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SonikJesus 05.12.2007 08:21 PM

Dinosaur jr
I saw them last night at the troubadour and they were awesome. They weren't as loud as everyone makes them out to be but they still rocked. The new stuff sounds great live. I guess I didn't think it was loud at the time because I was into it. I wasn't expecting the sound to be so clear with such a loud sound. The only problem was that the vocals could barely be heard.

I had a great time though. I was right at the front, between Lou and Murph. The Troubadour is a great venue. When I got out, I noticed my hearing was a little weird. Everything sounded muffled. My voice sounded like I was in an empty room and when people made a "s" sound it sounded like a "th" sound. It was hilarious. Still the loudest show I've been to.

pbradley 05.12.2007 08:37 PM

Wait, not as loud as everyone makes them out but it was the loudest show you've been to.

Besides, I heard JAMC during their prime were far louder.

drrrtyboots 05.12.2007 10:50 PM

Three words. My Bloody Valentine.

youthoftomorrow 05.12.2007 11:13 PM

Lightning Bolt were pretty fucking loud. my ears rang for four days.

i might be seeing Dino Jr in Olympia soon. some friends are going and they're pretty much demanding i go with them. Dino Jr aren't bad, but i'm not sure i would drive that far to see them.

ALIEN ANAL 05.12.2007 11:39 PM

i think you should, jsut for those who are not fortunet enough to have them come to their country

ZEROpumpkins 05.12.2007 11:40 PM

Not naming any countries in particular, eh ANAL?

ALIEN ANAL 05.12.2007 11:45 PM

no no..non at all....non that i can think of anyway......... :P

finding nobody 05.13.2007 12:26 AM

People in Tally were telling my freind and I great stories about how godarn loud it was seeing Dinosaur.
That's crazy, LOu toured sebadoh and then went strait into the Dino tour

hansjoakim 05.13.2007 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
no no..non at all....non that i can think of anyway......... :P

well, they are coming your way, anal. check out their webpage.

ALIEN ANAL 05.13.2007 04:33 AM

OMG OMG !!rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
WOo!!!! shit im so happy!!!

king_buzzo 05.13.2007 04:40 AM

^Haha glad for you man. They're coming here as well. !!!

ALIEN ANAL 05.13.2007 04:51 AM

it felt like it didnt go for long enough last time, i hope it feels longer
im not sure if i do drugs this time again..

king_buzzo 05.13.2007 05:47 AM

you guys are so lucky, they have like 10 dates in autstralia. i would folow them .

ALIEN ANAL 05.13.2007 06:11 AM

haha, but where i live its so far from everything else in Australia

sun city girl 05.13.2007 06:20 AM

funny, three first band mentioned here (Dino, MBV, JAMC) were together on a tour once, the fourth band was blur... probably not quite as loud...

so is the new new dino lp worth buying?

ZEROpumpkins 05.13.2007 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
haha, but where i live its so far from everything else in Australia

WHOAH?! They announced dates for Australia? Shit I gotta check this out.

ZEROpumpkins 05.13.2007 07:07 AM

No! There's an all ages show and i'll be on holidays. Ahh that's gonna ruin it, knowing i'm missing Dino...

This sucks ass.

king_buzzo 05.13.2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by sun city girl

so is the new new dino lp worth buying?

Affirmative. Its interesting and kind of different that the other songs.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2007 11:26 AM

you know, there's probably a dinosaur jr board.

GrungeMonkey 05.13.2007 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by sun city girl
funny, three first band mentioned here (Dino, MBV, JAMC) were together on a tour once, the fourth band was blur... probably not quite as loud...

That would be amazing. I was born 10/20 years too late.

SonikJesus 05.13.2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Wait, not as loud as everyone makes them out but it was the loudest show you've been to.

Yeah, the way everybody talks about them, I was expecting to not be able to handle the sound. But it still was the loudest show I've been to. I guess I was expecting everything to sound unbalanced and fuzzy because it was going to be loud. But I was surprised at how clearly all of the instruments could be heard and at the overall clarity of the sound. I guess the clarity of the sound and the fact that i was into the band contributed to it not sounding so loud when it actually was very loud.

By the way, my hearing is back to normal now. I might've had some hearing damage because I now listen to my car stereo at 30 instead of at 20 and it doesn't sound so loud anymore. I remember before, 20 was loud but now it just sounds normal. I don't really give a shit though.


Originally Posted by pbradley
Besides, I heard JAMC during their prime were far louder.

I also saw JAMC a few weeks ago and they weren't as loud as Dino.

pbradley 05.13.2007 07:59 PM

When I said "during their prime" I meant the mid-80's when they were touring Psychocandy.

SonikJesus 05.13.2007 08:37 PM

Yeah, I know. I just added that comment to add to your comment that JAMC were louder at one point (their prime, as you put it) than they are now.

pbradley 05.13.2007 09:20 PM

My friend's dad said that their distortion was so high that he could barely distinguish anything. Kind of like Psychocandy.

SonikJesus 05.13.2007 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
My friend's dad said that their distortion was so high that he could barely distinguish anything. Kind of like Psychocandy.

Wow. When I saw them, the songs sounded very clean and catchy.

pbradley 05.14.2007 12:01 AM

Which would make sense since it is after Honey's Dead.

John Violence 05.14.2007 12:31 AM

I saw them on Saturday and it was one of the best shows I have ever seen.

ALIEN ANAL 05.14.2007 12:37 AM

im so freaking glad they are coming to Perth
last time i seen them they were so loud, and it wasn't that easy to understand what was being played, but because i knew the songs i could work it out

Does J do a lot more soloy improv, lead stuff when live, or was that me just me thinking he was?

ZEROpumpkins 05.14.2007 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
When I said "during their prime" I meant the mid-80's when they were touring Psychocandy.

Did you ears explode from that cheap 80's reverb??

pbradley 05.14.2007 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Did you ears explode from that cheap 80's reverb??


Do yourself a favor. Grab a decent pair of headphones and put on "In A Hole" on the highest volume.

pbradley 05.16.2007 03:27 AM

Okay, I just came back from the Dinosaur Jr show at Slim's about an hour ago. I'm pretty pissed that indie prudes and fucking venues nowadays are against fucking crowd surfing. What the fuck, it's a fucking Dinosaur Jr concert!

Sometimes I think rock is dead, times like these. Spineless indie twats.

king_buzzo 05.16.2007 04:03 AM

^ were they loud as before?

pbradley 05.16.2007 05:41 AM

I wasn't as close to the front as before but yeah I would say so.

I also liked how they mixed up the set instead of playing only the new stuff. In fact I only remember about three of the new tunes while the rest were off early albums. They also played Out There and Feel The Pain! I wasn't expecting post-Barlow tunes. Also I couldn't name the last song of the encore despite owning every album. Gotta fingure that one out.

Overall, they brought the rock.

ZEROpumpkins 05.16.2007 05:45 AM

No stop saying how good it is! I feel bad enough already that i'm going to miss the concert...

ALIEN ANAL 05.16.2007 05:47 AM

oo im so excited
is there any dino songs that are not cool to yell out and request?

SonikJesus 05.16.2007 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Also I couldn't name the last song of the encore despite owning every album. Gotta fingure that one out.

Overall, they brought the rock.

It might have been "Just Like Heaven". They changed the last track on YLAOM from "Show Me The Way" to "Just Like Heaven" for the 2005 reissue. If you own the old version, then that's probably why you didn't recognize the song.

pbradley 05.16.2007 08:26 PM

I know both of those and they weren't them.

ALIEN ANAL 05.19.2007 05:55 AM

J Mascis

king_buzzo 05.19.2007 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
J Mascis

is a genious.

Anyways, opinions on Hand It Over/Where You Been? I think they're amazing albums, shit thing is, Hand It Over is not available anymore, only through Itunes....

pbradley 05.19.2007 07:46 AM

So what was y'all's first Dinoaur Jr albums?

My introduction was when I was raiding my brother's CD collection in like '97 and listened to his Without A Sound (and buying my own, as well as Hand It Over after that). It was nice but nothing that got me too interested in looking into their older stuff until Ear-bleeding Country was released in '01 which resparked my interest in the Dino. I've been a Dinosaur Jr fan ever since.

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