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Washing Machine 04.21.2006 05:05 PM

Smashing Pumpkins Reunion
Well its official the Smashing Pumpkins are reuniting (we all knew this for a while, BC and Jimmy have been talking about it for awhile, but its now been posted on the official website that they are working on an album right now! !!!) Anyone hear like the Smashing Pumpkins?

PAULYBEE2656 04.21.2006 05:32 PM

good god, why, noooooo billy noooooo!!!!!!!!!

havent we got enough emo bands now!

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 05:35 PM

Hm. I wonder if it's all the original members, though? James Iha was the best out of all of them, I think. Happy Jappy chappie.

I'm pretty worried in regards to their musical direction though. I imagine Billy is still an egomaniac, and will have them all going down the neo-emo-metal road.

Everyneurotic 04.21.2006 05:39 PM

so it's still willy, chamberlain, the hottest replacement bassist in showbiz and some other dude?

they are blowing it yet again by recording an album. THEY SHOULD JUST GO ON TOUR AND PLAY THE CLASSICS

sleep33 04.21.2006 06:08 PM

no, the last thing i want them to do is just play the classics!!

Billy's recent album has been some one of my favorite outings by him and I wish he would just stay solo and make some more albums but since hes reuniting the Pumpkins, i have a feeling he will go for a softer whimsical style (maybe like Adore) as opposed to Machina (which I still enjoyed).


PunkerViolence 04.21.2006 07:12 PM

Yeah i like the pumpkins. Gd on em!

DoubleNickels 04.21.2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by sleep33
no, the last thing i want them to do is just play the classics!!


Agreed. I don't want this shit to turn into "The New Cars" or play like 2 songs from their new album and then have the rest of their set be the "classics".

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 08:39 PM


samuel 04.21.2006 08:41 PM

I almost bought Billy Corgan's solo thing today. I'm really looking forward to this reunion.

Everyneurotic 04.21.2006 10:38 PM

you guys are like the people who go to see journey to play their new album instead of anyway you want it

if i was going to get to see the smashing pumpkins a would rather hear them play i am one, jelly belly, quiet, even the everlasting gaze and try try try than some new filler from the pseudo "reunited" smashing pumpkins which consist of only two original members.

might as well call them the new zwan or something

sleep33 04.21.2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by samuel
I almost bought Billy Corgan's solo thing today. I'm really looking forward to this reunion.

you should have it because your missing out on some great arty electronic music. Its been getting crap reviews from Spin magazine and stuff because it has no mainstream appeal, but its great.

All Things Change is probably the coolest song hes ever put out....

to tell you the truth, TheFutureEmbrace is better than anything SY put out in the last 15 years....

terminal pharmacy 04.21.2006 11:17 PM

why would iha go back to play with pumpkins when APC are a shite load better, pumpkins haven't done anything really good since Siamese. Adore was ok and so was machina and the double album had about 1 albums worth of good tracks.

krastian 04.22.2006 12:20 AM

The Pumpkins were one of my favorite bands back in the day until they decided to stop rocking (post-Mellon Collie). The other ones are barely "ok" to me. I might go if the tix aren't insanely expensive. If Jimmy wasn't playing I would def. not go. Jimmy rules....fuck yeah.

Everyneurotic 04.22.2006 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by sleep33 tell you the truth, TheFutureEmbrace is better than anything SY put out in the last 15 years....

wow!!! comparing a band still doing challenging music with some new order rip off...excuse me, an orgy rip off by a grunge has been? nice!!!!

HaydenAsche 04.22.2006 12:49 AM

Haha. TheFutureEmbrace was shite.

Everyneurotic 04.22.2006 12:51 AM


billy corgan, these guys called...

...they said they want their album, future embrace, back

krastian 04.22.2006 12:57 AM

I'm telling you, it all went down hill when he shaved his head and started wearing that stupid Zero shirt around. Bring out the rock!

DoubleNickels 04.22.2006 01:21 AM

Jesus, it's all about distorted guitars with you? Heaven forfend that the rawk stop and they put down their guitars for favor of a new direction.

krastian 04.22.2006 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by DoubleNickels
Jesus, it's all about distorted guitars with you? Heaven forfend that the rawk stop and they put down their guitars for favor of a new direction.

Me? I like plenty more than stuff with distorted guitars:D. As a long time fan of them I just think that their "new direction" kind of sucked. I'm all for experimentation and trying new things.

fishmonkey 04.22.2006 06:16 AM

best of luck to em, not something i want to get into though

truncated 04.22.2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
I'm telling you, it all went down hill when he shaved his head and started wearing that stupid Zero shirt around. Bring out the rock!

I'm with Krastian. Diluted Smashing Pumpkins just didn't do it for me.


Originally Posted by DoubleNickels
Jesus, it's all about distorted guitars with you? Heaven forfend that the rawk stop and they put down their guitars for favor of a new direction.

Actually, yes.

I'm all about experimentation as well, but sticking to a certain style doesn't necessarily equal stagnation. While again, it's all subjective, their sound changed after Melon Collie, and not for the better. There's a difference between going in a new direction, and tampering with a good thing.

shentov 04.22.2006 09:15 AM

pumpkins oh boy

Originally Posted by fishmonkey
best of luck to em, not something i want to get into though

agreed. never really liked any smashing pumpkins

Trasher02 04.22.2006 10:48 AM

the first albums of sp were cool, mellon collie and the infinite sadness had some real stupid songs.

The Everlasting Gaze is still one of my favorite songs

Alex's Trip 04.22.2006 11:25 AM

I hope that James comes back...I heard he was rumored to, but who knows...

Still a new album is gonna be cool either way. I just hope it goes back to the Gish/Siemese style of things.

Why wouldn't james come back anyway? They (Iha/Corgan) fought, but it has been 5 years...isn't it time for them to make up?

sleep33 04.22.2006 11:47 AM

[quote=Everyneurotic]wow!!! comparing a band still doing challenging music

thats where you and me disagree...

sleep33 04.22.2006 11:53 AM

truncated, you are right, its all subjective, and to all of those rockers out there who headbanged to Zero or Bulllet with Butterfly Wings Im sure there world was shook upon hearing Adore. I actually enjoyed the change and enjoyed it more than Mellon Collie but I guess SP's body of fans didnt.

samuel 04.22.2006 11:55 AM

MACHINA is my favorite Smashing Pumpkins' album. I actually enjoy the Zwan album too. I've heard a couple songs from TheFutureEmbrace and thought those were cool. I think Billy is doing a fine job as of late.

finding nobody 04.22.2006 12:14 PM

1979 is a superb song

Mudride 04.22.2006 12:50 PM

hey Billy Pumpkin, thats a bad step !

Washing Machine 04.22.2006 01:05 PM

I kinda disagree (SY and the pumpkins and soad are for me the greatest 3 bands in the im biased! lol). So to change the direction of this thead slightly, i will talk through what I think of each album, and then maybe we can come to a conclusion as to what the new album should/will be like!

Gish - A great deput album, not entirely brilliant but showed the band had a lot of promise

Siamese Dream - A modern classic, Masterpiece! No one could have predicted from Gish that Billy was capable of this!

Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness - The greatest album ever made! The scope and diversity of this album is beyond words. I disagree strongly with the claim that is album is bloated!

Adore - Underated. This is a beautiful and touching album that reveals itself to you on repeated listens. Listen to 'For Martha' It almost makes you wanna cry lol

Machina - Excellent last album built out of layers and layers of overdubs. Guitars/keyboards melt into each and delcate melodies struggle to be heard though a wall of noise. I love the production on this album. However the songs simply are just not as good on machina as on MCIS or Dream!

TheFutureEmbrace - I kinda like this album! But where is the heart-rendering songwriting of Corgan gone? This album seems a little cold to me!

Proud Marie 04.22.2006 02:33 PM

Gish and Siamese dream were both good albums, and could have been really good if Billy had let someone else sing. I usually dont complain about singer's voices, but his whine is unbearable. James Iha was a much better singer, even if his writing had enough sap to give a Vermont maple syrup maker an erection.

Mellon Collie would have been great if they had refined it to about 12 songs - SOOOO MUCH FUCKIN UNNECISARY FILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would have been a great album - and only about as long as a normal one too.

Adore is terrible - dull and murky, like the mouthings of a fish. The tasteless applictation of the drum machine (sounds like fucking hip-hop beats) combined with Billy's arrognat peotry, a good album this doesnt make. After this i didnt even buy the next 2 albums.

I would love for Billy to get back to basics and make another Gish/ Siamese dream, but part of me knows he wont. Send me a message if its any good.

dazedcola 04.22.2006 02:41 PM

Yea i've liked the smashing pumpkins since i was like 12 and my sister brought home Mellon Collie. I love their stuff up until adore. (Adore is ok, but its just not that interesting to me) I recently went back though and listened to gish and pisces iscariot and was blown away. Wow those fucking solos are crazy and i fell in love with them again for a whole other reason besides there great melodies and kick asss riffs.

Question, is it billy or james iha that's doing those sprawling solos ? or do they maybe switch off ?

Proud Marie 04.22.2006 02:49 PM

Alot of people credit James Iha for Gish, but it was almost entirly Billy on Siamese Dream. After Gish the band became just a touring act and Billy played all the stuff for the albums.

sleep33 04.22.2006 08:14 PM

Billy is the man behind most of those solos... James takes on the little lead parts once in a while but its mostly billy.

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.22.2006 08:20 PM

Whats the point really? I mean, its really all about Billy Corgan making money anyway.

And the fact people don't see through this is ridiculous. Think about it people, he had Zwan which was a commercial failure and they up break up mid tour, then he has an equally awful solo record that whats the next logical step??? Try and cash in on a band that has been inactive for like seven years.

How stupid, and lame. Not even worth talking about. MEH

sleep33 04.22.2006 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Пятхъдесят Шест
Whats the point really? I mean, its really all about Billy Corgan making money anyway.

How stupid, and lame. Not even worth talking about. MEH

Oh and Sonic Youth isnt??Rather Ripped is yet another attempt to make even more money out in the mainstream. Think about it, SY splits up and does these fun little 7" noise releases on obscure labels, and then when they need money (cause you no their not making money off those releases) gets together and does a mediocre rock album. If Corgan wanted money so bad he wouldnt have made FutureEmbrace, because it has no mainstream appeal and nothing with MTV potential.

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.22.2006 11:31 PM

Theres nothing wrong with making a profit off of your music, considering I invest in quite a few bands.

Obscure label? SYR is run by the band, and is released with the knowledge that not many people outside of their fan base is going to buy it. We aren't talking about Sonic Youth (a band that has been together for 20 years) still trying to crack into the mainstream anyway.

MTV didn't play any of his solo album because it was even too shitty for

Go ahead and ignore the bulk of this post like you did the last one, eh?

krastian 04.22.2006 11:41 PM

Quiet-Live From Vieuphoria 20quiet

Darn tootin'.

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.22.2006 11:52 PM

I always liked the SP song Slunk...i think thats on Vieuphoria too.

Been a long time since I've listened to anything by them. Not sure if I could tolerate it.

krastian 04.23.2006 12:07 AM

I think I listened to Siamese Dream within the past year or still rocks me.

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