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_slavo_ 02.26.2008 05:53 AM

My first solo gig tomorrow!

I'm shit scared :)

sonicl 02.26.2008 06:05 AM

Excellent news! Have a bloody good time.

_slavo_ 02.26.2008 06:13 AM

I'll try to make a mate of mine take pics. I'll see what I can do. Cross your fingers for me, I'll be damn nervous as usual.

nicfit 02.26.2008 07:19 AM

_slavo_ , have fun and be confident, wear some comfy clothes and smile! Everything will be great, I bet. recs+vids+pics pleez. Good things for an "enhanced cd" edition for the guardians...ehm! the KEEPERS EP! :D

_slavo_ 02.26.2008 08:00 AM

Thanks people. I love you all, however silly that sounds.

SYRFox 02.26.2008 08:10 AM

I'm sure you're gonna rock! Hope to hear some sounds / vids :)

pokkeherrie 02.26.2008 08:27 AM

good luck man!
although a kool kokot like yourself will be fine i'm sure. have fun.

A Thousand Threads 02.26.2008 08:47 AM

ahh man.
it will be fine and you're gonna rock that shithole, hehe.
yeah, pics and recordings would be great.

all the best for tomorrow

_slavo_ 02.26.2008 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
good luck man!
although a kool kokot like yourself will be fine i'm sure. have fun.

"kool kokot" - you're cracking me up, man :D


Everyneurotic 02.26.2008 09:53 AM

great, fucking destroy the stage!!!

i myself am playing in about a month, first time out of town...i also hear monosodic might make a special appearance at one of those shows but that's another story.

seriously, go out there and kill with your droning sounds and chill beats!

krastian 02.26.2008 02:42 PM

Have fun!! Kill it!!

Rob Instigator 02.26.2008 02:49 PM

_slavo_ you beautiful bastard you! That is great news! col' rock the joint. have a great time. live it up!

✌➬ 02.26.2008 02:57 PM

Have fun, and blast them away dude.

nicfit 02.27.2008 11:43 AM

what will you wear?

_slavo_ 02.27.2008 11:46 AM

what will I wear?


sonicl 02.27.2008 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
what will I wear?


Not long to go now! Have a great time!

_slavo_ 02.27.2008 12:15 PM

OK, off I go. Report tomorrow ;)

Everyneurotic 02.27.2008 12:17 PM

luck dude, seriously rip the stage a new asshole!

nicfit 02.27.2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
what will I wear?



have fun, destroyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everything (in a constructive way).

sarramkrop 02.27.2008 12:28 PM


Turn, Turn , Turn





_slavo_ 02.27.2008 06:02 PM

I've done it! It wasn't too good, it was somehow mediocre compared to what I was about to achieve, but hey, it was the first time ever so fuck it. The club was full of 17+ teenagers who kept staring at me in a very non-pleasent manner - at that point I was sure I was on the right track :). And then, towards the end of my set, after about 40 minutes of playing, one girl approached me and said: "Excuse me, mister, but do you have, like, something more danceable to offer? Cause, you know, we've got so much energy at our table." Then, I was pretty sure it was the right time to finish playing, haha.

No, seriously, I had fun. I had a lot of my mates down there supporting me and joking around with me and it gave me a big boost of confidence. The sounds weren't as good as when I was practising the play in my living room, it sounded overally too lo-fi, distorted and weird, but I had fun. And that's what counts.

One of my friends took some pics of me, quite good actually. I'll upload them tomorrow. I'll have off at work so I'll have time to absorb the experience in its whole. Thanks for support, fellas.

✌➬ 02.27.2008 07:12 PM

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. That is a very good thing.

A Thousand Threads 02.28.2008 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
And then, towards the end of my set, after about 40 minutes of playing, one girl approached me and said: "Excuse me, mister, but do you have, like, something more danceable to offer? Cause, you know, we've got so much energy at our table."

that's a guarantee for success.

Nice, good that you enjoyed the show, that's the most important thing i guess.
Too bad about the sound though.

_slavo_ 02.28.2008 04:06 AM

some pics:





a very short video clip here:

✌➬ 02.28.2008 04:26 AM

slavo that really sounded nice.

nicfit 02.28.2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
"Excuse me, mister, but do you have, like, something more danceable to offer? Cause, you know, we've got so much energy at our table."

"sit down and shut up, lady, I'll take care of your energy later."

ha ha -no-

looks like a nice place.
Glad you had fun and nice pics!
I have to check out the vid now...
Btw, I'm pretty disappointed you lied about what you would wear...

A Thousand Threads 02.28.2008 06:45 AM

Cool pics, you look good behind your knobs.

Can't watch the video from here, gonna do that from home.

nice JD tee, btw

sarramkrop 02.28.2008 07:12 AM

Cool pic, _slavo_. Sonicl popped in to say hi and I showed them to him too. He liked them too.

pokkeherrie 02.28.2008 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
And then, towards the end of my set, after about 40 minutes of playing, one girl approached me and said: "Excuse me, mister, but do you have, like, something more danceable to offer? Cause, you know, we've got so much energy at our table."

Maybe she thought you were the DJ... at the next gig people will start requesting the new Justin Timberlake halfway during your set. :D

Bertrand 02.28.2008 09:09 AM

How long did it take for you to find sleep after playing?
As far as I remember, once you've performed, your energy boosts up and you're restless.
Happy? Distracted? On a cloud?
The video's too short, grrr, and the drone didn't reach France when you played.
Lucky you!

_slavo_ 02.28.2008 09:21 AM

okay, since the gig wasn't recorded, I prepared a little something for you - this is an exact reproduction of one of the tracks from yesterday (recorded half an hour ago)

I named it "Courage for the years of wandering"


nicfit 02.28.2008 09:22 AM

_slavo_ , did you go 100% impro or did you have a setlist?

_slavo_ 02.28.2008 09:48 AM

well, I kind of had stuff prepared, but only in the sense of ... 'okay, I'll keep this playing for about 10 minutes and will build upon that' ... a basic structure, so to say. Looping and effecting was 100% improv.

sonicl 02.28.2008 12:56 PM

Can I have your autograph, please, _slavo_? Now that you're a star and all that :D

themawt71 02.28.2008 12:57 PM

courage sounds great slavo.

Rob Instigator 02.28.2008 01:05 PM

keep up the good work slavo!

Everyneurotic 02.28.2008 02:39 PM

awesome man! and i'm proud you pissed off the crowd.

nicfit 02.28.2008 02:52 PM

style for next gig:


Rob Instigator 02.28.2008 02:55 PM

next time, can you play something more "danceable" slavo?

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