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dazedcola 07.09.2008 04:06 PM

So I just heard Boris.....
I think I can win "weirdest intro to boris" with my story of just flipping the channels late one night and i stop it on a music video. whats this? Something interesting on mtv and the headbanger's ball no less? It was true, for 3 minutes i was glued to the tv set stunned to hear good music from it. This shattered mirror effect on the video and these vague looking aliens from Japan lit up my screen.

So this all lead to me picking up Pink this week and wow this record is crazy. Its this great mix of speed metal, psychedelic, space rock, shoegaze. The sound is so perfectly distorted and thick, the lack of production really adds to the feel of it. That first track on Pink sounding like bombs being dropped it was so heavy. I havent heard anything this unhinged in a while.

Discuss the Awesomeness of Boris and ear-fuck that is Pink.

fugazifan 07.09.2008 04:16 PM

pink is actually one of their albums that i like the least.
amplifier worship and flood are two of my favorite albums ever...

Everyneurotic 07.09.2008 04:33 PM

pink is very inconsistent, but it has "six three times" and "just abandoned my-self" which are two of the best songs of the decade so it's fucking awesome.

smile is an acquaried (sp?) taste but still good, not as mindblowing as most of their discography from akuma no uta going back.

gmku 07.09.2008 04:42 PM

Pink rocks. And comes on pink vinyl that smells like bubble gum. I want to chew it.

StevOK 07.09.2008 06:08 PM

Today I was listening to my Zune library on shuffle with my family and the first song from Rainbow came on. It took some getting used to, but I think my mom liked it.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.09.2008 06:10 PM

I like Flood.

Boris is playing in Pittsburgh next Friday. I would have forgot if you didn't post this. I must go.

atsonicpark 07.09.2008 06:12 PM

Pink's alright. I really like Smile. Amplifier Worship and Absolutego are essential but my favorite by far is Flood.

I got into them a long time ago, actually probably around the time I started posting on this board, I listened to Absolutego in its entirety at school because it was on a website in real media format (remember Real Player?!). I was intrigued by it being a 70+ minute song of mostly feedback and drones. I'd never heard anything like it.

Toilet & Bowels 07.09.2008 06:19 PM

absolutego is by far and away my favourite of the 12 boris records and one DVD that i own. absolutego was the first record by them that i bought and the others were pretty much all bought in the hopes they'd be as good as that one, not that some of those 12 aren't good, some of them are very good, eg. feedbacker or dronevil, where as some are total crap, eg. megatone or 04092001, but nothing really comes close to absolutego. anyway, i've kind of grown tired of them now because of their inconsistent output and tendency to milk their fans by putting out multiple variations of the same record.

Everyneurotic 07.09.2008 06:26 PM

i like their eclectiscism, appearantly that's the reason a lot of people don't like them, though.

Toilet & Bowels 07.09.2008 06:32 PM

their eclecticism annoys me because even though they are technically versatile musicians i don't think they have anything interesting to contribute to some of the styles they play, if they concentrated on what they are good at rather than displaying their proficiency in the manufacturing of the facsimilie they'd be one the greatest rock bands ever. (in my opinion)

Pax Americana 07.09.2008 08:48 PM

I'm seeing them next week, can't wait! I rather liked Pink. Smile is pretty good too, but I think Amplifier Worship is my fav.

atsonicpark 07.09.2008 09:35 PM

I don't think they sound too different between albums.. just different sides of the same coin... obviously, they have some more rocky stuff as of late, but it still fits in pretty well with their dronier, noisier albums. Honestly, it's comparable to something like.. yeah.. the Melvins or something. They can do some different things (and the Melvins have done a lot weirder things probably), but they're still true to their original sound usually.

Actually, "Smile" might be the weirdest thing Boris has done thus far. But I like it a lot.

Everyneurotic 07.09.2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
their eclecticism annoys me because even though they are technically versatile musicians i don't think they have anything interesting to contribute to some of the styles they play, if they concentrated on what they are good at rather than displaying their proficiency in the manufacturing of the facsimilie they'd be one the greatest rock bands ever. (in my opinion)

i see your point.

when they do psychedelic drone metal, they do things that are out of this world, unique to them mostly; but they sometimes do things where they are merely capable or ok.

i do agree that the bulk of pink, akuma no uta, heavy rocks, that vibe isn't very original. this i appreciate because they do something experimental bands hardly do, which is they rock (it's dumb, i know); they can do stupid things like play motörhead-like and have fist pumping songs and i like that, that they mix this with their deeper sounds is a good combination (mostly live, though).

but now that you brought it up, i do miss them go to the deep end of drone; they need to focus on that in a new release. i myself don't find their recent output bad but, something like that is missing.

SuperCreep 07.09.2008 10:46 PM

I'm seeing them for the second time this year tomorrow. I'm really psyched.

Green Magnesium 07.09.2008 11:22 PM

I love Rainbow. The album and the song (with Wata's sexy voice).

SuperCreep 07.10.2008 01:15 AM

Yeah. Wata definitely needs to do more vocals.

viewtiful_alan 07.10.2008 01:31 AM

I loved pink the music is awesome. The vocals took some getting used to. I like them now

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i do agree that the bulk of pink, akuma no uta, heavy rocks, that vibe isn't very original.

Coincedentally, those 3 albums are the only ones by this band I almost never listen to.

batreleaser 07.10.2008 07:25 AM

'smile' has grown to my third fave boris. its definitley the most psych rock out of all thier full lengths, but has all their old styles that we love em for as well. 'akuma no uta' and 'amo worship' wil always be my faves.

seeing boris w/torche tomorrow night, stoked

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 07:41 AM

oh man, torche.. I need to listen to their new album still, I heard their self-titled release a while back and thought it was pretty great.

batreleaser 07.10.2008 07:59 AM

i dunno about torche. i cant tell if i dig the doom metal meets pop songs structure thing they got goin on. might take a few more listens.

greedrex 07.10.2008 08:37 AM

the vibe on Pink makes me think of Part Chimp or vice versa. You like Part Chimp? Heavy as fuck!

Everyneurotic 07.10.2008 09:38 AM

torche are good.

and part chimp i thought were incredibly mediocre.

Rob Instigator 07.10.2008 10:07 AM

anyone listen to party of helicopters

Derek 07.10.2008 10:37 AM

I don't really like Smile or Pink.

Boris are still one of my favourite bands though; Flood, Feedbacker and Amplifier Worship are all perfect.

acousticrock87 07.10.2008 09:47 PM

Uhhhh so I walked into the record store, to buy some Acid Mothers Temple, finally decided which one I was going to get, and headed straight for the counter. Out of the corner of my eye, right on the New Release-type stuff section, I see Pink sitting there. So I think...Huh...weird...I couldn't even find any Boris stuff here before. Then I realize it's a whole display of Boris CDs, and right in the middle is a sign that says, "Buy any 2 Boris CDs and get put on the guest list to see them live".

So. I'm seeing Boris.

Everyneurotic 07.10.2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
Uhhhh so I walked into the record store, to buy some Acid Mothers Temple, finally decided which one I was going to get, and headed straight for the counter. Out of the corner of my eye, right on the New Release-type stuff section, I see Pink sitting there. So I think...Huh...weird...I couldn't even find any Boris stuff here before. Then I realize it's a whole display of Boris CDs, and right in the middle is a sign that says, "Buy any 2 Boris CDs and get put on the guest list to see them live".

So. I'm seeing Boris.

i fucking hate you.

Inhuman 07.10.2008 11:16 PM

Seeing Boris in 3 days :). Hope they play some of their older and newer stuff. "Rainbow" is a great album

viewtiful_alan 07.10.2008 11:17 PM

I can't believe I missed them coming to AUstin

uhler 07.11.2008 12:39 AM

i was thinking of going tonight since the vaselines was sold out, but i need to save money to pay rent now since i don't live at home anymore. man rent sucks.

torche are okay. floor were better.

viewtiful_alan 07.11.2008 12:44 AM

That sucks man...

Green Magnesium 07.11.2008 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
Uhhhh so I walked into the record store, to buy some Acid Mothers Temple, finally decided which one I was going to get, and headed straight for the counter. Out of the corner of my eye, right on the New Release-type stuff section, I see Pink sitting there. So I think...Huh...weird...I couldn't even find any Boris stuff here before. Then I realize it's a whole display of Boris CDs, and right in the middle is a sign that says, "Buy any 2 Boris CDs and get put on the guest list to see them live".

So. I'm seeing Boris.

You asshole. For a split-second you had me thinking "damn, where does this guy shop?" Then it sunk in that it was all dirty lies.

acousticrock87 07.11.2008 01:31 AM

The August 3rd show at the echoplex hasn't been announced as far as I know. It cannot be a lie.

EDIT: Just kidding; apparently it has. I could be lying, then.

pbradley 07.11.2008 01:33 AM

Just Abandoned Myself is my favorite track on Pink

acousticrock87 07.11.2008 01:35 AM

I don't like that track much. There are too many huge spots where nothing changes. But it's a very good close to the rest of the more accessible stuff. It serves its purpose.

SuperCreep 07.11.2008 01:38 AM

Just got back from the NYC show. Torche were awful. I got so bored at one point that I just kinda zoned out and started staring at the floor. What a shitty band.

Luckily, Boris made me forget who opened for a few hours.

atsonicpark 07.11.2008 03:05 AM

FLOOR were awesome. "dove" is a great record.

batreleaser 07.11.2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
Uhhhh so I walked into the record store, to buy some Acid Mothers Temple, finally decided which one I was going to get, and headed straight for the counter. Out of the corner of my eye, right on the New Release-type stuff section, I see Pink sitting there. So I think...Huh...weird...I couldn't even find any Boris stuff here before. Then I realize it's a whole display of Boris CDs, and right in the middle is a sign that says, "Buy any 2 Boris CDs and get put on the guest list to see them live".

So. I'm seeing Boris.

for the cost of two cds you could have gotten tickets anyways. still cool though. im seeing them tonight in cambridge mass. itll be second boris show and first torche show. needless to say, im STOKED.

Everyneurotic 07.11.2008 10:42 AM

i want to see boris!!!

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