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The Soup Nazi 01.28.2023 07:17 PM

Tom Verlaine 1949-2023

hirsute_biped 01.28.2023 07:24 PM

As these hammer blows keep dropping, I’m just grateful for the gifts we received and will live on as long as our cultural memory does.

Skuj 01.28.2023 10:05 PM

It's like....darkness has doubled. I mean.....lightning struck itself.

Fuck, I was looking up Television early today to see if they ever made an album past 1992.

Skuj 01.28.2023 10:11 PM


Music Nazi, what you smokin?

The Soup Nazi 01.28.2023 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

Music Nazi, what you smokin?

Shit, I was obviously too grief-stricken to think straight. I'll ask a moderator to fix it.

Skuj 01.28.2023 10:45 PM

I think you can if you go advanced. But whatever.

The lyrics in Television were fucking great. And I know not everyone is a fan of "guitarchitecture", but I have air-guitared to Marquee Moon more than any other song.

The Soup Nazi 01.28.2023 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Fuck, I was looking up Television early today to see if they ever made an album past 1992.

In 2011, a bunch of artists donated songs old and new to Omoiyari For Japan: International Music Rescue Vol. 1, a compilation published to help the surviving victims of the brutal Tōhoku earthquake + tsunami. Television gave them a new tune, "Mistakes":

You can see there that Jimmy Ripp plays guitar, so that's post-Richard Lloyd (who quit the band in 2007) and the closest thing there is to a post-1992 Television release. Good luck finding that 2CD set, by the way.

The Soup Nazi 01.28.2023 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I think you can if you go advanced. But whatever.

The lyrics in Television were fucking great. And I know not everyone is a fan of "guitarchitecture", but I have air-guitared to Marquee Moon more than any other song.

Mr. Robert Forster goes with "Venus":

Skuj 01.28.2023 11:02 PM


The Soup Nazi 01.29.2023 03:07 AM

"Went by the book stalls outside Strand yesterday thinking I’d see you as usual, have a smoke, talk about rare poetry finds for a couple of hours, downtown NYC racing by our slow meditations on music, writing - gonna miss you Tom. TV Rest In Peace." -Thurston Moore

The Soup Nazi 01.30.2023 06:54 PM


Tom Verlaine died on 28 January aged 73. Read Alan Licht’s 2006 cover story on the Television guitarist and singer free in our online library:

Out Of The Cool: Tom Verlaine interviewed by Alan Licht, The Wire 266, April 2006.

NB free access expires on 28 February.

The Soup Nazi 01.30.2023 11:32 PM

He Was Tom Verlaine

He awoke to the sound of water dripping into a rusted sink. The streets below were bathed in medieval moonlight, reverberating silence. He lay there grappling with the terror of beauty, as the night unfolded like a Chinese screen. He lay shuddering, riveted by flickering movements of aliens and angels as the words and melodies of “Marquee Moon” were formed, drop by drop, note by note, from a state of calm yet sinister excitement. He was Tom Verlaine, and that was his process: exquisite torment.

Born Thomas Joseph Miller, raised in Wilmington, Delaware, he left his parental home and shed his name, a discarded skin curled in the corner of a modest garage among stacks of used air-conditioners that required his father’s constant professional attention. There were hockey sticks and a bicycle and piles of Tom’s old newspapers strewn in the back, covered with ghostly outlines of distorted objects; he would run over tin cans until they were flattened, barely recognizable, and then spray them with gold, his two-dimensional sculptures, each representing a rapturous musical phrase. In high school, he played the saxophone, embracing John Coltrane and Albert Ayler. He played hockey, too, and when a flying puck knocked out his front teeth he was obliged to put away his saxophone and dedicate himself to the electric guitar.

He lived twenty-eight minutes from where I was raised. We could easily have sauntered into the same Wawa on the Wilmington-South Jersey border in search of Yoo-hoo or Tastykakes. We might have met, two black sheep, on some rural stretch, each carrying books of the poetry of French Symbolists—but we didn’t. Not until 1973, on East Tenth Street, across from St. Mark’s Church, where he stopped me and said, “You’re Smith.” He had long hair, and we clocked each other, both echoing the future, both wearing clothes they didn’t wear anymore. I noticed the way his long arms hung, and his equally long and beautiful hands, and then we went our separate ways. That was, until Easter night, April 14, 1974. Lenny Kaye and I took a rare taxi ride from the Ziegfeld Theatre after seeing the première of “Ladies and Gentlemen: The Rolling Stones,” straight down to the Bowery to see a new band called Television.

The club was CBGB. There were only a handful of people present, but Lenny and I were immediately taken with it, with its pool table and narrow bar and low stage. What we saw that night was kin, our future, a perfect merging of poetry and rock and roll. As I watched Tom play, I thought, Had I been a boy, I would’ve been him.

I went to see Television whenever they played, mostly to see Tom, with his pale blue eyes and swanlike neck. He bowed his head, gripping his Jazzmaster, releasing billowing clouds, strange alleyways populated with tiny men, a murder of crows, and the cries of bluebirds rushing through a replica of space. All transmuted through his long fingers, all but strangling the neck of his guitar.

Through the coming weeks, we drew closer. As we walked the city streets, we would improvise ongoing tales, our own “Arabian Nights.” We discovered that we both loved the work of the Armenian American composer Alan Hovhaness, our favorite work being “Prayer of St. Gregory.” Examining each other’s bookcases, we were amazed to find that our books were nearly identical, even those by authors difficult to find. Cossery, Hedayat, Tutuola, Mrabet. We were both independent literary scouts, and we came to share our secret sources.

He devoured poetry and dark-chocolate-covered Entenmann’s doughnuts, downed with coffee and cigarettes. Sometimes he would seem dreamy and faraway then suddenly break into peals of laughter. He was angelic yet slightly demonic, a cartoon character with the grace of a dervish. I knew him then. We liked holding hands and spending hours browsing the shelves of Flying Saucer News and going to Forty-eighth Street and looking at guitars that he could never afford and riding the Staten Island Ferry after three sets at CBGB and climbing six flights of stairs to the apartment on East Eleventh Street and lying together on a mattress gazing at the ceiling and listening to the rain and hearing something else.

There was no one like Tom. He possessed the child’s gift of transforming a drop of water into a poem that somehow begat music. In his last days, he had the selfless support of devoted friends. Having no children, he welcomed the love he received from my daughter, Jesse, and my son, Jackson.

In his final hours, watching him sleep, I travelled backward in time. We were in the apartment, and he cut my hair, and some pieces stuck out this way and that, so he called me Winghead. In the years to follow, simply Wing. Even when we got older, always Wing. And he, the boy who never grew up, aloft the Omega, a golden filament in the vibrant violet light. ♦

—Patti Smith, The New Yorker, January 30, 2023

Rob Instigator 01.31.2023 10:20 AM

That shit was dope. (Patti's obit)

!@#$%! 01.31.2023 11:12 AM

fuuuuuuck! :(



Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
That shit was dope. (Patti's obit)

ffffff. supermoving. got me choked up. she's a beautiful writer, and this one was real.


Originally Posted by hirsute_biped
As these hammer blows keep dropping, I’m just grateful for the gifts we received and will live on as long as our cultural memory does.

yeah. he's playing in my head *right now*


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

fuck. sorry man... i know you feel this one probably more than most

The Soup Nazi 01.31.2023 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
fuck. sorry man... i know you feel this one probably more than most

Thank you. Yes, this is not "just" another rock & roll loss for me. It's personal.

Severian 02.01.2023 07:08 AM

Too much, this one. This one hurts. I’m in denial still.

The Soup Nazi 02.01.2023 10:01 PM

"Beautifully lyrical guitarist, underrated vocalist. Television made a new kind of music and inspired new kinds of music. Marquee Moon is a perfect record. Requiescat." —Steve Albini

The Soup Nazi 02.01.2023 10:13 PM

Tom Verlaine: a guitar antihero whose sensibility was more classical than Clapton

As a guitarist, Tom Verlaine was a player whose unhinged vibrato, sweeping volume swells, splintered harmonics, cool noir ambience, and, most crucially, his discursively elegant lyricism, emerged in the mid-1970s as a moody antidote to the macho guitar heroism of that era. And for a certain kind of guitarist – like me – he was a fountainhead for an entirely new era to come.

I struggle to think of a player before Verlaine who synthesised the same range of influences – early Stones stomp and sneer, angular Ayler-isms, sensuous dreamscapes, extended improvisation, and spaghetti western twang – while dispensing entirely with the then-dominant white blues cliches. Sure, there were antecedents – John Cipollina, Roger McGuinn, and Jerry Garcia, for example, and I hear the wiggy high-wire tension of Mike Bloomfield’s mid-60s work in there as much as anything. But Verlaine’s sound with Television defined the archetype of the avant-rock guitarist, one that would become as much a template for the sound and feel of 80s guitar music as the contemporary innovations of Eno, George Clinton, Kraftwerk or Nile Rodgers were in their own idioms.

The early records of bands such as U2 and REM are unfathomable without Verlaine’s influence – Television basically invented the Athens band’s IRS years in a single song, "Days" from 1978’s Adventure – and a whole slew of artists, including Patti Smith, Echo & the Bunnymen, the Church, Siouxsie and the Banshees and many more took Verlaine’s innovations to a wider audience. In short, the arc of what was once called punk, then new wave, then college rock, then alternative rock, then most recently indie rock can be traced, musically and aesthetically, directly to Verlaine’s fretboard. Even the popularity of arguably the most iconic and ubiquitous guitars of the last 30 years – the Fender Jazzmaster and Fender Jaguar – was kicked off by Verlaine’s prominent use of models that were unfashionable at the time.

For me, any discussion of Verlaine’s brilliance starts with Television’s 1978 version of "Little Johnny Jewel" from their live compilation The Blow-Up: simply the most sublime 15 minutes of recorded guitar playing I have ever known. You could think of it as the A Love Supreme of punk, with John Coltrane collaborator Jimmy Garrison’s bobbing four-note bass line replaced by a similarly hypnotic six-note figure over which Verlaine roams free, weaving glorious, careening, dynamic patterns in the air. It features some of his most fiery excursions, full of sprawling harmonic feedback, tremolo arm abuse and (barely) controlled noise over drummer Billy Ficca’s syncopated funk; bassist Fred Smith and Verlaine’s guitar partner Richard Lloyd hold on to that riff for their lives like rodeo cowboys on wild horses. It lays the foundation for the work of Thurston Moore, Lee Ranaldo, and Kim Gordon in Sonic Youth, J Mascis in Dinosaur Jr and subsequent generations of guitar antiheroes. Rarely has rock music sounded and felt so transcendent.

Some of his brilliance has dipped beneath the radar. Verlaine’s 1992 instrumental album Warm and Cool is an understated masterwork, featuring beautiful, narrative, folk-like melodies as well as the most explicit free jazz-influenced statements in his discography. Each note in the slowly unfolding melody of "Spiritual" reveals itself like a discrete shooting star, with a mysterious raga-like internal complexity. (A highlight of Warm and Cool, the track expands exponentially into a gorgeous 15-minute fantasia on a widely circulated unofficial live recording performed on 29 October 1998 at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City.)

Verlaine’s style was guitar playing beyond technique. You could call it virtuosic, but that would miss the point. To improvise at his level requires maximum presence. He would often incorporate long, odd intervals by hitting an open string and hammering on to another note much higher up the neck, or create rattling, dissonant timbres by strumming multiple strings extremely fast while dragging dissonant chords around the neck chromatically. The droning bell-like single note with which he opens his extended break on "Marquee Moon", the song with which he will forever be identified, is one of the most mysterious, sensual, and compelling introductory phrases in rock soloing.

As a teen, I could figure out many rock players by ear but was bewildered by the playing on Television records. When I later had the privilege of studying with Richard Lloyd, I became able to understand from a technical standpoint why that was: on those records, he and especially Verlaine rarely use the accessible pentatonic scales common to most blues-based music and instead favour variations on major/minor-scale modes that include more melodic filigree. The logic is more classical than Clapton.

Maybe the most punk thing about Verlaine is that he always seemed to have something to say in those extended workouts. He needed the time he took as much as Coltrane or Morton Feldman needed theirs. His was not ponderous music, full of wonder and beauty though it was. It was lean and hungry and on the hunt. Tom Verlaine’s guitar playing seemed very much alive and in the moment at all times, which is as high a compliment as I can imagine. And thankfully for us, it lives on.

Chris Forsyth, The Guardian, January 30, 2023

Diesel 02.03.2023 04:43 PM

Bunch of foken wank

The Soup Nazi 02.03.2023 05:10 PM


Diesel 02.03.2023 07:35 PM

He was Amercan aye?! Just let that sink in for a moment :eek: :eek: :eek: :(

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 01:53 AM

I'm sure several of you are familiar with the "Bakers Dozen" section of The Quietus, in which an artist picks 13 albums they love. Television appears on a bunch of those lists, so I thought, why not include a little compilation on this thread:

Television - Marquee Moon

This was the great danger of me picking these records - that they'd all come from 1974, but that was when I was most enthusiastic about buying records. And Marquee Moon… I just played it over and over and over again. I just love it. US punk was very different [to UK punk]; over here, the concept of it was absolutely fantastic, and that was the whole thing that got me into it, but it was a bit one dimensional. The Ramones were great, but they were kind of a caricature - a cartoon band. And a lot of punk over here seemed to go for that, as a backlash against over sophistication.

I just felt that Marquee Moon and the stuff from New York was odd, and it was different, and it was weird - and I always liked weird thing. It still had a lot of energy; I liked Marquee Moon in preference to, say, Patti Smith's Horses… it was just contrived enough. Any further and it would be too pretentious. It's still great today; as soon as I put it on and hear those first few bars of 'See No Evil', it reminds me of when it first came out and I played it non-stop. Although imagine my disappointment when I bought Adventure on the red vinyl and tried desperately to like 'Foxhole', and it didn't happen.

—Stephen Morris

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 01:54 AM

Television - Marquee Moon

This was a record that I discovered a little bit later, when I first moved down to New York when I was about 21. I moved in with these crazy, fun people – one was Irish and one was English – and it was a very rock and roll time, I have to admit! Everyone was going a little bit crazy in their own way. We would come back to the apartment late at night after being in the bars and play that record as a reminder, a representative of that spirit we were trying to create of defiance, anger, but also of a totally 'fuck you' attitude I guess. It really marked me.

—Martha Wainwright

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 01:57 AM

Television - Marquee Moon

Marquee Moon is hands down my favourite album. It's hard to land on exactly why. I've been listening to it for close to 40 years - let's say 35 - and that it still sounds fresh, that points to something.

As a teenager I expected to hear something punk-er/weirder because I got it around the same time as Cramps' Gravest Hits and Wire - Pink Flag and Pere Ubu and Dead Boys. Instead I heard something beautiful that expressed the same anger and confusion, but also curiousness and wonder. It's emotionally complex.

I guess all of those records are emotionally complex. X - Los Angeles, too. Beautiful. As evidenced by their immeasurable influence, Television had something happening purely on a musical level, too. I was too young to understand this, but [there were] enough guitar ideas to sustain the next three generations of guitar players.

—Doug McCombs

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 02:00 AM

Television - Marquee Moon

It's just the best guitar record. The way the guitars weave together… I got it when I was a teenager and took to it right away. The first time I heard their music was seeing R.E.M. with Bob Mould on guitar covering 'See No Evil'; it was punk, but not simple. It might be a record that's hard to talk about. Lyrically, it doesn't really grab me, and it's weird, as a lyricist, to love a record like I love this one without really having much of a handle on it. There isn't a lot you can even make out, he's not much of an enunciator. The guitars are so good, it pulls the rest of it along.

When I was married, my wife came home one day and she was like: "I met this guy, this older guy, he was in a band called Television – you ever hear of them?" "Yeah, I know them. They're pretty big." It was the drummer. I forget his name.

—Craig Finn

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 02:03 AM

Television – Adventure

I think that as great as Marquee Moon is, I love Adventure just as much. There's that truism, that cliché, that you have your whole life to create your first record and a year to create your second one and Marquee Moon has obviously got that sort of perfect quality to it like they'd been planning it for ages. You hear it in their demos, working towards how great 'Venus' is going to be and how great 'Marquee Moon' is going to be; they had so many amazing songs in that period. You look at the cover of Marquee Moon and you're like, 'where's 'O Mi Amore', where's 'Adventure'?' and it comes to their second album and they still don't have these songs. All these great songs that they had in their repertoire aren't even on their second record. Marquee Moon is perfect but I don't think perfection is necessarily the be all and end all. There's something so beautiful and so human about Adventure. I do think the fact that it's not considered as good definitely made me gravitate towards it but I just love every song on that record as much as anything on Marquee Moon.

—Ira Kaplan

The Soup Nazi 02.06.2023 02:10 AM

Television - Marquee Moon

The reason I love this record, apart from it being an absolutely incredible record, is that up until hearing Marquee Moon I wrote songs on my own and when it came to putting things together with a band, I would always have in my mind that I would play chords and then break for a solo and then have some more chords.

A friend of mine who is a great guitarist himself asked me whether I had heard a song called 'Marquee Moon' and suggested we try learning the guitar parts together. We sat down like teenagers and tried to learn them. I suddenly realised that you can have loops of really intricate riffs – it doesn't have to be just chords and solos. So, 'Marquee Moon' changed my attitude to arranging - in terms of the guitars - a song.

But then, weirdly, after that the track 'Marquee Moon' began to haunt me out. I had some gigs in Australia and Brazil and I figured out that if the record company gave me a round-the-world ticket it would be cheaper for them and also mean I could go to places like Thailand and Chile in between the tour. And every single place I went I would hear the track 'Marquee Moon' being played on local radio stations. It started to become really, really creepy.

So, when I came back from the tour I thought I better buy the bloody record as it was haunting me. I found it for a quid in a charity shop as if everything was lining up for me to listen to this record in its entirety. And I did, thankfully, and it has just really changed my attitude to playing guitar and how I could structure things differently in terms of guitar playing.

—Cate Le Bon

Diesel 02.06.2023 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I found it for a quid in a charity shop...

That'll be right

The Soup Nazi 03.06.2023 12:30 AM

From Trouser Press:

Souvenir From a Dream: Memories of Tom Verlaine

In late 1975, two Trouser Press writers brought Tom Verlaine of the then-unsigned band Television up to their apartment for an interview. This hour-long conversation has never previously been published. Here, it is accompanied by an introductory essay by the novelist Bruce Bauman as well as audio clips from their conversation.

The Soup Nazi 03.07.2023 02:48 AM

And now, a priceless bit from:


I added the text within brackets for context. (By the way, I typed this whole shit, so you better read it, fuckers.)


As 1976 began, Television seemed ready to fulfill that promise [this refers to Danny Fields' January 1st, 1976 review of Television and Patti Smith's December 1975 shows in the SoHo Weekly News, where he wrote that "Simply, it was a wonderful weekend, and it bodes well for everyone involved"]. The sound that would make Marquee Moon was more or less in place. Once they began performing new compositions "See No Evil" and "Guiding Light" in late '75, all the songs were written that would eventually be on the album. Their live shows attracted larger crowds than ever: at CBGB's they broke house records two nights in a row in December before headlining the final show of CB's Christmas Rock Festival on New Year's Eve. Smith joined them on stage at CBGB's around 5 am to help them finish their second set. Fields, who named Television and the Ramones the "Cosmic Newcomers" in his year-in-review column, reported that Lou Reed had been won over as a fan, that the underground director John Waters had been to see them, and that Paul Simon had come to a show in November with Arista's Clive Davies. But still no contract, a situation that would wear thin with Television's relations to other CB's bands over the coming months, as Verlaine came to feel more and more distant from the scene he had helped start. Some of their peers —starting with the Ramones— had negotiated contracts of their own. He would feel even more separated from the musicians overseas who would form the UK punk scene, many of them fueled by legends of New York's Bowery enclave.

When the NME sent [Charles Shaar] Murray back to New York near year's end to find "The Sound of '75," he somehow missed Television's live shows. He did hear the single ["Little Johnny Jewel"], though, which couldn't live up to his memory of seeing the band live the previous spring, and so he only offered the band a mixed review in his feature, which was the most extensive the scene had received overseas. Noting the band's "willful inconsistency," he concedes: "And since they still haven't recorded anything impressive (viz the debacle of the Eno Tape, a tale of almost legendary status in CBGB annals), it seems unlikely that any of the major labels who've decided that they can get along without Television are likely to change their minds unless a particularly hip A&R man manages to catch Tom Verlaine and his henchmen on a flamingly good night."

That a reporter from the NME was talking about having heard the "legendary" Eno tapes seriously unsettled Verlaine. It's not quite clear when Verlaine first heard Roxy Music's new album Siren, but by the end of '76 he was telling reporters he believed Richard Williams or Brian Eno had distributed their demo tape so promiscuously that Ferry had ripped off at least a dozen lines. Roxy's song "Whirlwind," for instance, included the line "This case is closed," Verlaine's sign-off in "Prove It." But Verlaine's list of resemblances seems superficial. The lack of a contract seemed to be pushing him toward paranoia. As early as December '75, Danny Fields had noted Lou Reed's habit of taping CBGB's shows on a portable Sony cassette recorder, still a novelty. But when Reed packed his recorder into a Television show in the summer of '76, Verlaine bristled. Lisa Robinson took notes on the confrontation, which came on the cusp of Television's finally signing with Elektra:

"What's he doing with that tape recorder?" mumbled Tom Verlaine. "Do you think I should ask him to keep it in the back?" Ask him for the cassette, I suggested, or the batteries. "Hey, buddy," Verlaine said to Reed. "Watcha doin' with that machine?" Lou looked up, surprised. "The batteries are run-down," he said. "Oh yeah?" responded Verlaine. "Then you wouldn't mind if I take it and hold it in the back, will ya?" Lou handed a cassette over, then said, "You'd make a lousy detective, man. You didn't even notice the two extra cassettes in my pocket, heh-heh." Verlaine was not amused. "O.K. then, pal, let me have the machine. I'll keep it in the back for you." Reed handed over the machine, then said, "Can you believe him?" His eyes widened in surprise.

Verlaine's paranoia may have been warranted: when Reed played the Palladium at the end of '76 in support of his Rock and Roll Heart LP, he played in front of a bank of television sets, as if to stage a pissing contest with the new underground.

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