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badgercorn 05.27.2006 08:16 AM

SY on Channel 4 tonight (UK)
There are highlights of ATP 2004 on Channel 4 (UK terrestrial TV) on Saturday night (well, early hours of Sunday morning) at 2.05 am. Featuring Sonic Youth, Love and Dizzee Rascal according to the TV guide.

fishmonkey 05.27.2006 08:21 AM

fuckin hell, thanks for the heads up, i could be rightly gone off the rails by that time but i'll check it

maggot brain 05.27.2006 12:07 PM


Hip Priest 05.27.2006 12:14 PM

Cool, thanks for the notice.

sonik life 05.27.2006 02:14 PM

Cheers for the info!

screamingskull 05.27.2006 02:20 PM

YAY, *finds blank tape* im going to tape this!!!!!!!!

greenlight 05.27.2006 02:34 PM

fuck i've no cable tv.
anyway, thanks for info.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.27.2006 08:18 PM

Stupid american TV :( My dad is watching b-ball or something anyways.

krastian 05.27.2006 08:41 PM

^Hey man that was probably Dead Meadow and yeah they are pretty fucking awesome.

badgercorn 05.27.2006 09:51 PM

shit. after starting this thread I went out drinking and forgot to set the timer. What did they show of SY??

sonik life 05.28.2006 05:24 AM

That was pretty cool, but Dead Meadow stole the show!

punknomuerto 05.28.2006 05:32 AM

are u guys putting it online, i hope so, i wanna see that, with dead meadow, sounds kool reading this, msg me if so

h8kurdt 05.28.2006 05:34 AM

Bollocks why did no one tell me?. I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY!

whorefrost 05.28.2006 05:51 AM

ah shit, someone please upload this... my stupid fucking cunt of a sky + box failed to record this... heh, i remember when that guy leaped up on stage and got assaulted by thurston...

PunkerViolence 05.28.2006 06:11 AM

YOU ARE FUCKING JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

I was lying in bed last night pissed watching the fox and the hound at!!!! YOUVE GOTA BE FUCKING KIDDING!111

cbeattie 05.28.2006 08:42 AM

TM: I would like to see George Bush strap one on, plug one in, buzz one out...
It kicked off with an excerpt of the band playing 'Drunken Butterfly' with Kim doing her whirling dervish dance in the middle of the stage, close-ups of Thurston's fretboard work on the a Jazzmaster (methinks!), all pretty mad in a hand-held camera stylee. It did seem fairly frenetic.

Cut to interview in pool room with Thurston and Lee being interviewed by some guy who was obviously rather excited. TM did all the talking. The interviewer brought up their controversial ATP 2000 gig, in which the band generated anger amongst the crowd and the media for playing an alternative, more experimental jet set. TM explained that they understood ATP at the time to be an alternative to Reading and other similar festivals, and that a more experimental, alternative set would be welcomed. It wasn't until some time after that they realised that people were getting annoyed, that they wanted a SY Greatest Hits gig. The NME ran a headline with an image of TM with guitar hanging behind his back, saying 'Goodbye 20th Century, Goodbye Talent'. Seems to be a similar reaction to the G20thC gig they played in Royal Festival Hall, in which members of the audience started calling out for Dirty Boots and 100%.

Cut to another tune which I can't really identify. KG on vocals. I couldn't really figure out what this was (I feel shame!). There's a very quick look at the setlist taped to the ground as well. I can just about make out the running order as I love you Golden Blue, Empty Page...

Back to interview, and we see Kim in the background wearing some mighty big black shades, playing pool, while TM and LR still hold court with the interviewer. TM asks whether the interviewer thinks Tony Blair ever listened to the Sex Pistols... TM jokes 'You know what he's into? He's into [looks straight at camera and whispers in a sinister manner] Sting!'

Next bit of footage involves a young guy getting up on stage, hugging TM; somehow the two guys end up rolling around on the grouns, the kid starts 'playing' TM's guitar, TM starts 'playing' the guitar on him, TM rolls away off him laughing while some security dudes manhandle the young offender and drag him back off into the crowd.

Back to the pool room. Interviewer asks whether TM thinks politics and rock should be combined or mutually exclusive (a dumb question cos a second before he had said something along the lines of 'Your last album had some political commentary or reactions to what's going on these days, so do you think...?' Seems the answer was in the question!).Classic quote: I would like to see, you know, George Bush sort of strap one on, plug one in, buzz one out. Yeah, just fucking gnarl out.'

More footage with guitars and drums going crazy, a proper old fashioned white-out.

Most enjoyable, if all too brief.

Can't wait for me next SY live experience.


cbeattie 05.28.2006 08:43 AM

TM: to see George Bush sort of strap one on, plug one in, buzz one out...
It kicked off with an excerpt of the band playing 'Drunken Butterfly' with Kim doing her whirling dervish dance in the middle of the stage, close-ups of Thurston's fretboard work on the a Jazzmaster (methinks!), all pretty mad in a hand-held camera stylee. It did seem fairly frenetic.

Cut to interview in pool room with Thurston and Lee being interviewed by some guy who was obviously rather excited. TM did all the talking. The interviewer brought up their controversial ATP 2000 gig, in which the band generated anger amongst the crowd and the media for playing an alternative, more experimental jet set. TM explained that they understood ATP at the time to be an alternative to Reading and other similar festivals, and that a more experimental, alternative set would be welcomed. It wasn't until some time after that they realised that people were getting annoyed, that they wanted a SY Greatest Hits gig. The NME ran a headline with an image of TM with guitar hanging behind his back, saying 'Goodbye 20th Century, Goodbye Talent'. Seems to be a similar reaction to the G20thC gig they played in Royal Festival Hall, in which members of the audience started calling out for Dirty Boots and 100%.

Cut to another tune which I can't really identify. KG on vocals. I couldn't really figure out what this was (I feel shame!). There's a very quick look at the setlist taped to the ground as well. I can just about make out the running order as I love you Golden Blue, Empty Page...

Back to interview, and we see Kim in the background wearing some mighty big black shades, playing pool, while TM and LR still hold court with the interviewer. TM asks whether the interviewer thinks Tony Blair ever listened to the Sex Pistols... TM jokes 'You know what he's into? He's into [looks straight at camera and whispers in a sinister manner] Sting!'

Next bit of footage involves a young guy getting up on stage, hugging TM; somehow the two guys end up rolling around on the grouns, the kid starts 'playing' TM's guitar, TM starts 'playing' the guitar on him, TM rolls away off him laughing while some security dudes manhandle the young offender and drag him back off into the crowd.

Back to the pool room. Interviewer asks whether TM thinks politics and rock should be combined or mutually exclusive (a dumb question cos a second before he had said something along the lines of 'Your last album had some political commentary or reactions to what's going on these days, so do you think...?' Seems the answer was in the question!).Classic quote: I would like to see, you know, George Bush sort of strap one on, plug one in, buzz one out. Yeah, just fucking gnarl out.'

More footage with guitars and drums going crazy, a proper old fashioned white-out.

Most enjoyable, if all too brief.

Can't wait for me next SY live experience.


jennthebenn 05.28.2006 09:26 AM

yes, please, upload

can't, form, sentences,

alyasa 05.28.2006 09:38 AM

Seems interesting... Is it on youtube yet?

screamingskull 05.28.2006 12:55 PM

i liked the interview with the creator of APT, he looks like a kool guy to be friends with.

PAULYBEE2656 05.29.2006 06:27 AM

mother fucking d'oh!

missed it, any story of repeats
what was the programme called as i get the welsh s4c as well here and they usually show repeats about one month after c4

whorefrost 05.29.2006 07:07 AM

rockfeedback, i think it was called.

PAULYBEE2656 05.30.2006 05:20 AM

cool, keep an eye out for that. probably never be shown because of re runs of pobol y cym ot nysrystwewwntyssszzzxxewwwifjkllxkvn or somethingm welsh is such an odd language!

candymoan 05.30.2006 05:30 AM

about a month ago, i sent an e-mail to channel 4..

i asked for a a practical way to view their channel from istanbul, as no cable or satellite carriers offer it..

in 2 days, they replied me..
"i'm afraid you can't watch channel 4 from istanbul.."

so, i've missed it..

whorefrost 05.30.2006 07:19 AM

it's repeated on sunday night kids!

h8kurdt 05.30.2006 07:21 AM

I'm there. What time?

whorefrost 05.30.2006 09:51 AM

1.25am i think... i'll check the tv guide...

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