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_slavo_ 12.11.2014 04:20 AM

Did I mention I have a child?
I have a child. A daughter. She's beautiful. She's 2 weeks old now.

A Thousand Threads 12.11.2014 06:48 AM

on behalf of the klangfestival organisation i'd very much like to congratulate you on the effective efforts of reproduction

my sister gave birth to a little baby-boy last weekend.
weird little wonderful things, these meat-chunks.

_slavo_ 12.11.2014 08:05 AM

haha, thanks mate ;) my baby telepathically said to me that she really liked klangfestival, though from inside the motherly womb.

Pookie 12.11.2014 02:25 PM

Congratulations! Children are the best. And my unerringly accurate judgment of character tells me you're going to make a great dad.

stu666 12.11.2014 02:35 PM

Congratulations Slavo!

Genteel Death 12.11.2014 02:54 PM

Best news all day. So happy for you for you and your partner. Congratulations!

LifeDistortion 12.11.2014 03:04 PM

Pics or she didn't happen. ha, congrats.

blunderbuss 12.11.2014 04:06 PM


Rob Instigator 12.11.2014 05:21 PM

That's some sweet news! a new Sonic Life!

_slavo_ 12.12.2014 03:00 AM

Now all I want for her is the blue Washing Machine toddler shirt.


though i can't find it anywhere online for sale

_slavo_ 12.12.2014 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Congratulations! Children are the best. And my unerringly accurate judgment of character tells me you're going to make a great dad.

I'm trying my best. I don't get too much sleep nowadays, but I'm trying to be a good father.

!@#$%! 12.12.2014 08:25 AM

wow, amazing!

shentov 12.19.2014 05:49 AM

I come around for the first time in ages and here you are! Great news, man!

stu666 03.04.2015 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Now all I want for her is the blue Washing Machine toddler shirt.


though i can't find it anywhere online for sale

Not sure if it's too late now...

confusion is next 03.04.2015 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by stu666

nice shirts for my 4 years old daughter

rebeccagotcursedout 03.04.2015 08:29 PM

having a daughter is cool as shit. wait till she's five. it takes mine thirdy mins to get ready to go to school in the morn because she can't decide what to wear.

it drives me nuts!!! but shes likes Beefheart and Stevie Wonder. and Star Trek

Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.14.2015 03:24 AM

Belated congrats, Slavo. :)

choc e-Claire 03.20.2019 10:04 PM

How is the kid going? She'll be four by now, right?

_slavo_ 03.21.2019 06:59 AM

Oh, she's the best. She's the beacon of light in my life, but I mean what I say.

She's smart, good-natured, happy, and she teaches me how to be a better person.

https://scontent.fbts4-1.fna.fbcdn.n...&oe=5D09F AB1

Bytor Peltor 03.21.2019 07:28 AM

She is precious!!!

!@#$%! 03.21.2019 08:26 AM

she’s the cutest

and is she giving you the side eye? hahahahaha

choc e-Claire 03.21.2019 02:14 PM


She gets her good looks from her dad no doubt :D

_slavo_ 03.22.2019 01:57 AM

Thanks to you all :)

I love her so much it's even impossible to express. Being a parent is a blessing.

_tunic_ 03.22.2019 11:38 AM

just wait until she hits puberty :eek:

blunderbuss 05.07.2019 01:50 AM

Send her my best wishes.

And send Mrs Slavo my best wishes too.

SonicSleuth 05.09.2019 10:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Beautiful child! I clearly remember those early, sleepless nights. Want to get her the Goo toddler shirt, but her mama isn't crazy about that one.

_slavo_ 05.14.2019 07:18 AM

First time in ages and this is your second post? Sounds fishy, Minnie.

!@#$%! 05.14.2019 07:21 AM

i’ve seen the same line elsewhere

spammer script

!@#$%! 05.14.2019 09:39 PM

lmao fucking spammers. more each day

Maokia 05.15.2019 09:37 AM

Kids are cool! But a big responsibility.
I think that you need a lot of strength and intelligence to raise a child.

!@#$%! 05.15.2019 09:39 AM

how soon till you start adding fucking links to your trash website?

choc e-Claire 05.15.2019 06:05 PM

I wonder how good of a parent I'd be.

At this point, a fucking terrible one. But maybe later!

ilduclo 05.16.2019 06:57 AM

Birth rates in USA continue to drop, esp among teens, YAY!

_slavo_ 05.17.2019 02:18 AM

She's a big girl now.


!@#$%! 05.17.2019 07:06 AM

the message i entered was too short

ok here it goes again:


_slavo_ 01.05.2021 03:54 AM

My second daughter was born exactly a week ago.
She's small and precious, needs to eat a lot to grow stronger.

choc e-Claire 01.05.2021 06:21 AM

Woah, congratulations! We all know the best stuff comes in pairs :D

!@#$%! 01.05.2021 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
My second daughter was born exactly a week ago.
She's small and precious, needs to eat a lot to grow stronger.

wow man, way to bury the lede, and congrats, fantastic news!

_tunic_ 01.05.2021 12:02 PM


Congratulations _slavo_!!! I'm all smiles for you :D

g. 01.05.2021 02:19 PM

Many congrats to you all.

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