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screamingskull 05.17.2007 06:12 AM

Interpol - Our Love To Admire
Anyone else looking forward to this coming out??


Out July 9th!!!!

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 07:47 AM


Joy Division ended like 20 years ago, move on.

Turn on the bright lights has a couple cool parts though.

screamingskull 05.17.2007 07:50 AM

oh come on! likening them to Joy Division is so old and overdone.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 07:52 AM

haha.. do what? what did you just say?

unknown pleasures is AMAZINNNNNNNNNNNNNG.

interpol, i think i could probably not dislike so much if it wasn't for the lyrics... they take the cake. they're not as bad as placebo's lyrics, but they're still shit. and their songs are boring. they do have a lot of interesting guitar layers on bright lights, but yeah.

screamingskull 05.17.2007 07:53 AM

so you like the music just not the singing because it sounds like Ian Curtis and not the lyrics.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 07:59 AM

nah i don't care if it sounds like ian or not as far as the tone of his voice is.. i just think he sings shittily. i think the only interpol song where i actually like the singing is leif erikson.

and yeah the lyrics are trash...

and the music is.. i mean, it's cool. they're talented. they have some interesting parts. most of it sounds samey, but they hav esome interesting layers.

this is a band i liked years ago but they just bore me now. antics was like "everything that was bad about 'bright lights' times ten." so i can't imagine this album being much better. i'll give it a listen though.

jimbrim 05.17.2007 09:48 AM

I wouldnt say i was pissing myself with excitement for this album, but i will defiently give it a listen. I loved Turn on the Bright Lights when it came out but Antics didnt do anything for me. I do hope the band have changed and moved on a bit since the last record.

screamingskull 05.17.2007 09:50 AM

well apparently they broke up then got back together about 5 times.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 09:53 AM

they should sell their delay pedals to me.

nicfit 05.17.2007 10:02 AM

_slavo_ 05.17.2007 10:05 AM

Antics was a pile of donkey shit.

So no, I'm not really looking forward to the new one.

screamingskull 05.17.2007 10:31 AM

Antics had some good songs on it!

I love every song on Turn On The Bright Light's though, especially "Stella was a diver and she was always down" thats my favourite ever Interpol song.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 01:43 PM

it probably means as much as "i want to play with the braids that you came with here tonight" and "She said her sentimental side should be held with kid's gloves, she didn't know i had my urge in an icebox"or"WE SPIES WE SLOW HANDS KILLER"

LittlePuppetBoy 05.17.2007 01:52 PM

somewhat, I hope it's good.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 02:00 PM

sorry, that's not true. drive like jehu never had bad lyrics. "YOUR 37TH BIRTHDAY CAKE WAS PISSING ACID ON YOUR FACE"? brilliant.



atari 2600 05.17.2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
haha.. do what? what did you just say?

unknown pleasures is AMAZINNNNNNNNNNNNNG.

interpol, i think i could probably not dislike so much if it wasn't for the lyrics... they take the cake. they're not as bad as placebo's lyrics, but they're still shit. and their songs are boring. they do have a lot of interesting guitar layers on bright lights, but yeah.

Most bands have severe problems with having a lousy (at best, lackluster) lead singer/frontperson that sings lamentable & lazily-written lyrics badly.

Similarly, I can't be bothered by this Interpol business, sorry.

HECKLER SPRAY 05.17.2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
sorry, that's not true. drive like jehu never had bad lyrics. "YOUR 37TH BIRTHDAY CAKE WAS PISSING ACID ON YOUR FACE"? brilliant.



:eek: I can't believe that bitch had ever listen to this album, it's too complicated for her goldfish brain. Maybe she found the cover funny.

Danny Himself 05.17.2007 02:17 PM

I'm not super excited for it but I will probably buy it sometime in the summer. One of my friends has a leaked copy, I think, and she approves heartily.

screamingskull 06.05.2007 08:07 AM

they are touring the uk, and playing the b'ham academy but i can't go as i will be on holiday :( BUMMER!!!!! i saw them in 2004 and they were great! very loud though, i lost all my hearing in my right ear for 2 days.

atsonicpark 06.05.2007 12:20 PM

"you're so cute when you're frustrated n sedated lmao"

Trasher02 06.05.2007 12:46 PM

Jesus so what if interpol had Joy Division influences? Since when is it a crime?
I love Turn on the bright lights and Antics had some lovely songson it, though I have a strange feeling that Our love to admire is going to be awful...
I keep hoping though.

Trasher02 06.05.2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
it probably means as much as "i want to play with the braids that you came with here tonight" and "She said her sentimental side should be held with kid's gloves, she didn't know i had my urge in an icebox"or"WE SPIES WE SLOW HANDS KILLER"

Why are they in your influences if you hate them so much?

nicfit 06.06.2007 07:37 AM

check this 1767577

demonrail666 06.06.2007 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Joy Division ended like 20 years ago, move on.

Come on, everyone knows that Interpol are way better than Joy Division EVER were.

MellySingsDoom 06.06.2007 11:49 AM

Interpol - like Joy Division on acid

The Editors - Like Interpol on acid

And so on.

lovesonicevol 06.06.2007 01:39 PM

I'm excited for this release. I was really interested in them in 2004 which led me to see them which further led me to be a bigger fan. The art on this album is abstract to the title but im sure they'll pull it off. I have no idea what it's going to sound like.

fishmonkey 06.06.2007 05:33 PM

i loved the first album so much, i listened to it all the time for about 6 months. then i was so disappointed with Antics, "take you on a fuckin cruise" what the fuck was that about? and the lyrics? "you never see a finer ship in yr life" what the fuck is THAT about? he is actually singing about a crusie ship? that song makes me sick, but i loved "evil" and about 4 other songs, such a hit and miss album, it was a pity. im open to the new album, i'll embrace it like a shaggy dog does another shaggys dogs arse. i like the sound of the single a bit.

_slavo_ 06.07.2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i loved the first album so much, i listened to it all the time for about 6 months. then i was so disappointed with Antics, "take you on a fuckin cruise" what the fuck was that about? and the lyrics? "you never see a finer ship in yr life" what the fuck is THAT about? he is actually singing about a crusie ship? that song makes me sick, but i loved "evil" and about 4 other songs, such a hit and miss album, it was a pity. im open to the new album, i'll embrace it like a shaggy dog does another shaggys dogs arse. i like the sound of the single a bit.

That's a good thing about me not giving a fuck about songs' lyrics in most of the cases.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.07.2007 02:04 AM

Interpol is like Joy Division without the good lyrics and good instrumentals and good vocals.

_slavo_ 06.07.2007 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Interpol is like Joy Division without the good lyrics and good instrumentals and good vocals.

and good songs.

atsonicpark 06.07.2007 04:38 AM

"Why are they in your influences if you hate them so much?"i like almost every song on turn on the bright lightsleif erikson and hands away are just amazing.and i love their production. they multilayer delayed guitars forever. definitely influential.i'm sometimes influenced even by bands i don't necassarily enjoy.

startur 06.07.2007 09:46 AM

the new single (forgot the name) is kind of ...crappy. well maybe not crappy compared to most stuff on the radio, but it's lazy by interpol standards. originally i was excited, but now not as much. although i did hear that some of their new stuff that they played at their shows recently were really good.

Onani Nic 06.07.2007 10:43 AM

i like the goat on the front cover, totally kvlt. I don't think I'll listen to the album.

evollove 06.08.2007 01:06 PM

Here's the thing. They've had, what, two years since the last one? If this isn't a masterpiece, they should be ashamed.

In general, I'm getting sick of bands (SY included) who wait years between albums and then release something that doesn't make me pee with excitement. C'mon! Can't you make up an interesting 45 minutes or so worth of music in two years??

screamingskull 06.08.2007 01:11 PM

well they broke up and got back together 5 times in-between this new album and the last one according to their website. Thats got to be time consuming.

nicfit 06.08.2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
In general, I'm getting sick of bands (SY included) who wait years between albums and then release something that doesn't make me pee with excitement. C'mon! Can't you make up an interesting 45 minutes or so worth of music in two years??

You expected a triple cd from Shellac, then :D?
BTW, I hate you american guys, Calla will be the support act for interpol's us tour.

auto-aim 06.08.2007 06:31 PM

My main problem with them too is that Bright Lights was so good that they've been downhill ever since. Don't get me wrong I like the songs on Antics too but something is lacking from it somewhere but also they keep using the same tricks over and over... From what I've heard this new album probably not going to be any different. They've got a couple really good b-sides that should have been on albums also... as for the joy division thing - it's undenyable but I think they did enough to contemporise the sound. and I don't understand people who like JD and don't like SY and vica versa - those kind of people annoy me.

Trasher02 06.08.2007 06:36 PM

I think the Editors are more influenced then by Joy Division then Interpol is.
Interpol stills has a different style while the editors are just exactly the same. (though all sparks was a masterpiece)

screamingskull 06.08.2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I think the Editors are more influenced then by Joy Division then Interpol is.
Interpol stills has a different style while the editors is just exactly the same. (though all sparks was a masterpiece)

i saw the editors 3 times at a local club in b'ham before they were famous, i was too drunk every time i saw them to remember any of it though, i didn't even know who they were until they were famous and a friend told me that i had seen them 3 times.

screamingskull 06.19.2007 06:43 AM

listening to "the heinrich maneuver" at the moment for the first time. I really like it! it's not as good as anything from the first album, but it is still really good.

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