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Cantankerous 01.11.2008 01:12 AM

Music Request & Upload Thread
i think we need one.
basically the principle behind this is that someone makes a request and whoever on the board has that (song, album, etc) can upload it.
let's do it for the greater good!

okay so i don't have this one on my computer - blondie "parallel lines"

terminal pharmacy 01.11.2008 02:14 AM

here is a heap of torrents for it cantanky, otherwise i don't have it.

✌➬ 01.11.2008 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
okay so i don't have this one on my computer - blondie "parallel lines"

fugazifan 01.11.2008 03:50 AM

any sun city girls (except for the first, grotto, torch and velentines) will be much obliged

✌➬ 01.11.2008 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
before asking, one can do a blog search too.

Yes, that is what I always do.

fugazifan 01.11.2008 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
before asking, one can do a blog search too.

almost all their albums. thanks for the link

fugazifan 01.11.2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
almost all their albums. thanks for the link

shit, that blog is probably the best i have seen....

nicfit 01.11.2008 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
here is a heap of torrents for it cantanky, otherwise i don't have it.

She's torrents impaired.

atsonicpark 01.11.2008 06:24 AM

BLOGSCOPE? never heard of it. great!

I checked that sun city girls link. I actually had almost all those albums.. but I'm getting the ones I missed now thanks to this thread. Cooooooool.

auto-aim 01.11.2008 07:58 AM

I've been lead to believe that nobody has any killdozer - anywhere - ever.

stu666 01.11.2008 08:12 AM

there has been some live shows on dime recently all still being seeded

KILLDOZER - O'Cayz Corral, Madison, WI 1989-10-06 ***Aud(3)*** by notsaved

KILLDOZER - London, Sir George Robey 5.May.1988 (X-Gen AUD incomplete B+ sound) by weldermatt

Killdozer, Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC 1995-03-15, audience DAT master w/ sample by mrpember

KILLDOZER - Portsmouth, England, South Pier 6.July.1989 (x-gen aud, B/B+) by weldermatt

sonicl 01.11.2008 08:25 AM

Jesus Christ! I was at that Killdozer show in Portsmouth!

If anyone wants to make me very happy, please could they download that one and stick a copy on Sendspace or something for me.

auto-aim 01.11.2008 08:28 AM

I'll give it a go - if i can... specifically though I'm looking for 12 point buck and little baby buntin.

auto-aim 01.11.2008 08:29 AM

"We are very sorry!

At the moment, there are at least 100,100 registered users at, the maximum allowed under DIME's current configuration."

stu666 01.11.2008 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Jesus Christ! I was at that Killdozer show in Portsmouth!

If anyone wants to make me very happy, please could they download that one and stick a copy on Sendspace or something for me.

ok as it's for you i'll get it now;)

Everyneurotic 01.11.2008 10:10 AM

be careful with this thread...

sonicl 01.11.2008 10:21 AM

You mean as in "don't get into the dodgy ground of uploading stuff that's in print"? Yeah, couldn't agree more.

Everyneurotic 01.11.2008 10:23 AM

exactly...i mean we tried it when the board started and it was messy.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 01.11.2008 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
before asking, one can do a blog search too.

nice one on the link,
ive downloaded like five things off one blog.

█████████ 01.11.2008 11:25 AM

i'm just going to say that google is great.

Rob Instigator 01.11.2008 11:32 AM


screamingskull 01.11.2008 12:08 PM

Breeders - POD

Please, oh and badongo is great!

StevOK 01.11.2008 01:31 PM

We have had several successful threads like this on my other message board. Here's an index of stuff if you guys want to go on a download frenzy: &order=asc

auto-aim 01.11.2008 04:50 PM

but never any 12 point buck anywhere

atari 2600 01.11.2008 05:15 PM

Dearie, it's highly likely that no one would have even replied to your Radiohead thread if I hadn't bumped it. At any rate, it certainly seemed like a real sinker there for awhile.

I don't get this thread. We're not supposed to up released albums. So essentially, if someone makes a request in this thread it's more-or-less stating that they themselves are too stupid or too lazy to find the album they want on the internet by themselves.

"I can't find x, but, hey you there, please spend time helping me find album x."

Cantankerous 01.11.2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
here is a heap of torrents for it cantanky, otherwise i don't have it.

i don't do torrents, for the last time!

stu666 01.13.2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Jesus Christ! I was at that Killdozer show in Portsmouth!

If anyone wants to make me very happy, please could they download that one and stick a copy on Sendspace or something for me.

ok here is part 1 of 2, you will need winace or winrar to extract the files (flac)
Killdozer - Portsmouth 6th july 1989

sarramkrop 01.13.2008 10:17 AM

From ''The Folklore Of The Moon'' series of 3" cdr's:

Stone Breath "Revelation Moon" Vol. 1

Kawabata Makoto "Do You Remember Our Moonshine Magic?" Vol. 4

The Goslings Vol. 8

The Does Vol. 9

Huntress Vol. 12

andrei 01.13.2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Dearie, it's highly likely that no one would have even replied to your Radiohead thread if I hadn't bumped it. At any rate, it certainly seemed like a real sinker there for awhile.

I don't get this thread. We're not supposed to up released albums. So essentially, if someone makes a request in this thread it's more-or-less stating that they themselves are too stupid or too lazy to find the album they want on the internet by themselves.

"I can't find x, but, hey you there, please spend time helping me find album x."

Yeah... i think you're right. This thread should be closed. It's really emarrassing!

king_buzzo 01.13.2008 12:28 PM

i got a request, hum- electra 2000. upload that and i'll felate you.

Phlegmscope 01.13.2008 01:12 PM

Does anyone have link to a good quality vinyl rip of mogwai's song "lower", which was the b-side of their first 7" and never released on any cd as far as I know.
Excellent song.

stu666 01.13.2008 01:22 PM

ok here you go sonicl - Killdozer - Portsmouth 6th july 1989 - part 2

the sound quality isn't excellent but i hope you enjoy it anyway

PAULYBEE2656 01.13.2008 05:36 PM

i agree with every neurotic. tread carefully on the thin ice of uploading shit to here. it did get very messy at times years ago and probably will again and also dont post direct torrent links cuz chris habib reckons that will cause an influx of spambots into this section...... see sonic sharing for proof of that....

apart from that go for it!

atari 2600 01.14.2008 01:47 PM

Aw hell, I bumped it...must've bumped my head ha.


Originally Posted by andrei
Yeah... i think you're right. This thread should be closed. It's really emarrassing!

Then again, maybe people can just PM each other the links and the rules can be subverted in that manner.

Nefeli's link for can be very helpful.
Along those lines, other searches of the blogosphere can be performed at

The google hack at can be useful too in finding stuff on ftp pages. Of course itself is usually all one needs. Just include "blog" and "mp3" in the search terms for whatever it is you are looking or try the beta version at

And then for torrent users, there used to me a lot of search engines. I think torrentspy doesn't allow searches anymore if you sign-in from the U.S., but and the like (torrentsearch, torrentscan) are still up and running.
Also, many large torrent sites (mininova, suprnova,, etc.) allow searches without registration. And here again, google does the job most of the time. Just include "torrent" with whatever terms you are searching.

SYRFox 01.14.2008 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Phlegmscope
Does anyone have link to a good quality vinyl rip of mogwai's song "lower", which was the b-side of their first 7" and never released on any cd as far as I know.
Excellent song.

Yeah it's such an awesome song. I think it must be available on their website as they put it on their podcast a few years ago.

atari 2600 01.14.2008 02:18 PM

I just tried everything above and Google is the only place you can find Mogwai's "Lower." The page I found it on has a working mp3 download link. Apparently, whoever is hosting the link actually recorded it from a Mogwai podcast (the same one SYRFox alluded to most probably) where it was played, so it isn't ripped from a copy of the original "Tuner"/"Lower" single. Again, the links in my post above will help one find most anything, but google itself is usually all one needs. Just include "blog" and "mp3" in the search terms for whatever it is you are looking.
I sent a PM to SYRFox and Phlegmscope. If someone else wants the link, just PM one of them.

Sonic Youth 37 01.14.2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
Breeders - POD


Please, oh and badongo is great!

I've this on upload right now, so check back

Same with Electra 200 for buzzo (you can keep the fellate)

Update: screamingskull check PM for Badongo link.
king_buzzo check PM for link too.

atari 2600 01.14.2008 02:52 PM

You know, on second thought, I don't know why any subterfuge is necessary in this case. There are no rules about posting links to blogs.

You can find Mogwai's "Lower" and other Mogwai mp3s here:



screamingskull 01.14.2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
I've this on upload right now, so check back

Same with Electra 200 for buzzo (you can keep the fellate)

Update: screamingskull check PM for Badongo link.
king_buzzo check PM for link too.

THANK YOU!!!!!:) :) :)

Sonic Youth 37 01.14.2008 03:09 PM

You're welcome!

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