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tesla69 09.08.2018 08:25 AM

Sinead O'connor Deserves An Apology

tw2113 09.08.2018 06:55 PM

I'm fine with forgiving her.

The Soup Nazi 09.11.2018 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69

This time you're right (!) [although I personally don't have to apologize to her because I never blamed her in the first place]. FUCK THE MOTHERFUCKING CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Rob Instigator 09.12.2018 07:56 AM

the pedo/rape church struck her down mad quick.

LifeDistortion 09.12.2018 02:05 PM

She was ahead of her time and was attacking an institution nobody was ready to hear yet sadly.

!@#$%! 09.12.2018 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
She was ahead of her time and was attacking an institution nobody was ready to hear yet sadly.

ok, i don't wanna nitpick here, but i think martin luther, the french revolution, the bolsheviks, the spanish republic, and various latin american political movements, as well as many others i can't name, were way ahead of sinéad here. wasn't this bob geldof's idea after all?

the thing with the pope picture she tore up, he happened to be a charismatic and popular figure who was lionized for his polish provenance and anticommunist leanings, as well as nazi resister past, and so after the cold war ended he had a very particular public image that was political not just religious. "the pope won the cold war" kinda. same lie ronnie raygun acolytes tell about that president.

anyway i saw the thing and laughed/applauded, but sinéad wasn't really the most eloquent messenger, she just looked deranged. a bit like a schizophrenic tearing up a picture of santy kloss in front of a million children. i mean, sure, he doesn't exist, but what will the children do and the parents think. there are better ways. like lawsuits.

anyway yeah the pervert priest thing has always been well known in catholic countries. i attended catholic school because they were the only ones who'd take me (lol), and at home we all got warnings about that sort of shit, never be alone with a priest, etc. it was always a well known thing. i have a cousin who kicked a priest in the nuts when the priest tried to lure him at school. after the fact the priest got sent somewhere. yeah. sorta like having a dog with rabies but "eh, it's family dog" and it actually goes to a farm, where he bites others.

back then it was attributed to the mandatory celibacy business-- the church being a perfect place for pedos to hide in plain sight. every kid who ever wanted to be a priest was seen as a fucked weirdo for this reason (among others). but who knows what is what. it's not just catholic priests who are pedos. plenty others out there. the boy scouts? summer camps? schools? coaches? music teachers?


i watch father ted religiously though. it's hilarious.

Rob Instigator 09.12.2018 02:56 PM

martin luther raped people too. fuck all them assholes.

I posted this on Facebooks to share the indignation

"You all know that the "infallible" Pope, Supreme Leader Snoke of the Roman Catholic Church, can just DECLARE all rapist priests and monks excommunicated, and turn them all over the the respective police departments world-wide that have jurisdiction. All it would take is ONE Papal Bull. Less than ten minutes worth of work.
The Pope will never do that though, because every single Roman Catholic Priest is a money generator for the Vatican, the world's largest, oldest, and most profitable PYRAMID SCHEME EVER."

!@#$%! 09.12.2018 03:45 PM


greenlight 09.12.2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

oh man, Father Ted! how do u know this show? I thought it is known only within Irish borders.

demonrail666 09.13.2018 04:31 AM

Are you serious? Father Ted has been hugely popular in the UK (where it was produced) and I'd assume anyone in America who knows about stuff like The Office, Black Adder, or Absolutely Fabulous (which seem to have acquired a bit of a cult following there) will have at least heard of Father Ted. There's been talk of an American remake for years ... the most recent rumour having Steve Martin in the Ted role.

Personally I could never get into it. But that's definitely just me. Most people I know absolutely love it.

!@#$%! 09.13.2018 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
oh man, Father Ted! how do u know this show? I thought it is known only within Irish borders.

how doesn’t everyone know of it? it’s the funniest thing ever. i think it’s generally popular on the interwebs

dont know exactly when i started but ive been rewatching it for years. first saw it on netflix i think, now i catch it on amazon video

it’s the best


h8kurdt 09.13.2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
oh man, Father Ted! how do u know this show? I thought it is known only within Irish borders.


Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 08:00 AM

More than 3,600 children in Germany were assaulted by Roman Catholic priests between 1946 and 2014, a leaked report has revealed.
The study was commissioned by the Church itself, and was due to be published on 25 September.
According to the report, some 1,670 clergymen in Germany committed some form of sex attack on 3,677 minors, German outlet Spiegel Online reported

Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 08:03 AM

1670 clergy rapists, divided by 70 years, equal 23+ rapist priests a YEAR were known by the Rape Church to be doing this, in Germany alone.

3,600+ children, CHILDREN, in 70 years (that we know of) . That is about 52 a year, raped, abused, sexually manipulated, assaulted, groomed, etc. every year THAT WE KNOW OF.

fuck the church. fuck all churches.

Fuck the Church

Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 08:10 AM

Imagine what these rapist assholes get away with in Africa, South America, East Asia, etc. They can do anything they want to anyone they want. Fuck the Pope. fuck every Roman Catholic that stands by their bullshit rape death worship cult "church".

tw2113 09.13.2018 08:35 AM

I'm from the middle of South Dakota originally, and while I haven't seen Father Ted, I have definitely heard of it.

Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 08:42 AM

I never heard of Father Ted.

!@#$%! 09.13.2018 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I never heard of Father Ted.

you just did!

but anyway, yes to what you said above, generally

while catholicism feels like home to me, i left home ages ago and never returned

shit’s too weird

but i still think some protestants are even worse, we just dont hear about it

this is not whataboutism btw

but when people focus only on catholics they miss the forest for the trees. perverted religion is a biiiig forest though.


also, i have some buddhist stories but gotta get out of the house soon

Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 09:01 AM

The roman Catholic Church claims it is the ONLY true christian church and that all other christian churches fall under it's spiritual jurisdiction. fuckthem rapist fucks.

Roman Catholic church si the largest Christian church, mopst powerful, RICHEST, and most debased, worshipping a zombie, dead "saints", martyrs, and the endlessly recreated bloodshed torture death of a man who actually taught that all religions are false, all "priests" are liars

!@#$%! 09.13.2018 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The roman Catholic Church claims it is the ONLY true christian church and that all other christian churches fall under it's spiritual jurisdiction. fuckthem rapist fucks.

Roman Catholic church si the largest Christian church, mopst powerful, RICHEST, and most debased, worshipping a zombie, dead "saints", martyrs, and the endlessly recreated bloodshed torture death of a man who actually taught that all religions are false, all "priests" are liars

all of them do the same shit—“im the only the only the only”

i think megachurches and evangelists are way more toxic judging by the politics in this country

makes catholicism looks reasonable and tolerant when it’s actually not

Rob Instigator 09.13.2018 09:06 AM

systemic rape, systemic protection of rapists, worldwide, for the past 2000 years. That is far worse than conning people out of their money like the megachurches do. The catholic church does THAT too....

!@#$%! 09.13.2018 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
systemic rape, systemic protection of rapists, worldwide, for the past 2000 years. That is far worse than conning people out of their money like the megachurches do. The catholic church does THAT too....

wish it were that simple but not really

everywhere you have people with authority over others, people are gonna abuse that authority

doctors, teachers, coaches, gurus, therapists, military officers, corporate executives, politicians, whatever, it’s an old story, the powerful abuse their power, and bands protect their own.

in the catholic priesthood child abuse is more rampant but certainly not exclusive. it is a very small fraction of priests as i understand. not sure you read that link i posted? anyway... fuckers need to be rooted out for sure. their feeble attempts at “rehabilitation” are not enough.

religion is bullshit for sure. this think of “answering to a higher authority” makes for a lot of pathetic excuses for criminality.

but everywhere you have people in charge of children you have to be extra-alert. could be a day care worker, could be the ice cream man, could be a school teacher, could be a nurse, could be the neighbor, or an uncle, or the teenage nanny, or mom’s new boyfriend, and often it’s the dad. ban all dads? george carlin in one of his best routines said “hell is full of dads...”

so yes. ban all dads.

!@#$%! 09.13.2018 03:23 PM

anyway what i am really looking forward to, in the realm of what is rationally possible in the world, is what criminal prosecutors will be able to do in places like pennsylvania.

how much ois direct abuse, how much is criminal negligence, how much is accessory after the fact, and if and where there is conspiracy, identify and charge the perpetrators, all the way.

ilduclo 09.13.2018 04:10 PM

plenty of crime to go around, all denominations

Diesel 09.14.2018 02:54 PM

fekin drink

Rob Instigator 09.18.2018 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
in the catholic priesthood child abuse is more rampant but certainly not exclusive. it is a very small fraction of priests as i understand.


in pennsylvania, over 60 years, it was 300, THREE HUNDRED priests raping kids women and men systematically. That is NOT a small fraction. The Diocese of Pennsylvania has probably 200 priests MAX at any given time.

they are all complicit.

!@#$%! 09.18.2018 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
in pennsylvania, over 60 years, it was 300, THREE HUNDRED priests raping kids women and men systematically. That is NOT a small fraction. The Diocese of Pennsylvania has probably 200 priests MAX at any given time.

they are all complicit.

yeah that is a large number, but i don’t know who’s complicit with what.

i’m definitely looking forward to the results of the judicial process. and investigations not just in PA but worldwide

however, my own experience... in the school i attended none of the priests i think were pedos (that we could tell, eh). one was an alkie though. they caught him stealing the communion wine lmao.

the other priests seemed good decent people who did good work, not in the school but with people with real needs.

there was however once a new religion teacher who turned out a bit weird, and the parents sniffed him out and sent him packing. surprise surprise years later it comes out that in a different school where he had more power and less supervision he had made kids jerk him off.

fucking nasty.

eta: there was also an alkie teacher who got close to this widow and diddled the kid. i just remembered! the fucking drunko.

these were teachers though not priests

but anyway, let the judicial process move forward.

i haven’t interrogated my parents on the subject btw— they’re still believers, go to mass, etc. i wonder what they hear/think.

me i watch fútbol on sundays. the true religion!

greenlight 09.18.2018 03:05 PM

srsly guys I did not have a clue Father Ted was/is so popular or known outside ROI. uppps. yeah, such a funny show.

greenlight 09.18.2018 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
fekin drink


!@#$%! 09.18.2018 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
srsly guys I did not have a clue Father Ted was/is so popular or known outside ROI. uppps. yeah, such a funny show.


ilduclo 09.24.2018 05:05 PM

If this Scotus thing doesn't work out for Kavanaugh, he can go into the priesthood.

tesla69 09.25.2018 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
in pennsylvania, over 60 years, it was 300, THREE HUNDRED priests raping kids women and men systematically. That is NOT a small fraction. The Diocese of Pennsylvania has probably 200 priests MAX at any given time.
they are all complicit.

It would take unbelievable leadership to shut the church down - they might argue this is a successful widescale attack against the church by satan.

Make no doubt the abuse continues - its unclear if all the priests in Chile quit or not when I look at the news -

My dad was a summer cop in the 60's and he loves to tell the story about how one night on patrol they arrested 3 men going at it on the brightly lit main beach in front of a family hotel - one of the men turned out to be a priest from Mass, he begged the cops not to arrest him but they did anyway, but in the end they made him come back from Mass to the court date and the cops skipped it, so the priest went free. They didn't arrest the men for having sex, they were arrested for having sex in public in front of a family hotel full of kids, plus they were from out of state!

tesla69 10.31.2018 04:17 PM

sinead, wtf?

The Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has announced her conversion to Islam, changing her name to Shuhada' Davitt.

The Soup Nazi 10.31.2018 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
sinead, wtf?

The Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has announced her conversion to Islam, changing her name to Shuhada' Davitt.

And your problem with that is...?

Oh, fuck it — I already know what your problem with that is. :fuckyou:

tesla69 11.06.2018 06:03 PM

maybe its a big prank she's pulling

Sinead O'Connor: 'White people are disgusting'

The singer, who recently converted to Islam, is back on controversial Twitter form
I'm terribly sorry. What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it. But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that's what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.
— Shuhada’ Davitt (@MagdaDavitt77) November 6, 2018

!@#$%! 11.09.2018 04:07 PM

suck it, tessie

she probably was thinking about your posts here when she said that


confusion is next 11.13.2018 07:55 PM

[quote=tesla69]sinead, wtf?

The Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has announced her conversion to Islam, changing her name to Shuhada' Davitt.[/Q

Religion its the sickness of this world. God dont need a stupid Institution. Like all are. Shes doing that cause just need atention...never liked her anyway. A pretensious singer who act like a baby.

The Soup Nazi 11.14.2018 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by confusion is next
God dont need a stupid Institution.

True, but then again he doesn't need jack shit, unless Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and Snoopy need something.

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