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tesla69 12.28.2020 09:52 AM

377 healthy people under 60 have died of Covid.
in England, per the Health Services own reporting.


60 million people are locked in their homes.

!@#$%! 12.28.2020 10:20 AM

You should go there with your flying cape and rescue them. The flying cape is because they won't let you inside the airplane. So put on that cape and practice like you're trying to get to Carnegie Hall.

choc e-Claire 12.28.2020 04:58 PM

Can you do us a favour and keep it all to one thread? Thank you :)

tesla69 01.05.2021 08:17 AM

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, told the public they should celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors. Then he was caught having dinner, indoors, at a restaurant, unmasked, with 12 people.

This Democrat pig has put millions of people out of work and killed thousands of businesses. His daughter better not show up in the "indie" scene again.

This is kind of like Cuomo having time to write a book last year about how wonderful he is, while he killed thousands of seniors he stacked up in nursing homes.

dead_battery 01.05.2021 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, told the public they should celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors. Then he was caught having dinner, indoors, at a restaurant, unmasked, with 12 people.

This Democrat pig has put millions of people out of work and killed thousands of businesses. His daughter better not show up in the "indie" scene again.

This is kind of like Cuomo having time to write a book last year about how wonderful he is, while he killed thousands of seniors he stacked up in nursing homes.

or what? are you threatening her?

why the fuck is this guy still here posting this swill?

!@#$%! 01.05.2021 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
why the fuck is this guy still here posting this swill?


dead_battery 01.05.2021 03:56 PM

he does this here...

he could have a way better audience on twitter, fb, tumblr, like fucking anywhere.

but he choses here for some reason. a place where like nobody agrees and everyone hates him for for some inexplicable reason he still posts.

i just saw that one though, that looks like a threat to me.


!@#$%! 01.05.2021 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

i just saw that one though, that looks like a threat to me.


for all his pretense of all-knowing i think the imbecile believes joanna newsom is the guy's daughter? lmfao

the governor's kids are all literal children.

the fucking addled lunatic... and here we are indulging him...

dead_battery 01.05.2021 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, told the public they should celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors. Then he was caught having dinner, indoors, at a restaurant, unmasked, with 12 people.

This Democrat pig has put millions of people out of work and killed thousands of businesses. His daughter better not show up in the "indie" scene again.

This is kind of like Cuomo having time to write a book last year about how wonderful he is, while he killed thousands of seniors he stacked up in nursing homes.

for real though, mods, is this ok?

Diesel 01.05.2021 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
for real though, mods, is this ok?

Not to mention the casual racism this divvy has been posting, again

choc e-Claire 01.05.2021 06:26 PM

oh man it's not even casual

dead_battery 01.05.2021 07:49 PM

anti-vax stuff is dangerous and is actively contributing to the spread of covid, making people sick, killing people

why do mods allow it here?

!@#$%! 01.05.2021 10:36 PM

here's another one of his repugnantly sexist racist gems in case you missed it:

spoken like a true bitter misogynist incel

Diesel 01.06.2021 08:16 AM

I've reported it but whether anything is done about it remains to be seen: we all know how apathetic the mods are when it comes to bans as evidenced when it took a number of people to hound them for Tesla's ban. Him and Bytor, perennial man-children forever crying are posting toxic conspiracies that are popular on forums like 4chan used by the utterly deplorable immature, alt-right, neet, incel, etc brigade and it's dragging this place down the proverbial shitter.

Mods, cojone! ffs

tesla69 01.06.2021 09:07 AM

It is important to you to make sure the corporate narrative is the only one!

If a few posts are so offensive to you, then I must be correct in what I saying. I understand your fear. I don't understand your willing compliance with totalitarianism. And then you throw out the 'conspiracy' tag for shit that scares you! You're normal that way, I've been watching the hawk stalk the pigeons in our back yard, the pigeons all huddle together to try and not get the attention of the hawk.

All I know the situation just keeps getting worse and worse, following the actions of the state, not preceding it.

I've been right all along, and have to stick it to the monkeys who are afriad of what I say and need to strike at me, not the facts.

Back in fucking March I predicted

* the riots
* the forced injections (in NY we have at least 1 state senators trying to push through forced injections (and she's Jewish woman, proposing forced injections)
* concentration camps for people who won't take the jab (rep from Brooklyn proposed this, fucker is originally from Haiti, get it, a black man proposing concentration camps)
* enforced cashless markets
* no mask you starve

I was right about all these.

So are the injections full of nanoparticles that can be scanned using 5G, or even activated using 5G? The logic is reasonable, I don't have Bill Gates billions of debt to see if it is actionable. I If it is notinformation mediated by a transnational corporation, generation cell phonie won't recognize it. They only accept reality when instructed by some kind of 'celebrity'.

We need Thomas Paine now more than ever!

dead_battery 01.06.2021 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
. So are the injections full of nanoparticles that can be scanned using 5G, or even activated using 5G? The logic is reasonable, I don't have Bill Gates billions of debt to see if it is actionable. I guess its boring to Sonic Youth fans who are still obsessed with identity pseudopolitics.

No, it's not reasonable, it's insane. It's also dangerous and you're going to make more people refuse to accept them and cause more death and suffering, not just to those people but to others they come in contact with. It doesn't matter how many times your conspiracy is disproven, you'll just move onto the next way that the evil controllers are plotting to control us.

You are well known for being obsessed beyond all reason that the world is only intelligible as a pre-plotted narrative by a cabal of conspiratorial evildoers. You've given years of your time to promoting this idea, but you can't be that serious about it because you do it on a place where nobody cares and few even read.

dead_battery 01.06.2021 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
here's another one of his repugnantly sexist racist gems in case you missed it:

spoken like a true bitter misogynist incel

So chabib, Chris Lawrence, members of SY themselves... this is OK?

You support/agree with this racist anti-vax bilge?

You're happy for the official sonic youth message board to be used to promote this insanity and discourage people from taking covid vaccines?

Diesel 01.06.2021 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
So chabib, Chris Lawrence, members of SY themselves... this is OK?

You support/agree with this racist anti-vax bilge?

You're happy for the official sonic youth message board to be used to promote this insanity and discourage people from taking covid vaccines?

Hail. Although Chabib sailed these waters long ago. Stu and Chris took up the mantle.

Diesel 01.06.2021 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
It is important to you to make sure the corporate narrative is the only one!

You know fuck all about me. I literally wrote an anti-corporation song last month. The rest of your post is you arrogantly blowing smoke up your own arse, cringe worthy rhetoric hyperbole off the fucking scale, anti-semitism and your derelict old mind crying as usual.

People keep asking why these two moaning sad-sacks keep posting here and it's quite obvious; the fact they simply can, and get away with it because of the mods turning a blind eye. If this place was a pub and there were right-wing lunatics spouting this fucking bile and they weren't kicked out then the pub would be what's known as a basic shit-hole. If they were allowed to continue then the dive would be avoided at all costs as it is clearly a shit-hole full of weird wankers. So with this superb analogy (could've stuck with the 4chan comparison but pubs innit and pub analogies are the best) I'll be steering clear of this dump until this lot clear the fuck off.

dead_battery 01.06.2021 10:48 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got 'em.


dead_battery 01.06.2021 10:48 PM

What are you gonna spend your soros bucks on now that we did his bidding?

Me, i'm gonna go on an adrenochrome binge

Savage Clone 01.06.2021 11:13 PM

Hideous pointy guitar

!@#$%! 01.06.2021 11:24 PM

morgellons taxidermy kit

Savage Clone 01.06.2021 11:44 PM

Tesla is banned. Fuck that sanctimonious paranoid piece of shit.

d.sound 01.07.2021 07:17 AM


Diesel 01.07.2021 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Hideous pointy guitar

Essential aesthetic for all aspiring synthwave duo's

Savage Clone 01.07.2021 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Essential aesthetic for all aspiring synthwave duo's

This guy gets it

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