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pantophobia 02.08.2008 11:56 PM

Kim Gordon joins Obama Youth

But what do noise/punk/grunge pioneers Sonic Youth think of the 2008 Democratic race? Kim Gordon is “inspired” by Barack Obama, that’s what! She will support him, she tells Wonkette’s Liz Glover … even though Gordon admits Obama and Hillary are basically the same, as far as politics

i would assume people would get less uptight about this one then about her last interview with wonkette:rolleyes:

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.09.2008 12:11 AM

"she used to be cool" ?

She still fucking is douchebags!

pantophobia 02.09.2008 12:17 AM

yeah that did seem a bit tart to put a paltry tag as that on to someone nice enough to give you a 2 minute sound byte

✌➬ 02.09.2008 12:29 AM

Now I know I voted for the wrong person. I want to recast my vote for Obama.

atsonicpark 02.09.2008 07:55 AM

Obama's finished. Just hang it up.

uhler 02.09.2008 11:30 AM

she's right clinton and obama are about the same. that's why i didn't vote. but it wouldn't have mattered anyway in florida.

ChocolateJesus 02.09.2008 11:45 AM

I have never ever ever been influenced in any way by what a rock star thinks about politics. even a rock star from a great band that I love. Same goes for any kind of celebrity endorsement of a candidate. I appreciate the fact that it provides exposure, but I really could give a fuck what any of them think about politics. Come to think of it, I really would just rather not think about politics at all. It makes my head hurt. That could be the hangover, though....

flophousefloozie 02.09.2008 12:57 PM

Haha, all those little SY cliches posted on there are hilarious.

SY hasn't made a good album since Kathleen Hanna was in their music videos.

Yes, she really made the band what it was.

Moshe 02.09.2008 02:02 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pantophobia again.

Everyneurotic 02.09.2008 03:15 PM

omg!!!!! i need to get nationalized as a u.s. citizen so i can vote for obama and be a real sonic youth fan!!!!!

sonic life!!!!!!!!

atsonicpark 02.09.2008 05:05 PM

See, my thing is, how is this even newsworthy? Does this actually influence/affect people's lives? "Man, I'm so happy to know the miniscule details of Kim's sonic life!" I mean, does it really matter?

I think the world would be a better place if we all just stopped paying attention to each other and minded our own business. It doesn't matter who you vote for -- that's your business, and it should be something you keep to yourself. Sadly, I think everyone just influences everyone else. Obvious but true.

flophousefloozie 02.09.2008 05:18 PM

Yeah, that's true. Obviosuly not how she meant it, but if we kept those things to ourselves, then votes would be based solely on individual preference.
Then again, many regretable votes are made by ignorance. When I vote for my country's leader, my decision is based on the opinions of people I respect, as well as my own observations.
Of course, I'm speaking about people I respect and KNOW. (Not Kim Gordon, though I do have respect for her in many certain ways).

pbradley 02.09.2008 05:48 PM

At least she isn't behind Ron Paul. Like a number of boardies.

barnaclelapse 02.09.2008 11:16 PM

For some reason, I don't get quite the same sensation of pure evil with Obama as I do with Hillary.

!@#$%! 02.12.2008 03:24 PM

vote, marylanders, vote!


krastian 02.12.2008 03:50 PM


pantophobia 02.12.2008 04:08 PM

no can do, it's a closed primary, can't vote for anything except school board

silverfreepress (sdasher) 02.12.2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Sadly, I think everyone just influences everyone else. Obvious but true.

Yes I think the word for this is life. The great thing with this world is if you want to live a isolationist lifestyle you can do so. Be a hermit. But to type on a message board you are infact living your life with others and in turn affecting others and also being affected.

tesla69 02.12.2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
Yes I think the word for this is life. The great thing with this world is if you want to live a isolationist lifestyle you can do so. Be a hermit..

you can only do that if you're independently wealthy or are somehow especially clever and can earn an income without dealing with people. its not like there's anyplace you can go and get lost and live off the wilderness.

pbradley 02.12.2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
its not like there's anyplace you can go and get lost and live off the wilderness.

I'm aware of at least one hermit that lived in the mountains of California.

Kylerobert 02.12.2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
At least she isn't behind Ron Paul. Like a number of boardies.

Ron Paul is the only honest man running.

Kylerobert 02.12.2008 04:33 PM

oops I mean 'person'....can't forget about hilldog

Torn Curtain 02.12.2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I think the world would be a better place if we all just stopped paying attention to each other and minded our own business.

Weird argument as the ever rising individualism mostly affect people's lives in a very bad way.

pbradley 02.12.2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kylerobert
Ron Paul is the only honest man running.

I've never been one for conservatism.

Kylerobert 02.12.2008 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I've never been one for conservatism.

That's where we differ.

amyvega 02.12.2008 05:56 PM

to each their own but ron paul? what a joke. what kind of jock jams-loving cop-hating kids will vote for that idiot? (please, please take offense)

however, i think it's foolish to "basically" think obama and hillary are the same. mccain isn't as conservative as hillary, i think.

pantophobia 02.12.2008 06:00 PM

well i think a lot of young people who like him are just not informed of his politics, i know a few here that thought he seemed like a visionary until they got a look at his stanch unwaivering belief in the constitution as it was written

Kylerobert 02.12.2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by amyvega
to each their own but ron paul? what a joke. what kind of jock jams-loving cop-hating kids will vote for that idiot? (please, please take offense)

however, i think it's foolish to "basically" think obama and hillary are the same. mccain isn't as conservative as hillary, i think.

You have no idea what you're talking about...And the consitution is a wonderful thing. Ron Paul is for lowering taxes and limiting federal government. These aren't 'visionary' ideas, they are conservative concepts that have been swept under the rug by modern Republicans.

pantophobia 02.12.2008 08:20 PM

i think ultimately he is too radical for his own good on certain topics, he is anti-abortion which turns off too many independents and is against many gay rights like adoption

he's too polarizing to really be a real contender

Kylerobert 02.12.2008 09:54 PM

Yes, he is pro-life. But he believes that these issues should be resolved by the state (hence the people).

Cantankerous 02.12.2008 09:56 PM

my respect for this woman is now under review.

Tokolosh 02.13.2008 03:53 AM

I don't find Obama "inspiring" AT ALL.

✌➬ 02.13.2008 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I don't find Obama "inspiring" AT ALL.

I find him filling the country with empty promises, is that wrong?

Tokolosh 02.13.2008 03:57 AM

His intentions are probably good, but he's not a realist. Fucking Utopian he is.

✌➬ 02.13.2008 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
His intentions are probably good, but he's not a realist. Fucking Utopian he is.

Yeah, that is what I get, he is not a realist. But after eight years of conservatism he seems like a beam of light at the end of a tunnel, and he is also winning votes from conservatives, as well as independents. He got in at the right time, when everyone is tired of coservatism ripping all the core values of America, he took a bold step in not mirroring Hillary.

Tokolosh 02.13.2008 04:06 AM

A political dilemma is you ask me.
I honestly wouldn't know what to vote for in this day and age, if I was American.

krastian 02.13.2008 03:33 PM

A politician is a politician is a politician....I don't think a lot of people will EVER be satisfied. Remember, no one is perfect and you can't agree with someone on everything. What do people realistically expect from their government/elected officials? Someone that agrees with you on EVERYTHING? One who will take you out to dinner and later return the favor with a reach around? All "we" are looking for is a leader who is fair, who isn't a total jackass, and one who will take into account INFORMATION when making decisions that not only affect America, but the entire world. No more people with their "God told me to do it" bullshit. Obama is by far the most believable canidate I ever seen in my lifetime for sure. We all see what happened when people voted for someone they'd like to "drink a beer with." Either way, only we can save our own souls, not some guy who is elected to the White House.

krastian 07.20.2008 09:28 PM

Here is a link from for a FREE Obama button (if you're into that kind of rhythm).

vegans4veal 07.22.2008 03:23 AM

for the record, Obama IS a conservative, at least by european standards. in fact... the democrat party is more conservative than the english conservative party. go figure.

i'd rather take ron paul, who is in classical terms a complete and utter liberal (and border-line anarchist) than obama who strangely supports the death penalty (unlike paul) and who is all for war and nuclear weapons. do most obama supporters even know why they support him?

no, i don't care who she supports, but i lose respect for anyone who claims that obama 'inspires' them...

pbradley 07.22.2008 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by vegans4veal
i lose respect for anyone who claims that obama 'inspires' them...

That's kind of a twat thing to say about anyone supporting any candidate.

And you really don't know know what liberalism is if you think an libertarian like Ron Paul is liberal. It isn't liberal to advocate the reduction of social welfare programs.

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