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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.04.2007 05:09 AM

"worldly people," what do you like about north america? (besides music)
I like maple cookies, thanksgiving, pumpkin pie, corn bread, the wildlife, the remaining wilderness, hockey, and the dead US revolutionary leaders (leaders with actual testicles and integrity)

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 05:09 AM

free markets, fool.

screamingskull 09.04.2007 05:10 AM

the geography, that many great places in one country.

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 05:15 AM

oh, and THE CONSTITUTION used to be pretty great, but there's little left of it these days.

pbradley 09.04.2007 05:16 AM

A decent fucking all beef hotdog.

But I'm not worldly.

Tokolosh 09.04.2007 05:17 AM

Lots of s p a c e.

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 05:17 AM

space is the place...

atsonicpark 09.04.2007 05:18 AM


driving on the right side?

pbradley 09.04.2007 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

driving on the right (as in correct) side?

There, to get the point across.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.04.2007 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, and THE CONSTITUTION used to be pretty great, but there's little left of it these days.


I know.

sonicl 09.04.2007 05:26 AM

The $/£ exchange rate.

Tokolosh 09.04.2007 05:27 AM

Also, they have the largest member of the deer family and the strongest carnivore on the planet.

davenotdead 09.04.2007 05:30 AM

dental floss/dental plans....internet access....some decent [it all sucks, but at least usa has some good stuff]....sense of markets...cost of electronic goods/machinery....all the inventions which the rest of the world buys, allowing US to still be most powerful country in world....

pbradley 09.04.2007 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
The $/£ exchange rate.


Watch it, Limey. If it weren't fer us, y'all be speaken German.

Tokolosh 09.04.2007 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley

Watch it, Limey. If it weren't fer us, y'all be speaken German.


Edit: "Incorrect. That only applies to the mainland of Europe.
We Brits had the Spitfire to help us keep the krauts at bay, and win the war.
Long live the Supermarine!"

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.04.2007 05:47 AM

I don't know. Hitler really didn't have a huge desire for England, but after taking over the rest of europe he might have got hungry.

pbradley 09.04.2007 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Incorrect. That only applies to the mainland of Europe.
The Brits had the Spitfire to help them keep the krauts at bay and win the war.
Long live the Supermarine!

Actually it's pretty much all incorrect. Becuase it was a united effort. Except, like you said, Battle of Britain.

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh


"Incorrect. That only applies to the mainland of Europe.
We Brits had the Spitfire to help them keep the krauts at bay and win the war.
Long live the Supermarine!"

what the brits really had was the russians fucking germany's ass--otherwise it was just a matter of time.

but yeah, the RAF + radar saved the day.


anyway, back to topic.

unlike europeans, americans have less of an "establishment" of taste & social convention-- which on the negative side makes them uncivilized yahoos, but on the positive side makes them freer & more creative than most people on the planet. eventually, adaptation is the key to survival-- hence american's success.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.04.2007 05:55 AM

I don't know, Germany might have been able to win on the Eastern front if the US didn't get involve and put pressure on them in the West.

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 05:59 AM

no, it was the failure of barbarossa that fucked germany up for good. well actually it was hitler himself. so i correct myself



thank fate for incompetent megalomaniacs!

demonrail666 09.04.2007 06:15 AM

Coffee refills, Richard Pryor and pastrami on rye sandwiches.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 09.04.2007 06:29 AM


davenotdead 09.04.2007 06:39 AM

oh yeah, coffee refills reminded me: free ketchup! hell yeah, i can walk into any fast food chain [and most restaurants], line my pockets with their shitty sauce and nobody will bat an australia, youll be charged 30-50 cents for a thumb-sized container...assholes...

demonrail666 09.04.2007 06:51 AM

There's a chip shop near me that's so tight they won't even let you put your own vinegar on your chips. Vinegar for fucks sake. And their chips are crap too. How can you fuck a chip up? Well, I can, but I'm not in the chip business, so I can afford to. It's their livelihood though. They really should know better.

max 09.04.2007 08:42 AM

in no particular order:

- people are usually very, very kind with me. I dunno why is that. I like it.
- the many friends I have made there
- the common sense of urbanity, the dynamic enviroments
- music is still largely perceived as culture (as opposed to this place)
- I love a bunch of American film directors
- after wandering lost in Chicago after PITCHFORK, police brought me home - to my megasurprise
- the cheap guitars + music instruments available practically everywhere
- € / $ conversion, oh yeah - that's always cool.

floatingslowly 09.04.2007 08:47 AM

are we considered "worldly" if we came from outer-space?

if yes, I'm going to answer THE RED MAN.

eat my ghostdance, palefaces.

Danny Himself 09.04.2007 08:54 AM

- A western harvest field by moonlight
- Classic cars rusting under a tree with a tire swing
- Denny's
- Chainlink fencing alongside a frontier-style wooden home
- A mailbox with your name on it
- Honest emotion
- Corn Dogs
- Trey Parker and anybody sharing his sense of humour
- Cryptowonderdruginvogue

pbradley 09.04.2007 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
- Denny's



Really really?

floatingslowly 09.04.2007 09:14 AM

I think he likes to pretend it says "Danny's".

Danny Himself 09.04.2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I think he likes to pretend it says "Danny's".

It was originally called 'Danny's Donuts'. But yeah. I like eating breakfast there, it makes me feel like I'm in a Tarantino film.

sarramkrop 09.04.2007 09:18 AM

I just felt a honest emotion when I read the whole of this thread. hehe.

Danny Himself 09.04.2007 09:20 AM


floatingslowly 09.04.2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I just felt a honest emotion when I read the whole of this thread. hehe.

pics or it didn't happen.

davenotdead 09.04.2007 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

eat my ghostdance, palefaces.

i lol'd....

cryptowonderdruginvogue 09.04.2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
- Cryptowonderdruginvogue



SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.04.2007 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by max
- after wandering lost in Chicago after PITCHFORK, police brought me home - to my megasurprise

Yeah a cop drove me home once when I was walking home and was still about 4 miles away at 3 am.

From what I've heard and seen, it appears that italian cops don't really do anything.

!@#$%! 09.04.2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Yeah a cop drove me home once when I was walking home and was still about 4 miles away at 3 am.

From what I've heard and seen, it appears that italian cops don't really do anything.

damn! once this girl and i were walking to her apartment drunk, in the snow, and a cop stopped to ask if we were ok we said sure but can we get a ride? and he said no, unless it's an emergency. i said i needed to piss, but he took off.

ps- donuts are nasty.

pancakes on the other hand are the rulers of weekend breakfasts

Danny Himself 09.04.2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue


For life, you heard?

pbradley 09.04.2007 06:17 PM

The cops in San Francisco can be iffy. The majority of them come from large, conservative Irish families dating back to the goldrush. Some can be pretty resentful of the "liberal" San Francisco scene while others can be very reasonable.

Then again, my Irishness could be the cause of said reasonability. Hell if I know.

demonrail666 09.04.2007 06:55 PM

I'll second the Denny's thing. Maybe it's a British thing; makes us feel like we're in an episode of The Rockford Files.

Another fave moment: I went to this 24 hour shoe shop in Ohio at like three in the morning, and it was packed with guys who looked like Mike Watt, all trying on work boots. I felt like I was in a Killdozer video.

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