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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.08.2008 09:19 PM

Mike Patton
What albums featuring him are good? Never really got into Mr. Bungle/Faith No More, but I was watching some Mr. Bungle and Tomahawk stuff on youtube the other day and I dig some of it, though Mike Patton's eclectic style takes some of the stuff into unfamiliar territory to me (he's a bit more metal and modern rock than I'm used to, if you know what I mean.)

atsonicpark 10.08.2008 09:23 PM

Disco Volante or California by Mr. Bungle, Director's Cut by Fantomas, Kaada/Patton "Romances" album.

Everything else is VERY hit or miss. Usually miss. He sucks. Uh.. Tomahawk sucks, Faith No More usually sucks (I like "Angel Dust"), Peeping Tom SUCKS, etc. His solo recordings are terrible. Loveage is TERRIBLE, probably the worst. His collaboration with the X-Ecutioners is terrible.

The thing with Patton, he works with very talented people. As good as Mr. bungle is, I'd MUCH rather listen to Secret Chiefs 3. I used to be a big Patton fan -- well, I appreciated him a lot more, but his thing is, he just works with talented people and rips off John Zorn for most of his better ideas anyway.

But definitely you can't do wrong with getting Disco Volante and California, which are jaw-droppingly brilliant.. usually.

ZEROpumpkins 10.08.2008 09:38 PM

Yeah what Adam said, really. Especially Disco Volante.

canabero 10.08.2008 09:39 PM

oh, Disco volante, awesome album!

ZEROpumpkins 10.08.2008 09:48 PM

Yeah too bad it's one of the very few things that Patton has done that are good, though I wouldn't call him a John Zorn rip off.

batreleaser 10.08.2008 09:56 PM

i sorta like that album with ikue mori and zorn. never have desire to listen to it. "director's cut" is ok. "disco volante" is phenoenal.

StevOK 10.08.2008 09:58 PM

The other day I downloaded Music to Make Love to Your Old Woman By by Lovage, but I haven't listened to it yet.

All of the Fantomas albums I've ever listened to were amazing.

I need to download Disco Volante.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.08.2008 10:19 PM

From the 2 tomahawk songs I heard, I didn't gather that they sucked. There were some things I liked, but some odd moments as well. Like how he goes from singing like the guy from Fields of Nephilim to singing like David Lee Roth in one song. I'm not sure why.

atsonicpark 10.08.2008 10:26 PM

I dunno, Tomahawk just bores the shit out of me. Really lazy songs. There are some really tight rhythms here and there but it just doesn't strike me as anything special. And Patton is the worst part of the band.

Zeropumpkins, what I meant by Zorn ripoff was that the entire Fantomas project resembles Zorn projects... Naked City for the more crazier stuff, Zorn's The Big Gun Down and Film Works series for Director's Cut, and that ambient album (Delirium Cordia) could be any number of Zorn's albums as well (not just because it's ambient but because of certain moments in the recording). I don't think he's an outright copy or steal... I just think he has done a shitty job, um, "reinterpreting" some of Zorn's finer ideas with that band. No biggy. People can listen to and enjoy both, and that's good. I do love Director's Cut, though it's essentially just "part of the actual film score followed by a thrash part" in most songs... still, really good music. The craziesr Fantomas albums suck, especially the one that's a soundtrack to a comic book. Some cool rhythms and stuff here and there but as a whole it's pretty bad. I dunno, I like songs to actually do something I guess instead of display "oh look we can pan a cymbal in one speaker and mike patton going 'cha cha ha!' in the other speaker for 2 minutes." Maybe I'm weird. Or I'm just not impressed easily by that kind of shit. Really, when you have a Melvin and someone from Slayer and Trevor fucking Dunn in your band, you should be writing masterpieces...

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.08.2008 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I dunno, Tomahawk just bores the shit out of me. Really lazy songs. There are some really tight rhythms here and there but it just doesn't strike me as anything special. And Patton is the worst part of the band.

I can see that

tw2113 10.08.2008 11:19 PM

I used to be into most of his stuff, and have a lot of it purchased, but I can't say I really listen to any of it a lot lately.

Inhuman 10.08.2008 11:22 PM

"omgz Im a pompous music asshole" -Patton

atsonicpark 10.08.2008 11:25 PM

Good record label though.

ZEROpumpkins 10.08.2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I dunno, Tomahawk just bores the shit out of me. Really lazy songs. There are some really tight rhythms here and there but it just doesn't strike me as anything special. And Patton is the worst part of the band.

Zeropumpkins, what I meant by Zorn ripoff was that the entire Fantomas project resembles Zorn projects... Naked City for the more crazier stuff, Zorn's The Big Gun Down and Film Works series for Director's Cut, and that ambient album (Delirium Cordia) could be any number of Zorn's albums as well (not just because it's ambient but because of certain moments in the recording). I don't think he's an outright copy or steal... I just think he has done a shitty job, um, "reinterpreting" some of Zorn's finer ideas with that band. No biggy. People can listen to and enjoy both, and that's good. I do love Director's Cut, though it's essentially just "part of the actual film score followed by a thrash part" in most songs... still, really good music. The craziesr Fantomas albums suck, especially the one that's a soundtrack to a comic book. Some cool rhythms and stuff here and there but as a whole it's pretty bad. I dunno, I like songs to actually do something I guess instead of display "oh look we can pan a cymbal in one speaker and mike patton going 'cha cha ha!' in the other speaker for 2 minutes." Maybe I'm weird. Or I'm just not impressed easily by that kind of shit. Really, when you have a Melvin and someone from Slayer and Trevor fucking Dunn in your band, you should be writing masterpieces...

I see your point but I must say I really like the first Fantomas album. Delirium Cordia I don't really have the time for though. And yes, Trevor Dunn is an amazing bass player.

atsonicpark 10.08.2008 11:47 PM

it's not funny! my ass is on fire!

ZEROpumpkins 10.09.2008 12:31 AM

I'm still pretty sure that song is about STD's

Norma J 10.09.2008 12:40 AM

I've got abit of most of the bands hes been in, but I've never loved any of it. Faith No More probably my preferred. and Tomahawk are probably the most interesting along with FNM when they're at they're peak. Helmet drumming, Jesus Lizard guitar, and whoever the other guy is I can't remember, nice line-up there.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 12:43 AM

The other guy was a cow.

ZEROpumpkins 10.09.2008 12:46 AM

And Melvin at one stage.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 12:47 AM


I think he's not in tomahawk either now.

Norma J 10.09.2008 12:54 AM

just saying, the other two were in some of my favourite bands. Stanier is still in the Mark of Cain.

ZEROpumpkins 10.09.2008 01:05 AM

Stainer is such a fantastic drummer. I'm particularly fond of his work with Battles.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 01:05 AM

yeah. he definitely is the best part of every band he's been in.

ZEROpumpkins 10.09.2008 01:10 AM

What's with the retardly high crash cymbal though?

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 01:12 AM


Derek 10.09.2008 10:18 AM

How's the album he did with Merzbow? Maldoror I think it was called.

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 10:20 AM


Derek 10.09.2008 10:42 AM

Oh, someone recommended it to me and keeps telling me to listen to it so I dunno.

I'm just gonna assume it's a Merzbow album with lame Patton vocals he stole off Yamataka Eye....

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 10:52 AM

there ya go.

Derek 10.09.2008 10:54 AM

You know, I don't think it's that hard to do that sort of vocals (I can do it sort of easily). But at least when Eye did it, it was sort of original and interesting.

Derek 10.09.2008 10:54 AM

I say 'sort of' too much

atsonicpark 10.09.2008 10:54 AM

there ya go.

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Derek 10.09.2008 10:58 AM

don't get me wrong, I like Patton, I love the majority of things I've heard from him... but he's not THAT great of a vocalist. Yeah, he's versatile but it's not like he's particular good at one set of style.

"there ya go."

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.09.2008 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i like patton, the person. i like some of his music. most of the time it tends to be a bit to "humerous" for my taste though.


atsonicpark 10.09.2008 11:01 AM

Again, i think he's the worst element of all the bands he's in.

He's pretty brilliant on some Bungle songs though. "Goodbye Sober Day"!

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 11:42 AM

I have loved the first Mr Bungle album for almost two decades now. It has some fucking awesome tunes and crazy sequencing. Travolta rules, My ass is on fire, Carousel, girls of porn, I fucking love them all.
great shit, like being on too much LSD at a carnival/porn convention/insane asylum.
Disco Volante is really great too, different type of album though, much darker and harsher at times.

I hate California. Cannot stand it. seems so boring compared to the first two. hate the guitar sound on it.

as far as faith no more stuff, The Real Thing is great for what it is, but it is not everyone's favorite. If you like the early chili peppers stuff or Sprawl or Jane's addiction you will probably like it.

ANGEL DUST is an undisputed masterpiece man! That album fucking rules all, and was the last FNM album with guitarist Jim Martin. I missed his guitar work in the next FNM album, King for a day.. which i think sucks major ass.

I never got into Fatomas, or Loveage, although I have friends who swear by them.

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 11:43 AM

I think Patton;s versatility is amazing. His voice can do many things in many ways and that IS something good. so he is not the "best" at any one style. who cares? do you listent o rock so you can ROCK or do you listen to it to wank off on how fabulopus the technical mastery of these assholes is? shit. just rock out man.

lechaoscestmoi 10.09.2008 11:48 AM

well said, sir

afterthefact 10.09.2008 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
The other day I downloaded Music to Make Love to Your Old Woman By by Lovage, but I haven't listened to it yet.

All of the Fantomas albums I've ever listened to were amazing.

I need to download Disco Volante.

I didn't know he was on the Lovage album...

Rob Instigator 10.09.2008 12:14 PM

he IS Loveage

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