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afterthefact 08.05.2008 12:29 PM

Words you are tired of hearing...
...used in a sentance, if you can.

"Chillax, you douche!"

pbradley 08.05.2008 12:31 PM

Ha ha. I like that one.

stu666 08.05.2008 01:22 PM


gmku 08.05.2008 01:26 PM

Fuck. As in "Fuck that."

The word is so overused, it's lost all fucking impact.

EMMAh 08.05.2008 01:46 PM


Yet I say them both.

gmku 08.05.2008 01:49 PM

Fuck both those words.

Savage Clone 08.05.2008 01:49 PM

"Office" and "Partner" as verbs.

EMMAh 08.05.2008 01:50 PM


schizophrenicroom 08.05.2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh

Yet I say them both.

i abuse those words.

i hate the word "combat" as a verb.

MellySingsDoom 08.05.2008 02:00 PM

Me talking. I bore me, don't you know.

Sonic Youth 37 08.05.2008 02:03 PM

Stupid pronounced as "stew (as in 'ew" not "oo"-pid"
ostentatious (my Roman history professor used this 10 times or more in a 50 minute class)

gmku 08.05.2008 02:09 PM

I hate the word "hate."

floatingslowly 08.05.2008 02:15 PM

seriously, fuck this. I'm forced to partner with stoooopid idiots who I hate. lucky for me, the worst of them are in another state and I do not have to office with them. how can I combat this?

Ha ha since you got me talking, westernquinoxrocks is a dense douche. honestly, chillax.


MellySingsDoom 08.05.2008 02:18 PM

"Totty" - such a horrible, middle-class word. Ugh.

acousticrock87 08.05.2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh

Yet I say them both.

Aw. I think I've used those on here like 20 times in the last couple days.

MellySingsDoom 08.05.2008 02:22 PM


EMMAh 08.05.2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
seriously, fuck this. I'm forced to partner with stoooopid idiots who I hate. lucky for me, the worst of them are in another state and I do not have to office with them. how can I combat this?

Ha ha since you got me talking, westernquinoxrocks is a dense douche. honestly, chillax.



You know, I bet a lot of people hate that word.

mangajunky 08.05.2008 02:28 PM





terriblecanyons 08.05.2008 02:34 PM


acousticrock87 08.05.2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky

I think I've heard that word used a grand total of two times, outside of referencing the band. In which case it's welcome.

mangajunky 08.05.2008 03:09 PM

I took a girl on a date a couple of weeks ago that described everything positive with the word "phenomenal". It annoyed the hell out of me.

davenotdead 08.05.2008 03:09 PM


"barrack obama"

these words are used too much and are getting annoying

greedrex 08.05.2008 03:39 PM

"yeah right, watheva"

HECKLER SPRAY 08.05.2008 04:02 PM

Nicolas Sarkozy.

MellySingsDoom 08.05.2008 04:06 PM

"positively" (fuck that shit, give me fuzz guitar and hate!)

Death & the Maiden 08.06.2008 02:41 AM

Not a word, but a phrase:
"How's it goin'?"

Danny Himself 08.06.2008 08:16 AM


As in 'this city has so much culture', 'Phil Redmond IS culture', 'wow, that's cultural'.

ZEROpumpkins 08.07.2008 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by stu666


Johnny "Magic Fingers" 08.07.2008 06:57 AM


This is the word/phrase that I have heard throughout my whole life here in Melbourne on tram, uttered by teenage girls usually with southern european backgrounds.

As in:

"Omigod Tijana! I saw Jim at Maccas today! It was fully sick! Omigod!"

ZEROpumpkins 08.07.2008 07:04 AM

HAHAHAHAA I can relate, Magic Fingers.

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 08.07.2008 07:09 AM

Yeah - it's the same deal in Sydney, except the girls there have nicer tans...

ZEROpumpkins 08.07.2008 07:11 AM

Some have horrible fake tans though. I feel bad for them.

blunderbuss 08.07.2008 07:39 AM

I hate the word seminal. It's just a horrible, and overused, word.

SuperCreep 08.07.2008 07:49 AM

Any internet slang, especially when it's used in an out-of-internet context (yes, I actually know people who say "roffelmayo.")

ZEROpumpkins 08.07.2008 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by blunderbuss
I hate the word seminal. It's just a horrible, and overused, word.

Yeah haha it is. Also due to the fact that it literally means full of semen.

Coming soon to a video store near you: Seminal Whores IV

MellySingsDoom 08.07.2008 08:03 AM

(When used in gay bars) - the word "Cock". Look, I know you're out for man action, and I applaud you, but why do you have to keep saying "cock" every 10 seconds? :mad: Do you really think that repeating that word ad infinitum is going to help your chances of copping off?

Pookie 08.07.2008 08:13 AM

(When used in gay bars):


MellySingsDoom 08.07.2008 08:15 AM

^^^Ewwww, "Zhooshy"!!! I'd forgotten about that one.

Pookie 08.07.2008 08:19 AM

Although, not being an omi-palone I don't frequent gay bars much these days.

MellySingsDoom 08.07.2008 08:22 AM

Another one - "Hetero-cock", used by gays who think that all heteros secretly crave a good bumming. :rolleyes:

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