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lechaoscestmoi 11.05.2008 05:04 AM

the official zappa vs. beefheart thread

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 06:26 AM

You're kidding, right?

Beefheart by a billion miles.

wellcharge 11.05.2008 06:37 AM

zappa is so much better than beefheart it's ridiculous, of course beefheart will get 90% of this poll

Onani Nic 11.05.2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
zappa is so much better than beefheart it's ridiculous, of course beefheart will get 90% of this poll

Why is Zappa so much better? Just wondering why you think this, cause I've always found him kind of annoying.

noisereductions 11.05.2008 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
zappa is so much better than beefheart it's ridiculous, of course beefheart will get 90% of this poll

you are correct, sir.

noisereductions 11.05.2008 08:12 AM

OK wait, I dnt even know if Zappa's better to be honest. Because I listen to a lot of Zappa, and I've only heard one Beefheart album (SAFE AS MILK y'all). So who knows. But I "prefer" Zappa at this point, because I listen to him.

wellcharge 11.05.2008 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Onani Nic
Why is Zappa so much better? Just wondering why you think this, cause I've always found him kind of annoying. he's kind of annoying, but he's written several hundred awesome songs,that counts for alot in my book

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 08:27 AM

Several HUNDRED? I doubt that. Either way, he's written several hundred awful songs as well. He also has released more shitty albums than almost any artist I can think of -- 3 discs of nothing but guitar solos may just be so random, off-the-wall example, but I think it's a good indication of his quality control. Don't get me wrong, Zappa was brilliant -- but he's nowhere in the same league as Beefheart. Really, it's difficult to even compare the two.. I just think Zappa had more of a brilliance encompassing everything... album art, his movies, stage performances, etc. But when it comes down to JUST music, Beefheart is easily superior. Literally nothing sounded ANYTHING like Beefheart when he came out -- you could say the same for Zappa but I don't think he turned rock upside down like Beefheart. Beefheart is probably the most important musical composer (note that he calls his songs "compositions" and not songs) since Harry Partch.

Seriously, name a Zappa song half as brilliant as "Sheriff of Hong Kong", "1010th of the Human Totem Pole", "Suction Prints", "Steal Softly Thru Snow", "Ella Guru", "Electricity", etc etc etc etc etc... Beefheart is probably the only modern musician who is deservedly called a genius.

Either way, please don't make uninformed votes, everyone. If all you've heard is "Safe As Milk" or whatever, you don't even know what Beefheart is about.

noisereductions 11.05.2008 08:33 AM

yeah but the question is who do you "prefer", not who's better.

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 08:34 AM

Sure, but wellcharge is the one throwing "Better" in the mix. But, yeah, sure, I prefer the better one; either way...

noisereductions 11.05.2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Sure, but wellcharge is the one throwing "Better" in the mix. But, yeah, sure, I prefer the better one; either way...


batreleaser 11.05.2008 09:28 AM

retarded poll

Pookie 11.05.2008 09:28 AM

Let's hope the statistic of a stupidity level of 24% has improved since last time

SYRFox 11.05.2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Beefheart is probably the only modern musician who is deservedly called a genius.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
If you can't get into Boredoms, I find that kinda odd. But oh well. One of the best bands ever, of course, but I guess .. um .. well, I dunno. If it doesn't do it for you, it doesn't do it for you. Whatever. Me, personally, I'd consider them the only band currently around that can probably rightfully be considered GENIUS. enius


Pookie 11.05.2008 09:34 AM


SYRFox 11.05.2008 09:37 AM

Nope, but for some reason I can remember pretty well what people say on message board. Some folk on a french site used to think I took notes of what people said

noisereductions 11.05.2008 09:39 AM


Pookie 11.05.2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
I always write down what folk say so I can stalk more affectively.

I remember also.

SYRFox 11.05.2008 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I remember also.


sarramkrop 11.05.2008 10:00 AM

On our way from Stockholm
Started to snow
And you said it was like Christmas
But you were wrong
It wasn't like Christmas at all

By the time we got to Oslo
Snow was gone
And we got lost
The beds were small
But we felt so young
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas

It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas

noisereductions 11.05.2008 10:44 AM

sarramkrop, OK I'll bite. Why the hell did you post that?

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 11:41 AM

Bahaha, Syrfox, you try WAY too hard.

If you observe both statements instead of just reading the bolded letters, note I said "the only musicians currently around" when talking about Boredoms. Beefheart hasn't made in album in 27 years. Also, note that Beefheart is continuously called "genius" by everyone, including John Peel; there are no arguments about his genius -- hence why I said "he's DESERVEDLY called a genius"... whereas something like the Boredoms being geniuses probably is questionable amongst the music community. Finally, Beefheart is one person (he wrote all the music), Boredoms are a band. I think I made them pretty clear in both statements (noting Beefheart is a genius musician by himself -- to take nothing away from the Magic Band! -- and Boredoms is a genius band). As a band, they might be genius; I dunno about separately. Beefheart, though, is the be-all/end-all of genius music of the past 30 years to me and a lot of people.

Either way, I know you try really hard to appear intelligent and "cool" and I'm proud of you for your efforts but this incident actually comes off as creepy... and you failed at appearing as anything except creepy, so...

sarramkrop 11.05.2008 11:45 AM

Even if the case was that atsonicpark had suddenly changed his mind, isn't that a human thing to do? Fuck, I sound like Morrisey typing this.

SYRFox 11.05.2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Either way, I know you try really hard to appear intelligent and "cool" and I'm proud of you for your efforts but this incident actually comes off as creepy... and you failed at appearing as anything except creepy, so...

i don't give a fuck about what people are thinking about me. i wasn't even trying to make a point - i just remembered the boredoms thread and thought "eh".
but it's nice to see you're always talking shit about people on here ("oooh they're all licking thurston's arse" "oooh they're all close minded" "oooh this board is declining" "oooh these threads sucks" - yet you're complaining about it), when you can't even support a simple message about you.

SYRFox 11.05.2008 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Even if the case was that atsonicpark had suddenly changed his mind, isn't that a human thing to do? Fuck, I sound like Morrisey typing this.

Of course he can - I recently bumped a thread about M.I.A. that I made ages ago, because I had changed my mind about her music, that I used to find boring. as i said, i wasn't even trying to make a particular point there

Derek 11.05.2008 12:05 PM

Let's all chill and make love.

tesla69 11.05.2008 12:06 PM

beefheart is our own syd barrett, living out a life of painterly obscurity in some Oregon coastal town...

sarramkrop 11.05.2008 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
beefheart is our own syd barrett, living out a life of painterly obscurity in some Oregon coastal town...

musically better, with all due respect.

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 12:12 PM

Haha. My, aren't we defensive! Now we can all see you for how you really are -- the minute someone calls you out and doesn't go "my syrfox aren't you FUNNY and CLEVEr!" you freak out. That is funny. All I said was this particular incident was creepy; not sure if that's "talking shit". I guess I'm just.. uh.. honest... when.. I reply.. to things.. if that's okay with you?... I know that's really weird (and not "cool") but I call it like I see it. Who cares? I know that since I'm knowledgable about things and can't stand closeminded idiots (of which, admittingly, there are very few of on this board, which is why I continue to post here), I'm automatically an asshole. I've accepted that. It sucks to actually know things! I wouldn't suggest it to anyone!

By the way, I'm curious when I said "these threads suck" (except the I Want to Be Beaten Thread that you started, which is honestly a sucky thread, though it's kinda fun in all its suckiness). Come on, quote man, pull me up some quotes of me insulting people's threads and talkin' dat mad shit that I guess I do so often!.. I mean, since we're getting technical here, you're the one derailing this particular thread; I'm curious, do you even listen to Beefheart or Zappa? If not, then your entire point (even though you're not trying to make a point apparently) of replying to this thread was to try to make me appear like I could possibly, at some point, in 12000 posts, say a sentence that isn't totally in complete alignment with another sentence I made in another thread a month or two ago. You can't see the, uh, assholeishness.. or the creepiness.. in that?

Also, I supported my point quite nicely thank you.

I ain't mad or anything, just amused. And I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong -- fuck, I'll THANK YOU for proving me wrong. But in this case, well.. let me quote Beefheart... "I bite the end of your sash, then I'm off in a flash... and now I'm long gone, to Hong Kong."

mangajunky 11.05.2008 12:23 PM

Beefheart may be technically more innovative, weird, and interesting. He's more groundbreaking and experimental...but Zappa is more accessible and I think that deserves a lot of credit. If it weren't for Zappa, most people would never have heard of Beefheart. I think the accessibility and influence gives Zappa the edge.

Bottom line - I much more frequently pull out a Zappa album for enjoyment than I do a Beefheart album.

SuperCreep 11.05.2008 12:29 PM

Beefheart, no contest.

If Zappa had ended his career in the 70s, it'd be a closer call.

noisereductions 11.05.2008 01:04 PM

supercreep, you didnt like SHIP ARRIVING TOO LATE? The title track has some of the crazy changes in I've ever heard. Just curious.

Glice 11.05.2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
On our way from Stockholm
Started to snow
And you said it was like Christmas
But you were wrong
It wasn't like Christmas at all

By the time we got to Oslo
Snow was gone
And we got lost
The beds were small
But we felt so young
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas

It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas
It was just like Christmas

This song is frequently in my head as I cycle home from work.

Oh, and Beefheart. Zappa is the paradigm of 'masses of talent, fuck all tuneage'. He's not even enjoyable in a tech-metal way. It's too obviously preposterous, too forced in its ridiculousness to be taken seriously by anyone (and I'm sure at least Herr Marras knows what I mean by 'taking ridiculousness seriously').

SYRFox 11.05.2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Haha. My, aren't we defensive! Now we can all see you for how you really are -- the minute someone calls you out and doesn't go "my syrfox aren't you FUNNY and CLEVEr!" you freak out.

Uh? isn't that what you're doing as well? I did not freak out at all


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
That is funny. All I said was this particular incident was creepy; not sure if that's "talking shit". I guess I'm just.. uh.. honest... when.. I reply.. to things.. if that's okay with you?...

okay, cool. i was just being honest as well. i hope that's okay with you as well
"incident" closed (I didn't even know it was an incident, actually.)

atsonicpark 11.05.2008 01:56 PM


noisereductions 11.05.2008 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
He's not even enjoyable in a tech-metal way.

I'm not really sure what you mean by tech-metal. My guess is that yr saying it's not even enjoyable based simply on the merits of how technical the playing is. And if that is what yr saying, then I disagree big time. I've never been into like prog-rock or Phish or anything like that, but a lot of Zappa music makes me go "what the fu... HOW did they do THAT? Wow! Awesome!" Just saying.

wellcharge 11.05.2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Zappa is the paradigm of 'masses of talent, fuck all tuneage'.

if this is true, then why is he popular with so many mainstream music fans who understand nothing about musical skill and only care about catchy tunes??

cosmik debri is as good tune as you can ask for as far as i am concerned

mangajunky 11.05.2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
if this is true, then why is he popular with so many mainstream music fans who understand nothing about musical skill and only care about catchy tunes??

cosmik debri is as good tune as you can ask for as far as i am concerned

You make it sound like a catchy tune is a bad thing.
I love noise, but it definitely takes talent to put something together to appeal to a huge amount of people.

sarramkrop 11.05.2008 03:45 PM

Leave it to us europeans to teach you how weird is done preoperly. you're american, what would you know?

wellcharge 11.05.2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
You make it sound like a catchy tune is a bad thing.
I love noise, but it definitely takes talent to put something together to appeal to a huge amount of people.

i think you misinterpreted since i was basically saying zappa is a good artist because his music is catchy, to counteract the statement that zappa is all talent and no tunage, i was saying it's impossible for him be zero tunage,since many people who's tastes are based mostly on tunefulness love him

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