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Glice 05.07.2006 05:04 PM

HaydenAsche is a bullshit religion.
Look at the facts - no-ones heard of it, and I just made it up. Bullshit religion I tell you.

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 05:04 PM




Glice 05.07.2006 05:08 PM

I would like to quote from the Bible according to me, Chapter 5 - "Thou shalt not worship at altars which are brown and meant for expelling waste, for thine cock shalt be covered in shitteth".

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I would like to quote from the Bible according to me, Chapter 5 - "Thou shalt not worship at altars which are brown and meant for expelling waste, for thine cock shalt be covered in shitteth".


Glice 05.07.2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche

Oh, go on then. Just make sure you tidy up after yourself.

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 05:12 PM

Will do.

Glice 05.07.2006 05:14 PM

And they say youngsters have no respect. Truth is, they're grateful for some HOT ASS, such as mine.

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 05:15 PM

*insert sign of agreement*

Glice 05.07.2006 05:16 PM

Insert what now?

Savage Clone 05.07.2006 05:19 PM


truncated 05.07.2006 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Insert what now?

If it's as large as you proclaim, I'd think that'd be self-evident.

truncated 05.07.2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone

Ha! Ha ha!

schizophrenicroom 05.07.2006 06:34 PM



i'd follow the religion of haydenasche. buttsecks? YAH RLY.

atari 2600 05.07.2006 07:47 PM

HaydenAsche's anti-rasta topic is fairly reminiscent of the time that rhys chatham made that topic about Bob Marley stating that smoking dope was the only reason why stoners liked the music. It was in that topic that I think I posted the "this kid thrives on strife" remark.

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 07:49 PM

Yeah. Pretty similar EXCEPT mine was made in jest and was kind of an inside joke with another member of the board.

Don't all rasta's smoke pot though?

EyeballGrowth 05.07.2006 08:39 PM

No all rasta's do not smoke pot. I'm Jamaican, and I've been to Jamaica, and they do not all smoke pot.

Rastafari is bullshit though, but then again so is Christianity, and oh yeah, every other religion

Daycare Nation 05.07.2006 09:01 PM


Your words mean nothing. They are an endless trail of signifiers signifying other signifiers, never apprehending the signified--a meaningless chain of subjectivity and relativity.

Everyneurotic 05.07.2006 09:08 PM

all rastas smoke pot, but not all jamaicans are rastas

yeah, hayden is full of shit, fuck him

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 09:11 PM

Fook You!

schizophrenicroom 05.07.2006 10:00 PM

fook mi

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.07.2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I would like to quote from the Bible according to me, Chapter 5 - "Thou shalt not worship at altars which are brown and meant for expelling waste, for thine cock shalt be covered in shitteth".

Yeah, the old testament was very hygeine oriented.
The real reason Sodom was destroyed was because God didn't want Lot to get hepC, because it would pretty much fuck over his whole plan for the hebrews. Lot's wife was cheating on him, that is why she looked back to Sodom, because her lovers were there dying.

candymoan 05.08.2006 05:09 AM

we're here to say hi to a guy named gene...

Glice 05.08.2006 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation

Your words mean nothing. They are an endless trail of signifiers signifying other signifiers, never apprehending the signified--a meaningless chain of subjectivity and relativity.

Daycare Nation - I give you an option of responses, pick the one that suits you best.

1. Well done. You've discovered a primary understanding of contemporary semiotics/ linguistic theory. I'm well aware of the pitfalls of my writing, and as I have asserted elsewhere recently, I'm happy with the futility of making myself properly understood in this medium/ format/ forum. I'm not entirely sure if you're being provocative or have actually levelled a serious criticism at me here. If the latter, I would suggest coming back when you've finished the 'my first book of contemporary philosophy'. If the former, well done, round of applause. Should I choo-choo-choose to make sense to you (an exceptionally narrow, in many senses, audience) then I can do, but I should like it to be proven worthwhile. There're plenty of people here I could explain myself to properly, but I generally avoid it on account of this being a fairly insignificant forum/ collection of people.

2. Well done. But fuck off.

candymoan 05.08.2006 07:51 AM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Glice again.

Glice 05.08.2006 07:53 AM

Or coerce others into doing so, that's another good plan.

candymoan 05.08.2006 08:05 AM

we can all be patient and wait for hayden to grow up..
another option for this thread...


Glice 05.08.2006 08:14 AM

Oh hang on, lets not get confused here - I'm not laying into Hayden, he's one of the good ones round here. I think his humour is probably a little lost on a lot of people here, but it's definitely there and amuses me no end.

RdTv 05.08.2006 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I think his humour is probably a little lost on a lot of people here, but it's definitely there and amuses me no end.

That sums it all up.

candymoan 05.08.2006 08:30 AM

the rasta thread asked for retalliation.. i'm a mere observer, and the humor is there..

we could still expect hayden to grow up eventually, can't we?

RdTv 05.08.2006 08:35 AM

candymoan, I sympathize with you, most of the time I merely observe, but som of Hayden's post are hilarious and it seems that growing up shouldn't be forced. Let the guy do his thing, its not half bad if most people wouldn't take it so serious...

truncated 05.08.2006 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by candymoan
the rasta thread asked for retalliation.. i'm a mere observer, and the humor is there..

we could still expect hayden to grow up eventually, can't we?

I hope not; legal = past expiration date.

Savage Clone 05.08.2006 08:42 AM

Truncated=chicken hawk

Glice 05.08.2006 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
candymoan, I sympathize with you, most of the time I merely observe, but som of Hayden's post are hilarious and it seems that growing up shouldn't be forced. Let the guy do his thing, its not half bad if most people wouldn't take it so serious...

Yeah... I think that the quote of mine he put in his sig is pretty spot on (blowing smoke up my own arse here) - he is a wind up, but he's not a boring wind up, unlike other people. One person in particular springs to mind, but he's a bit off the boil of late.

truncated 05.08.2006 08:47 AM



candymoan 05.08.2006 08:58 AM


okay, i'm with ya guys...

truncated 05.08.2006 09:02 AM

As if you had a choice.

RdTv 05.08.2006 09:10 AM


candymoan 05.08.2006 09:10 AM

i did actually..

HaydenAsche 05.08.2006 11:41 AM

I can't grow up any faster.

Truncy, you are a chicken hawk? Hawt!

Trasher02 05.08.2006 11:41 AM

i like beans

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