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ZEROpumpkins 06.25.2008 07:23 AM

I have not stopped listening to them for three weeks straight now:D. So I'm right up for a conversation about them.......

SYRFox 06.25.2008 07:28 AM

Autechre RULES! But I wouldn't say they're machines, even in t heir most abstract albums I can clearly hear humanity behind it all

ZEROpumpkins 06.25.2008 07:32 AM

Maybe you should have a look at some of the patchers they wrote for Max/Msp. I tried some of them out, and one of them even creates complex rhythms on command! And with each press off a button the pattern completely changes.

PAULYBEE2656 06.25.2008 07:35 AM


they do consistently make challenging music which is both beautiful and fucking difficult to listen to... years and years has gone by since basscadet and incublaubla and yet their quality hasnt diminished.. it may have faded and got diluted in parts but its was always inheritingly there....

stereolab, shellac, autechre..3 bands that guarantee a quality new album...

my fav ae recordings are probably

peel sessions 1
chiastic slide

autechre- live in dublin 2006
insanely loud gig.. and in virtually complete darkness...

and the brilliant gantz gaff

greedrex 06.25.2008 07:35 AM

they are the best electronic act , period
me likey confield, EP7, LP5 , chiastic slide best.
but the rest is still good
the last one is a beat of a let down
pun intended

Everyneurotic 06.25.2008 11:26 AM

is it two months already?

Glice 06.25.2008 11:43 AM

I have problems with this band. Not personally, don't know the fellas, I'm sure they're lovely. But I don't really like it a great deal. I think my problem is that you can't dance to them, but they're not quite head-scratchy enough to be on Mego, let alone Raster-Noton.

This is where someone tells me they're now signed to both labels. Black Dog - yes please!

SYRFox 06.25.2008 11:44 AM

I personnally can't do anything but dancing at Pen Expers... I find it really groovy

batreleaser 06.25.2008 02:25 PM

i am in agreement that they are the best electronic artists of all time. they, and aphex twin of course, totally changed my view of what electronic music can be. i used to think of it as cold, emotionless, and overtly stupid music. but then i heard 'confield' and 'the richard d james album' and shit was i wrong. they make extremly emotional sounds and expressive music with machines, incredible. 'confield' and 'draft.730' are my favorites by them. 'quarstice' is incredible too, surprsing how underwhelming its response was.

Cantankerous 06.25.2008 02:28 PM

they're pretty okay i suppose. i don't really have an opinion either way.

greedrex 06.25.2008 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
i am in agreement that they are the best electronic artists of all time.

great minds think alike
but quaristice doesn't even start to compare to confield.
the pieces are short and sound under developped (to me)

batreleaser 06.25.2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by greedrex
great minds think alike
but quaristice doesn't even start to compare to confield.
the pieces are short and sound under developped (to me)

i didnt say it compared. i just think 'quarstice' is great, and really fuckin underrated, didnt get as much exposure or press as other autechre releases have gotten. 'confield' however, is a modern day classic.

atsonicpark 06.26.2008 11:47 AM

pretty sure we've had this thread.

Used to be totally obsessed with them, I've completely worn out all their albums, they and electronic music in general has bored me for a while but they're still pretty much the only electronic music I get excited about nowadays.

batreleaser 06.26.2008 11:55 AM

i still get excited by squarepusher, but hes not straight electronic really. idm meets jazz or some shit.

atsonicpark 06.26.2008 12:17 PM

Yeah, he's good, but I don't think any of his albums have been GREAT... it's usually only a few great songs and tons of mediocre ones.

Great melodies!

ZEROpumpkins 06.27.2008 02:34 AM

Squarepusher's last 3 albums have been pretty crap. Go Plastic and Big Loada are peronal all time favourites of mine however.
As for Autechre, Chiastic Slide is my favourite, while Tri Repetae, LP5 and EP7 are on their way in the mail to me as we speak...

_slavo_ 06.27.2008 02:42 AM

Ae have a great mass of fans, at least where I live.

acousticrock87 06.27.2008 02:44 AM

I like them, but I have about 700 Aphex albums that I haven't even gone through, and I prefer him to what I've heard of Autechre.

ZEROpumpkins 06.27.2008 03:04 AM

Autechre are very challenging. It'll take a while but you'll find they're very rewarding. Where do you live again, Slavo?

acousticrock87 06.27.2008 03:11 AM

Yeah, I'm going through iTunes samples to decide if I want to try getting into them. So far Confield sounds amazing, but the rest I'm not sure about. I'll probably just download Confield and listen to it a few times before trying to take in too much at once.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 06.27.2008 03:24 AM

love autechre

ZEROpumpkins 06.27.2008 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
Yeah, I'm going through iTunes samples to decide if I want to try getting into them. So far Confield sounds amazing, but the rest I'm not sure about. I'll probably just download Confield and listen to it a few times before trying to take in too much at once.

I'd say start with Amber if you are used to Aphex.

atsonicpark 09.22.2009 08:57 PM

I'm listening to Quaristice and Amber synched up.

I dunno what caused me to do this.. .uhh...


atsonicpark 09.22.2009 10:15 PM

Okay, listening to UNTILTED for the first time in years.

Okay, yeah. My favorite electronic album of all time.

greedrex 09.23.2009 02:34 AM

^^ doesn't surprise me.
it's all too random for me, it's the one Autechre LP i never dug. gah.

atsonicpark 09.23.2009 03:20 AM

Random? How so?

I think the songs flow so well... like... the programming is unbelievable, the intricacies and depth of it all, it's just mind expanding..

SYRFox 09.23.2009 06:25 AM

Yeah, Untilted is mindblowing! LCC is incredible.

atsonicpark 09.23.2009 06:32 AM

For me, it's all about AUGMATIC DISPORT. It gets to a certain point in that song, probably 6 minutes in or so, and .. wow.

SYRFox 09.23.2009 06:43 AM

They're all great anyway. What I like on this album is that, while the tracks remain (for me ...) kinda groovy (seriously, those rhythms compell my knees to shake), there's an important focus on "microprogression". Kinda like minimal techno in a sense, the musical sentences slowly evolve, bit by bit, with each repetition, transforming into something totally new - then introducing melodies and so on coming out of nowhere.

atsonicpark 09.23.2009 06:53 AM

Yeah, definitely, and it's interesting to go back to their early works because most of those tracks were quite minimal as well, and it's cool how far they've taken this sound and in what direction they've went in. I like that they don't just pile on the chaos (see Venetian Snares or some shit, which I like sometimes but often just find boring and ridiculous), the chaos is actually beautifully controlled... to actually pay attention to all the little progressions is just mindboggling. The intricacy of the programming is ridiculous.... too amazing for words. Indescribable.

I really think I like every album they've done better than the one before with, the exception being Quaristice, which I LOVE... but it's nowhere near as good as Untilted. I don't think anything they do ever will be. I mean, where else can they honestly take this sound?!

Basically, for those reading this who've never heard it, Untilted is the definition of an album you can listen to 1000 times and still hear something new every time.

SYRFox 09.23.2009 07:06 AM

I agree with most of what you've said
Wouldn't call Untilted the best Autechre album though ; but it's all about opinion of course! My favorite would be Confield. Which also quite fits the definition of an album you can listen to 1000 times while still finding something new ...
It took me around 10 listens to only begin to understand it completely. And I must admit now I can't understand why I thought there was almost no melody in that record ; I see them anywhere now. Another thing I like about Confield is the fact that it kinda sounds like totally abstract, yet some little elements appear to keep it emotional, and in that they are kind of reinforced. Like for instance on the first track, there's this constant rolling sound which is kind of disturbing at the first, then the gorgeous synth comes on with this beautiful melody, which sounds even more beautiful after this two minutes of abstract.
Same with Pen Expers: an intense rhythmic crushing, in which slowly appears this growing, distorded synth, like rays of sunlight or something. Which makes it both groovy and beautiful. Uviol is another pure masterpiece ... Lentic Catachresis also ... oh wait basically every track on that record is a masterpiece

SYRFox 09.23.2009 07:07 AM

(about Untilted: another fantastic track is Pro Radii. Listening to it now, that melodic / ambient part that comes around 6:30 is just splendid bliss)

Sonic Youth Gossip 09.23.2009 07:08 AM

for me untilted is probably their most impressive on a technical level

but fuck...draft 7.30
nothing ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD sounds even remotely close to that album. it blows me mind every single time i listen to it. every single second of it is like some incredibly detailed part of a painting, the songs are constantly evolving and warping, every sound used in those songs is totally unrecognisable but still strangely familiar

i cannot speak highly enough of that album, really.

Tokolosh 09.23.2009 07:18 AM

Put MAX/MSP into Autechre's hands and they are untouchable.
There are many patches out there for the taking!

I'm slowly coming to grips with Jitter.

atsonicpark 09.23.2009 07:24 AM

I am not good with song titles, but the 11 minute song and the very last song on draft 7.30 are absolutely mind blowing.

Con Field rules so much too.. fuck, I'm going to have to just pull out all my autechre albums today..

Truely brilliant. I love how in some tracks, there'll be things going on in the background that will suddenly appear in the foreground; little sequences you don't really notice or think about suddenly and dramatically become the basis for the rest of the track. It really makes you stop and think about the possibilities of sound itself. How nanoseconds of a beat's manipulation can change everything. Working on a super, super micro level.. but expanding it to these epic tracks (I think that's why I'm not as into Quaristice, the songs are too short; and yeah I've heard the Quadrange EP's and they're pretty cool..).

Sonic Youth Gossip 09.23.2009 07:24 AM

I've never tried jitter, but autechre inspired me to use max. I've got a while to go, but I've made a 303 emulator and a few generative sequencers for drums that don't use the random objects. One makes beats that sound very similar to cfern and another gets kind close to the bouncing, creaking style sounds on draft.

Tokolosh 09.23.2009 07:47 AM

It takes a lot of time and dedication to perfect, but it's well worth it.
Happy tweaking.


atsonicpark 09.23.2009 07:56 AM


Sonic Youth Gossip 09.23.2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
It takes a lot of time and dedication to perfect, but it's well worth it.
Happy tweaking.


that's not actually an autechre one though. it's hosted on the same page as some autechre patches, but this one was made by these dudes who were trying to make autechre style patches, but it's not actually by autechre.

_slavo_ 09.23.2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip

but fuck...draft 7.30
nothing ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD sounds even remotely close to that album. it blows me mind every single time i listen to it. every single second of it is like some incredibly detailed part of a painting, the songs are constantly evolving and warping, every sound used in those songs is totally unrecognisable but still strangely familiar

i cannot speak highly enough of that album, really.


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