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Palin tried to ban these books from Alaskan public libraries
EDIT: This was as mayor, not as governor. But still. . .
The librarian Mary Ellen Baker resigned over this. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/2008/view.bg?articleid=1117009&srvc=2008campaign&positi on=15 The list of books is from a blog, and unconfirmed by major news outlets 2ND EDIT: The source has rescinded the statement on the list. . . The list was actually a list of books that people most commonly want banned. But the fact that she tried to ban books from that library remains. |
I'd like to hear why.
That's fucking insane. Source?
eh, she did try to ban a few shitty overrated books. otherwise, wow.
Separate Peace by John Knowles
I agree with her on this one. I'm voting McCain, now. |
its funny that tropic of cancer isnt on the list
fuck her and her boccacio hating |
Yeah, and didn't he do one called "Tropics of Capricorn"? Also Banning "Carrie" but not "Gerald's Game" which starts out with a couple playing sex games, by King. |
Oops, I'm sorry, it was as mayor of her bumfuck little town
The list was from an unsubstantiated blog, but the story is from TIME. Considering her policies and beliefs, it isn't that far of a stretch to assume this is true, or close to the truth.
Oh goddamn republicans.....
This actually made me angry. |
can't have boooks that make ya think!!!!!!!!
That bitch obviously has horrible taste in literature if she chose to ban some of the greatest books ever written.
She probably also tried to add 376546787654 bibles to every library in Alaska... |
The guy that released that list made a mistake and unreleased it
What mistake?
well the list wasn't of books she tried to have banned, but of the most commonly banned books
I read that she didn't have a LIST of books to ban she just confronted a librarian and asked how one woud go about banning books.
yeah, everyone just chill the fuck out and realize that most of the shit you read about politicians is fiction. there, i said it. i can't believe the amount of time some of you must spend on this shit, and many of you don't even live in this country
Yeah I've got to double check everything on Palin from now on. That picture of her in a bikini with a rifle is a photoshop for example.
Meh. Any bad publicity that Palin gets, fact or fiction, is fine with me.
I think how believable it was reflects on her.
ha!!! i thought that michael palin was filming some new series and was outraged my innuit literature......
I'm sure this can't be true. Even though she is a Republican, I'm sure she's still smart enough to know that it is against U.S. law to ban books. In spite of any personal objections she might have to certain books, I'm sure, with her experience and knowledge, that she must understand that's still the law of the land. Books cannot be removed because of objection to content. She must know that.
Still, the fact that she has these kinds of ideas floating around in her head shows her mentality.
She's kind of hot though.
Libraries ban books all the time. I can remember about 3 separate controversies surrounding banned books at the (public) library in my home town growing up. |
The library can choose not to stock certain titles for whatever reason its administrators choose, just as a store can decide not to carry a title for any reason its managers or owners choose. That is not the same as a government entity banning books--telling the library or the store that they could not carry the title on their shelves. That would be unconstitutional.
oh, i see what you're saying.
I assumed the rumor was that she was part of some conservative book hating parents club. You know, the kind that protest at small town public libraries to ban such offensive titles as "Everybody Poops" etc. When I was in high school a big controversy in my town was over a conservative parents group that successfully petitioned the local library to remove a children's book explaining homosexuality. They then proceeded to remove all the good books from the school library too. |
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one of heather's mommies is a real dog.
it has come to my attention that this story may not be true - some of the book weren't even published at the time the alleged book banning qwould have taken place. what is supposed to be true is palin did ask the librarian what she would do if asked to ban books (librarian said she would refuse).
nevertheless palin is still scary. she's my age. I'm her peer! hah hhhhhaahahhah this election is getting weird and ugly. Waiting for the October Surprise. |
All the dirt is coming out about Palin - and the Repub smear machine is working. This black dude that works in my building starts chatting politics with me this morning and sez "boy, Obama is really digging a hole for himself with that lipstick on a pig comment" - he hadn't actually read any articles he just thought that Obama called Palin a pig.
The Dems have to hit back and hit back hard if they want to win. Palin is a witch. She's a female Dubya...and stupid middle American sheep women are voting for her because she's a baby machine just like them. |
Obama screwed himself with that reference to lipstick on a pig. He may not have meant it to refer to Palin, but given her own previous remarks about lipstick, the inference that he did mean it was bound to be made. So much for his superior judgement. Don't forget his crude treatment of Hilary during the primary, from his 'kitchen sink' comments to giving her the finger. The guy is a disaster waiting to happen. Bill and Hil were right, the neophyte with the obviously padded resume wouldn't be able to handle the heat of a presidential campaign. Poor stupid Dems were so bewitched by a snakeoil salesman they didn't listen to the only one among them who had actually won two campaigns for POTUS. The Obama campaign is collapsing. They are still dazed and confused about Palin and the panic is starting to show. Joe Biden was caught on tape saying that Hilary would've been a better VP candidate. When your own running mate is questioning your judgement, things are going downhill fast. And it's only going to get worse. The Obama/Ayers/Chicago Annenberg Challenge story is finally starting to percolate up into the MSM. Just like the John Edwards love child story, this is the one the media don't want to report, but will ultimately have no choice. Because working for 5 years on education reform with an unrepentant terrorist and totalitarian communist whose idea of education reform is to create a generation of revolutionaries cannot be passed off as "he's just some guy that lives in my neighbourhood". Heh, and then at the end of October Tony Rezko, Obama's former buddy and infamous Chicago slumlord gets sentenced. That Obama steered millions of taxpayer $s to Rezko's slum projects isn't what Rezko was convicted of. But the Obama connection is there nonetheless. Obama has a long history of not just tolerating corruption, but of embracing it and even pandering to it. He's from Chicago for fuck's sake. Where they always vote early and vote often even when they're dead. |
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