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demonrail666 04.11.2007 08:52 AM

Who are your Favourite Music Critics/Writers?

whorefrost 04.11.2007 08:57 AM

Lester Bangs... and...

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 08:59 AM

Phil McMullen
Byron Coley
Fred Mills
Tony Dale
Alan Cummings
Lee Jackson
Colin Hill
Enrico Ramunni

sonicl 04.11.2007 09:00 AM

I'm not sure there are any that I would call a favourite. Most music writers seem to think that they have to come up with loads of ridiculous similes and metaphors for their writing to be valid. I can't think of any that just write straightforward understandable criticism that makes sense on first read, rather than some sort of university thesis.

demonrail666 04.11.2007 09:01 AM

Jon Savage
Greil Marcus

I like Lester Bangs a lot, but find that I have to be in the mood for him.

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 09:06 AM

David Keenan (top musician too in Telstar Ponies)
Alberto Campo
Simon Reynolds
Lester Bangs
Alessandro Castamagna
Guido Chiesa
Ian Penman
David Toop
Jon Savage
Rob Young
Stewart Lee (when he writes about music)

A few bloggers here and there.

whorefrost 04.11.2007 09:10 AM

Oh, totally forgot Keenan! He also plays music in Taurpis Tula (noise rock improv unit, featured in T Moore's top ten records of 2005) and the Tight Meat Duo (free jazz unit).
Keenan wrote a fantastic primer on SY for the Wire in 2002.
He also runs Volcanic Tongue, awesome UK record shop.

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 09:14 AM

If it wasn't for the fact that he was in the original line up of Bmx Bandits, possibly i would have heard of him only as a music journalist.

whorefrost 04.11.2007 09:19 AM

Keenan is a renaissance man

Everyneurotic 04.11.2007 10:55 AM

lester and the thurston/byron tag team.

music critics/writers are cunts.

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2007 11:28 AM

some people i know have had business dealings with david keenan and he's a pathetic prick, so i decided to boycott volcanic tongue.
anyway, regarding his writing, i always thought he seemed a little bitter when he was writing for the wire, and now reading what he writes on the volcanic tongue site he seems really smug.

my favourite writers are:

byron coley
phil shapiro
dave tompkins
joe carducci
hua hsu

ed pinsent is alright too

demonrail666 04.11.2007 11:35 AM

Feel slightly embarrased having never even heard of David Keenan until now.

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 11:54 AM

How does one seem smug, while writing about music? I thought that the very fact that one feels like writing about it, or generally having strong opnions on it, is an act of smugness to start with? Mistery.

demonrail666 04.11.2007 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
How does one seem smug, while writing about music? I thought that the very fact that one feels like writing about it, or generally having strong opnions on it, is an act of smugness to start with? Mistery.

Not sure if the act of writing is, in itself, smug.

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 11:57 AM

Doesn't that make ALL music journalists smug, then?

demonrail666 04.11.2007 11:59 AM

Only if you really think that writing about music is by definition smug.

whorefrost 04.11.2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
lester and the thurston/byron tag team.

music critics/writers are cunts.

oh yeah, the Bull Tongue duo is great

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 12:09 PM

Unless you are writing about the technicalities of a type of music, you are formulating personal ideas around it, so you are smug because you think that you are owned or already have a platform for those ideas to be read to start with. In that respect, Lester Bangs or Ian Penman are super smug, but highly entertaining. I mean, what is the exact point of saying that all journalists are cunts and then having a blog that is published on the internet and where you write about the same subject as the same journalists you say that you hate so much? Seems a little hypocritical.

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
How does one seem smug, while writing about music?

is it inconceivable that a person is capable of seeming smug whilst communicating their thoughts, ideas and feelings with words?

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 12:11 PM

Wouldn't you be thought of as coming accross as such by some,then?

demonrail666 04.11.2007 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
what is the exact point of saying that all journalists are cunts and then having a blog that is published on the internet and where you write about the same subject as the same journalists you say that you hate so much? Seems a little hypocritical.

That is an example of smugness, sure. But others can do it because they're paid in recognition of their expertise and insight. That can LEAD to smugness, and often does, but doesn't have to.

DJ Rick 04.11.2007 12:13 PM

Coley and Carducci are my all-time faves.

The best music writers of today, however, are busy here...

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That is an example of smugness, sure. But others can do it because they're paid in recognition of their expertise and insight. That can LEAD to smugness, and often does, but doesn't have to.

It works the same, paid or unpaid music scribe that you might be. If someone goes all the way to recommend or express opinions on what's good about a record, well, they are being smug because i'd assume that they're also convinced that what they write is correct. But, then, why is that particularly a bad thing?

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by DJ Rick

yeah, roland woodbe is superb

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2007 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
It works the same, paid or unpaid music scribe that you might be. If someone goes all the way to recommend or express opinions on what's good about a record, well, they are being smug because i'd assume that they're also convinced that what they write is correct. But, then, why is that particularly a bad thing?

whether music journalism is inherently smug is immaterial, i just found the tone of keenans newer writing to be particularly smug and as a result i don't like to read it.

NWRA 04.11.2007 12:58 PM

Nick Kent for me. I love The Dark Stuff anthology.

My favourite piece of music-writing is Lester Bang's 'Mass Liberation...' Stooges review though.

Cardinal Rob 04.11.2007 12:58 PM

I've barely read the words of any critics and writers at all. I'll have to go with the friends of mine who write reviews.

Pookie 04.11.2007 01:14 PM

Nick Tosches

fugazifan 04.11.2007 02:45 PM

i like byron coley, but my favorite music articles are by whoecver writes for the Perfect Sound Forever website.
they write the best music articles. Fact.

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 03:04 PM

Jim DeRogatis can suck it, by the way.
Keenan deserves a place in this thread simply for coming up with the brilliant phrase "cornucopia of humiliation" in his review of DeRogatis' (awful) book on psychedelia.

youthoftomorrow 04.11.2007 03:49 PM

Chuck Klosterman (even though i completely disagree with him 90% of the time).

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 04:19 PM

Criticism is about personal taste, for god's sake.
You just get to know someone whose tastes you respect and who can give an accurate description of the music as viewed through his or her individual prism, or on the flipside of that, someone whose tastes are so opposed to your own that you can almost be guaranteed to love everything they hate.

Reading good criticism requires some active participation on the part of the reader. People get down on critics, but some of the people I mentioned earlier in the thread are directly responsible for huge contributions to my musical life by pointing my head down several fascinating and very deep rabbitholes.

Iain 04.11.2007 04:21 PM

How on Gods earth are you supposed to put your personal tastes aside and judge something for what it is? Impossible. And when writers try and do that you usually end up with bland prose. All the best and most readable rock writers are/were opinionated as fuck on the whole.

Iain 04.11.2007 04:22 PM

Beat me to it!

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
all im saying...some dickhead getting PAID for his personal tastes.

i DO understand it...i do.

its just a shit job in my opinoin.

everyone gots an opinoin...and yes...sometimes im intersted in reading the opinions of others, but i sure as fuck wont pay for it.

You just wrote off a bunch of museum curators, festival organizers, restaurant critics, literary writers, on and on and on.
Without these people doing their "shit jobs," all you would have is copy written by publicists (essentially extended advertising) and music exposure dictated by radio politics and payola.

Yep, turning people on to art of merit and occasionally steering them clear of questionable material sure is a "shit job."

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 04:27 PM

The best music critics are also good at contexualizing the music , even when it's so hard because of the sheer amount of poor quality music that is produced. Not need to get all 'punk rock' about it. If it wasn't for some music journalists writing about certain atrocious bands, said bands wouldn't even have the start of a career.

Iain 04.11.2007 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
oh bullshit.....i totally disagree. just cause i dont like a particular piece of art (wether it be visual/musical/whatever) donest mean i cant appreciate it for what it is and weight its ups and downs.

any good critc (and i learned this from porky...course he more or less put it in different words) has a line that he considers PERFECT...and any thing he judges is measured by that line. if something hits the mark...say so, but also mention the shit that doesnt.

Not bullshit!

No matter how reasonable and balanced you try to be I don't think you can really just throw off all the critical baggage you bring to the table. You can try, I just don't think you can ignore all that stuff.

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 04:32 PM

I wouldn't ever have even heard of a huge chunk of the music that has been tremendously important to me if it wasn't for reading what "some dickhead" had to say about it.

You don't even have the choice to decide for yourself whether or not something is worth your time if you never know it exists.

sarramkrop 04.11.2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

any good critc (and i learned this from porky...course he more or less put it in different words) has a line that he considers PERFECT...and any thing he judges is measured by that line. if something hits the mark...say so, but also mention the shit that doesnt.

I never said that i'm perfect, and i'm ,in fact, easily lead as much as i buy records out of my own intuition. A great number of bands i've found out through reading the press or people tipping me off.

Savage Clone 04.11.2007 04:36 PM

Well, no one says you have to agree with a critic's assessment after you hear the music yourself. All I was saying is that the best ones are a valuable resource and can help steer you in the right direction more often than not, and I felt like you were being pretty dismissive of the positive role some of these people can play in the cultural landscape.

I can't believe I used the phrase "cultural landscape." Fuckin' a.

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