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gmku 02.15.2008 02:31 PM

I'm not feeling the love for Brian Eno.
Over the last few months, I've added some Eno LPs to my collection: Taking Tiger Mountain, Another Green World, and Before and After Science, as well as the David Byrne collaboration My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Only the last one appeals much to me. I'm not warming up much yet to the other three. For all their rep, I thought I'd really dig these. Will they grow on me?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 02.15.2008 02:33 PM

I haven't listened to Eno in like two years, I liked him back then, not so sure now. I'm not a huge ambient fan, but it's pretty good stuff. If you like that kind of music it'll grow on you.

gmku 02.15.2008 02:41 PM

Okay. And it's not that I hate these LPs. I just don't feel them yet. I'll give them time.

atsonicpark 02.15.2008 02:47 PM

He's a good music innovator, not a good music creator.

It's pretty boring stuff and has been bettered since then.

I still pull out "Music for Airports" when I'm feeling saucy.

Florya 02.15.2008 03:05 PM

I never really got into those 3 either. 'Apollo - Atmospheres and Soundtracks' and 'Ambient 1 - Music for Airports' are my faves.

PAULYBEE2656 02.15.2008 04:11 PM

you have omited to get the obvious classic. if you buy one eno album in your life make it this one...


here come the warm jets is incredible

gmku 02.15.2008 04:20 PM

I've been watching for it. (I know I could pick it up anytime on CD, but I buy almost exclusively LPs these days.)

Rob Instigator 02.15.2008 04:24 PM

fuck that eno shit.

batreleaser 02.15.2008 04:27 PM

i love being high and following asleep to music for airports, i also love roxy music, but they wre just as good without eno as they were with eno, anyways, i duno, eno is a brilliant soundsmith, up there with phil spected, brian wilson, kevin sheilds, aphex twin, the rza etc.., but he also ruined no wave, and i hate him for that, if you dig ambient music they should grow on you, if not, sell em back.

PAULYBEE2656 02.15.2008 04:31 PM

im sure it was reissued sometime back on vinyl.............. maybe not tho. anyhoo, its amazing album!

lungfish 02.15.2008 04:36 PM

though i love Here Come The Warm Jets, i infinitely prefer Taking Tiger Mountain
that album is beautiful and i have listened to it countless times.

does "Burning Airlines.." not affect you?
that's such a classic song.
or the breakdown in "Mother Whale Eyeless"?
or "Backwater" for that matter?
all good.

if not, leave it alone for awhile.
come back to it.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.15.2008 04:36 PM

I like a lot of his work with others, but his solo stuff is all so ambient that none of it does anything for me. Just good background music.

gmku 02.15.2008 04:36 PM

Taking Tiger Mountain is more interesting to me than Green World and Before and After Science.

lungfish 02.15.2008 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Taking Tiger Mountain is more interesting...

say no more.
you're good in my book.

although, like I said, "Backwater" from Before and After could have easily fit into Taking Tiger Mountain
that's my favorite Eno track. a perfect song, as far as i'm concerned.

super_charger 02.15.2008 05:57 PM

I'm more a fan of his 'pop' albums but I love 'Ambient 4: On Land'...'Music for Airports', not so much. Tiger Mountain is an incredible album.

toxic johnny 02.15.2008 06:43 PM

I have spoken many times about my love for Here Come The Warm Jets...

when I was a kid I used to really believe that Eno was an alien.

Glice 02.16.2008 08:08 AM

Never got the love for Eno unless I'm heavily opiated, which doesn't happen at all these days. Second side of Low is the only thing I could ever bear to listen to sober, and even so...

sarramkrop 02.18.2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
He's a good music innovator, not a good music creator.

The other way round, please.

fugazifan 02.18.2008 08:58 AM

i bought his cd with byrne-my life in the bush of ghosts, and quite like it

andrei 02.18.2008 10:38 AM

I really enjoy Music For Airport performed by Bang On A Can, but besides that nothing caught my attention

Fred Cracklin 02.18.2008 04:51 PM

You're not as likely to be disappointed with these:

Fripp & Eno - Evening Star
Fripp & Eno - No Pussyfooting

David Byrne and Brian Eno - My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (& yeah, I read that you already mentioned that you liked this one)

Everyneurotic 02.18.2008 06:10 PM

ace producer.

great collaborator of robert fripp.

i don't dig roxy music much.

haven't given his solo shit a proper listen.

the one with byrne is pretty awesome, the one with cale is at times good and at times embarrasing.

Dead-Air 02.18.2008 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Over the last few months, I've added some Eno LPs to my collection: Taking Tiger Mountain, Another Green World, and Before and After Science, as well as the David Byrne collaboration My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Only the last one appeals much to me. I'm not warming up much yet to the other three. For all their rep, I thought I'd really dig these. Will they grow on me?

I share your experience with Taking Tiger Mounatin. Aside from "Third Uncle" which I loved the first time I heard it, I've spent decades liking the album o.k. but not quite getting why I don't love it.

Another Green World, however, I totally love and always have. It's among his strongest ambient albums while being among his strongest vocal pop ones at the same time. I think it might well grow on you.

Before and After Science I also love, and it is interesting as it takes one of his music styles, the ultra catchy short pop song and slowly track by track deconstructs it into his other forte the slow, quiet, ambient direction. Try listening to it with that in mind, perhaps.

Bush of Ghosts I flucuate between liking kind of like Taking Tiger Mountain and loving as a moment of pure brilliance. I can't predict whether it will hit me one way or the other at a given listen. Definitely an impressive foray into electronic beat music for it's day. Sometimes it does feel dated to me, but then others it really doesn't, so go figure.

Here Come the Warm Jets is indeed probably my favorite, but Another Green World is very close. It just depends on the mood and atmosphere.

Eno is one of my favorites on a par with Sonic Youth, Sun Ra, John Cage, and the Sun City girls. He's done enough stuff that I don't worship every second of it, but there is an 80% awe rate overall. I really dig some later ambient stuff like Apollo Atmospheres and Shutov Assembly too.

█████████ 02.18.2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Over the last few months, I've added some Eno LPs to my collection: Taking Tiger Mountain, Another Green World, and Before and After Science, as well as the David Byrne collaboration My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Only the last one appeals much to me. I'm not warming up much yet to the other three. For all their rep, I thought I'd really dig these. Will they grow on me?

give another listen to another green world,get here come the warm jets.

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