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Torn Curtain 07.03.2007 06:39 AM

What's your favourite Joy Division record ?
Mine is Substance.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 06:55 AM

Unknown Pleasures

Onani Nic 07.03.2007 07:09 AM

Unknown Pleasures. I like Closer a lot too but it's too bleak and depressing for everyday listening.

atsonicpark 07.03.2007 09:11 AM

unknown pleasures is one of my all time favorite albums, so that wins by miles.

closer has some boring songs on it.

HairwayToSteven 07.03.2007 09:23 AM

Unknown Pleasures.

_slavo_ 07.03.2007 10:39 AM

Substance for me as well.

Mainly because of "Transmission" and "Digital"

LittlePuppetBoy 07.03.2007 10:41 AM

Unknown Pleasures

Substance is a close second

king_buzzo 07.03.2007 10:44 AM


Rob Instigator 07.03.2007 10:54 AM


substance forever

PAULYBEE2656 07.03.2007 11:17 AM

closer because of the whole bigger picture surrounding the album

still because of the live tracks

m^a(t)h 07.03.2007 11:36 AM

i have the heart and soul box set. it is amazing!!!!!!

atsonicpark 07.03.2007 12:07 PM


heart and soul is basically indispensable.

Bertrand 07.03.2007 01:27 PM

Pleasures, mostly for my vinyl cracked from the beginning and it adds to the music and what the band conveyed.
Closer never cracked.

Savage Clone 07.03.2007 03:20 PM

Closer for me, though Unknown Pleasures has been getting more play in recent months. Closer made such a gigantic impact on me as a teen that it will always be my favorite, and it has my favorite songs on it. Though Unknown has "Day Of The Lords" on it which is like whoa.
I also really love the Warsaw demos bootleg LP I have, especially for its version of "No Love Lost," which has different lyrics and is musically superior IMO to the version on Substance.

Trasher02 07.03.2007 03:48 PM

Unknown Pleasures mainly because of Disorder and New Dawn Fades...

atsonicpark 07.03.2007 03:49 PM

new dawn fades is my fucking JAM.

Savage Clone 07.03.2007 03:50 PM

Oh, man. New Dawn Fades is a total masterpiece. You're not kidding.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 03:53 PM

Disorder is my favorite jam

_slavo_ 07.04.2007 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Unknown Pleasures mainly because of Disorder and New Dawn Fades...

Yeah, Disorder is terrific.

sun city girl 07.04.2007 08:33 AM

substance, followed by unknown pleasures.

soapbars 07.04.2007 09:29 AM

Unknown pleasures

Bal 07.04.2007 09:40 AM

i dont know any of them
am i missing something?
never really felt like i have to listen to any of their albums..

Torn Curtain 07.04.2007 10:10 AM

Yes you really miss out (unless you're not a fan of post-punk - which is in my opinion would be surprising when you like Sonic Youth).

atsonicpark 07.04.2007 12:06 PM

yeah, you're missing out.

unknown pleasures is such a perfect record.. all the songs just sound... right. i can't explain it.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.04.2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bal
i dont know any of them
am i missing something?
never really felt like i have to listen to any of their albums..


m^a(t)h 07.04.2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bal
i dont know any of them
am i missing something?
never really felt like i have to listen to any of their albums..

to be honest, no. i mean like i really love their music but to say that it is important that your missing something is retarded, because its just music. people think you need to listen to all this "classic" shit and everyone wants everyone else to listen to these albums that they think will change their lives. but they wont. its just music. it doesnt really fucking matter if you ever listen to them at all...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.04.2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
to be honest, no. i mean like i really love their music but to say that it is important that your missing something is retarded, because its just music. people think you need to listen to all this "classic" shit and everyone wants everyone else to listen to these albums that they think will change their lives. but they wont. its just music. it doesnt really fucking matter if you ever listen to them at all...

someones cranky

atsonicpark 07.04.2007 01:02 PM

music DOES affect people and ehance people's lives, so he could very well be missing out on something that will make his day better, if nothing else.

anyway, anyone heard jah division - dub will tear us apart?

m^a(t)h 07.04.2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
music DOES affect people and ehance people's lives, so he could very well be missing out on something that will make his day better, if nothing else.

anyway, anyone heard jah division - dub will tear us apart?

i agree. but its really not that big of a deal..

yeah i actually like jah division. you can watch live performances of them on

m^a(t)h 07.04.2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
someones cranky

im just sick of you

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.04.2007 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
im just sick of you

ever heard of the ignore button?

m^a(t)h 07.04.2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
ever heard of the ignore button?

no, but i like your sig too much. what is it from?

Bal 07.05.2007 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
no, but i like your sig too much. what is it from?

i can answer that quiestion altho its not my sig.
that pic is from a classic jean paul belmondo movie, but i dont knwo the exact title.

but on topic now: ive never been into this sort of music .. guitars and crazy, new wave-ish synth lines..
i know their biggest hit (if that is the one) 'love will tear us apart', and this song really irritates me. its good in a certain way, but still, id never listen to it again and again..
i think thats the reason ive never checked out any of their albums.

Torn Curtain 07.05.2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bal
i know their biggest hit (if that is the one) 'love will tear us apart', and this song really irritates me. its good in a certain way, but still, id never listen to it again and again..
i think thats the reason ive never checked out any of their albums.

"Love will tear us apart" is far from their best song in my opinion (I love the lyrics though).

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.05.2007 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Bal
i can answer that quiestion altho its not my sig.
that pic is from a classic jean paul belmondo movie, but i dont knwo the exact title.


jean-luc godard's "a bout de souffle" (aka breathless)

sonicl 07.05.2007 10:54 AM

Closer for me, although I've not listened to Joy Division in a very long time.

BTW, surely choosing Substance is like choosing Screaming Fields of Sonic Love as your favourite SY album? (As in, it's a compilation, not a "real" album.)

Pax Americana 07.05.2007 12:23 PM

Unknown Pleasures. I love that album so much.

Torn Curtain 07.05.2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Closer for me, although I've not listened to Joy Division in a very long time.

BTW, surely choosing Substance is like choosing Screaming Fields of Sonic Love as your favourite SY album? (As in, it's a compilation, not a "real" album.)

That's why I entitled the thread "favourite record" and not "favourite album". In my opinion Substance includes so many of their best songs it can't be left out of the poll.

Miss Pornstar 07.06.2007 05:20 AM


demonrail666 07.06.2007 05:21 AM

Obstacle 1

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