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uhler 11.03.2008 11:52 PM

how long should i wait after getting a number?
so today at work (i work at a cafe/bar) there was this cute girl sitting at the bar, so i asked the server if she came in with a guy cause i'm interested. she said, "she doesn't know, but she'll ask the bartender." she does and the bartender comes back and asks if i wanted her to make some magic happen and i said sure. so i decieed to write her a note saying if she wouldn't mind buying her a drink. i made three boxes, yes, maybe, no. she xed yes. after some convincing i went up to her and nervously introduced myself and then nervously asked for her number and she gave it to me. also, when she left she waved bye to me.

so i'm guessing that she is somewhat interested in me since she did give me her number. how long should i wait until i call her?

i never really asked for a girls number before. all my girlfriends or dates just came about by hanging out and then things happened.

atsonicpark 11.04.2008 12:04 AM

I'd call at 4 in the morning. If she isn't pissed, then it's true love.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 11.04.2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I'd call at 4 in the morning. If she isn't pissed, then it's true love.

that actually sounds quite convincing.

terriblecanyons 11.04.2008 12:14 AM

Call within the next two days.
I think that's a pretty safe time estimate.

uhler 11.04.2008 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I'd call at 4 in the morning. If she isn't pissed, then it's true love.

if i had the balls to do that i would just for the hell of it. knowing people here they might still be awake then.

phoenix 11.04.2008 12:31 AM

yeh two days max. you want to let her know you're interested, but give her a chance to get home and think about it a while.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 11.04.2008 12:34 AM

Honestly I think the day after getting the number would be good.

Kegmama 11.04.2008 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
Honestly I think the day after getting the number would be good.

^ Hell to the yeah. The next day. No more then 2 days. If 3 days passes, your time has expired. Good luck uhler!

davenotdead 11.04.2008 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I'd call at 4 in the morning. If she isn't pissed, then it's true love.

i have actually kind of done this... it wasn't 4 am, but it was 1 am or so, and i had woken her up. she went to bed early because she was at work all day after not getting to bed the night before (major party where i had met her), but she wasn't pissed off :cool:

edit- and uhler, 24 hours is good.

pbradley 11.04.2008 03:09 AM


radarmaker 11.04.2008 05:57 AM

24-48 hours. No more, no less.

nicfit 11.04.2008 06:23 AM

Ha ha I thought this thread was about standing in line waiting for some kind of service.
Which is not the case.
Or maybe is it?
Nah, unless she gives away progressive numbers instead of phone numbers.
Call her whenever you feel like doing so, planning doesn't work at all in these scenarios coz things NEVER go as you imagined them.


sarramkrop 11.04.2008 06:27 AM

call her straight away and let her know that she won't be able to get rid of your calls/texts for a while. it's good to test if she's really into you big time.

Toilet & Bowels 11.04.2008 06:37 AM

don't do that, she'll think you're a stalker

sarramkrop 11.04.2008 06:40 AM

Do it and test her patience to the limit. You should also wait outside her house and hide behind a tree.

sarramkrop 11.04.2008 06:44 AM

also, sneak into her house and hide inside the kitchen cupboard.

atsonicpark 11.04.2008 07:24 AM

Stalk her.. be as creepy as humanly possible... get a restraining order put against you by her... and then STILL see her... still go around her.. get thrown in jail... and if she still is into you after a year of you sending her pictures that you took of her with holes in them, notes written in your own blood, internet tribute websites, and everything else creepy you can possibly think of doing... then it's true love.

EVOLghost 11.04.2008 06:18 PM

great advice from the SY boards :-D

al shabbray 11.04.2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
also, sneak into her house and hide inside the kitchen cupboard.


al shabbray 11.04.2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Stalk her.. be as creepy as humanly possible... get a restraining order put against you by her... and then STILL see her... still go around her.. get thrown in jail... and if she still is into you after a year of you sending her pictures that you took of her with holes in them, notes written in your own blood, internet tribute websites, and everything else creepy you can possibly think of doing... then it's true love.

then you have to bump her

pbradley 11.04.2008 09:11 PM

Call her tonight to watch the election results at a bar.

phoenix 11.04.2008 09:12 PM

have you called her yet?!

Sonic Youth 37 11.04.2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Call her tonight to watch the election results at a bar.

Great idea if you're both of the same political persuasion. Horrible idea if the opposite.

uhler 11.04.2008 11:37 PM

i'm calling her tomorrow when i wake up. i did have to work tonight and we were kind of busy cause of the elections.

uhler 11.04.2008 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Great idea if you're both of the same political persuasion. Horrible idea if the opposite.

by the looks of things i think she's pretty liberal, but i could be wrong.

davenotdead 11.04.2008 11:57 PM

you never know dude. better to play safe than stupidly ruin it before the nookie.

also, politicians = not hot (cept fpr Palin, but tonight obv. isnt about her)

uhler 11.05.2008 09:46 PM

so i called her. she didn't answer, but i nervously left her a voicemail. i probably sounded like a moron. so far she hasn't called back.

!@#$%! 11.05.2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
so i called her. she didn't answer, but i nervously left her a voicemail. i probably sounded like a moron. so far she hasn't called back.

eh. sorry mang. shit happens. at least it's not like you two fucked before one of you realized it was a mistake.

hm the thing is though, seriously now, the phone number thing is kind of a numbers game.


Originally Posted by uhler
i never really asked for a girls number before.

if 25% work out it's a good average. the other 75%-- just move on.

then again man, she may have been busy and she'll call you the next 5 minutes.

best wishes.

uhler 11.05.2008 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
eh. sorry mang. shit happens. at least it's not like you two fucked before one of you realized it was a mistake.

hm the thing is though, seriously now, the phone number thing is kind of a numbers game.

if 25% work out it's a good average. the other 75%-- just move on.

then again man, she may have been busy and she'll call you the next 5 minutes.

best wishes.

thanks. well if nothing happens it's fine. at least i tried and didn't let anything pass me by.

i'm just so used to girls calling me first that, in my 26 years of life, i never had to make the first move when it came to asking someone out.

deflinus 11.05.2008 10:59 PM

just make sure you have your credit card number ready when you call

gmku 11.05.2008 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
so i called her. she didn't answer, but i nervously left her a voicemail. i probably sounded like a moron. so far she hasn't called back.

Damn, I wish I'd caught this thread in time to give you some advice.

You are ALWAYS in control. NEVER let a women believe she's intimidated you. It helps to have a male role model whom you think is calm and cool, and when you call, imagine you are he. Say, James Bond, for instance. Embody James Bond and think to yourself, What would James Bond do and say? Think about this until you are convinced you ARE James Bond. Then make the call. The results will amaze you, I promise.

davenotdead 11.06.2008 01:13 AM

what gmku said.

i've found that it helps to grow the most bitchin porno stache you can. my confidence is fucking incredible when i do

GeneticKiss 11.06.2008 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by uhler
i'm just so used to girls calling me first that, in my 26 years of life, i never had to make the first move when it came to asking someone out.



Inhuman 11.06.2008 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by uhler
so i called her. she didn't answer, but i nervously left her a voicemail. i probably sounded like a moron. so far she hasn't called back.

Try and be confident in everything you do and don't say 'I probably sounded like a moron'. That's what makes you seem like a moron. Only 15% of conversation is about content of what you say, the other 85% is body language and tonality. Be as casual as you can and try not to be self conscious when you meet her, but be yourself. When you call her again tomorrow, be confident dude. Ladies almost always dig that shit unless they have an anti-confidence fetish. If you have much spare time, look into reading about NLP, it's interesting to learn how to manipulate the brain.

Sonic Youth 37 11.06.2008 01:26 AM

^^^Tru fax.

uhler 11.06.2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Try and be confident in everything you do and don't say 'I probably sounded like a moron'. That's what makes you seem like a moron. Only 15% of conversation is about content of what you say, the other 85% is body language and tonality. Be as casual as you can and try not to be self conscious when you meet her, but be yourself. When you call her again tomorrow, be confident dude. Ladies almost always dig that shit unless they have an anti-confidence fetish. If you have much spare time, look into reading about NLP, it's interesting to learn how to manipulate the brain.

should i call her tomorrow if she doesn't call back? i don't want to seem like i'm going to constantly call her until she picks up.

Inhuman 11.06.2008 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by uhler
should i call her tomorrow if she doesn't call back? i don't want to seem like i'm going to constantly call her until she picks up.

Wait 1 or 2 days before calling again to be on the safe side, I was confused by the time difference on the board. She allowed you to buy her a drink and she allowed you to have her number, so she's definitely interested so no need to make her wait any longer than that. Oh, and Gmku's advice is crucial! Good luck!

uhler 11.06.2008 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Wait 1 or 2 days before calling again to be on the safe side, I was confused by the time difference on the board. She allowed you to buy her a drink and she allowed you to have her number, so she's definitely interested so no need to make her wait any longer than that. Oh, and Gmku's advice is crucial! Good luck!

thanks. i'll try to call her again on friday or saturday if she doesn't call me back.

uhler 11.06.2008 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
what gmku said.

i've found that it helps to grow the most bitchin porno stache you can. my confidence is fucking incredible when i do

but then i'll look like everyone in williamsburg.

davenotdead 11.06.2008 02:43 AM

add some personal flair to it.



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