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sarramkrop 04.01.2007 05:57 AM

Best named songs
Picnic By The Motorway - Suede

Phlegmscope 04.01.2007 07:08 AM


musicfallinglikesnow 04.01.2007 07:55 AM

"Venus In Furs" - The Velvet Underground. I know, it's taken from a book. The name Velvet Underground is, too, and is great.

musicfallinglikesnow 04.01.2007 07:58 AM

"Blues in Bob Minor" - Robert Wyatt

Torn Curtain 04.01.2007 09:07 AM

Paranoid android
Desolation row
Expressway to yr. skull
Catholic block
Self-obsessed and sexxee
NYC Ghosts and flowers

atsonicpark 04.01.2007 09:11 AM

the only red white and blue i salute is pabst blue ribbon


i sent concentration camp footage to america's funniest home videos

sun city girl 04.01.2007 09:26 AM

outhouse of the pryeeeeeee

demonrail666 04.01.2007 09:26 AM

Cunt Tease

Glice 04.01.2007 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
the only red white and blue i salute is pabst blue ribbon


i sent concentration camp footage to america's funniest home videos

Anal Cunt!

Favourite song titles including: "I noticed that you're gay", "Punching JoeBonni's face in", "I hope you get deported", "Phyllis is an old annoying cunt", "I just saw the gayest guy on earth", "Van full of retards", "Recycling is gay", "You've got cancer", "You are an interior decorator", "Pottery's gay", "You look adopted", "Windchimes are gay", "I respect your feelings as a woman and a human", "I became a counsellor so I could tell rape victims they asked for it", "I like drugs and child abuse", "You rollerblading faggot", "Woman, nature's punchbag", "I ate your horse", "You robbed a sperm bank because you're a cum guzzling fag" and many more.

MellySingsDoom 04.01.2007 09:37 AM

The Sun City Girls' "I Knew A Jew Named Frankenstein"
Happy Flowers "Mom! I Gave The Cat Some Acid"
The Boredeoms "Bite My Bollocks"

LittlePuppetBoy 04.01.2007 09:38 AM

Mother, my body disgusts me-Swans

demonrail666 04.01.2007 09:43 AM

Hit me Baby One More Time.

atsonicpark 04.01.2007 09:44 AM

bungie - naked disintegrating parachuting woman

Isoflurane 04.01.2007 09:49 AM

Keep On Roll

MellySingsDoom 04.01.2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Hit me Baby One More Time.

I'll meet that and raise you a Big Black "Fists Of Love".
Followed by Anthony and the Johnson's "Fistful Of Love"

demonrail666 04.01.2007 09:58 AM

I fold

Until Saint Lavigne comes out with 'Use me like the worthless slut that I am', of course.

MellySingsDoom 04.01.2007 10:00 AM

(In Monty Burns voice) Excellent.

There's a track by an old Scandinavian punk band called "Every Hole's A Goal".

demonrail666 04.01.2007 10:16 AM

And we haven't even STARTED with GG Allin yet.

Glice 04.01.2007 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I fold

Until Saint Lavigne comes out with 'Use me like the worthless slut that I am', of course.

Her new song has the word 'motherfucking' in it. This is good.

demonrail666 04.01.2007 10:19 AM

Avril always was a little minx like that. If you play Sk8er Boi backwards you can definitely hear her saying 'tie me down and use me you big fucking cock-star'

lungfish 04.01.2007 10:22 AM

i always liked "I Want the Quiet Moments of a Party Girl"

The Lung 04.01.2007 10:24 AM

Butthole surfers - Negro Observer
John fahey - Fight on, Christians, Fight on
Keiji Haino - See That my Grave is Kept Clean
NWW - The Penis Fruit Loop

MellySingsDoom 04.01.2007 11:02 AM

Descension: "My Middle Name Is Funk"

screamingskull 04.01.2007 12:06 PM

"Theresa's Sound World"

LifeDistortion 04.01.2007 02:27 PM

The Piano Has Been Drinking-Tom Waits

Monk 04.01.2007 05:56 PM

Oh! Sweet Nuthin'

drrrtyboots 04.01.2007 06:05 PM

Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere Again - Unwound

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.01.2007 06:08 PM

My Small Boat in the Great Sea of God - Error

Gosh, I can't think of anything else at the moment.

Norma J 04.01.2007 06:20 PM

Bluebottle Kiss: Tapdancing on the titanic

Always loved that name, and the referrence to it in the song:

You'll never catch me tapdancing on the titanic,
I'd rather take my chances in the cold grey sea...

heavium 04.01.2007 06:22 PM

a few of my favs:

"You Will Be Reincarnated As An Imperial Attack Spaceturtle (pt 1)"

by Behold...the arctopus

"we are no here" mogwai

"return to hot chicken" yo la tengo

"four on six" wes montgomery

"fyllekärring" hemstad

"heavium" floorian ...obviously

Danny Himself 04.01.2007 07:03 PM

"Pueblo" by Pavement. It's fun how a jokey working title stuck and worked so well.

Jt 04.01.2007 07:19 PM

SY - Come And Smash Me Said The Boy With The Magic Penis

Case closed.

FruitLoop 04.01.2007 08:47 PM

Pink Floyd - Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

And, while we're on Ummagumma, The Grand Vizier's Garden Party; also Careful with that Axe, Eugene

Sun Ra has some good ones too, "Space Fling" comes to mind...

fluxequalsrad 04.01.2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Avril always was a little minx like that. If you play Sk8er Boi backwards you can definitely hear her saying 'tie me down and use me you big fucking cock-star'


LifeDistortion 04.01.2007 11:59 PM

The Angry Ouija Board Has Sent Us To Destory The City of Berkeley California So Run For Your Fucking Life -The Criminals

ZEROpumpkins 04.02.2007 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i sent concentration camp footage to america's funniest home videos


Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by The Lung
Keiji Haino - See That my Grave is Kept Clean

this is a cover, although keiji haino, when he does name his songs (many are untitled) does tend to give them fantastic names

anyway, i'd like to nominate guided by voices/robert pollard/tobin sprout for some sort of award of having numerous excellent song titles, look:

(I'll Name You) The Flame That Cries
14 Cheerleader Coldfront
3rd World Birdwatching
50 Year Old Baby
A Big Fan Of The Pigpen
A Boy In Motion
A Contest Featuring Human Beings
A Crick Uphill
A Flowering Orphan
A Life In Finer Clothing
A Portrait Destroyed By Fire
A Visit To The Creep Doctor
All For Sex And Better Whiskey
All Men Are Freezing
An Earful O' Wax
Asphyxiated Circle
At Odds With Dr. Genesis
Attack Of The Powerwalkers
Be It Not For The Serpentine Rain Dodger
Beekeeper Seeks Ruth
Beg For A Wheelbarrow
Big Boring Wedding
Blessed In An Open Head
Bomb In The Bee-Hive
Bottoms Up! (You Fantastic Bastard)
Bow Before Your Champion
Breadcrumbs For The Whales
Bright Paper Werewolves
Burns Carpenter, Man Of Science
Burt Bacharach In Reverse
Buzzards And Dreadful Crows

more here...

Trasher02 04.02.2007 06:32 AM

I luv the valley OH!
Brian the vampire

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 06:43 AM

harry pussy - fuckology

ZEROpumpkins 04.03.2007 03:07 AM

Lol ^

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