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sarramkrop 06.15.2008 10:46 AM

Closet Twats
Post pictures and anedoctes of people you suspect to be twats.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 10:55 AM

Aren't all twats in the closet? It's not like they finally 'come out' and tell their parents, "sit down, I have something to tell you both: I'm a twat."

So far as people whose twattiness is still in the balance though:


Ray Winstone's a great actor, but he's in grave danger of becoming an older version of Danny Dyer in his ability to become a professional cockney at any given moment. Not quite a twat yet, but the signs are definitely showing.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 10:58 AM


This one really pains me. I love Julian Cope from the bottom of my heart, but can't decide whether his 'arch drudisms' simply reinforce his eccentric charm, or qualify him as a bit of a twat. A tricky one this.

PAULYBEE2656 06.15.2008 11:04 AM

cope is a geek....
chris martin is a twat.. fine line but huge difference.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Aren't all twats in the closet? It's not like they finally 'come out' and tell their parents, "sit down, I have something to tell you both: I'm a twat."

So far as people whose twattiness is still in the balance though:


Ray Winstone's a great actor, but he's in grave danger of becoming an older version of Danny Dyer in his ability to become a professional cockney at any given moment. Not quite a twat yet, but the signs are definitely showing.

People you think might be twats, not them. Good call on Flinstone, 'cause I suspect him to be a little be of a twat but I still fancy him.

Everyneurotic 06.15.2008 11:29 AM

...i don't know if there's such a thing such as the closet twat, there's the lovable twat who despite being such, you still like him (probably because of the way he/she is a twat).

then there's the doubting twat, whereas you don't know the person enough to realize whether she/he is a twat or not.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 11:35 AM

If you think that closet twats don't exist you're one of them yourself. That simple.

Everyneurotic 06.15.2008 12:07 PM

i'm a full on, out of the closet, fa-laming twat, darling.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 12:10 PM


First off, I have enormous admiration for the man. His contribution to music is without question. However, his fan-boy excesses are in danger of becoming a tad twatty if he's not careful. Jamming on stage with every new young band on the block no doubt helps give them some much needed exposure but, to be frank, it's starting to look, if not twatty, certainly a bit creepy. Maybe if he put a bit more effort into his own band, rather than goofing off on-stage with the likes of Be Your Own Pet, Sonic Youth wouldn't be churning out insipid bollocks like Rather Ripped.


Again, like Thurston I do admire Steve Albini immensely. Big Black were one of my favourite bands at the time. But increasingly, his misanthropic rantings are beginning to show hints of twatishness. What's more, those stupid Q&A sessions during Shellac gigs are a total twat-fest. And if Shellac aren't the Emo band it's ok for thirty-something record shop workers to groove to, then frankly I don't know what is.

Everyneurotic 06.15.2008 12:13 PM

while i don't think thurston is a twat (from personal experience), i definitely think you have a point.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
cope is a geek....
chris martin is a twat.. fine line but huge difference.

To be honest, I'm not that sure what a twat is in the first place. The goalposts keep changing cos people seem to refer to it in so many different ways.

LifeDistortion 06.15.2008 12:54 PM


I have no reason to back up why I think he's a twat, I just think he is. I think the success of the Ipod has gone to his head. He's more of a twat then Gates at this point.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 12:57 PM

Agreed. Atleast Gates doesn't try and pretend he's some kind of hippie spokesperson for disenfranchised liberals. Good call indeed, although personally I'd have put him straight in the twat pile.

█████████ 06.15.2008 01:23 PM

everybody is a twat.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i'm a full on, out of the closet, fa-laming twat, darling.

I didn't mean you personally.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by █████████
everybody is a twat.

No, not everybody, you twat.

█████████ 06.15.2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
No, not everybody, you twat.

some just happen to be more than others.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 01:37 PM

More of a cunt, that is.

Everyneurotic 06.15.2008 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I didn't mean you personally.

i know, but i am!

floatingslowly 06.15.2008 01:42 PM

this thread is a lot like Mel Gibson and his fear of Secret Jews, you antisemetic bastards.

sarramkrop 06.15.2008 01:45 PM

Closet twats don't all hate Christ, you twat.

floatingslowly 06.15.2008 01:47 PM

Twats for Jesus approves of this thread.

This Is Not Here 06.15.2008 03:35 PM

Oh, so this thread ISN'T a thread about more people who live in closets, right?

This Is Not Here 06.15.2008 03:37 PM


Everyneurotic 06.15.2008 05:00 PM

i'm sure jarvis is an out, loud and proud twat.

demonrail666 06.15.2008 05:14 PM


Being a hero and being a twat is such a fne line, and Kenneth Anger is getting closer to crossing it everyday.

This Is Not Here 06.15.2008 05:44 PM

Do I want to know who that is?

demonrail666 06.15.2008 05:51 PM


I'm so close to starting to think of this one as a bit of a twat. Maybe it's his constant hanging out with Pharrell and P. Diddy. Maybe it's that stupid bint out of the Pussycat Dolls he has tagging along behind him. Either way, twat status becomes increasingly obvious as the days go past.

pbradley 06.15.2008 06:06 PM


Wayne Coyne has been border-lining twatdom for at least a decade now. From a decent noise pop slacker to the CEO of self-proclaimed weird gimmick twatness, it's hard for me to decide whether he really is a twat. While the suit and his interviews suggest twat, he's still modest as fuck living in the same town he grew up in with his wife that he met way before being famous.

floatingslowly 06.16.2008 11:33 AM

^^ wrong thread.

he's full-on twat.

his kitchen is cool though. I'm jealous of his lunchbox collection.

PS: I don't place people who own their entire city block in the modest category, well, maybe THAT city block, but still.

demonrail666 06.16.2008 11:46 AM


I'd be the first to say that, in the beginning, I was a big fan of Peter Kay. But how many times can a man get away with simply reminding us of long forgotten crisp flavours or silly things our parents say before we just end up turning over. A lot more times it would appear, judging by the constant stream of DVDs that include the exact same jokes.

This thread was made for the likes of Peter Kay who isn't a twat yet, but the signs are all there.

Garlic bread? Shut up Peter, it just isn't funny anymore.

sarramkrop 06.16.2008 11:49 AM

I had seen the future a long time ago with him. I have also been waiting for his twattishness to explode on his believers' faces for too long.

pbradley 06.16.2008 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
he's full-on twat.

Takes one to know one, I suppose.

demonrail666 06.16.2008 11:59 AM

Yeah, I was a bit slow on the uptake with ol' Peter, I have to admit. His first stand up DVD was excellent though, and a few of those That Peter Kay Thing episodes had their moments, but he's proven to be a bit of a one trick pony. And that Amarillo record really was the last straw. Worse still, he's now pandering to an audience that, frankly, I wouldn't piss on if it was on fire - and half wish was.

floatingslowly 06.16.2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Takes one to know one, I suppose.

are you trying to say something here or is that just yr big twat flapping in the wind?

floatingslowly 06.16.2008 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I was a bit slow on the uptake with ol' Peter.

way to gay up the thread. :rolleyes:

sarramkrop 06.16.2008 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
way to gay up the thread. :rolleyes:

You must be a bit slow on the uptake yourself 'cause this is a thread about twats in the closet, after all.

demonrail666 06.16.2008 12:15 PM


Kyuss were awesome, as were QOTSA up till and including Songs for the Deaf. But since then it's been crappy guest slot after crappy guest slot and a decline in Queens that's of almost Metallica-like proportions. Four words ... come back Nick Olivera.

floatingslowly 06.16.2008 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You must be a bit slow on the uptake yourself 'cause this is a thread about twats in the closet, after all.


I cunt speak yr language.

sarramkrop 06.16.2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

I cunt speak yr language.


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