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moik 01.16.2008 12:17 AM

From moik ( - SY Vinyl

this is moik. some of you may remember me from the 90's when i used to run a sonic youth website called


anyway - my imac died and i am selling some of my sy vinyl on ebay to raise enough for a new one. i have all these records and i don't even have a turntable. i've never played them.

this includes a never played vinyl copy of a thousand leaves that has my web page ( on the cover and a note from steve shelley inside. also an sy / hole split seven inch, an sy / nirvana seven inch, and several more.

also - I have a couple of posters that were signed by the entire band. these are extra ones that have been in my closet for ten years. check them out if you are interested:

so what happened to

well to be honest i was spending a lot of time on that and also working on a novel. one day i got on a scale and realized i was 285 pounds! that was winter 1999. I decided that if i didn't do something i'd weigh 300 lbs by summer so i started running, working out etc, and have done ten marathons since then. and i read the novel and realized it was only interesting to me - and just barely!

meanwhile, while i was temporarily away from (and not for very long), my ISP ( somehow lost my entire site. it just disappeared. then i wasn;t quick enough to renew my registration for the domain name and some company that steals late registered domain names now owns

but that is okay - this site is way better and was a lot of fun while i did it. i am still a huge sonic youth fan and now i am addicted to

i am on as, what else, moik!

but anyway - don't hesitate to checkout my sy vinyl sale. here it is again:

note to webmasters of

i still have all the content from if you want it. i know it is archived here and there but i do have a lot of files including pictures of the gear shortly before it was stolen.




Chris Lawrence 01.16.2008 09:22 PM

howdy moik! very, very long time, no see. :)

to those who weren't was the fuckin' place to be as a sonic youth fan in the mid-late 90s.

glad to know you're doing okay!

scott v 01.16.2008 10:26 PM, that was indeed the place i hurried to during my early days of net browsing for SY info, good to hear from you moik!

moik 01.16.2008 11:18 PM

what's up chris? i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people on this board don't remember if somebody was, say, in college right now, they'd have been like nine or ten years old when was up and running.

ha ha - i'm 48! but then again i'm the same age (approximately) as the band members.


Chris Lawrence 01.17.2008 01:12 AM

hmm, it's strange to think of it like that! ten years...

i swiped some of your portland '98 pedal pix from a barely salvageable expedition of your site. if you have some you'd like to contribute to the gear guide, that would be very cool!

Moshe 01.17.2008 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by moik
what's up chris? i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people on this board don't remember if somebody was, say, in college right now, they'd have been like nine or ten years old when was up and running.

ha ha - i'm 48! but then again i'm the same age (approximately) as the band members.


Hey Moik

I'm 36 and I was in college back in those days. I remember using the college computer to wait till will appear on my screen. It was a very heavy page for those days and for my dial up connection.
Anyway, I used to love the stuff there (but not the colors:)).

nicfit 01.17.2008 05:49 AM

Hi Moik, I'm 27 and I'm an addict...
WHAT the hell guys ha ha, looks like some support group starting posts that way!
Now, said my stupid bit, I was a young boy and visited your site every weekend "stealing" the connection in my father's office on sundays when nobody was around. Good ol' times. Thanks for all your past efforts in putting together that site. Nice to see you here, and hear that you took care of yourself and not only of the website he he :) .
I don't have a turntable either, so I won't be of much help for your auctions, but I'll spread the info to some friends who might be interested.
Take care!

toxic johnny 01.17.2008 06:23 AM

Hey Moik... I am 47 and remember looking at your site in the dark ages!

I know that I will be interested in some of the items in your sale... but am scared to look as my bank balance is suffering from advanced Sonicitis...

sonicl 01.17.2008 06:31 AM

I love the SY poster in the sale - if I remember rightly, that was on sale on later dates on the DDN tour, after the release of The Whitey Album. I had one (without the signatures!) but God knows what happened to it.

[beg]If your collection includes any Ciccone Youth t-shirts and you want to convert them to cash, please contact me before you contact ebay.[/beg]

saoq 01.17.2008 08:11 AM

wow the was so much fun. fuck i used to go to your site w/ a shitty 14.4 modem//
how was that statement on the index page? something about "best viewed .... w/ a beer" or smth.
anyways, that was good times

greenlight 01.17.2008 08:38 AM

remeber your page as well! used to browse in internet cafes, searching for some sy info. nice one!

noisereductions 01.17.2008 08:48 AM

Hey Moik! I remember! That's awesome that yr still trolling around. Good to hear from you.

Too bad you put that shiz on ebay. I probably would've made an offer on this or that... but I don't like ebay very much. Psh.

tesla69 01.17.2008 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by saoq
how was that statement on the index page? something about "best viewed .... w/ a beer" or smth. anyways, that was good times

good times indeed! and alt.sonic.youth!

noisereductions 01.17.2008 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
good times indeed! and alt.sonic.youth!

and PAINTBOX FTP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moik 01.17.2008 10:49 AM

wow - thanks for all the kind words.

chris - send me yr email address and i'll send you the rest of the gear pics.

if you remember as a sort of busy, crowded page - that was on purpose. i wouldn't do well in today's world of elegant web design. my thinking was that since sonic youth was "difficult" music (compared to mainstream music) that often morphed into total chaos i would make similarly difficult - that is to say there was NOISE, the backgrounds were often extremely busy and the print maybe a little hard to read on certain pages. and there were sometimes links that weren't obvious and could easily be missed. kind of annoying at times.

i think it said, on the top:

this page is best viewed with netscape . . . and a beer and a ciggie wouldn't hurt either.

btw - i did that page with a dial up - that's all most people had back then; and i learned html by looking at other pages with "view source." and then copying the html tags into notepad. it was a lot of fun. try view source now and it is clear that not many people write html that way anymore!

yeh, and was my obsession back than a lot of fun. the best part was when at one point thurston and lee (mostly thurston) started posting to the forum.

i knew they were real,but most of the regulars thought they were fake, you know, people pretending to be thurston and lee. (thurston was fempriest and lee was eyemote) and there were other people who were fake - pretending to be band members. and thurston (fempriest) was purposely ambiguous as to whether or not it was really him. so here were the biggest sonic youth fans telling thurston to shut up and quit pretending he was thurston - it was pretty funny. i bet it is all archived on google "groups."

anyway, thanks for all your kind words.


noisereductions 01.17.2008 10:53 AM

I don't know why that just reminded me of this: but does anyone remember back in like 2000 or so when there was that rumor on the sy board that Thurston had gotten into some brutal car accident or something like that? It was weird. Almost urban legendy.

moik 01.17.2008 10:58 AM

re: fempriest

this is an example from google archive:

In <3jd7uj$...@cmcl2.NYU.EDU> writes:
>Alright FEmPriEST, I'm sure you understand why I don't believe that you
>are Thurston Moore. This medium, combined with some inherent psychological
>factors that come with this type of newsgroup, is ripe for this type of
>scam. We all want to believe that Thurston Moore is part of our group,
>enough so that we're willing to be laughably naive. If you're a fake,
>fuck you, you're trash. Indulge your need for attention somewhere else.
>I have one question that will prove if you are Thurston or not. When
>I met you at Kim's--by the way, we talked about touring, vinyl,babies,
>and Charles Gale, I didn't ask for Steve's address--you were wearing a
>Kangol knit hat. I remember it well. Describe the color scheme and
>design and I'll post whether or not your answer is correct.

YEAh actually while we're at it I have a question for you too-What college
are you playing at on the last weekend of April? (I do believe you are
Thurston, by the way.)

++++++++++++++++end quote++++++++++++++++++++++

check it out:

Rob Instigator 01.17.2008 11:16 AM

I used to go to hi

I will check out yr auctions for I so love sonic youth

greenlight 01.17.2008 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by moik
i bet it is all archived on google "groups."


iŽd like to read some of it. any chance someone would know to google it out and paste link?

scott v 01.17.2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
good times indeed! and alt.sonic.youth!

i'm 33, and I remember alt.sonic.youth i was in my first year or two of college this was back when i first dicovered the web on the schools computer system and the "internet" was this small world and only existed in txt format!!!

neptuneg 01.17.2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by moik
wow - thanks for all the kind words.

chris - send me yr email address and i'll send you the rest of the gear pics.

if you remember as a sort of busy, crowded page - that was on purpose. i wouldn't do well in today's world of elegant web design. my thinking was that since sonic youth was "difficult" music (compared to mainstream music) that often morphed into total chaos i would make similarly difficult - that is to say there was NOISE, the backgrounds were often extremely busy and the print maybe a little hard to read on certain pages. and there were sometimes links that weren't obvious and could easily be missed. kind of annoying at times.

i think it said, on the top:

this page is best viewed with netscape . . . and a beer and a ciggie wouldn't hurt either.

btw - i did that page with a dial up - that's all most people had back then; and i learned html by looking at other pages with "view source." and then copying the html tags into notepad. it was a lot of fun. try view source now and it is clear that not many people write html that way anymore!

yeh, and was my obsession back than a lot of fun. the best part was when at one point thurston and lee (mostly thurston) started posting to the forum.

i knew they were real,but most of the regulars thought they were fake, you know, people pretending to be thurston and lee. (thurston was fempriest and lee was eyemote) and there were other people who were fake - pretending to be band members. and thurston (fempriest) was purposely ambiguous as to whether or not it was really him. so here were the biggest sonic youth fans telling thurston to shut up and quit pretending he was thurston - it was pretty funny. i bet it is all archived on google "groups."

anyway, thanks for all your kind words.


I was too young to really be involved with the newsgroup, but I found this funny archive: 1b4

nicfit 01.17.2008 03:02 PM Qv5CrpfBR_x-UmXJbOPFukdEasx1kiYTQavV7mdW13Q&filter=0&

thurston's posts

ah ha this could be a goldmine of quotes:
talkin' 'bout ciccone youth:
"one of my favorite most fucked up rec'gs ever "

'bout "eyes and theet"

"no - that was just a throwaway but fun one for that index magazine cd - we
needed lyrix so i picked up a....magazine! called Frank - a uk hip
fashion thing and read / sang the 1st article i opened to - it was called 'eyes
& teeth' - i was reading/singing aloud and the music was basically written
banged out on an autoharp my brother gave me and lee banged a DRUm - steve
mightve done something - kim thumbsed up and we sent it off..
peace - t."

It's been alot of fun, but sooner or later the truth must be known. I am
not Thurston Moore, but I am a good friend of his, and he knows all about
the fun I have been having. "
edit: is there a way to save this stuff for off-line reading?

noisereductions 01.17.2008 03:35 PM

I've always always always loved "Eyes and Teeth." It's probably my favorite b-side they ever recorded, and always wished it was on 7" vinyl. Ooh.

Chris L hates it. As most of you probably do as well.

radarmaker 01.17.2008 05:54 PM


this page is best viewed with netscape . . . and a beer and a ciggie wouldn't hurt either.

Wow, that's a blast from the past :)
Already watching a couple of yr 7"s on eBay...

CHOUT 01.17.2008 10:14 PM

i was there 'back in the day'...used to peep the sy and minutemen stuff.

moik 01.19.2008 10:46 AM

say - put all the files from into a zip file and uploaded it as a yousendit file that will be available for seven days (starting yesterday). chris (or anybody else, for that matter) if you need the link email me

ex_magician "@t" yahoo "dot" c o m


moik 01.19.2008 10:48 AM

oh - and it's funny because the whole thing adds up to only 18-19 MBs.

back then i was limited to how much i could upload and had on two servers!

aaron (from here, i think) asked for the files so maybe some of it will be used in this website.


krastian 01.19.2008 02:55 PM

Hell yes I remember your site!! I was on dial up too back then....ha! Good times, good times. Your site and the Shouting the Poetic Truths of High School Journal Keepers site were great. I think there was another SY site I used to go to, but I can't remember the name.

noisereductions 01.19.2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
Hell yes I remember your site!! I was on dial up too back then....ha! Good times, good times. Your site and the Shouting the Poetic Truths of High School Journal Keepers site were great. I think there was another SY site I used to go to, but I can't remember the name.

Was that ?

Green_mind 01.19.2008 06:43 PM

sounds like it was a really good site, I can only imagine. That blue 7" 'kooler thing' really was tempting me, looks awesome, but looks like I'm too late. :(

sergisonic 01.21.2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by moik
what's up chris? i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people on this board don't remember if somebody was, say, in college right now, they'd have been like nine or ten years old when was up and running.

ha ha - i'm 48! but then again i'm the same age (approximately) as the band members.


wow, moik!!!!
how are you? really fucking great to see you here!!!! i'm now 32, and with the same sonic power inside me!!!!!!!!!


pokkeherrie 01.21.2008 05:11 PM

Wow, blast from the past. That was the second SY site I visited; the first one being the not very exciting or something along those lines... it took me a while to find out about that SY newsgroup.

I liked the way your site was completely unorganised, a total mess of random links but in a good way.

krastian 01.22.2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Was that ?

Yeah, that was def. one.....I know there was another one too that I can't remember.

_slavo_ 01.22.2008 02:13 PM

how about Saucer-Like? Noone used to go there?

Moshe 01.22.2008 02:24 PM

saucerlike was up in 1999. it had a picture of a fist where you could choose the different sections.

RoadkillKid 01.22.2008 02:28 PM

Wow. Hey moik. Your site was my absolute SY bible for years, dialling up on my 14.4 baud from South Africa. I can indeed confirm that the site was best viewed with a ciggie and a beer. Welcome back to the land of the living, man. You've been missed.

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