd rather leave it at that and continue to appreciate this than dig more into those times. Point is, that is some sonic chronology on my part . |
6-11: Listened to whatever was on the radio, usually picked by my older sister.
12-16: Very unusual time. Could appreciate classical, film scores, and some techno, but didn't listen to it actively. A little afraid of loud guitar-based stuff, which caused me to miss out on experiencing firsthand some of the stuff I worship today (Nirvana, Pantera, Smashing Pumpkins, Tool, Radiohead, and of course, SY). Irony: learned basics of guitar in school at this time, but gave it up in about a year. 17: First exposure to real punk rock via hearing some punker chick's Aus Rotten tape. Started trying to experience music by looking at band tees, hanging around music nerds, and reading books about it-basically, doing everything but actually LISTENING to it. 18-19: My radio rock years. Totally into rap metal, pop punk, and industrial (of the Static-X/Orgy/Spineshank/Rammstein variety). Picked up the guitar again, but dabbled in keyboards first. Evicted from cableless home to cabled home, which gave access to MTV2, MTVX, and the 1st generation of Music Choice. Later, got into classic rock when I felt I'd heard everything on modern rock radio. Discovered Nirvana. 20: Discovered SY! Took real guitar lessons for a year. Discovered indie, Brit-rock and early punk (Sex Pistols, the Damned, etc.). 21-22: Music snob years. Despised (sp?) anything on the radio. Discovered classic alternative (Velvet Underground, the Pixies, the Cure, the Smiths, Joy Division). Decided to play some keyboard again. 23-24: Began listening to non-guitar based music more actively. Learned to appreciate jazz, funk, soul, R 'n' B, and some pop. Started playing with other people and formed first band. Really into Pink Floyd. 25 to present: I'll pretty much listen to anything as long as it doesn't annoy me in some way. |
This is completely irrevalent, but I really dont get a lot of pink floyd influence. I mean...I get a track here and there, but how theres this whole statement devoted to being into pink floyd and that representing something.....they (the mish mash) are either truly culturally vital, or the culture is continually dependant on vague constants. Who knows.
both. |
10-12years old i was really into U2, then around '92 i got bitten by the Nirvana bug and the whole grunge thing and i built up a nice record collection with the likes of SY,Pixies Dinosaur Jr etc but even had older groups like the Rolling Stones, i was also heavily into all the "Riot Grrrl" stuff aswell and bought every Huggy Bear release. I was now about 14 and in my second year of high school i think and then something happend Kurt died and i stopped listening to Nirvana and got into Jungle and old skool Hardcore/Rave i sold almost every record i owned to buy illegal substances but for some reason i keeped all my SY stuff (thankfully!) even though i didn't really listen to it anymore, the last SY album i bought was EJSTANS and at the time i thought it wasn't very good, anyway after about 4 years of Drum 'n Bass i started to find it all boring, even now i think that DnB from 97 onwards is generally shit. Probably around 1998 i went through a phase of listening to a lot hip hop and also got into Aphex Twin. 2000 onwards was when i started listening to lots of "Noise". I am listening to a bit of everything now but SY have always and i think will always remain my fav, i'm so glad i didn't sell my SY collection but i did get rid of alot of rare vinyl which i am still regret and i'm trying to buy again, oh and i can now even appreciate EJSTANS now not one of their best but not shit either. I still really like Jungle from between 1991-1996.
4-7; the stones, led zeppelin, the kinks, van morrison, neil young, the who
7-10: sabbath, metallica, slayer, iron maiden 10-14: black flag, bad brains, dri, mdc, crass, punk pretty much 14-17: the velvet underground, the stooges, sonic youth, captain beefheart, albert ayler, coltrane, etc.. 17-19: boredoms, sun city girls, teenage jesus and the jerks, to live and shave in la 20-21 (aka now): everything that doesn't suck, but mostly OUT shit |
Ah, batreleaser has the right idea.
4-7; guns n roses, metallica, the misfits (first tape i ever got that my stepdad gave me!), suicidal tendencies 7-10: slayer, iron maiden, black sabbath 10-14: pixies, melt banana, various grindcore bands, merzbow 14-17: boredoms, captain beefheart, polysics, william basinski, stereolab 17-19: slowdive, harry partch, sun city girls, stars of the lid, various no wave bands 20-22 (aka now): iannis xenakis, john fahey, robbie basho, six organs of admittance, etc.... also constantly in search for weird stuff. |
nice comprehensive list, i tried to keep it as basic as possible.
Oh, I also wanted to mention, there isn't one band I mentioned that I don't listen to anymore, I still love all of those. I prolly listened to some real shit stuff to, just can't remember it.
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