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Cantankerous 04.07.2008 01:42 AM

the motherfucking damned
were awesome.


fugazifan 04.07.2008 03:42 AM

so true. damned damned damned is amazing. and i love machine gun etiquitte. i have alaways hoped that my next GF will be into punk that way love song could be our song. its such an awesome song...

Florya 04.07.2008 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
were awesome.


No discussion necessary.

You are correct.

uhler 04.07.2008 08:03 AM

great band

Sonic Youth 37 04.07.2008 08:53 AM

"New Rose" is one of the best songs ever.

Damned Damned Damned is great.

batreleaser 04.07.2008 09:50 AM

most underrated british punk band, better than sex pistols and clash.

uhler 04.07.2008 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
most underrated british punk band, better than sex pistols and clash.

you are exactly right. well best 77 british punk band.

batreleaser 04.07.2008 10:37 AM

well, it still take the ramones, television, wire, and whoever by a long shot.

PAULYBEE2656 04.07.2008 11:11 AM

yes, its just a shame about "eloise". great in their prime!

jon boy 04.07.2008 12:46 PM

i like them quite a bit and they are way better than the clash.

sarramkrop 04.07.2008 01:03 PM

Somehow I've always liked this song from one of their absolute worst albums:

Everyneurotic 04.07.2008 07:33 PM

yeah, damned damned damned is probably the best album to come out of the brit punk explosion, such amazing songwriting skills, raw power and sense of humor.

i also like the black album, so cheesy yet good, "curtain call" is an amazing song.

dionysusundone 04.07.2008 07:55 PM

No love for "Strawberries"? That one's awesome I think.

narlus 04.07.2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone
No love for "Strawberries"? That one's awesome I think.

agreed...they had ditched the punk sound of the 1st two records, but made some excellent pop music. 'life goes on' is immense.

i saw them only once, in '90 i think...they had both brian james and the captain in the lineup, and played two sets. i'd go see 'em again.

Cantankerous 04.07.2008 08:24 PM


fucking brilliant song.

krastian 04.07.2008 08:50 PM

My band used to play Neat, Neat, Neat......I might actually have a digitalized version of us playing it live somewhere. Granted, it was from 1997ish.

the ikara cult 04.07.2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
were awesome.


You are correct American person.

Cantankerous 04.07.2008 09:09 PM

i would like to think i'm one of the better educated and informed of a nation full of simpletons.

gmku 04.07.2008 09:13 PM

Pretty good but not my favorite punk band.

Cantankerous 04.07.2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Pretty good but not my favorite punk band.

get out of my thread.

the ikara cult 04.07.2008 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i would like to think i'm one of the better educated and informed of a nation full of simpletons.

as would we all

alteredcourse 04.07.2008 09:43 PM

The Black Album and Machine Gun Etiquette are by leaps and bounds my two favorites of theirs , and even two of my favorite albums of forever . I'm not too sure about their sound outside of these albums , it gets a little bouncy and predictable .
Nothing gets me going like Melody Lee or Therapy , or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde . and the laughing song , oh man what a riot .

gmku 04.07.2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
get out of my thread.

How punk.

the ikara cult 04.08.2008 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i never really liked the damned. and not think i care at this stage in my life, but there was a point of time that i was kinda bummed 9even though i didnt like em) that they were sorta always left out when people would talk about "horror punk". danzig started it? shit fuck whatever...the damned were sorta doing it too.

thats really all i have to say about the damned.

they werent/arent that bad...just never one of my fav. punk acts. i LIKED the misfits, alot, at one point (still occassionally bring out my mistifts albums cause it brings back fun memories). ive gotten way sick and tired of seeing that crimson ghost logo everywhere though. i dont know, they get repetitve after awhile. i could never hear any of those songs again and it wouldnt matter, cause like the ramones, all i gotta do is think about em and their songs will be playing in my head wether i want em too or not.

even now...human tounge touch aluminum plate, i wanna be sedated.

fuck i dont know.

what an incredible opinion

gmku 04.08.2008 07:56 AM

I share sway's ambivalence. I have both the debut and Machine Gun, and I want to like them more than I do. They are excellent albums but they just never quite fired my imagination the way other albums from that time and genre do.

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