Sonic Youth Gossip

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Bunbury 03.29.2007 11:40 AM

Mama HOWLIN Thunder.




potz and panZ.


Danny Himself 03.29.2007 11:45 AM

I saw them at Endfest 06 in Seattle.

Two thumbs down. I don't need obnoxious fat dykes telling me they don't care what I think even though I wasn't even bothered in the first place. By aggravating me, I am aggravated towards them.

Jt 03.29.2007 11:48 AM


Indie credentials >>> Plan B cover story >>> NME >>> EXPLOOOODDDEEEE!!!


I can only speak from an English perspective but over here they're kind of old news.

soapbars 03.29.2007 11:49 AM

aye theyre crap

Bunbury 03.29.2007 11:50 AM

your all cunts.

get the fuck out of my thread.
(except hypertonic.)

Trasher02 03.29.2007 11:56 AM

Saw them live last year. All the songs sounded quite similar. The bassist had some nice riffs but that was about it.
A fat chick on stage was still one of the funniest things I've ever seen though.

Bunbury 03.29.2007 12:02 PM

The "fat chick" is beth ditto.
shes one of the coolest ladys around.
and vocally,well, no one can hold a candle to her.

Iain 03.29.2007 12:12 PM

Sorry, not that keen. But, to be fair, that's entirely based on the 'hit single' which I hear despite not really wanting to.

Everyneurotic 03.29.2007 12:16 PM

i remember hearing a whole lot about them in like 2001, then actually listening to them and, well, they didn't make a huge impression on me, seems really middle of the road.

i thought only critics liked them, them and the krs staff.

i actually think it's pretty cool what beth does, and in a way it's a culmination of the riot grrrl thing, but their music is not good, so...

!@#$%! 03.29.2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
II don't need obnoxious fat dykes

spoken like a true meathead!


Bunbury 03.29.2007 12:34 PM


spoken like a true meathead!

pretty much.

i dont think beth/the gossip could be further from obnoxious aggravating fat dyke(s).
they do have a queer positive message if thats what danny meant.

chrismc 03.29.2007 12:39 PM

meh. they always struck me as very "NME"

!@#$%! 03.29.2007 12:40 PM

i like her voice, she's got a bit of a motown thing going for her.

the music is fun, not WHOA THAT BLEW MY MIND but fun.

on that motown note, i'd add a few members to the band-- the sound can be a bit thin @ times-- i'd get her a backup band worthy of wattstax!

did they use to tour with sleater-kinney? ive got some s-k mp3s where they thank the gossip

Bunbury 03.29.2007 12:52 PM


i like her voice, she's got a bit of a motown thing going for her.
indie aretha.


the music is fun, not WHOA THAT BLEW MY MIND but fun.
on that motown note, i'd add a few members to the band-- the sound can be a bit thin @ times-- i'd get her a backup band worthy of wattstax!

I saw them tour with erase errata and it was a fucking amazing show.
rarely do i even "dance" at a show, usually i stick to the hipster swa(y).
i didnt find their live sound to be "thin" (such a bad adjective to use after the above shit) at all, but it was a small club, so i can see what your saying being a problem at larger venues.


did they use to tour with sleater-kinney? ive got some s-k mp3s where they thank the gossip

yeah, they used to be on kill rock stars with them, but they recently switched to a new "queer positive" label, which i dont understand, as kill rock stars is pretty gay friendly...its just a little sad for KRS, they seem to almost be a stepping stone now.

jennthebenn 03.29.2007 01:02 PM

i've always liked their music, and seeing a fat
woman with such presence and confidence may
disgust/amuse other people, but i appreciate
beth the more for that, beyond even the music.

they opened for SY once upon a time too.

Bunbury 03.29.2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
i've always liked their music, and seeing a fat
woman with such presence and confidence may
disgust/amuse other people, but i appreciate
beth the more for that, beyond even the music.

they opened for SY once upon a time too.


Kim helped with the standing in the way of control album artwork as well.

Everyneurotic 03.29.2007 01:16 PM

kill rock stars is dead.

Jt 03.29.2007 01:50 PM

i'm more a drag city man myself. though krs did some great post-punk reissues a couple of years ago.

lucyrulesok 03.29.2007 02:37 PM

they don't excite me too much... i heard some of their older stuff, and while i think beth has a great voice, it just doesn't cut it for me.

i hate to say it and i know it is very prejudiced, but i think one of the only reaons they got so far is because they are ostentatiously NOT a pop band. just my opinion though.

Toilet & Bowels 03.29.2007 02:54 PM

i bought an EP by them in about 2000 and thought it was decent but i wasn't that into it to buy an album. maybe i'll dig it out now. i remember there being another band around at that time called bangs who were maybe similar and better or something. i can't remember though because it was bloody years ago.

and anyway, it's kind of stupid of all you people to dismiss the singer for nonmusical reasons.

Toilet & Bowels 03.29.2007 03:14 PM

also, i'm quite surprised by how popular they've become, bearing in mind the sort of attitudes that people hold

Everyneurotic 03.29.2007 06:56 PM

they became big because nme got behind them, i really thought they broke up like a year ago, then everyone in englad is going nuts with them.

DJ Rick 03.29.2007 07:55 PM

I'm not a fan of this band's records so much. The last one especially turned me off with it's high-production sheen. But the Gossip are pretty outstanding live. Beth is a firebrand. Brace has some awesome licks and moves to make 'em fun to watch. Drums are solid enough to fill in the no-bassist hole.

I wish I could svengali them. I'd make 'em record the whole band minus Beth to resemble a Guitar Wolf record...really raw-punk 'em up, then make Beth as clear and strong as possible.

Bunbury 03.29.2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by DJ Rick
I'm not a fan of this band's records so much. The last one especially turned me off with it's high-production sheen. But the Gossip are pretty outstanding live. Beth is a firebrand. Brace has some awesome licks and moves to make 'em fun to watch. Drums are solid enough to fill in the no-bassist hole.

I wish I could svengali them. I'd make 'em record the whole band minus Beth to resemble a Guitar Wolf record...really raw-punk 'em up, then make Beth as clear and strong as possible.

I agree, Standing in the way of control is a little glossy compared to their older stuff, instrumentally. But I think Beth took her vocals to another level with SITWOC compared to all of their other albums.

I would say Movement is my favorite Gossip record, its the best of both vocals + instrumentals.

SYRFox 03.30.2007 05:47 AM

I have Standing in the Way Of Control and I think it's really great, groovy but somekind of "retained" (I mean there's not many explosions, and it is really minimalist), really interesting and good in my opinion

val-holla-ing 03.30.2007 11:12 AM

'standing in the way of control' is a good album, but it doesn't get me as excited as their earlier stuff. when i wanna dance, though, it's a great album.

Washing Machine 03.30.2007 11:20 AM

They seem okay. I kinda like 'Standing in the way of control' probebly because it was on Skins all the time....and yeah I did kinda dig that your worst!

Danny Himself 03.30.2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bunbury
pretty much.

i dont think beth/the gossip could be further from obnoxious aggravating fat dyke(s).
they do have a queer positive message if thats what danny meant.

Meathead? Please. I've nothing against gays. I have a lot against having pro-gay-i-don't-care-what-you-think!!! shit shoved down my throat when I have no problem in the first place. THAT is what aggravates me. Obnoxiousness, and the idea that everyone who isn't gay is against gays.

DJ Rick 03.30.2007 11:26 AM

That's a pretty conflicted outlook.

val-holla-ing 03.30.2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bunbury
pretty much.

i dont think beth/the gossip could be further from obnoxious aggravating fat dyke(s).
they do have a queer positive message if thats what danny meant.

yeah. i've spoken with beth a few times and she's never tried to rip my penis off which is generally characteristic of those "fat dykes".

i hate that word.

MellySingsDoom 04.01.2007 07:56 AM

Their "Standing In The Way Of Control" has been played so much on stations like Radio 1 and XFM (which I pretty much have to listen to at work all day) for so many weeks, me and my fellow workers have come to totally despise it, and this includes those who actually dug the tune initially. Comments about the band's look/sexuality are pretty tiresome and low, but I can live blissfully without hearing another note by them again.

val-holla-ing 04.01.2007 03:39 PM

some of them got silly haircuts.

sarramkrop 04.01.2007 03:42 PM

Why do you have opinions about them?

val-holla-ing 04.01.2007 03:44 PM

i'm from the south and that's just what we do.

sarramkrop 04.01.2007 03:47 PM

Really? I don't have opinions about anything. I'm from Italy and i just don't know about stuff, or rather i wouldn't want to know.

val-holla-ing 04.01.2007 04:05 PM

that's why these colors don't run, obviously.

sarramkrop 04.01.2007 04:42 PM


HaydenAsche 04.03.2007 06:02 PM

They've never struck me as something particularly amazing but they're decent.

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