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pedestrian 07.29.2008 09:30 PM

I got my copy of Andre Sider af Sonic Youth yesterday (never been so happy to see UPS before) and I've been wearing it out. Nice little reminder of why I'm obsessed with this band. Anyone else heard this yet? What do you think?

marleypumpkin 07.29.2008 09:31 PM

Yeah, we've heard it.

pedestrian 07.29.2008 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Yeah, we've heard it.

Yeah, I guess I thought someone on this thread might want to talk about SY's music instead of what kind of shoes Thurston wears or where Kim gets her haircut... Silly me.

marleypumpkin 07.29.2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by pedestrian
Yeah, I guess I thought someone on this thread might want to talk about SY's music instead of what kind of shoes Thurston wears or where Kim gets her haircut... Silly me.

If you do some digging, you'll see we've talked about this in detail on other threads. Even a poll on which one you thought was better, 7 or 8.

noisereductions 07.30.2008 07:28 AM

Way to come up in here and offend regular posters with your 2nd post ever! Smart way to introduce yrself.

SYRFox 07.30.2008 07:47 AM

Oh come on... has no one ever signed on a board and forgot to search before posting a thread? Cause I did.

Welcome on the board pedestrian!
And for the thread: haven't heard it yet

noisereductions 07.30.2008 07:52 AM

I dont mind posting something already posted. Jeez we all STILL do that on this board. It was the "Thurston's shoes... silly me" comment that grinded my gears.

PAULYBEE2656 07.30.2008 09:56 AM

its great.. deserves to be played at eleven....

and whats wrong with converse?

SonicBebs 07.30.2008 02:36 PM

fuck the search button if you dont want to talk about something with someone dont talk to them. Post your thoughts in the other thread if it bothers you.

I haven't heard it yet, or 7 but i'm excited. bouncing almost.

deflinus 07.30.2008 02:43 PM

its good stuff. comes at you from all angles

better than sy7? all signs point to no.

al shabbray 07.30.2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
Oh come on... has no one ever signed on a board and forgot to search before posting a thread?

every damn time...


and I love SYR8...

RanaldoNecro 07.30.2008 04:44 PM

My copy came yesterday right on the release day. How does that happen? SYR8 is a serious mind fuck. It seems restrained and sustained. Doesn't peak at all.

pedestrian 07.30.2008 08:52 PM

Sorry. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Just think that SYR8 is some really amazing music and wanted to share my excitement with people who understand. This entire record is brilliant from start to finish and never relents. I've been to every SY show I could get to since the mid-90s and I still can't get over how they're still able to surprise me. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with converse.

viewtiful_alan 07.30.2008 10:22 PM

Your'e right, its valid discussion material. Haven't gotten to listen yet. I ordered mine monday.
People really shouldn't be being such assholes about his
haha just be sure to look before you post a therad again.
Welcome to the board, hope you aren't scared away by some of the more irritable members. XD

noisereductions 07.31.2008 07:10 AM

and stop putting "XD" ....(just kidding viewtiful, I love ya!)

greedrex 07.31.2008 10:11 AM

who's irritable?
are you talking about ME?
You wanna fight, right?

uhler 07.31.2008 04:29 PM

i just bought mine from sound fix (on bedford). i'm loading it to my i-tunes now and it's coming up as orson welles war of the worlds.

noisereductions 08.01.2008 07:16 AM

Yeah, it does that.

tasteinmen 08.01.2008 08:25 AM

mine will arrive tomorrow! can't wait to hear it.

viewtiful_alan 08.02.2008 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
i just bought mine from sound fix (on bedford). i'm loading it to my i-tunes now and it's coming up as orson welles war of the worlds.

Haha you to?
Must have been some sonic humor.

Wallis 08.05.2008 08:03 AM

I'm picking mine up today after work. I have to return some overdue library books, too, but that's not important.

Kosako 08.05.2008 08:09 AM

I downloaded it from intenet the same 28th of july! Haven't heard it yet!!!

noisereductions 08.05.2008 08:17 AM

Dude, are you seriously on the SY board telling us that you just downloaded (ei: DID NOT PAY) for a release put out by the bands own label? Pretty weak.

mil_pl 08.13.2008 04:56 AM

fuck, that album is so good... i've underrated him. awesome improvistation. i'm looking for it to buy, if i will find it in poland..:D

acousticrock87 08.13.2008 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Wallis
I'm picking mine up today after work. I have to return some overdue library books, too, but that's not important.

Are you kidding me? If no one returned their library books, the libraries couldn't function. Look at it this way: If a library holds 60,000 books (now I'm not sure how close that is to reality, but just as an arbitrary number) in a town of 30,000 people (a small town, by any standards), and half the town takes out 4 library books each, what happens to the other half of the town?

Granted, not everyone takes out 4 books. But even if everyone in the town takes out 2 books--if those never get returned, then everyone will be locked into those two books.

That's like socialism. It's a political gateway to communism. Libraries are here to promote democracy and the spread of education, not inhibit it.

Apathy is what's wrong with this world, and it's a sad day on earth when poor children can't even pick up a book from their local book-lenders.

Not important? For shame.

SYRFox 08.13.2008 06:32 AM

If you don't return your books, your library might become a librairie. (learn french, kiddies :D)

(librairie means bookstore in french)

noisereductions 08.13.2008 07:10 AM

acousticrock is awesome!

noisereductions 08.15.2008 11:22 AM

Merzbow's part on SYR8 actually makes me feel nervous.

al shabbray 08.15.2008 11:23 AM

favourite part so far around the ninth monute or somehting

noisereductions 08.15.2008 12:19 PM

My favorite thing about SYR8 is Steve's drumming.

greedrex 09.12.2008 07:59 AM

I downloaded this in august just to lend a quick ear, but i got my copy only today.
This is awesome.
Steve's drumming.
Kim's vocals.
The brass sounds great.
hyper manipulations of FX w/gtrs.
this is really great.
abrasive, edgy and radical.

happy bunny

noisereductions 09.12.2008 08:01 AM

Never heard of that.

guest 01.28.2015 03:32 AM

so jim is on electric measuring tape....what the fuck is that please? seems totally inaudible, thought maybe he was on his EMS synthi.

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