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Derek 06.20.2008 01:11 PM

SO pissed off!
I found Cronenberg's The Dead Zone finally on youtube and it's out of sync!

And I found someone selling it on amazon for £4 but then my mum says she cancelled her credit card!

I'll never find it in a store, what a bummer...

Danny Himself 06.20.2008 03:26 PM

Surely you can pay with your debit card on Amazon?

atsonicpark 06.20.2008 03:31 PM

Eh? I know I don't live in Scotland, but I see it here all the time for $3 or less. I bet you can get it off the internet for a couple o' bucks.

girlgun 06.20.2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
And I found someone selling it on amazon for £4 but then my mum says she cancelled her credit card!


you're lucky. my mom won't even let me see it. :(

Derek 06.20.2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Eh? I know I don't live in Scotland, but I see it here all the time for $3 or less. I bet you can get it off the internet for a couple o' bucks.

Cronenberg movies are pretty non-existant here. The only ones I've came across is Eastern Promises and Videodrome.

nicfit 06.20.2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
you're lucky. my mom won't even let me see it. :(

reminds me of an old old thread...which one was that....??

girlgun 06.20.2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
reminds me of an old old thread...which one was that....??

i have no idea?

it's a YEARS OLD inside joke with me and floating.

atsonicpark 06.20.2008 03:47 PM


girlgun 06.20.2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

meh. fuck off.

Everyneurotic 06.20.2008 05:45 PM

hahahahahahha, damn it, girlgun, i can't rep you.

nicfit 06.21.2008 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by girlgun
i have no idea?

it's a YEARS OLD inside joke with me and floating.

buh, there was someone who wanted to see a movie and coz it ended too late his/her mother wouldn't let him/her go out for a while or something...nothing much important...

Derek 06.21.2008 06:59 AM

Didn't Alex's Trip get banned from using his computer because he stayed up to watch Inland Empire?

nicfit 06.21.2008 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Didn't Alex's Trip get banned from using his computer because he stayed up to watch Inland Empire?

I think...

nicfit 06.21.2008 07:04 AM

Derek 06.21.2008 07:22 AM

Yeah, that was funny.

atsonicpark 06.21.2008 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by girlgun
meh. fuck off.

I don't even know what you're talking about.

✌➬ 06.21.2008 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

I remember that.

atsonicpark 06.21.2008 08:53 AM

Inland Empire was kind of sort of a self indulgent mess anyway (while still being pretty decent) , maybe it was a good thing he got grounded.

nicfit 06.21.2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Scissor Shock is kind of sort of a self indulgent mess anyway (while still being pretty decent).

ha ha this made me laugh ( I'm not "defending" inland empire or anything, I'm just bored).

Derek 06.21.2008 01:16 PM

Inland Empire rules. Fuk da haterz.

atsonicpark 06.22.2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
ha ha this made me laugh ( I'm not "defending" inland empire or anything, I'm just bored).

Honestly, even if someone didn't like Scissor Shock, I doubt they'd use "Self-indulgent" to describe us. I trim all the indulgence right off that fucker.

Derek 06.22.2008 07:11 AM

I like the song title "Naked Brunch", I stole it for a compilation I made.

atsonicpark 06.22.2008 07:19 AM

haha cool.

Honestly, I think that's probably the best thing about my band. I always come up with song titles/album titles for people to steal. There's a band called tease the skeleton named after one of my albums (I'm pretty sure they're on myspace) and another band asked me if they could use "how to make a scream queen cream" as a song title hahaha.

Oh well, that still technically makes me "influential".

nicfit 06.22.2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Honestly, even if someone didn't like Scissor Shock, I doubt they'd use "Self-indulgent" to describe us. I trim all the indulgence right off that fucker.

Just kiddin', man.
I'm glad you noticed the edit, I guess not many readers got that. ha ha.
well, not much ha ha, but a little ha ha.

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