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batreleaser 02.29.2008 07:15 PM

how many copies of daydream nation have you bought?
ddn was the first sonic youth alblum i ever bought, at the time i was a 16 year old pothead skate rat who would only listen to hardcore punk and gangsta hip hop. sonic youth and ddn nation is a perfect introductory record, because it allowed me to enter into the worlds of indie rock, noise/noiserock, early new york, punk, no wave, avant garde, etc.., not only through the music but also because of the fact that the members of the youth, thurston particularly, champion so much music, all of which is good, this isnt my favorite alblum, my fave sy alblum (that would be evol and badmoonrising) but this alblum pretty much had a lot to do with me developing a more broad and eclectic and all around better tastes in music (note: i still worship hardcore and hip hop too). anyways, because it was the first youth record i bought, i chuckled yesterday when i realized how many copies ive had of it through the years:

three cd's
one cassete
one record
the deluxe reissue

anyone else have a lot of copies of this or anyother sy records?
anyone else bought this alblum many times

EMMAh 02.29.2008 07:16 PM

I've bought it once.

Pookie 02.29.2008 07:17 PM

No, but I've bought lots of different albums.

HaydenAsche 02.29.2008 07:43 PM

I don't think I've boughten any SY albums twice.

Death & the Maiden 02.29.2008 07:44 PM

I bought it on CD a year or two ago, and then the deluxe edition was released. I wanted it, but then realised the extras were just live tracks and a few rarities, so I didn't.
It was my first Sonic Youth album, and it was the perfect introduction to them. If I'd bought Goo or Dirty (the more "accessable" ones), I don't think I would have become interested in them, and tried to buy all of their albums.

Everyneurotic 02.29.2008 07:51 PM

the dgc cd and the deluxe edition.

daz al'

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.29.2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
ddn was the first sonic youth alblum i ever bought, at the time i was a 16 year old pothead skate rat who would only listen to hardcore punk and gangsta hip hop. sonic youth and ddn nation is a perfect introductory record, because it allowed me to enter into the worlds of indie rock, noise/noiserock, early new york, punk, no wave, avant garde, etc.., not only through the music but also because of the fact that the members of the youth, thurston particularly, champion so much music, all of which is good, this isnt my favorite alblum, my fave sy alblum (that would be evol and badmoonrising) but this alblum pretty much had a lot to do with me developing a more broad and eclectic and all around better tastes in music (note: i still worship hardcore and hip hop too). anyways, because it was the first youth record i bought, i chuckled yesterday when i realized how many copies ive had of it through the years:

three cd's
one cassete
one record
the deluxe reissue

anyone else have a lot of copies of this or anyother sy records?
anyone else bought this alblum many times

I have actually bought one, at aomeba, used, and I switchd the tag from 9 bucks {those assholes!} to 4 bucks as I usually do with used albums at aomebas. I have to buy sonic youth records because I am the only one in my circle of friends who listens to them, and therefore I can not just burn other peoples music.

Protectmeyou 02.29.2008 08:05 PM

cd, vinyl, deluxe cd


atsonicpark 02.29.2008 08:27 PM

I got one copy that I got on CD about 6 years ago, and it skips all to hell, so I burned myself a copy as well.

█████████ 02.29.2008 08:28 PM

one copy of the blast first edition, i would like to get the russian pirate copy, though.

gmku 02.29.2008 09:07 PM

I bought a Blast First CD copy around 1989, and it was stolen a few years later. I replaced it with the DGC reprint.

Last summer I bought the 4XLP Deluxe Edition. That one's my favorite copy.

Trasher02 02.29.2008 09:16 PM

Bought it once.

barnaclelapse 02.29.2008 10:52 PM

I have the original on CD...and the deluxe...

Pretty boring, actually.

uhler 02.29.2008 11:03 PM

daydream nation was my first sonic youth i got. i didn't buy it though, i got it free from columbia house (well i paid shipping). i did buy the deluxe, so i'm giving my old cd to my gf. my first sonic youth cds i either got for free (presents or columbia house) or i got for really cheap in the used bins at stores. i found the sst evol for only 1 dollar.

i would like to mention that i had to rebuy almost my whole sonic youth collection because i lent 13 of the 17 i had to a friend and i never saw him again. i only had daydream nation, evol, experimental jet set, ciccone youth and dirty left until i started rebuying them again. now i have them all back and a few other ones.

Cantankerous 02.29.2008 11:54 PM

zero. got the LP from my mom and ripped the library's CD copy to my computer.

CHOUT 03.01.2008 12:00 AM

i've bought it about 5 times in different formats, i guess not including the russian lp, so 6.

uhler 03.01.2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
i've bought it about 5 times in different formats, i guess not including the russian lp, so 6.

how much did the russian lp cost you?

pbradley 03.01.2008 12:46 AM

1 non-deluxe CD.

most exciting post ever

SYRFox 03.01.2008 12:49 AM

I've got the DGC CD and the Deluxe Edition, in CD too

andrei 03.01.2008 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by uhler
how much did the russian lp cost you?

There are a couple copies at discogs for sale, at a quite fair price. I think i'll get one...

Pax Americana 03.01.2008 02:53 AM

Uh... just 1.

stu666 03.01.2008 02:56 AM

i have 3 copies, the original blast first cd, the delux reissue on cd and the reissue vinyl boxset, i would love to get the SPECIAL vinyl edition that came with poster and t-shirt but have only seen this a couple of times on ebay and it usually goes for $100+. dirty is the sonic youth album i own the most copies of i have this on original cd, cd with dirty picture in tray, delux reissue cd, cassette and the aussie limited edition 2x orange vinyl in cloth bag and i still need to get the delux vinyl reissue which would make 6 copies

nicfit 03.01.2008 02:59 AM

dgc cd and deluxe cd.
I bought 3 copies of dirty, a "regular" one, a "dirty pic+orange tray", the deluxe cd. I then gave away the "regular" one to a friend.
I bought a "regular" dgc Washing Machine, then the 2 cd version and gave away the "regular" one to a friend.
I have 2 copies of a few cd singles and I'm in the middle of the "getting rid of them" project.
I have CIS in dgc cd and the 1995 (I think..) LP
I have BMR on dgc cd the 1985 homestead LP
and I have no record player/turntable/however that thing is called.

Toxa 03.01.2008 04:15 AM

dgc cd
deluxe edition
russian lp (for $3)

Mrs. Butcher 03.01.2008 04:46 AM

i've got in on vinyl and mp3.

so one.

radarmaker 03.01.2008 06:17 AM

3: Blast First double-LP, Russian pirate LP, Deluxe CD

Retro Spectre 03.01.2008 09:59 AM

Only one.

If I had a record player I'd buy a vinyl copy too though.

pokkeherrie 03.01.2008 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
anyone else bought this alblum many times

Ok, so you're looking for a fool. I'll bite.

[nerd alert]

1 DGC CD around 1995

Another DGC CD after I lent my original copy to a friend who then moved to another city. After nearly a year I told him he could keep it as a present and I bought a new one myself. I didn't mind; he really liked it and he was always out of money anyway.

1 Blast First 2LP - gotta love that gatefold

1 Russian pirate LP - kind of a novelty thing

1 Blast First CD - picked it up in a second hand shop once... because of the supposed crap remastering of the DGC reissue I was interested to hear it.

1 Deluxe reissue 2CD

so that's 6 copies, 5 for myself and a giveaway.

[/nerd alert]

Moshe 03.01.2008 11:26 AM

1 blast first cd, 1 dgc cassette, 1 deluxe 2cd, 1 deluxe 4 lp.

k-krack 03.01.2008 01:08 PM

1 DGC cd.
2 DGC cd, becuase #1 got a little scratch that affected Total Trash if I remember right. I then gave #1 to my friend.

I have the deluxe 4LP box, but I got it for christmas, so...

atari 2600 03.01.2008 05:45 PM

2 enigma/blast first cass, 1 dgc cass, 1 dgc cd, 1 deluxe 2xcd

sonic sphere 03.04.2008 11:38 AM

just 3-blast 1st cassette, dgc cd + the deluxe edition

tesla69 03.04.2008 12:22 PM

A friend gave me his factory cassette circa 1989 and I played that until it was stretched out. I didn't own a copy until the rerelease last year.

screamingskull 03.04.2008 12:42 PM

Three times, CD, Vinyl, Deluxe Edition.

I also have two copies of Washing Machine and two of A Thousand Leaves.

spekkie 03.04.2008 10:07 PM

3 copies of ddn - the first one i lost in a fire, the second i still have, and i got the deluxe one 4 my birthday a few weeks ago. in my excitement at the gift, i accidentally ripped the cover when i tried to get the booket out (like a 3 year old, right???). i glued it back together but now the booklet is glued in as well! i shoulda read it before my dodgy repair. live & learn

CHOUT 03.04.2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
how much did the russian lp cost you?

as i recall i paid $30 for it about 6 years ago on ebay.

stu666 09.08.2011 09:00 AM

I now have 4 copies; original Blast First cd release, the cd longbox, deluxe reissue on cd and vinyl. One of these days i'll own the Daydream boxset too...

I'm up to 6 copies of Dirty now; cassette, orange vinyl, original cd release with and without dirty pic/orange tray, cd longbox (still sealed) and deluxe reissue on cd.

Mortte Jousimo 09.08.2011 09:05 AM

DDN was the second Sonic-album I heard. First I borrowed it from the library and recorded on c-cassette. Then maybe about three years of that my friend told me he´s friend wanted to sell a vinyl where is a poster included. So I bought it. I have only one copy of all my Sonic records.

krischanski 09.08.2011 11:32 AM

six by me, too:

2-LP Blast First
LP АнТроп
CD Blast First
4-LP Deluxe
2-CD Deluxe
2-CD-R Promo

So I'm still looking for a cassette. And the boxset ...

stu666 09.08.2011 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by krischanski

So I'm still looking for a cassette. And the boxset ...

did you not fancy the boxset on ebay the other day? there was no bids on it, starting price was £99 but it had a mark on the front and i think it might not have been complete. maybe it'll get relisted.

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