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screamingskull 10.30.2008 08:37 AM

Release the bats
Release The Bats, who's going?????

I am going as Sarah Palin, and my friend is going as Hillary Clinton.

jimbrim 10.30.2008 08:40 AM

What the ATP show? I'm there. I'm not sure if I'm gonna dress it up though

screamingskull 10.30.2008 08:40 AM

what one you going to? i am assuming London. I will be at the Birmingham show.

jimbrim 10.30.2008 08:45 AM

Yeah, I'm at the London date tomorrow night. I didn't know there was a Birmingham show!

screamingskull 10.30.2008 09:02 AM

yep they added it a while after they announced the london dates. Its on saturday, oh and you gotta dress up!!!!!

jimbrim 10.30.2008 09:18 AM

I heard that you can either dress up as something spooky or something to do with one of the bands. Pissed Jeans are playing, so I could do something along those lines...

Toilet & Bowels 10.30.2008 09:25 AM

turn up in your normal clothes and when they ask what your costume is piss yourself in front of them

jimbrim 10.30.2008 09:31 AM

haha good idea, it'll keep me nice and warm as well.

fugazifan 10.30.2008 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
Release The Bats, who's going?????

I am going as Sarah Palin, and my friend is going as Hillary Clinton.

pics or it didnt happen

MellySingsDoom 10.30.2008 11:02 AM

I'm going as me - my face in real life is enough horror for everyone.

stu666 10.30.2008 12:28 PM

i wish i was going to this but i'm not so have fun guys and gals

Toilet & Bowels 10.31.2008 06:13 AM

shellac were incredible last night, the best i've seen them, and by far the best band of the night. Om were very good, but the new drummer is not half as good as the last guy.

screamingskull 10.31.2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
pics or it didnt happen

its this saturday, i will take lots of photographs :D

al shabbray 10.31.2008 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by jimbrim
I heard that you can either dress up as something spooky or something to do with one of the bands. Pissed Jeans are playing, so I could do something along those lines...


Toilet & Bowels 10.31.2008 07:59 AM

lightning bolt were very good, and there was a nice little mosh pit thing going
pissed jeans were ok, good front man
wooden shjips - very disappointing
les savy fav - crap, the singer was entertaining though
shellac - incredible
om - good, but they used to be great

screamingskull 11.02.2008 03:39 PM


the only photo i got, taken before we went, as Sarah Palin and Hill-Dawg.

The gig was pretty bad, only stayed for Lighting Bolt and Pissed Jeans, then we left and got dinner at Wagamama instead.

Toilet & Bowels 11.02.2008 05:12 PM

you left after 2 bands?!

screamingskull 11.02.2008 05:26 PM

yeah, it was too cold, and Pissed Jeans were just laughable, couldn't imagine standing in the cold and under lots of drips coming though cracks in the shed roof until after 1 AM.

Plus people don't like Sarah Palin, i don't like Sarah Palin, the outfit was a joke, but people weren't getting it.

Toilet & Bowels 11.02.2008 07:27 PM

they played in a shed?!?!

screamingskull 11.03.2008 04:14 AM


It was pretty bad.

jimbrim 11.03.2008 02:50 PM

Sounded grim. I think you should of stayed for Shellac though.

Toilet & Bowels 11.03.2008 05:17 PM

yeah shellac blew me away

sarramkrop 11.03.2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
turn up in your normal clothes and when they ask what your costume is piss yourself in front of them

This made me laugh out really loud 'cause I was thinking about the exorcist scene as well as the band.

MellySingsDoom 11.03.2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
lightning bolt were very good, and there was a nice little mosh pit thing going
pissed jeans were ok, good front man
wooden shjips - very disappointing
les savy fav - crap, the singer was entertaining though
shellac - incredible
om - good, but they used to be great

I'd pretty much concur with the above - my views (managed to miss Lightning Bolt):

Pissed Jeans - very funny, and loved their costumes
Wooden Ships - grade Z Hawkwind tribute band, bored the arse off me.
Om - Very good, but again, not mindblowing. Their PA sound was way too quiet though.
Les Savy Fav - Unspeakably bad. Me and jimbrim spent most of the time outside smoking cigs and chatting. Their frontman is the ugliest I've clapped my eyes on since the idiot who sings for Esoteric, and looks like a fucking garden gnome too.
Shellac - Aceness all round, and totally loved their costumes. Todd Trainer for the Dracula win.

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