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Washing Machine 04.24.2006 03:37 AM

Favourite SOAD Album?
Okay Im far from being a metal fan (as most of the people on this site probebly are lol) But there is something about Soad's sound that puts them far and above all the carbon copy metal bands out there. So im just wondering if anyone has a favourite album from these insane metal heroes!

EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 04:38 AM


Incesticide 04.24.2006 04:56 AM

Right !

noumenal 04.24.2006 04:58 AM

Do they really have that many albums?

PAULYBEE2656 04.24.2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth

ha ha, thats good shit!

Onani Nic 04.24.2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth

My thought exactly, SOAD is the corniest armish sounding shit ever.

I hated metal a year ago until i was educated now a lot of the music i listen to is metal.

Try Isis, pelican, Jesu and Mastodon for some good introductory metal.

Everyneurotic 04.24.2006 09:45 AM

the first one by a mile, that's the only album i've heard by them that's any good and has some great songs overall

toxicity is like 1/3 good really, but it was so hyped and the singles were so popular that most people assume it's their best. but it's not that good in my opinion.

i haven't heard steal this record but i didn't like the singles. and mezmerize/hypnotize, besides byob, they are the worst by far.

and granted, they are the most annoying band on earth. but the first record is pretty sweet

marleypumpkin 04.24.2006 11:00 AM

"Steal This Album" For me, I like the simplicity of the album. The songs were fucking great. & there weren't that many single from that record that were hyped beyond believe.
I don't care what anyone says, I love SOAD!

Washing Machine:
Did you ever get to download those live SOAD tracks that I posted?

Sn@ke 04.24.2006 01:32 PM

they are boring.

marleypumpkin 04.24.2006 01:59 PM

Well, your entitled to your opinion, & I'm entitled to mine.
There's no fucking reason why you should try & belittle someone just because they like a certain group that you don't. Back the fuck up & let us enjoy OUR music. DAMN IT!

Trasher02 04.24.2006 02:01 PM

don't like the band...

marleypumpkin 04.24.2006 02:04 PM

Well, like I said, your entitled to your opinion & I'm entitld to mine.

There's nothing that any of you can say to get me to stop liking SOAD.

EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 02:21 PM


EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 02:24 PM

Systeuhm oaf euh deuwhn. Euhvry beuhdis geuying teuh the peuhty have a reuhlly geuhd teuhme. Angels deuhserve teuh deuh.

Oh man do any of you have that fucking friend who listens to NOTHING but System of a Down? And that's like all they've listened to for the past 4 years non stop? Like EVERY time you see them you realise they're STILL listening to Angels deserve to die, or smack my bitch up, or that other nonsense? It never surprises me how retarded people are

marleypumpkin 04.24.2006 02:54 PM

I'm not that bad into SOAD, but you have to realise this band is about more than just music. I really suggest looking up some info on the causes & charities this band supports. I know they have there stupid songs that are real comical, but give them a break.
Who doesn't make songs you can laugh at.

krastian 04.24.2006 03:05 PM

Is it even a question? Their debut! They used to be pretty fucking awesome and psychotic and now they suck. To me it's because of the idiot guitarist that had to put his horrible voice everywhere especially on the last two which pretty much sucked. I mean if this guy wanted to sing his stupid songs with his stupid lyrics then he should have put out a solo record. Leave the lead vocals to the Serj guy.

EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 07:52 PM

I don't give a shit about causes or meanings in music, especially not stupid rockstars that like to protest against things they know nothing about. I never listen to the words in songs because I don't give a shit. Because music is what interests me, not poetry. That's what so many bands have the wrong idea about. They spend all their time devising what they're gonna rant and protest about next in their songs, and less time writing music. Also how exactly does " Crying when angels deserve to die " or " Smacking my bitch up in Hollywood " relate to charities or causes? My opinion is they are a stupid obnoxious untalented band, the key word really is OBNOXIOUS. I don't like annoying obnoxious sounding music. This is what a system of a down song sounds like" Grrn grrn grrn grrn grrn * insert lots of boring dropped d non melodic guitar parts here * BLAAAAAAAAH blah blah blah blah blah blah RORRORRRRRRRRRRR RARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I LIKE TO SHOUT LIKE A MORON AND BE OBNOXIOUS AND GROWLLLLLLLLLL ABOUT HOW I'M A RICH POTSMOKING ROCKSTARRRRRR AND AMERICA AND GEORGE BUSH ARE DESTROYING EVERYTHINGGGGG!!!!! EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE US AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT CAUSE I'M A RICH POTSMOKING IDIOTTTTT. IT'S MY JOB TO SMOKE POT AND WRITE POEMS ABOUT CORPORATE AMERICAS STRANGLEHOLD ON WHATEVER CAUSE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT

The thing that I really can't fucking stand about them is their fans. The little hot topic kids that sit around spewing a bunch of bullshit about how System is one of the most talented bands to come out of the past 6 years blah blah blah, they mix all different styles of music. I actually walked up to the damn kid and said " WHAT? What other styles of music do they mix aside from heavy metal. TELL ME please!! " He says " Opera " ....................... that's the most ingenious thing I've ever heard.

Proud Marie 04.24.2006 08:23 PM

Now thats a band i dont like. 5 albums and they still cant get past 3 chords

EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 08:50 PM


EyeballGrowth 04.24.2006 08:50 PM


youthoftomorrow 04.24.2006 09:17 PM

i'm with marley on this one, Steal This Album! is great.

HaydenAsche 04.24.2006 09:18 PM

Self-titled is the only one listenable.

Washing Machine 04.25.2006 11:28 AM

.....It would appear SY fans dont like SOAD Why? man Why?

EyeballGrowth 04.25.2006 11:51 PM

the reason is uh.................................. well you see............................................... .... System of a Down......... they are


Drugstore_Cowboy 04.25.2006 11:55 PM

They are trash. Just because they hold yet another anti-Bush, politically correct ideology doesn't make them any better than a band with the same sound that talks about having sex with midgits.

val-holla-ing 04.26.2006 01:35 PM

i don't really care for them. it's pointless angry music and bores me.

noumenal 04.26.2006 01:46 PM

Yeah, they're really boring.

All of the songs that I've heard have really cheesy and cliched tonal progressions. And they're always in minor keys. Basically, what I'm getting at is that "V -> i" minor progressions sound retarded in rock music. Go to their website and listen to the song that starts playing:


krastian 04.26.2006 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Yeah, they're really boring.

All of the songs that I've heard have really cheesy and cliched tonal progressions. And they're always in minor keys. Basically, what I'm getting at is that "V -> i" minor progressions sound retarded in rock music. Go to their website and listen to the song that starts playing:


I know! That's the guitar guy singing I was talking about and I'm assuming that he wrote those lyrics too. The first album was just insane and all over the place. A friend of mine liked them when they first came out (I guess I was like 15?) and it was an album that we'd listen to when we were trashed.....and Pantera. Lots of Pantera.

val-holla-ing 04.26.2006 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
.....and Pantera. Lots of Pantera.

oh man, i'm sorry.

val-holla-ing 04.26.2006 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Yeah, they're really boring.

All of the songs that I've heard have really cheesy and cliched tonal progressions. And they're always in minor keys. Basically, what I'm getting at is that "V -> i" minor progressions sound retarded in rock music. Go to their website and listen to the song that starts playing:


i feel the exact way about TooL. how many albums can you write that are completely in the tune of D minor?

The 97th Hammer 04.26.2006 10:32 PM

This thread should be combined with the "Unpopular musical opinions" thread.

HaydenAsche 04.26.2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by The 97th Hammer
This thread should be combined with the "Unpopular musical opinions" thread.


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