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sarramkrop 07.28.2007 06:02 PM

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Isss
This is great. Nothing of the experimental blah blah blah. I particularly love 10X10, Karen O sounds like the love child of both Siouxsie Sioux and Axl Rose on that one. I wasn't much of a fan before, but these are really good songs.

sarramkrop 07.28.2007 06:04 PM

Duh! The name of the ep is Is Is!!!!

Norma J 07.28.2007 06:06 PM

My girlfriend likes this band.

sarramkrop 07.28.2007 06:10 PM

I think 10X10 has the best start for a song that I have heard in a while, at least in the whole 'alternative blah blah' rock scene, whatever you kids call it.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.28.2007 06:13 PM

haven't heard it.
Ive got a copy of show yr bones and its alright.

atsonicpark 07.28.2007 06:16 PM


sarramkrop 07.28.2007 06:17 PM

Why would you say ew if you haven't even heard it? Are you you an idiot?

atsonicpark 07.28.2007 06:21 PM

uh... do what?

i have heard it. i listen to every new thing that comes out, my friend.

this band is terrible.

sarramkrop 07.28.2007 06:22 PM

Right, I knew that you are an idiot anyway. Goodnight, talentless bag.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.28.2007 06:24 PM


atsonicpark 07.28.2007 06:26 PM

Oh no, I will never be as talented as a girl who yelps and fingerbangs herself on stage overtop of poorly-written garage shit rock! Woe is me!

Taking your holier-than-thou stance on anything is fine by me, because it's usually funny, but you're actually taking offense at me insulting hte fucking YEAH YEAH YEAHS?! does anyone even like that band? "GOLD LION SHOW ME WHERE YOU RLIGHT IS OH MAN I'M OUTTA CONTROL WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" I mean, if that's what gets you rollin', that's cool man but damn... I'd like to think you'd defend a band that actually isn't that laughably shitty.

On the bright side, Nick is a good guitar player (too bad he doesn't really get to demonstrate it) and the drummer is in the Seconds, who are good.

Norma J 07.28.2007 06:29 PM

I don't think you're meant to take this band as anything more than fun pop Atsonicpark.

atsonicpark 07.28.2007 06:30 PM

True, but he's the one calling me an idiot just cuz I said "ew."

And note that I'm an idiot, though the EP is called "Is Is" and he has called it "Isss" and "Isis" on this thread. Go ahead and reply "YEAH CUZ SPELLING ERRORS ARE SO IMPORTANT YOU'VE MADE SPELLING ERRORS BLAH BLAH BLAH' or something. I'm just saying. Pot kettle black and all that shit.

Sonic Youth 37 07.28.2007 08:47 PM

This is their best release since the Machine EP. I find it odd that they just now release these songs as most (4 I know) have been in shows since long before Show Your Bones. Solid EP, I bought it today, first got it when it leaked.

HaydenAsche 07.28.2007 10:23 PM

I haven't heard it yet. Show yr bones SUCKED, though.

persona non grata 07.28.2007 10:42 PM

i enjoyed the song they did on letterman the other night.

i'll probably bum a copy off of a friend or something.

demonrail666 07.28.2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
fingerbangs herself on stage

Does she? Tour dates please.

atsonicpark 07.29.2007 12:08 AM

She's nasty though..

sarramkrop 07.29.2007 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
True, but he's the one calling me an idiot just cuz I said "ew."

And note that I'm an idiot, though the EP is called "Is Is" and he has called it "Isss" and "Isis" on this thread. Go ahead and reply "YEAH CUZ SPELLING ERRORS ARE SO IMPORTANT YOU'VE MADE SPELLING ERRORS BLAH BLAH BLAH' or something. I'm just saying. Pot kettle black and all that shit.

Shut up, will ya? The day I take offence by what you post is a cold one in hell. You just kinda irritated me a little because, at best, you normally just say terrible this or terrible that. Also, you strike me as a chap who listens to music only because it's cool, so why would I take offence from someone like you? As if......

atsonicpark 07.29.2007 08:14 AM

What you say makes no sense. "You strike me as a fellow that listens to music only cuz it's COOL!" Sorry, I think most of the music I like is probably not considered cool to most of the people here. I posted how much I love a lot of Metallica's shit a while back. So... yeah.. my current playlist is Astrobite, Rumskib, Eluvium, Screeching Weasel, Fleetings Joys, Reich (music for 18 musicians), and Aube. Not sure how "cool" those bands are or what hype they generate, but I'll make sure and find out and get back to you.

.............I just tend to think terrible things are terrible and good things are good. Sorry about that! But alright I'll shut up since you asked nicely.

nicfit 07.29.2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
.............I just tend to think terrible things are terrible and good things are good.

The thing that I don't understand (not that it's that important, but I'm kinda curious now) is why you listen to things you think are terrible, like YYYs in this specific case.

edit: still have to listen to this ep.-

atsonicpark 07.29.2007 09:39 AM

I give everything a chance.

That's why I listened to, say, Metallica - St. Anger after hating Load, Reload, etc... and turns out, St. Anger has some awesome guitar riffs, tones, and there's cool production ideas!

I tend to find one good thing out of everything, even if I hate it.. I've listened to Bloc Party, Arcade Fire, Interpol, all that new shit, not necassarily looking forward to hearing it or but I ended up hearing it so yeah. I listen to music every day, every time I'm at the computer, reading, playing games, driving, sleeping, etc., so I get to hear pretty much everything (not to mention I work at *ack* Wal-Mart, which plays brand new CD's all the way through over their radio broadcast at night; though it's sometimes super pop shit, I got to hear the new Modest Mouse, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and some other shit through it).

So, I give everything in music a chance...

nicfit 07.29.2007 09:52 AM

Damn, and you manage to listen even subsequent releases (like, not just the debut) by each of the myriad of new bands "spawned" in these last years? That's dedication (even a bit torturing, actually, since many releases are definitely not worth a listen)... I can hardly manage to listen to all the music released by bands I like, I'd never find the time to listen "willingly" to things I don't like.. I mean, I like to listen to "new" bands (like Bat For Lashes , Rolo Tomassi , which I like a lot and many others), but after hearing, say, the first arctic monkeys cd I would never give a listen to their new album in its interity, given the fact I'd probably hear a couple singles anyway on radio or wathever.. I just don't have time for that, even if I listen to hours and hours of music per day..

atsonicpark 07.29.2007 11:10 AM

Well, obviously, a lot of bands fall under the cracks and I miss them but..

I try my hardest to at least listen to half the album.. and if it sucks, then yeah.... but I try.

Don't forget you're talking to a man who spent two weekends (4 years ago) listening to the Merzbox from beginning to end..

And there's SOME music (cute is what we aim for or whatever) I obviously stay away from, so I don't listen to as much shit as you'd think.. but I do try to at least .. well, there's this dude on soulseek called formerbusboy and all he shares is rips of new albums and that's mainly who I get them from... and he tends to cut through the shit and just get stuff worth listening to, so yeah.

fishmonkey 07.30.2007 08:03 AM

love love love the yeah yeah yeahs.

they are fuckin brilliant. love the song "down boy" on this EP.

sarramkrop 07.30.2007 08:37 AM

[quote=atsonicpark]Oh no, I will never be as talented as a girl who yelps and fingerbangs herself on stage overtop of poorly-written garage shit rock! Woe is me!


I could have replied to any number of your posts and deconstruct them piece by piece, but for now I'll only point out that kid 606 aka atmoronicpark can only produce the above criticism of a record, considering that HE LISTENS to ALLTHE MUSIC that comes out, probably by downloading it all because, you know, the internet is the only way forward, innit? Seems to me that reading too much internet garbage and too few books are proving too hazardous for your head. Do me a favour, do try and listen to a record before you even think of forays into music criticism.

atsonicpark 07.30.2007 05:18 PM

I don't listen to ALL music that comes out, but I do tend to hear all the big releases. Believe it or not, I mean I know I'm apparently on the internet too much (an hour a day, sometimes two hours), but I do hang out with my friends and even burn CD's for friends of music I don't necassarily like. Point is, no matter what avenue I go down, I do end up hearing a lot of new music weekly. That's just how it is. I know it could be better spent, uh, not downloading music I potentially dislike... and uh... forcefeeding myself books I'll probably hate (though I do read lots of CLICHE ALERT CLICHE ALART william s burroughs and gregory corso OH FUCK I'M A NEW YORK HIPSTER SCENE KID NOW OH FUCK THAT'S NOT REAL LITERATURE MY MIND IS EXPLODING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)... or whatever you're trying to get across.. by saying I'm not qualified to tell whether I dislike shitty garbage music because I'm quite franky not "cultured" enough. So, go ahead and waste your money on annoying-as-fuck awful music and pretend you enjoy it because 1) you haven't heard anything that blows your mind as much as Karen O going "OHHH OHHH OHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [repeats song title 700 times] OHHHHHH UH HUHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEAH!" or 2) you just feel bad you wasted a bunch of money on something so poor when there is so much better you could be spending your money on!

For the record, I buy tons of albums that I enjoy, but you insult me for downloading shit, as if my privelage of hearing a terrible record should only be given to me if I pay for it... which seems to justify the "# 2" reason I posted above why you're even defending this Spin Magazine bullshit.

...Also, I hate Kid606 and nothing I've ever done sounds anything like him, so I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, except to further prove you know nothing about music.. which, you know, I'm not SAYING you know nothing about music (because that's a pretty immature stance to take on things), but man... if you're going to insult ME now, you should know what you're talking about... that's like me going "you like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs aka GUNS N ROSES." See? It makes no sense. Oh shit, I'm DECONSTRUCTING YOUR POST. Sorry, I'll stop now.

Your criticism of me -- actually, your criticism of ANYTHING -- is never to going to be taken seriously when you try to throw in your elitisms and have this self-imposed-godlike stance/message board condescension. I know you think you're awesome because you seem to have a decent knowledge of crap music and you actually don't think "the internet innit movin forward innit" and you have some kind of ability to "innit pick apart innit at your ATMORONICPARK posts lmao innit". But, quite franky, you can say just as much -- hell, maybe even say MORE -- by going, "You know, atsonicpark, I disagree with you. But that's okay." without throwing in such witty quips and barbs as "YOU HEAR >ALL THE MUSIC< IN THE WORLD BY DOWNLOADING YOU SUCK GET OFF THE INTERNET *types away on the internet for 17 hours*." I mean, Jesus, it's obvious to me that you're really smart (and I'm not being sarcastic in the least with that sentence; you seem very educated), but you're debating the fucking YEAH YEAH YEAHS (who pretty much everyone knows is terrible) with me! That's embarassing, dude!

Anyway, I said a few posts ago I'd shut up and leave this thread alone, and I haven't said anything else insulting towards you since then, so yeah... I dunno why you're saying anything else about me (with BOLDS and UNDERLINES, to accentuate a non-point) let's just both accept we're probably being dumb here. Cuz I really have nothing else to say about this... so, until you come back with an sillier reply and we argue for hours about nothing, I'm leaving this thread alone..

Magic Wheel Memory 07.30.2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Oh no, I will never be as talented as a girl who yelps and fingerbangs herself on stage overtop of poorly-written garage shit rock! Woe is me!

You're using logic to criticize a great band. Music isn't only for your brain. It's for your heart, gut and crotch. If you don't feel what they're sending, then you have my sympathy because it fuckin' feels good!

And Karen has great stage presence!

pbradley 07.30.2007 07:54 PM

If I listened to music with my heart, gut, and crotch, I would be listening to Air Supply, Lynard Skynard, and Nickelback.

Thank fucking god that isn't the case.

Magic Wheel Memory 07.30.2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
If I listened to music with my heart, gut, and crotch, I would be listening to Air Supply, Lynard Skynard, and Nickelback.

Thank fucking god that isn't the case.

If that's where your heart, gut and crotch are taking you, you should go see a doctor ASAP. I'm sure there's an operation to fix that.

atsonicpark 07.30.2007 09:40 PM

See, I like pbradley. We disagree often.... but he doesn't use every opportunity to try to tear me apart either... and I give him the same respect... WE'RE SEXY!!!!!!!!

Everyneurotic 07.30.2007 09:51 PM

are the yyy still together?

on a side note, i'm going to be forced to see interpuke, the hurlrrors and the spinal hives because yo la tengo are playing with them in this ultra nerdy, moronic festival in mex city.

and before you tell me my music sucks and that i'm the biggest snob here or that i copy Glice and atsonicpark. THIS IS MY OPINION ON THOSE GOD AWFUL BANDS, JACKASSES.


listen to monosodic.

atsonicpark 07.30.2007 09:56 PM

haha, everyneurotic, you're my favorite person here, of course.

Magic Wheel Memory 07.30.2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
See, I like pbradley. We disagree often.... but he doesn't use every opportunity to try to tear me apart either... and I give him the same respect... WE'RE SEXY!!!!!!!!

I love you.

atsonicpark 07.30.2007 09:59 PM

*dances like karen o*


sarramkrop 07.31.2007 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
haha, everyneurotic, you're my favorite person here, of course.

He would be, since he's YOUR MANAGER!!!:)

You still can't come up with anything better than insulting someone physically just because you don't like their music. Lame, take it from a sporadic Yeah Yeah Yeahs listener. I've also noticed that I've pushed you to post the longest reply that you have ever produced on this forum, which means that I'm doing something right.


atsonicpark 07.31.2007 03:52 AM

Well, I'm sure I'd insult her personality if I knew her, if that counts!

Oh well.

I think I said this a few posts back, but actually Karen's the only member who ruins the band for me (not just cuz she's ugly, I hate her voice, and it's always mixed really loud on their records). Cuz Nick is good, and the drummer is in the Seconds, who I like a lot. So, they need to kick her out. Though she'll probably end up doing a solo album anyway.

sarramkrop 07.31.2007 03:57 AM

Watch it atsonicpark, I'm in a fairly good mood today. And we don't want sarramkrop to get in a bad mood, do we?

atsonicpark 07.31.2007 08:41 AM

TICK X 73.

matt74m 08.02.2007 11:02 AM

Is Is is a great EP. Think for a charting/major label type of a band, Yeah Yeah Yeahs are pretty good.

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