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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.11.2006 12:32 PM

Lets talk rap!
So, my little siblings turn rap on the radio. And this rap has no drums or bass, just this really high pitch synth stuff and this low pseudo bass drum pseudo bass guitar sound that gives me a head ache. No turntablism or sampling, and the guy can't even enunciate his vocals. When you can understand them, the lyrics are terrible- but my little siblings think this new rap is great- meanwhile I can't even find a beat!

My point is- new MTV/radio rap sucks. Everyone seems really obsessed with Tupac as well.

I really love Kool Keith- whether in Ultramagnetic MC's, or as anyone of his incarnations. I like Outkast a lot too. Public Enemy and NWA are cool, but I haven't really been properly introduced. Any suggestions? Any other rap recommendations? I've heard a Tribe Called Quest and Kid Koala are good.
Cheesy Oldschool rap is good too- Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Flash, and the likes.

val-holla-ing 05.11.2006 12:49 PM

i never liked tupac, but i do like this whole "minimalist crunk" thing.

it all depends on what you like. i really love N.W.A, the first Warren G album, Bone Thuggs-n-Harmony, A Tribe Called Quest, and Notiorious B.I.G. because they're the ones i grew up listening to (i listened to alot of rap from the south, but i don't even remember any of their names).

if you're looking for newer stuff, i'd point you in the direction of The Roots, Mos Def, and Talib Kweli...stuff like that. none of them are "new" at all, but they still put out quality material. Beans and Del The Funky Homosapien are cool too, but they're an acquired taste.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.11.2006 01:04 PM

I shouldn't have said I don't like new rap, I just hate a lot of the stuff on the radio. It reminds me of some rich freshman fratkids that would get drunk, party, and come into my dorm lounge and say both the hell out of me.

themawt71 05.11.2006 01:09 PM

you must check out quasimoto and his 2 cds-the unseen and the further adventures of lord quas.
really avante garde back in the day/present day real hip hop-especially further adventures...really forward looking with many roots in the past. quas is madibs alter ego-he (for the most part) freestyles ontop of his beats which are slowed down then he speeds back up to normal speed so he sounds like hes been sucking on helium-cool shit, very out there. he likes his greens!

you cant go wrong with the first 2 wu tang cds and the first solo cds by gza, ghostface killah and ol dirty bastard all with production by beat master the rza.

check out any mf doom and various aliases-victor vaughn, king geedorah, madvillian-with production by madlib!! a very unique mc who phrases way behind the beat with the most abstract rhymes.


johnnywinternoshow 05.11.2006 02:51 PM

Jurassic 5, tribe called quest, quasimoto, beastie boys, kool keith, antipop consortium and cypress hill's "black sunday" are my favourite hiphop beat combos

val-holla-ing is anything else by warren g anywhere near as good as regulators? I love that track but never heard anything else by him

Iain 05.11.2006 02:59 PM

Just get Vaudeville Villain by Viktor Vaughan. I have had that record in one for or another for over a year...well over I reckon....and I still listen to it all the time. It's damn great.

krastian 05.11.2006 03:20 PM

J 5 crew, hit ya with the 1-2

selkcip 05.11.2006 03:43 PM

eric b and rakim - let the rhythm hit 'em

Danny Himself 05.11.2006 04:09 PM

Beastie Boys, man.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.11.2006 04:36 PM

Beastie Boys are great. I think I mainly like rap that still has a lot of rock in it. That is why I don't like stuff without drums.

Rob Instigator 05.11.2006 04:39 PM

Eric B & Rakim - PAID IN FULL
Digable Planets - REACHIN

pantophobia 05.11.2006 05:01 PM

well MTV made a conscious decision to make Rap the dominant genre on their network, and cause of that, the worst comes out (50 Cent and his G-Unit Soldiers"Mobb Deep made a bad move there", Ja Rule and all of Murder Inc. Slim Thug) the OK (The Game "G-UNOT *gun clicks*", Eminem, Snoop Dogg) and the phenomenal (Jay-Z "great but MTV is so far up his ass they proclaimed him the best MC over Tupac and Nas, Wu-Tang Clan, Outkast, and many more), it's very different then the rock side where the only bands i have seen mentioned are Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Arcade Fire

also the thing people have to realize is that MTV's viewers age have dropped immensely to the point that middle schoolers are trying to get Crunk, Goth, Jiggy, Wiggy, and just Retarded

otherwise other greats are KRS-One, Nonphixon, Aesop Rock, Mr Lif, El-P (hell most of Def Jux), and the amazing Wu-Tang Clan who were the most exciting group i have ever seen live, SY need to step up, Thurston needs to start spraying Champaign on the audience, and Kim needs to start taking people's cell phones from the audience and start calling people ala Cappadonna

but yet again i am eclipsed by the vast knowledge by the High Priestess in the Temple of Hip Hop Je-L-Be, we are JPMD, we form like Voltron and she's the Head

Disgruntled Youth 05.11.2006 05:23 PM

Dr. DoooM : First come, First served

jennthebenn 05.11.2006 05:43 PM

2pac is crazily overrated, but that happens from product saturation. they went up to like makiveli 56 or some stupid shit. makes me sick when people put him number 1 greatest mc ever. he was versatile as hell, had a commanding voice, influential flow, and yeah, an incredible work ethic, but his beat selection was not great and once you've heard 5 2pac records, you've heard what you need, pretty much. but he was murdered...hip hop martyr. same with biggie, who had the art of mcing down MUCH better. and even then he's not my top 10.
top 10 favorite mcs (not best; two different things entirely)
1. redman--humorous, streetwise, instantly recognizable; i give a fuck about failed fox sitcoms and deodorant commercials.
2. nas--when people talk about nas falling mean with beats, right? 'cause he can't ever hope to match illmatic's sound ever. how many can? you had premier, large pro, pete rock, each of them hitting on every cylinder for this teenager out of qb no one outside that borough knew. lyrically? he's never fallen off. ever ever ever.
3. big pun--the deceased rapper i'd bring back, if given a choice by the genie of massive improbability. amazing multisyllabic rhymes that made sense within the song, great willingness to rap over any kind of music style (and fit right in).
4. slick rick--the great adventures of.. is bona fide classic. teach it in MC 101. great stories told perfectly. maybe the most recognizable voice in hip hop ever.
5. krs-one--the mc i'd most love to see live. he's insufferable about "owning" the cultural aspect of hip hop, provincial to a fault so big new york should start worrying about earthquakes, but wrote the second greatest diss song ever, and those bdp albums are must-listens. intelligent boom-bap.
6. grand puba--from brand nubian. a great group with no weak spots, but puba stood out as the most diverse. will absolutely sneak up on you and leave your mouth open with his wordplay. one for all is the masterpiece.
7. ill bill--raps about drugs, guns, bitches, death, gore, government, with breathtaking flow and wordplay. all of nonphixion are great...bill is just the illest.
8. aesop rock--does the whole mumbly-joe word salad shit better than el-p these days. tremendous voice to deliver lyrics that more often than not are so clever and sharp you could gut a fish with just the paper they're written on.
9. rakim--most influential mc of all time, has to be. made everyone rhyme slower and more precise. his deliberate style was born of studying the sax as a youngster. as a bragging battler--A+; as a storytelling mc--A+. often overrode the beats, which really became a detriment in later years.
10. ice cube--at his best, the best. still can put good verses together, but the amerikkkas most wanted/death certificate era cube was not being touched. lots of rappers have controversial songs that are misogynistic, racist, violent and nihilistic, but most of them arent' that special. cube was. was. barbershop, y'all.

the game had some really good tracks on his first album, but too much filler! and stop the namedropping, man. tell us more about you and less who you know. 50 cent and gunit? weak. i dont' know who mop need to beat up to get out of their deal, but do it, please. don't end up like mobb deep.

mr. lif's new one is really good, for the def jux fans. it's not better than i, phantom though. that's still the best lif.

hmm, anything else? yeah, if you haven't heard ll's "radio" and you like hip hop, get that. relentless rhyming! jay-z is overrated, but the blueprint IS worth the hype. the new apathy is great. i actually like the whole jmt/aotp/babygrande camp stuff. they're like perpetual second tier under def jux in perception, though.

golden child 05.11.2006 05:54 PM

im not well versed in the rap scene either, some of my favorites include the obvious
beastie boys
public enemy
lil kim ("i got homies in the west, homies in the east that'll stick you with an aids needle and piss in your mouth!")

i didnt really like aesop rock that much

i defiantly be interested in more more jams, some id like to hear
the roots
mos def

any others?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.11.2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Disgruntled Youth
Dr. DoooM : First come, First served

I love Apartment 223.

Have you heard the Mr. Nogatco stuff yet?

HaydenAsche 05.11.2006 08:25 PM

Good Rap/Hip-Hop:
the Fugees
Handsome Boy Modeling School
Danger Doom
Public Enemy
Beastie Boys
Wu-Tang Clan

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.11.2006 09:53 PM

I just now got a hold of Nogatco Rd - Mr. Nogatco (aka Kool Keith) and it rocks.

Alex's Trip 05.11.2006 09:59 PM

I like Digable Planets and Public Enemy...

val-holla-ing 05.11.2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by johnnywinternoshow
Jurassic 5, tribe called quest, quasimoto, beastie boys, kool keith, antipop consortium and cypress hill's "black sunday" are my favourite hiphop beat combos

val-holla-ing is anything else by warren g anywhere near as good as regulators? I love that track but never heard anything else by him

yeah, the entire album that "regulators" is on is tight. the production is so smooth, and the lyrics, while not that great, are very slick and fit the music very well.

Inhuman 05.11.2006 11:10 PM

JenntheBen pretty much said it all. My favs are:

antipop consortium
Mr. Lif

Edit: How the fuck did I miss N.W.A? They pollute my sig image...

val-holla-ing 05.11.2006 11:12 PM

i forgot to mention that anything "anticon"=garbage.

Everyneurotic 05.11.2006 11:40 PM

alright, i'm listening to fear of a black planet right now, so i'm in the mood for this.

big fucking ups for name-dropping LIL' KIM AND BIG MUTHAFUCKIN' PUN, that guy was awesome!!!

alright let's see:

a tribe called quest...awesome
nwa, of course.
i really liked this song i heard by this dude called something da damaja
fugees were awesome
cypress hill
i liked a couple digeable planets
mf doom
early outkast, the last album i liked by them was stankonia
public enemy
the wu tang
mobb deep used to be baaad!!!
grandmaster flash
some juvenile
some jay-z
the slim shady lp
early eve
three 6 mafia
some house of pain
death row-era snoop dogg
dr dre
EDIT:: i can't believe i forgot rah digga, my favorite female rapper.

i think that's pretty much what i liked

krastian 05.11.2006 11:49 PM

Yeah I'm surprised nobody mentioned Cypress Hill. Their first 3 albums are great.

Everyneurotic 05.11.2006 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
Yeah I'm surprised nobody mentioned Cypress Hill. Their first 3 albums are great.

they are still decent, not groundbreaking awesome as before but good, i don't mind their new shit, really.

krastian 05.12.2006 12:01 AM

I think their new stuff is ok.....I guess it just don't compare to you know the classic stuff like "When the Shit Goes Down," "Hits From the Bong," "Boom Biddy Bye Bye."

Patrique 05.12.2006 01:42 AM

Here's some general comments on stuff.

Love seeing the mentions of Quasimoto- Madlib is amazing and find EVERYTHING he's done, especially if you like jazz. The Quas stuff is most interesting because it's so off-the-wall and adventurous, not to mention funny as hell.

I honestly can't stand a lot of that backpacker-catering Def Jux-esque shit like Aesop, Atmosphere (godawful, although the Felt stuff is okay due to Murs), El-P...Cannibal Ox are the exception to the rule. The Cold Vein is an absolute classic and El-P's production on there is the only reason I don't want to kill him.

Wu-Tang are my favorites ever. I say we have a thread just quoting the best Wu verses...36 Chambers is tied with Illmatic as my favorite rap album of all time, not a weak track, verse or even note on the whole thing.

If anyone digs on Nas but doesn't like some of the shitty beats he has, check out the recent Living Legends v1 mixtape he put out with DJ Dirty Harry, some of his best verses (and some new ones as well) over classic beats. Go to, tons of free mixtapes there and well worth the effort.

Anyone else listen to Lupe Fiasco? I've heard two of his mixtapes and one or two tracks off his leaked album and the kid has definite skill. He gets a little too self-consciously dorky at times but his wordplay and flow are amazing, plus he's got half the industry on his dick seemingly so his beats are always going to be good.

Slick Rick is amazing. Great Adventures is the most essential but don't sleep on his other albums; The Art of Storytelling, in particular, was a tremendous comeback album.

Pete Rock & CL Smooth are right out of the same early-90s NYC scene that lead to Wu-Tang, Nas, Big L, etc., and they could hang with the best. Pete's arguably my favorite producer ever. Go find Mecca & the Soul Brother and The Main Ingredient NOW. Two of the best rap albums ever.

Okay, that's enough disconnected stream-of-consciousness babbling about rappers for the moment.

A Thousand Threads 05.12.2006 01:52 AM

saw Kool Keith and King 45 last weekend

2 legends

wasn´t really impressed by King 45´s set, kinda boring.

But Kool Keith put on a really good live show

_slavo_ 05.12.2006 02:06 AM

I like Dalek
and I like Techno Animal
and...ummm...Edan and Mr.Lif and Tribe Called Quest
and i don't know why but I dig Notorious B.I.G.'s flow

he spits as a muthafucka

that's for rap I guess

val-holla-ing 05.12.2006 10:15 AM

prefuse 73 is good shit, too. it's usually beats and instrumentals, but he gets people to guest on some tracks, too. his new album, "security screenings", is really good.

Everyneurotic 05.12.2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
I think their new stuff is ok.....I guess it just don't compare to you know the classic stuff like "When the Shit Goes Down," "Hits From the Bong," "Boom Biddy Bye Bye."

oh but that goes without mention, but compare their newish tracks to those by 90's period run dmc and others, and comparatively, they come off way better.

Trasher02 05.12.2006 10:35 AM

here's an idea, let's not talk rep.

Disgruntled Youth 05.12.2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I love Apartment 223.

Have you heard the Mr. Nogatco stuff yet?

Not yet, I've heard the Project P shit & it's hot, I'd like to hear the Nogato stuff but all with due time.

Toilet & Bowels 05.12.2006 07:57 PM

there was a hiphop thread pretty recently where people mentioned a lot of good stuff.

don't bother with kid koala until you've checked out lots of other hiphop, he's ok but there are plenty of things that are a lot better.

here are my top 11 MCs in no particular order

chuck d
the guru
kool keith
kool g rap
percee p
mf doom
gift of gab
nas (but only because of illmatic)
sir menelik
erick sermon

top 11 producers

the bomb squad
dj premier
the rza
dj spinna
pete rock
dj shadow
chief xcel
mf doom

Inhuman 05.12.2006 08:32 PM

I love DJ Shadow, he reminds me of Sixtoo (another one I forgot to mention)

nomadicfollower 05.12.2006 08:36 PM

Yeah, DJ Shadow is the shit. Organ Donor is the best.

atsonicpark 05.13.2006 05:22 PM

Anticon rules.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels

top 11 producers

the bomb squad
dj premier
the rza
dj spinna
pete rock
dj shadow
chief xcel
mf doom

i agree with most of your list, except for the few a haven't heard/noticed them before. i'd add dj dangermouse, the guy knows his shit. also afrika bambataa and dj jazzy jeff (too bad will smith always ruins he's beats with his god awful rapping)

i thought about adding dj shadow to my list but i remember discussing him whithin hip hop with someone and then agreeing that he's plainly something all together different, even if he does come out and he's influenced by hip hop.

Confusion is Dante 05.14.2006 04:20 PM
Articolo 31 is big in Italy, and they fuse rap with rock/punk/funk.....whatever. They are great! The link above will take you to a videoclip page.......I'll suggest 'Domani Smetto', 'Spirale Ovale', Vai Bello', and 'Guapa Loca'.

nomadicfollower 05.14.2006 04:32 PM

MF Doom.

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