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king_buzzo 09.03.2008 03:20 PM

GOOD noise rock.
recommend something. none of that magik markers shit. fire away .

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:22 PM

pretty much hardcore, but with a lot of noise and a lot of rock

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:28 PM

We've had this thread 500 times. Still, it gives me an excuse to list bands I like. Let's go.. I bolded the ones I really reccomend.

Drunks With Guns
Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282 (not pure noise rock but uses lots of dissonance and noise)
Polvo (see above)
early Butthole Surfers
Savage Republic
Unholy Swill
Zeni Geva
Electric Eels
Arab on Radar
some Six Finger Satellite
The Child Molestors
Pink and Brown
Lightning Bolt
Ex-Models (clean noise!)
Men's Recovery Project
Gang Gang Dance
Melt Banana
Ground Zero
Snake Nation
early Helmet
No Doctors
Snake Apartment
early Swans
Janitor Joe
King Snake Roost
Heroin Sheiks (made one of the best albums of the year already)
Halo of Flies
Rusted Shut
Pussy Galore
Royal Trux
Harry Pussy
Mount Shasta
Strangulated Beatoffs
Dazzling Killmen (probably my highest reccomendation)
Cosmic Psychos
early Dwarves (noise punk)
Lake of Dracula
You Fantastic
Big Black
U.S. Maple
Rancid Vat
Country Teasers
No Trend
Scratch Acid
Stickmen With Rayguns
Witch Hats
Pissed Jeans
earlier Jesus Lizard
Space Streakings
Shakuhachi Surprise
Korrean Buddhist God
Cutthroats 9

See also:

- A lot of the Touch and Go roster
- Some of the Load roaster
- All of the Skin Graft roster
- All of the Amphetamine Reptile roster

There ya go!

gualbert 09.03.2008 03:28 PM

Noise rock is my favorite musical genre , but I know very few good bands: Big Black , Unsane , Cherubs , Cows...
Maybe it's not a genre at all.

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:33 PM

love this vid, and it made me wanna buy a phase 90, even if I am sure its a distortion+ lyin around there

edit: at 2:48 i am still pretty unsure

_slavo_ 09.03.2008 03:36 PM

Silver Daggers

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Noise rock is my favorite musical genre , but I know very few good bands: Big Black , Unsane , Cherubs , Cows...
Maybe it's not a genre at all.

Haha, it's the best musical genre definitely.

king_buzzo 09.03.2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
We've had this thread 500 times. Still, it gives me an excuse to list bands I like. Let's go.. I bolded the ones I really reccomend.

Drunks With Guns
Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282 (not pure noise rock but uses lots of dissonance and noise)
Savage Republic
Unholy Swill
Zeni Geva
Electric Eels
Arab on Radar
The Child Molestors
Snake Nation
early Helmet
No Doctors
Snake Apartment
Janitor Joe
King Snake Roost
Heroin Sheiks (made one of the best albums of the year already)
Halo of Flies
Rusted Shut
Mount Shasta
Strangulated Beatoffs
Dazzling Killmen (probably my highest reccomendation)
Cosmic Psychos
early Dwarves (noise punk)
Lake of Dracula
You Fantastic
Rancid Vat
Country Teasers
No Trend
Stickmen With Rayguns
Witch Hats
Pissed Jeans
Space Streakings
Shakuhachi Surprise
Korrean Buddhist God
Cutthroats 9

See also:

- A lot of the Touch and Go roster
- Some of the Load roaster
- All of the Skin Graft roster
- All of the Amphetamine Reptile roster

There ya go!

thanks!!! I took out all of the ones i know from this list though.

_slavo_ 09.03.2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by al shabbray

love this vid, and it made me wanna buy a phase 90, even if I am sure its a distortion+ lyin around there

edit: at 2:48 i am still pretty unsure

that song is actually pretty kickass

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:39 PM

yeah when I saw it on mtv one night many years ago it really kicked my ass, and like I said made me buy a phase 90 :)

_slavo_ 09.03.2008 03:39 PM

There is actually an awesome czech noise rock band called GNU, one of my alltime favourite bands (not only because I'm friends with the singer):

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:41 PM

really diggin them, goes well after istening to unsane!
vid is cool too!

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:43 PM

As I said above, definitely reccomend Dazzling Killmen above all the other bands if you're just looking for really noisey rock (THINKING FELLERS are my favorite band that I mentioned but again they're not "strictly" noise rock).
There's "face of collapse".

gualbert 09.03.2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Cherubs twice?
:rolleyes: ..
Yeah , they're great.

Derek 09.03.2008 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by al shabbray

love this vid, and it made me wanna buy a phase 90, even if I am sure its a distortion+ lyin around there

edit: at 2:48 i am still pretty unsure

song rules!

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:46 PM

Haha. It was a mistake that I caught but left in... you know.. for emphasis reasons.

"Heroin Man" is awesome.

king_buzzo 09.03.2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
As I said above, definitely reccomend Dazzling Killmen above all the other bands if you're just looking for really noisey rock (THINKING FELLERS are my favorite band that I mentioned but again they're not "strictly" noise rock).
There's "face of collapse".

thanks:p, i looked for this when you did your classic albums thread but i couldnt find it

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
song rules!

Unsane's great. CUTTHROATS 9, an Unsane side project, is about 5x better though.

Unsane, the inventors of "trying to make whammy bar sounds without a whammy bar" (if you've ever seen them live), putting dead people on their album covers, and yelling through a guitar amp.

Derek 09.03.2008 03:48 PM

you can make a whammy sound without a whammy by just hitting the bridge really hard hah... well it depends on what guitar you have.

king_buzzo 09.03.2008 03:48 PM

i only have against the grain from unsane and its bitchin'

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
you can make a whammy sound without a whammy by just hitting the bridge really hard hah... well it depends on what guitar you have.

Well, when I saw them live, he would just keep bending the part of the guitar where the tuning pegs were. He'd just play something kinda fast and bend the notes that way. It was pretty funny and cool but it looked kinda dangerous also... to the strings, I mean...

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:51 PM

I got this lambhouse record from post-unsane times with a bonus dvd nd all their vids, pretty much all about blood darkness explosions and pain, hrhrhr
but scrape is still their best track I think

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:51 PM

SCATTERED SMOTHERED AND COVERED and the singles collection are my fav. unsane releases.

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:54 PM

yeah the singles are on there too...


thats what I am talking about including the dvd which is always nice

that cover is just awesome, hrhr

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:56 PM

Ah, but the single collection I'm referring to is Singles 89-92, LP/ CD .. Lambhouse has singles from 91 to 98 haha.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 09.03.2008 03:56 PM

Young Widows

al shabbray 09.03.2008 03:57 PM

oh ok. I just thought that one is about their whole lifespan...
will chekc that

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:58 PM

Oh fuck, how did I leave out CAROLINER from my list?

They're, again, not "noise rock" in the same way the other bands on here are noise rock... but they're definitely noisey, and occassionally rock, and are probably the weirdest band ever.

See also Omoide Hatoba.

gualbert 09.03.2008 04:04 PM

Confusion is Sex fits in the genre I think.
I add:
Shorty.Thumb Days
Hell No.Skin Job / Reformer.
Beautiful Penis
Ascension ( demonrail666 area only )

mil_pl 09.03.2008 04:22 PM

thurston moore?

these are my faves:

-the crumb
-barefoot in the head
-please just leave me
-piece for jetsun dolma
-pillow wand!
-lost to the city/noise to nowhere
-III with Grassy Knoll (anybody heard it?)
-kill any/all spin personnel
-root! (yeah that's good)
-the promise
-the roadhouse session vol 1
-three incredible ideas
-first original silence
-flipped out bride
-weapons of ass destruction

that's all, they are worth to put it on cd player, really.

edit: and now im listening to Not Me, and it's good too.

Derek 09.03.2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Well, when I saw them live, he would just keep bending the part of the guitar where the tuning pegs were. He'd just play something kinda fast and bend the notes that way. It was pretty funny and cool but it looked kinda dangerous also... to the strings, I mean...

I did that once with one of my guitars and broke part of the nut haha.

The Earl Of Slander 09.03.2008 04:26 PM

It may not be especially original, but as much as I dig my obscure noise rock, Big Black still always remains my favourite "proper" noise rock group (as opposed to just noisy rock like Sonic Youth, Polvo ETC).

That said, coming close behind are the Japanese noise rockers, especially Fushitsusha/Keiji Haino and the Boredoms (assuming we just count early Boredoms as genuine noise rock, because if I allow Super Ae or Vision Creation Newsun then they’re way up at the top), both of whom I'm honestly surprised haven't been mentioned yet. Aside from them most of my faves have been mentioned here (a scarily large percentage by atsonicpark).

jimbrim 09.03.2008 04:32 PM


king_buzzo 09.03.2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Earl Of Slander
It may not be especially original, but as much as I dig my obscure noise rock, Big Black still always remains my favourite "proper" noise rock group (as opposed to just noisy rock like Sonic Youth, Polvo ETC).

Yes, Big Black and Rapeman are what i consider noise rock and im looking for the kind of stuff that sounds more like this.

narlus 09.03.2008 04:34 PM

bastards - shit for brains 7"

do Religious Knives fall into the noise rock territory?

you could also add Green Magnet School and Six Finger Satellite.

i also love TFUL282 a ton.

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 10:31 PM

Yeah I mentioned Six Finger Satellite. Their earlier stuff especially... what a crazy guitar tone on some of that shit. "Do the Suicide"!

Never heard Green Magnet School, will have to check them out.

SYRFox 09.04.2008 12:01 AM

Adam listed Neptune, they're really great. Grey Shallows should be a fuckin' radio hit. I'm seeing them live in October, it's gonna rule.

narlus 09.04.2008 12:25 AM

for locals, Neptune is playing the 16th of this month (opening for A Place To Bury Strangers).

i was lame and blew off the Major Stars/Neptune show last Friday.

batreleaser 09.04.2008 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
We've had this thread 500 times. Still, it gives me an excuse to list bands I like. Let's go.. I bolded the ones I really reccomend.

Drunks With Guns
Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282 (not pure noise rock but uses lots of dissonance and noise)
Polvo (see above)
early Butthole Surfers
Savage Republic
Unholy Swill
Zeni Geva
Electric Eels
Arab on Radar
some Six Finger Satellite
The Child Molestors
Pink and Brown
Lightning Bolt
Ex-Models (clean noise!)
Men's Recovery Project
Gang Gang Dance
Melt Banana
Ground Zero
Snake Nation
early Helmet
No Doctors
Snake Apartment
early Swans
Janitor Joe
King Snake Roost
Heroin Sheiks (made one of the best albums of the year already)
Halo of Flies
Rusted Shut
Pussy Galore
Royal Trux
Harry Pussy
Mount Shasta
Strangulated Beatoffs
Dazzling Killmen (probably my highest reccomendation)
Cosmic Psychos
early Dwarves (noise punk)
Lake of Dracula
You Fantastic
Big Black
U.S. Maple
Rancid Vat
Country Teasers
No Trend
Scratch Acid
Stickmen With Rayguns
Witch Hats
Pissed Jeans
earlier Jesus Lizard
Space Streakings
Shakuhachi Surprise
Korrean Buddhist God
Cutthroats 9

See also:

- A lot of the Touch and Go roster
- Some of the Load roaster
- All of the Skin Graft roster
- All of the Amphetamine Reptile roster

There ya go!

fuck you brah! you never let me get the spotlight!

how bout this; (early) sonic youth, pussy galore, butthole surfers, big black, fuck you know those?

no but seriously:
the hospitals
$hit and $hine
blues control (psychodelic blues noise rock)
the homostupids

those are some im diggin right now that havnt been mentioned

batreleaser 09.04.2008 12:34 AM

melt banana (prog noise punk, is what id call them)
diskaholics anonymous (actually more noise jazz, but fuck it, thurston, mats gustaffson, o'rourke)
dog faced hermanns (noise rock/anarcho punk)
pengo (psychedelic no wave)
the ceramic hobs (nihilist noise punk, amazing by the way)
16-17 (jazzed out noise core some prog, truly fucking amazing)
strangulated beatoffs
PEESEYYE/pee in my face with surgery (actually i dont know)

man im really stretching the term noise rock


fuck they dont count

but no those are good bands

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